RoyalPsycho β€” Solar Strife A Chance To Suffer

#alternatehistory #map #psychoverse #solarstrife #astraeaverse #achancetosuffer
Published: 2016-04-07 22:52:14 +0000 UTC; Views: 12197; Favourites: 76; Downloads: 147
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Solar Strife A Chance To Suffer:

Part three in the Solar Strife AU series requested by HeliosMegistos. This scenario is also a full-on crossover (by HeliosMegistos' request) with the Psychoverse, or parts of it anyway.

It is currently 2541 and the world is sick. The slow death of the world began in 2347 when the Goering, the first experimental faster than light spaceship developed by the Weltraum Reich returned to the solar system after disappearing. Ignoring all attempts to be hailed, the ship headed for earth, bypassed all of the world's orbital weapons instalments (it helped that these were all pointed at the surface rather than out into orbit) and crashed into the Bavarian Alps.

Out of the wreckage flooded a vast wave of vaguely human creatures and inhuman monsters. A rippling rift in the fabric of reality slowly emanated from the ruined ship, tearing it apart and engulfing it while more and more creatures marched out.

The world was completely unprepared for the onslaught. As bizarre energies washed over the world from the rift and other ones opened by the monsters, especially powerful individuals, bedecked in extravagantly flamboyant outfits (and in a few cases armour), stepped through and unleashed devastating power. The nations in Europe were thrown back, their weapons subverted as portals and rifts allowed their unnatural enemies to bypass their defences. As the invaders advanced they chased after the survivors that had encountered them. India was targeted, their own internal issues making them vulnerable, followed by the Italians, the British and (to everyone's surprise) the Brazilians.

Portals were opened elsewhere but these fronts were not as successful. The Empire of the New World, the Japanese Empire and the southern and eastern portions of the Commonwealth were able to rally against the invaders. Telepaths proved to be the most effective means of combating the power of the invader's elite, who had revealed themselves to be Witches. The Witches, having learnt of the weapons Earth had at their disposal from the long dead crew of the Goering actively worked to neutralise them as much as possible.

In a matter of two years the Witches had torn apart so many of their enemies. India and Brazil were completely defeated and the surviving powers were left on the defensive. Now that they had conquered so much, the Witches returned to working against one another, the various Dynasties carving out their own domains and dragging the Great Game into the physical world.

Ever since the Goering tore a hole in reality, the state of the world has deteriorated and the only survivors are those ruthless enough to survive in this new world.

Straddling the world is the profane leviathan known as the Empire of A Million Years. The Witches have not only managed to build their empire but keep it as well. Fighting in an alien dimension, they have adapted their tactics in order to contend with the indigenous forces. Witches canny enough to find a means of doing so, developed means of conducting more and more viable energies to feed their own powers and combat their enemies.

The Empire of A Million Years is a bizarre nation of contradictions. The advanced technology that existed before the Witches invasion' exists alongside feudal hierarchies and massive slave complexes. The Witches have enslaved the human population of their territories, forcing them to serve their own desires and provide them with whatever resources they need for their own ends. Those who do not slave to provide resources or serve as soldiers will often end up as sacrifices who's deaths empower whatever rituals the Witches are performing. A few lucky ones will manifest the powers necessary to harness the energies of the Arcane, the Witches native plane of existence. These individuals will, if they're unlucky enough, be taken as apprentices. Those few who survive can even become Witches themselves.

Despite its name the Empire is in fact a collection of petty fiefdoms, each Witch technically ruling independently of one another. Of course their Dynasties still have to answer to the Coven which represents some basic unity but for the most part the Witches work alone. This tends to change when the Empire is attacked since, though they hate one another with a passion, the Witches are loathe to sacrifice land to their other enemies.

Since the Witches arrival, disturbing new creatures now walk the earth. An endless diversity of animalistic Familiars now stalk the land. Coming any and every shape and size, these beasts are disturbingly intelligent and happily toy with the human slave population. Homunculi, whilst not as intelligent, are much more stable and often supplement a Witch's forces. They are even being combined with modern technology, with some being stitched into power-armour or having powerful weapons grafted to their bodies. Lyrium, predatory humanoids with lithe, stretched bodies, continue to hunt as they always have with blade and bolt but have since adapted their tactics as their contracted masters demand of them. Finally there is a great variety of empowered servitors that work within the Coven directly. Who they were and why they perform their duties so fanatically is irrelevant, all that is acknowledged is that when they go to war the Coven is almost unstoppable.

Alongside these abominations are the modified fruits of humanity's labour. The Witches and their favoured slaves live in beautiful and garish palaces, built like the fortified arcologies of the rest of the world. Here in the multi-tiered edifices of their own hedonism and tyranny they live lives of luxury. The rest of the Empire's population live lives of varying precariousness. Their individual ruler's predilections and temperaments often decide how long they live and how difficult it is. Of course the Witches do work hard to encourage their slaves to breed as they constantly need to replace them. A Witches individual insignia and thematic aesthetics will also permeate everything in their personal fiefdoms, features that often also decorate the inhabitants as well.

Technology has gone down some strange paths since the arrival of the Witches. Whilst not averse to modern technology, the Witches prefer form over function when it comes to their tools. There are Witches who value their own brands of engineering and scientific development but they too are affected by their aesthetic demands, often making the devices they produce seem garish and ostentatious when compared to those of other nations. Magitech, the combination of sorcery and technological principles is still non-existent outside of the Empire of A Million Years. This has allowed the Witches to craft magical mecha the size of buildings that do not sink into the ground, to construct flying castles that outclass any other vessel in terms of size and even bizarre devices that are part living being, part cybernetic device and part energy being/spirit that confound any categorisation. It is only due to their empire's own internal instability that the Witches are not able to unleash such devastating weapons that often.

Rivalling it is the equally disturbing and insane Empire of the New World. The empire that Persephone Eosopoulou built has slowly turned into a land as insane as it's rivals, just as its ruler has also turned into something as alien as the Witches.

Since the arrival of the Witches, the New World has transformed into a disturbing edifice to their empress' increasingly inhuman monster. Bizarre neo-Classical structures now dot the landscapes and the old cities have been torn down by an enslaved populace and rebuilt in a fashion Persephone finds more appealing. Her arcologies are as much works of classicist art as they are fortified metropolises and statues of the empress are everywhere. Though she herself is now hailed as a living god, Persephone has also forcibly converted her subjects to worshipping a diverse pantheon of deities, demigods and creatures derived from the empress' interpretations of Classical Greek myths.

Persephone has warped over the centuries into a disturbing creature. As her mind shifted and changed, her physical body began to shift as well. Now she is shimmering shape sat upon the throne she built centuries ago. Her body is incredibly unstable as the swirling telepathic energy she has contained within herself disassembled her component atoms and restructured them to survive. Now her body is perfectly adapted to the conditions her own powers submit her to. Her own mind itself, now an intangible concept, is almost incomprehensible to humans. Only her ego seems to be something a human being could relate to and understand. She continues to pursue the Classicalist ideas and images she loved as a human but now regards herself as a god amongst the beings she once forced others to worship. Even now, as the rift far away spills alien energies out into the solar system, she is warping and transforming again as she adapts once again.

As the Witches began to focus their attention on her empire, Persephone responded with her own new weapons. With Persephone exerting so much telepathic power and bizarre and esoteric energies flooding out of the rift, bizarre entities, tied to Persephone, have emerged and manifested.

These beings are intangible except whenever Persephone or one of the Empire's telepaths manifests them. They appear like shining demigods from Classical mythology with perfect figures and gold-bronze skin. They are faceless, the moulded armour and enclosed helmets that make up their forms, melded to the 'skin' of their bodies. There are two categories of entity, a common type of weaker power and a more rare but also more powerful class of being. The Machai, are the lesser beings, appearing like the legendary Myrmidon, the Machai are armed with fiery swords that set alight anything they touch and shining javelins of eldritch fire that can cut through energy shields. The Eupheme, the greater caste, are almost unstoppable, their bodies made of esoteric fire and lightning that burns anything that gets too close. Their bodies are their weapons and their fiery wings allow them to carry their giant bodies anywhere on the battlefield.

Between these two inhuman empires, the final remnants of free and pure humanity huddle. The Free Commonwealth is vast but it is also the weakest of the powers and spread far and thin. It is only desperate measures and the fact that the two inhuman empires despise one another the most that has spared them.

Though they suffered horribly, the majority of the Commonwealth's territory had been out of the way of the Witches' rampage. A rapid alliance was eventually sealed with the Japanese, who had also suffered the least, and together the two surviving human empires formed a union that would stand the test of time against both the Coven and Persephone. Slowly the union formalised until, a century later, the Free Commonwealth was formed. This new superstate began as a an alliance of convenience but has slowly centralised into a more proper union.

As the Commonwealth centralised the cultures of its components mixed. Now, instead of being overtly multi-cultural, an increasingly standardised monoculture is emerging that blends features of British and Japanese society together. Despite their differences, the Japanese Imperial Family and the British Royal Family married together to cement the union of their two empires as well. However, society in general is also incredibly authoritarian and repressive. In order to support the militarism necessary to hold off both inhuman empires, the Commonwealth has been forced to adopt increasingly oppressive policies. The entire population is devoted in some way to supporting the war effort, even if it is in a temporary fashion. What's more the constant threat of infiltration, telepathic manipulation or Coven corruption has left the people of the Commonwealth very paranoid.

Most of the government is made up of telepaths by this point with even the royal family now exhibiting powers of their own as well. As well as serving as the ruling class, Commonwealth telepaths are also used to observe and monitor the mental states of the population. Mental manipulation is used to keep the population docile to their rule and motivated towards the government's goal. There are also specialised groups dedicated to hunting down infiltrators from their enemies. All telepaths are required to register in the military and be available for service as they are the best weapon against the supernatural forces of their enemies.

On top of the traditional mental manipulation the telepathic class imposes on the population, the Commonwealth has begun to implement a new method of control and motivation. The Commonwealth began to implement official identification chips to the entire population, first as a means of making access to technology easier, then as a control mechanism. The Universal Transferred Organic Processing Interface Architecture, a complex computer interfacing network, exists to monitor every individual's chip. As well as coordinate the technology that allows the new interface system to function, UTOPIA also helps in keeping the population docile. The chips are able to interfere and manipulate the nervous system of an individual and the government often uses UTOPIA to adjust the disposition of the population. Unfortunately this method is still experimental and has had some unfortunate side-effects including inducing rage, insanity and paranoia amongst hundreds of people. Those who are immune to the system and therefore aware of what's going on also tend to rebel against a government that is willing to literally pick their brains.

The Commonwealth tries to keep a presence in space but unfortunately the Weltraum Reich has practically destroyed their off-world presence. As it is there is a desperate battle to preserve their orbital assets from destruction. What were once satellites are now flying fortresses, built from a patchwork of upgrades and modules as the Commonwealth continuously expands and fortifies them. Anti-gravity technology now allows the navy to essentially operate as a terrestrial, aerial and orbital organisation and it is common for fleets to be ordered into space to reinforce the Commonwealth's presence or deter attacks by the Reich.

As the nation responsible for the invasion of the Witches, the Weltraum Reich were very aggressive in their attempt to counteract them.

Few in number when compared to the other powers and lacking telepaths as well, the Weltraum Reich went to disturbing lengths to assemble their own arsenal against the esoteric forces they had accidentally unleashed. The few telepaths they did have in their population were rounded up and submitted to breeding programs, cloning techniques, chemical and genetic stimulations and other experiments to increase either their powers or their numbers. In a matter of decades there were new pod grown children exhibiting telepathic abilities but it wasn't enough.

Whatever the Reich did to their new population of psychics isn't really known but they managed to harness their collective abilities and feed it into the Weltraumfuhrer and combine it with the bizarre energies leaking from the rift as well as the unconscious ideological belief that the Reich's population exhibited. From this was born a terrible entity. It was vast, huge and vaguely humanoid with pitch black skin and an unearthly presence that cowed anything that looked at it. Its own abilities, which eclipsed any human telepath by several orders of magnitude, were almost impossible to understand and at the head of the Weltraum Reich's expanded military the new Gotterfuhrer descended upon the earth.

The Weltraum Reich now has a complex network of settlements, bases (despite losing the old ones) and surface to orbit instalments on Earth. Above it is another complex of satellites, bases and connecting structures that come together to form an orbital base and city that the Reich sends forces down from. Here is where the Gotterfuhrer rules.

Though their orbital presence is heavily entrenched, their forces on Earth are a lot weaker. In order to maintain their hold on the few positions they have, they have developed a disturbing arsenal. The old cloning projects have produced a strain of vat-grown soldier, their lobotomised minds supplemented by cybernetic programming to make them more pliant and controllable. Genetic engineering has also allowed the Reich to develop specialised variants of these soldiers that seem barely human. Weapons that harness the bizarre energies spilling from the rift are now used by these expendable soldiers. Orbit to surface craft ship extra troops to battle and have practically replaced tanks and mechanised infantry in most of the Reich's armies. Several machines have also been developed that exploit the energies that now saturate the solar system and unleash them in devastating bursts of concentrated power.

What was China is now an anarchic mess. Caught between the Witches, the Reich and the Commonwealth, the already unstable government collapsed violently. Existing revolutionary movements made great gains but were slowly wiped out or subverted by Witch cults and Commonwealth agents and the survivors became even more radicalised. Now all that is left are spheres of influence in a ravaged land that is fought over by greater powers.

Shortly after the Witches arrive, a desperate experiment was conducted. Using new genetic modification technology, countless soldiers were enhanced with greater physical capabilities, mental endurance and even vestigial telekinetic abilities. However, as the war dragged on more modifications were made. Eventually the altered genetic codes became unstable and countless soldiers suffered horrendous side-effects, many of them dying or spontaneously deforming.

When the government finally cracked down on the program the enhanced soldiers were ordered to be submitted to euthanasia. They retaliated and broke free from their control. Hunted by Commonwealth forces, the enhanced soldiers fled, harassed constantly as they stole whatever they needed to survive. The enhanced now rule over, Utopia, a turbulent state in the chaos of China. Through their own enhanced brains, they have learnt to sustain themselves and even improve on their modifications. However, many of them still suffer from physical deterioration and other major problems. As things become more anarchic in China the enhanced of Utopia are best by greater and greater threats.

The Kriechen Tod has also been expanding. Without the concentrated efforts that were being made to contain it, the grotesque bioweapon has expanded beyond the old quarantine zone. Living up to its name, the wall of writhing flesh has grown along the ocean floor, the crushing pressure of the ocean the only thing slowing it down. It is slowly making its way north and is closing in on the southern tips of Patagonia and New Zealand, ships that come into waters infected by the Kriechen Tod will find towers of flesh and bone the size of small islands thrust up from beneath the waves. These foul constructs will reach out to them, crushing them completely if they catch them. What's more many have felt a disturbing mental sensation in the South Pole and the areas the Kriechen Tod has grown over, as if the bioweapon has developed a psychic presence of its own.

Throughout the world, strange individuals have been spotted. There has been a strange new presence felt by the more sensitive individuals on the planet. Telepaths, Witches and others have begun to detect something vast and terrifying. New cults, unaffiliated with any of the existing powers, have emerged and begun to cause trouble around the world. Still too small to warrant prioritisation, these cults have spread and proliferated, thriving wherever conflicts make it difficult to hunt them down. Those who are caught and interrogated simply gibber unintelligibly about the coming of a new and great god, an ancient being that will usher in an end to the world as it is now.

In New Athena the Empress Persephone feels things are wrong. Unfortunately her conscious mind is distracted. Several years prior her daughters Adrasteia and Amaltheia went missing, stolen when they were barely older than infants. Born to reinforce her dynasty, these god-children had always been different from what she planned, the energies of the rift to the Arcane affecting their development. The search for them has turned up nothing and the actions she takes to recover them are becoming more aggressive. Meanwhile, in the Coven of the Silver Court, the High Mistress Superbis Dominium Imperatus moulds her new asset. The god-children she stole from the empress of the New World are turning into powerful acolytes and may be the key to purging this world of the Coven's enemies.

Meanwhile, beneath the deserts of Utah, a massive and foul monstrosity begins to stir. Woken by the rise in telepaths and the saturation of the world by powers leaking from the rift, the alien mind of the Elder One begins to awaken.

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Comments: 100

RoyalPsycho In reply to ??? [2016-07-15 14:22:00 +0000 UTC]

That's difficult. If this Persephone saw her counterparts when they were alive she would have considered them very limited and weak. It's hard to say if she would have been in contempt of them or not though as she herself was human before.

She would however also find their divine, reincarnated forms limited as well. She would envy the higher state and relative immortality they have achieved but she would not appreciate such impartial rule that they advocate. This version of Persephone is an interventionist and wants to rule as a corporeal god-empress.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

PersephoneEosopoulou In reply to RoyalPsycho [2016-07-15 14:36:28 +0000 UTC]

Ah so as a deity/entity she is essentially the polar opposite of Dawnverse Persephone post Apollonia II who like the Celestials she joined is usually an advocate of extremely careful and limited interference!

Long Twilights Persephone is still technically a mortal isn't she? rather then a full blown goddess/Celestial she sort of bridges the positions of the Celestial Persephone and the young mortal women they both once were? so in a sense a kind of demi-goddess even more so then most high level telepaths (not to be confused with the litteral demi-gods that also exist thanks to the Celestials occasionally sleeping around with consenting mortals)

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

RoyalPsycho In reply to PersephoneEosopoulou [2016-07-15 18:59:12 +0000 UTC]

Persephone the living god is an interventionist. Since she had a far more traumatising rise to power she has developed a very different idea of how she should rule.

Long Twilight's Persephone had a life that was more-or-less the same as canon. The Long Twilight's point of divergence (aside from a slightly quicker spread of telepathy) doesn't really happen until around Apollonia II's life-time. She has still ascended it's just the influence of Apollonia has messed with her reincarnation process.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

PersephoneEosopoulou In reply to RoyalPsycho [2016-07-16 00:29:16 +0000 UTC]

I imagine the USDTRC was even more oppressive and abusive to it's telepaths to facilitate an even more traumatizing rise to power for this Persephone? or at least anti-telepath sentiment was even stronger and more malicious?

Or was it purely events during her revolution that changed her?

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

RoyalPsycho In reply to PersephoneEosopoulou [2016-07-16 00:44:07 +0000 UTC]

I can't really say how bad the US was in regards to telepaths in canon Solar Strife btu the alternate one was at least as bad.

It was the things this version of Persephone did during her revolution that changed her. Assimilating the minds of telepaths she mentally dominated messed with her head. When she began to transform after she came to power she slowly became more inhuman and insane.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

PersephoneEosopoulou In reply to RoyalPsycho [2016-07-16 01:17:37 +0000 UTC]

The canon Solar Strife treat it's Telepaths pretty badly towards the end. The Department was formed with good intentions and goals after the Telepath Crisis tore America apart socially and the Grey Scare caused by the Third Reich intensified over time with the blatantly Telepathic Hostche Fuhrers, and increasingly the SS, terrifying the public which became more religious (yet egalitarian) over time as a backlash against Nazi state atheism and pseudo-mystical rubbish.

Slowly the growing Telepath population required more oversight and increased security as naturally some didn't take well to been forced to live segregated from society. From there things steadily declined as the US devolved into oligarchy and a subtle police state (compared to the Reich at least).

The need to employ Telepaths so as to not waste their talents and make them a net drain on society tax wise meant that not only would drones and camera monitering not be enough (they could no longer trust that the people watching the telepaths were not been mind controled), they would need to actively police them and enforce USDTRC rules and regulations.

Thus the Wardens were created, mind control immune individuals that could safely train, control and monitor Telepaths (not that they would be safe from telekinesis and pyrokinesis etc but the greatest threat was entirely negated). Unfortunately most people are not naturally immune to mind control and the various substances and drugs that can scramble brainwaves enough to prevent Telepaths from reading or controlling minds have horrific side effects long term.

So a risky and invasive surgery was discovered that could permanently alter brainwaves to an extent that Telepaths couldn't control while not harming body function (think of it as changing radio frequency, the radio still works). THis worked quite well but brought changes in personality and temper in quite a few Wardens and often for the worst.

As time goes on only extremely loyal and anti-telepath people were employed as Wardens as the risk of sympathizers to Telepaths oppression in the ranks was seen as unacceptable as they could question orders etc.

Once the Department was largely staffed and run by bigots, zealots, sadist and socipaths thing went downhill fast and the Department became the insitute it was just prior to the Third Solar Strife.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

KnightofLiberty [2016-06-14 16:04:59 +0000 UTC]

Where is New Athena located in the Empire of the New World?

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

RoyalPsycho In reply to KnightofLiberty [2016-06-14 16:33:15 +0000 UTC]

It's somewhere in Central California.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

KnightofLiberty In reply to RoyalPsycho [2016-06-15 00:31:29 +0000 UTC]

Possibly former Sacramento?

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

PersephoneEosopoulou In reply to KnightofLiberty [2016-07-15 10:44:22 +0000 UTC]

Possibly, in some of my Solar Strife au's where Persephone rules part of or all of the US her capitol would be in Seattle, Washington or Los Angeles, California or even Salem, Oregon.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

PersephoneEosopoulou [2016-04-19 00:56:36 +0000 UTC]

How good would you say you are at coming up with ancient cities?

Trying to think of what kind of ruined ancient city or something along those lines would serve as the place the Elder One was slumbering and might rule from.

It's not coming easily to me.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

RoyalPsycho In reply to PersephoneEosopoulou [2016-04-19 09:12:56 +0000 UTC]

It depends on what kind of ruined city were talking about.

If we're going with the Elder One then I think it should actually be older than he is. It should be a subterranean realm of beautifully carved (albeit disturbingly shaped) tunnels, chasms and hallways. It is in fact larger than it should be as it does in fact exceed the logical size of the immense cave system it exists within but seems to go on anyway.

However, whilst originally it was a wonderful metropolis it has been virtually crushed, melted and reshaped by the Elder One's presence after he was imprisoned in it. It isn't his city and preceded his imprisonment. Now, whilst the original city was bizarrely shaped, the Elder One has reworked it into an even more monstrous vista by covering it with organic growths.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

PersephoneEosopoulou In reply to RoyalPsycho [2016-04-19 09:24:53 +0000 UTC]

Even older then the Elder One?, I like the sound of that. Prehaps something form a time even before the Time Before Time so to speak? kind of hint at and confirming that not only is the Time Before Time not the beginning but that the Astraeaverse might have existed forever essentially coming through cycles of birth and rebirth of existence?. (Like the Mayan and Aztec belief in previous cycles of creation and may future cycles of creation to come

I like the description to, thanks alot . So the larger then it should be thing, is that like with the Tardus or some buildings in Harry Potter that are far larger inside then they have any right to be? eg a house that looks like the average size but is actually four times that big inside?.

Organic growths?, like fleshy wart and scab like growths that take a variety of disturbing and repulsive shapes?

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

RoyalPsycho In reply to PersephoneEosopoulou [2016-04-19 09:34:13 +0000 UTC]

I thought it being older than the Time Before Time would justify why its used as a prison. To whoever (or whatever) built it long ago it was just a city but its out of place state makes it difficult for the Elder One to escape. However, after so long, he has figured out how to leave, its just difficult.

It's also bigger than the physical chasm should be because it is unbelievably, impossibly old. It's technically not part of the universe but ther fragment of the time before the Time Before Time has been anchored to the universe like a tumor.

The organic growths bit in my head isn't far off from what you've said. The image I had when I was thinking of that was visualising a Renassiance and then covering it with mounds of scar material, mulch and aggravated sores. You can just make out the original shape but is now more bulbous and misshaped.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

PersephoneEosopoulou In reply to RoyalPsycho [2016-04-19 09:55:52 +0000 UTC]

Ahh, you're visualization sounds much more grotesque them mine so I'll go with that. Would any of the growths be oozing or leaking fluids or some sort of general discharge that keeps everything digusting and fresh, sort of like a badly rotted slimy piece of meat or a very nasty infected wound?.

It been anchored to the universe and been bigger then it really is would be a good explanation as to why Humans didn't find it during the 20th century which solves a Dilemma I was facing.

I'm guessing that when used as a prison it would be a bit like a Genies lamp which a Genie can't usually escape from unless summoned. In this case the Elder One couldn't leave until it had essentially mastered the city and bent it to it's will, something that has taken eons.

Guess now all that's left is to name it and decide if it should remain underground or have come up to the surface to some extend once the Elder One awoke.

For the fourth and presumably final part of this Solar Strife series I've worked out the explanation for how the Horned Lion showed up and the Un-man if we to include it.

The Elder One awakening sent out a massive ripple in the fabric of the universe, like a flare going off in the middle of a pitch black sky. It served as both a warning that the Elder One has returned and a rallying cry for any and all remaining Old Gods to gather upon it's point of origin. Eg the Elder One summoning it's kin.

The Black Lion would have arrived first followed lastly by the Dragonic Pantheon, but when the Elder One made to assume it's rightful place the Black Lion viciously attacked it and before been driven off denounced it as it was the apex predator not the Elder One and the top of the foodchain does not answer to a lower link in the chain.

This would have been what drove the Dragonic Pantheon to break away and carve out paths because if the Black Lion would not obey the Elder One anymore (after previously been it's right hand/number two) why should they?

The Un-man if included would mearly no longer have cared and would have not even bothered answering the Elder Ones summons and instead would have immediately begun spreading it's influence and thus getting a head start over the Black Lion.

ANd the Plague Worm been more akin to a animal or force of nature and thus not really sentient at all would have come later on drawn to Earth by the suffering and misery taken place which draws it like a moth is drawn to a flame.Β 

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

RoyalPsycho In reply to PersephoneEosopoulou [2016-04-19 11:02:17 +0000 UTC]

Oh there are certainly grotesque bodily fluids leaking out. I imagine streets and avenues that have become oozing rivers of pus (or similar bodily fluids). The more viscous stuff slowly creeps along in bubbling streams whilst the looser (but still quite solid) liquids move more like foul water. There are also old buildings that have been filled by giant weeping sores that now make them disgusting waterfalls that dump great rivulets of liquid onto the thoroughfares below.

The general decay motif could represent the Elder One's entrapment and how, in his prison, his powers look more entropic but not weak.

Everything else looks great. It'll probably be a while before I can do this one but I'll definitely incorporate it for you.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

PersephoneEosopoulou In reply to RoyalPsycho [2016-04-19 11:22:18 +0000 UTC]

It's worth the wait, have you had any other ideas to incorporate? be they original or simply bring in more Psychoverse entities?

I've been wonder if the Chronicler of Ages would be a good fit which is part of why I ask.

Also that's almost word for word how I picture the situation with the fluids. Maybe cultist deemed worthy of entering the city drink and eat and bath in the nasty stuff and it transforms them into the Elder One's strongest type of thrall eg life sired by it as they are completely changed by it.

The most capable of that lot would in-turn be directly transformed by the Elder Ones mind and would become somewhat like it in shape and appearance, they would be it's champions and heralds that answer only to it and rule over the mass of cultist and so on beneath it.

An analogy would be Chaos Space Marines that become full blown Daemon Princes.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

RoyalPsycho In reply to PersephoneEosopoulou [2016-04-19 21:00:11 +0000 UTC]

I never really thought about bringing in more Psychoverse entities. I don't want to oversaturate the scenario. I could see which New Gods are likely to come in if you want though.

I like the sound of how Elder One cultists can become monsters/thralls.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 2

PersephoneEosopoulou In reply to RoyalPsycho [2016-04-20 12:58:03 +0000 UTC]

Would the Waltrumreich still have a presence in space or would the awakening of the Elder One and the New Gods have caused enough disruption so as to have serious screwed up anything in orbit.

Just thinking about ways to keep the reich form been to powerful due to having advanced technology and infrastructure in space, prehaps one of it's A.I's called Yggdrasil achived sentience and digitial godhood and prompty destroyed the Reich inspace stranding it's force and the Gotterfurhur on Earth and it's madness.

It could be a none actor confining everyone on Earth and busying itself with a great work on Mars. (Yggdrasil is also an A.I in canon Solar Strife that become sentient and finding the Third Reich replusive secretly manipulated things so as to trigger the Third Solar War in a way that would have a high chance of the Nazi's losing as they were getting very close to practicle and reliable ftl that would have given them a game changing edge..... their ftl research was producing less powerful eg slower but vastly more reliable results then what was been developed on Olympus Station eg wormholes and jump drives which in the Astraeaverse are inherently unstable and very dangerous forms of ftl due to their greater bending and twisting of spacetime and the universe to achive results.... for most species that start research into it lots of problems result and it is often abandoned for slower but safer forms.... when it's kept up new universes like the Dawnverse and this series happen)Β 

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RoyalPsycho In reply to PersephoneEosopoulou [2016-04-20 15:25:14 +0000 UTC]

I actually imagined the Weltraumreich shattering in the war that announces the return of the gods. It's off-Earth settlements get broken open, its orbital presence is destroyed and the Gotterfuhrer is forced down to Earth with its surviving forces. They too get forced back to the same stage of technological unsurity. By this point their bioweapons (the lobotomised warriors) are running amok and they have to wrangle them and force them into battle. There's a sort of perverse pseudo-feudalism based on their warped perspective of race with an Imperium of Man-esque veneration of the Gotterfuhrer.

I kind of had plans for something else in outer space that could have been a prelude for another potential player.

Your's sounds good too though. Which would you rather see?

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PersephoneEosopoulou In reply to RoyalPsycho [2016-04-20 15:34:58 +0000 UTC]

You're idea is more interesting so lets go with that.

I only pitched the other idea with Yggdrasil as a handwave for weakening the Weltraumriech. But thanks

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PersephoneEosopoulou In reply to RoyalPsycho [2016-04-19 23:53:05 +0000 UTC]

Ohh crap I'd forgotten about over saturation!. I'd say if you feel there is some room left to add maybe one or two then I'd love to see them in the fray but if not don't worry about it.

I'd say the Horned Lion has a similar method, prehaps feeding it's cultist specially prepared meat from a creature it has killed..... that or those who rack up impressive hunts or kills or whatever to the extent that they get it's attention get evolved by it into newer forms. The super soldiers of Utopia would already have been transformed by it into carnivorus but still sentient horrors but it could always evolve some of them further.

And of course the Un-mans followers don't really transform in that way as you suggested. The most dominant and sucessfull hedonist turn into massive hairy overweight but powerful and fast freaks while still been identifiable as Humans.

And the Plague Worm doesn't really have followers in that sense since it's more or a force of nature and not fully sentient at all. It's cultist most been sickly but still functioning people that feed it to appease it and keep it from eating them with the healthyist been more normal looking with prehaps the unintended benefit of controlling some of the plagues and parasetic horrors that come from the Plague Worm and other insectoid monsters that prey on them and the destruction and waste the worm produces as it travels about doing it's thing (with the soil at the same time becoming incredibly rich and fertile after it passing).

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Stormhalt [2016-04-16 06:13:59 +0000 UTC]

Wow, that's a lot.

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MatthewJabezNazarioA [2016-04-14 05:12:43 +0000 UTC]

Hi! How about a crossover map between WordWorld, Avatar and Fullmetal Alchemist?

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RoyalPsycho In reply to MatthewJabezNazarioA [2016-04-14 07:51:26 +0000 UTC]

I don't know anything about WorldWorld or Full Metal Alchemist unfortunately.

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MatthewJabezNazarioA In reply to RoyalPsycho [2016-04-14 08:53:30 +0000 UTC]

Try to know about those:

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RoyalPsycho In reply to MatthewJabezNazarioA [2016-04-14 16:11:36 +0000 UTC]

I'm sorry but I don't like the look of WordWorld and I didn't like Full Metal Alchemist when I did try to watch it. I'm afraid I won't be able to do that request.

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MatthewJabezNazarioA In reply to RoyalPsycho [2016-04-14 23:16:03 +0000 UTC]

Mayb Β eanother mapper can help?

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RoyalPsycho In reply to MatthewJabezNazarioA [2016-04-15 10:06:37 +0000 UTC]

Well there are other artists who take commissions but I'm not familiar with any who would collaborate like this. I've never really done anything like that.

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MatthewJabezNazarioA In reply to RoyalPsycho [2016-04-15 10:07:09 +0000 UTC]


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PersephoneEosopoulou [2016-04-13 06:09:38 +0000 UTC]

I've got an idea, around Lake Victoria in East Africa could be one of the last remaints of the Commonwealth, a massive high tech (for the ruined world) city surrounding the lake and home to millions and defended from the horrors outside by it's elite telepathic nobility and powerful magicians.

Lake Victoria itself has been converted into a vast aquafarm for fish and a special engineered from of fresh water kelp to feed the population along with massive multi-block and multi-level vertical farms that produce the rest of the populations food (largely vegtable due to space issues meaning cows and such are pretty rear and rabbits and stuff are raised int he home by people for extra meat).

The Royal Family would also be there but while the city looks like a shinning beacon in a world gone mad it's a totalitarian police state on he inside having refined and removed most of utopia's problems and implementing it in all the lower classes and so on. People go to work when they are told to, work where they are told to and are artificially kept in a state of calm for the most part as Utopia renders the population more obediant and less prone to panick and agression (though it negative emotions still exist) and blindly loyal to authority. The perfect citizens while still keeping most of their individuality and autonomy, the late United Commonwealths ultimate goal for it's citizens "for their own good".

Of course inside an underground group refereed to as the Misguided (which they have adopted as a badge of honor and fuck you to the system) wage a resistance against the authorities that causes all kinds of delays and disruptions although it is not a serious threat and has been utterly chrushed several times only to pop up again later.

The (Sixth incarnation) Misguided would be starting to adopt IRA style terrorist methods in an attempt to esculate the situation with mixed results as it's finally made the authorities take serious measures to take down the Utopia immune once and for all.

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RoyalPsycho In reply to PersephoneEosopoulou [2016-04-13 08:47:42 +0000 UTC]

I like the sound of that. I'll use it.

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PersephoneEosopoulou In reply to RoyalPsycho [2016-04-13 09:56:59 +0000 UTC]

Sweet, what do you plan for the witches?

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RoyalPsycho In reply to PersephoneEosopoulou [2016-04-13 11:04:27 +0000 UTC]

The Empire of A Million Years has been broken but the Witches aren't really tied to it so they're safe. Instead they scatter again, their domains becoming more independent of one another as they set up outposts and holdings around the world. Since they rely on magic more than technology they'll do better than most of the other empires at surviving though they'll have a sort of neo-feudal system nonetheless.

Human thralls will of course have an unpleasant time as the Witches will still treat them the same way they already were but with a much, much lower standard of living. They'll also likely be more militarised due to all of the entities running around. There'll be magical conditioning, necromancy (of a sort), new kinds of homunculi, more contracted familiars running around and forms of magitech in their hosts. It will all have a sort of schizotech look too since, like the rest of the world, they'll be mixing their rare but powerful weapons with the more attainable ones that the regular soldiers have to make do with.

At the same time the Witches who are the most involved start to tailor their dominions to their predilections. For example Lady Inferis (of fire) will turn her realms into anarchic realms of destruction where people cower over massive egocentric temples covered in braziers and armies march to war with as much flame-throwing weapons as possible (the army musicians may even have flame-throwing instruments ).

Basically you'll be seeing a lot of petty Witch tyrannies scattered around the world.

I had actually thought of UTOPIA becoming another lesser entity by developing her systems to interact with the physical world, sort of like an AI god of sorts. I didn't have much of an idea behind it other than she has built up a machine empire that watches over a population of humans that she has so heavily conditioned that they're little better than the machine systems that are connected to her. It's sort of like what you just suggested but with no pretense of being ruled by humans.

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PersephoneEosopoulou In reply to RoyalPsycho [2016-04-13 12:49:10 +0000 UTC]

Ahh good to see that the Witches are not out of the game then, even if they have lost most of their already shaky unity.

(Also I see that Fury Road reference there )

That idea for UTOPIA sounds interesting, it need not be unused. UTOPIA would have had different branches, maybe the Lake Victoria system isn't self aware and is just powerful software and massive processing power.

However during the chaos of the New Gods births and the Elder Ones awakening etc maybe the panicking UK part of the Commonwealth upgraded it's UTOPIA system into full self awareness to help them cope while the Commonwealth mobilized for an all out war with the new threats.

The new A.I stayed true to it's goals and takes them very seriously but between the collapse of Human leadership in the British Isles and all the global chaos it pulled it's chipped population underground into giant bunkers to protect them and during the ensuring period has developed some extreme interpretations on how to carry out it's duty and protect and care for it's charges with the results been what you described, the human population under it are all pretty much minimally self aware ants/drones fully reliant on the UTOPIA system to help direct them and feed them knowledge and without it they simply stand around helplessly in a disorientated and confused state until they starve to death (like an ant that gets lost and can't get back to the colony).

All it's charges are still at the most basic level sentient and have basic personalities like small children but like above are slaved to the machine and have a kind of hive minded link with each-other to communcate and organize and as a result they have devolved somewhat into skinny diminutive creatures with an albino complexion and child like characteristics eg a combination or Morlock and Eloi form the Time Machine ..

The A.I itself could be called Matriarch or Caretaker or Custodian or Supervisor or Director or something.

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RoyalPsycho In reply to PersephoneEosopoulou [2016-04-13 15:33:54 +0000 UTC]

Their unity on the physical world is completely gone but the Coven itself is still united and obeying its own laws. Of course this just means each dynasty can run off doing its own thing in the world now.

I think I will take your question. I'm thinking of calling AUNTIE.

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PersephoneEosopoulou In reply to RoyalPsycho [2016-04-14 02:59:11 +0000 UTC]


What kind of machines would it have/use?

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RoyalPsycho In reply to PersephoneEosopoulou [2016-04-14 07:50:35 +0000 UTC]

She's no longer a system designed to monitor society from afar in her, now self-aware, mind. She chose the title to reflect her idea of what she is to her human charges. She's a maternal figure of somewhat close relation but distant enough so that she can be symbolically related to all of her human population. To the people of Britain she is everyone's AUNTIE.

Automated variations of war machines (though they would be rare and heavily modified by this point), specially chipped humans who receive crude cybernetics and servers that seem to be developing something eerily similar to telepathy.

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PersephoneEosopoulou In reply to RoyalPsycho [2016-04-15 01:30:23 +0000 UTC]

What kind of personality do you see AUNTIE having?

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RoyalPsycho In reply to PersephoneEosopoulou [2016-04-15 08:01:53 +0000 UTC]

Obsessively maternal. She keeps her surviving human population as safe as she possibly can by herding them into regulated settlements. She does however keep a special population descended from those who tried to shut her down during the rise fo the gods that are the breeding stock for her cybernetic enhanced soldiers.

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PersephoneEosopoulou In reply to RoyalPsycho [2016-04-15 11:13:09 +0000 UTC]


Anyway ideas for other entities? I'm creatively blank except for a concept called the Drunken Ape but I don't like the name much and I don't want to throw in to many of the Elder Ones kind when there are other opportunities potentially lurking.

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RoyalPsycho In reply to PersephoneEosopoulou [2016-04-15 14:44:10 +0000 UTC]

I think I've got enough for now. Feel free to throw anything my way if you like though. I'll run anything I come up with by you.

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PersephoneEosopoulou In reply to RoyalPsycho [2016-04-15 15:00:26 +0000 UTC]

Hmm do you have any good ideas for names for Simian Old God? I want a better name then the Druken Ape but that's the only one I came up with.

This Old God is part of the same clashing themes between the Elder One, Horned Lion and Plague Worm. The Ape represents the apparent inherent pointlessness and purposelessness of life and is thus hedonistic and nihilistic although not to Slanesh levels.

I thought it would mesh well with the Elder One's selfish survival and propagation, the Horned Lion's brutal and uncaring predation and natural selection and the Plague Worms instinctive and inevitable rot and decay, regrowth and renewal.

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RoyalPsycho In reply to PersephoneEosopoulou [2016-04-15 16:56:01 +0000 UTC]

Funnily enough all I can think of to call it is the Un-Man, named for it's ape-like Simian appearance and its selfish hedonistic lifestyle is what collapses human civilizations.

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PersephoneEosopoulou In reply to RoyalPsycho [2016-04-16 01:53:09 +0000 UTC]

Hmm I like that name, could I use it ?.

I'm picturing it's areas been in apalling states of neglect and abuse eg rundown and decaying cities that are bearly maintained and enviroments that are abused and degraded with toxins and weed species all over the place. It's followers been selfish and uncaring like their deity, engaging in pleasure seeking and selfish persuits and always screwing eachother over, eg wounding person bleeding out on the street? everyone leaves them to die or worse take advantage of them eg to be eaten or raped or... worse.

Basically anarchaic cults that have no real hierarchy other then the most ruthless and manipulative the top and everyone screwing each other over if it gives them enjoyment and pleasure, debauchery and excessive hedonism are the way of the day eg canibalism? go for it, sleep if your sister or force yourself on another?.... go for it. Have massively wasteful and destructive feast and parties? GO FOR IT.

They wouldn't be into all BSDM and peircing and shit though like the impression of have of some Slaanesh cultist. Just the worst excesses of past and present cultures and individuals and certain crimes all taken up a notch. They don't care about the consequences of their actions or the repercussions because nothing truely matters of has any meaning so they do whatever the hell they like or feels good.

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RoyalPsycho In reply to PersephoneEosopoulou [2016-04-16 08:12:56 +0000 UTC]

By all means feel free to use the name. It's for your character.

The whole Slaanesh BDSM is used for the same reason its used in the Hellraiser series. It's supposed to represent the lack of restraint and inhuman perspectives of the Dark Prince's followers. The boundries between pleasure and pain are so blurred to them that they will engage in horrific acts and find them enjoyable, or at least sensational.

For the Un-Man's followers I think his most 'effective' adherents should grow to obese size (and I mean fat not necessarily huge) but be able to move with preternatural speed. Since the Plague Worm's followers are all so gaunt and thin from their diseases but are still strong enough to serve him, these guys should be monstrously out of shape but still abnormally strong. Of course since not everyone has total access to all of the food and debauched pleasures that these top hedonists have, not all the Un-Man's followers will be fat.

Maybe they could also become wierdly hairy, sort of like a horrific take on the bearded, hairy, overweight slob who lives in a pigsty flat/apartment stereotype. However, stereotypes aside, it actually means they are becoming closer in form to the Un-Man himself.

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PersephoneEosopoulou In reply to RoyalPsycho [2016-04-16 09:09:37 +0000 UTC]

So almost like incredibly fat ape-men sorta?

Anyway thanks for the above I'll use it , if you want to use him in the follow up go right on and do so but you don't have to .

I picture the Un-Man as been grey and white incolour but messy and disgusting fur due to lack of care aswell as a horrific odor and with a big pot belly. It's mucular or at least big due to the hedonism but fast and strong like it's followers and sort of looks like a nightmarish cross between Gorilla, Orangatan and Baboon although the exact combination and final result is up in the air outside of massive front arms like a Gorilla that are toped with massive sloth like claws and two saberteth as well as a big mohaw like tuft of hair on it's head that isbright white and clean looking unliek the rest ofit's apparance, it also has a nasty rictus grin and a nasty scar over one eye all the way down to the mouth and upper neck.

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PersephoneEosopoulou In reply to RoyalPsycho [2016-04-14 10:37:14 +0000 UTC]

Augmentation derived telepathy.... hmm I might throw that into Solar Strife canon as something the Jovians stumbled onto that gave them an even footing against Martian telepaths with less of the draw backs but also gave them weaker powers since it's artificial.

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LogoP [2016-04-11 17:11:35 +0000 UTC]

I really liked your Psychoverse, with its witches, New Gods, the All-Father e.t.c... Hope you create another scenario someday, if you have the time.

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RoyalPsycho In reply to LogoP [2016-04-11 20:29:10 +0000 UTC]

I'm currently trying to come up with a good scenario idea for them. I just need some time to experiment.

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