Rucci — Music Meme

Published: 2008-02-21 21:39:44 +0000 UTC; Views: 2375; Favourites: 25; Downloads: 37
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Lovely meme! Tagged by my wonderful (take a look ~ [link] )

Commenting this stuff (done at my tagger's home, AHAHAHAH!):
1. Feat. CAMUS aka myself. Yeah, THAT was the first one. LOL!
2. Feat. LITTLE AIORIA, so CUTE to draw! A pity that I HATE drawing so fast... sigh... don't like that at all...
3. Feat. SAGA. God, the love this man makes me feel.
4. Feat. IKKI. AHAHAHAAHAHAH! POING! PHOENIX! No. It's that... that's another story.
5. Feat. MU. This song is so sweet, and so Mu is.
6. Feat. MILO. Uhmmm. My seme's so hot. Erh.
7. Feat. SHURA & DEATH MASK dancing! *dance dance* YAY!
8. Feat. MILO & CAMUS, Milo singing as Sanzo performing Game... the dubber is the same and it came out immediately like this! XD
9. Feat. KANON. Well, I loved the idea, but the result... uhm... in a certain way, don't know. I like just the expression. ò_ò;
10. SO FAST!!! *C*;;; But I managed to draw Aphrodite, SO COOL! XDDD Saiying those things! unfortunately the armour is very roughly sketched, but it vas a quick chibi, so, ok.

Enjoy! XDDD That was quite a challenge because of the rule n. 3! I need tiiiiiiiime~ çCCCCCCç
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Comments: 42

kinata94 [2010-08-09 02:55:52 +0000 UTC]

i don't get number 6 but that one was like ...OAO...

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Blatterbury [2008-09-07 13:59:36 +0000 UTC]

Ma ma ma ! Sono Shura e Death quelli che ballano Panic at the Disco XD
Basta, devo farla anche io questa cosa XD

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Rucci In reply to Blatterbury [2008-09-08 08:12:04 +0000 UTC]

Sì, falla, è una goduria!!! XDDDDDDDD
Smadonni contro la regola di "lo sketch deve durare quanto la canzone" (io sono leeeeenta), però ci si diverte un casinO!!! XD

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Blatterbury In reply to Rucci [2008-09-09 12:18:08 +0000 UTC]

vado! XD La facco subito! XD

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Boudicca-Keltoi [2008-03-18 23:25:15 +0000 UTC]

The songs are perfect for them!! Specially for Aioria (I always think that this it is his song) and Camus ^_^

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Rucci In reply to Boudicca-Keltoi [2008-03-19 12:14:46 +0000 UTC]

Wow, thanks, this was all randomly made, but, well! XD
Savin' me by Nickelback was a particular story... at the beginning I thought about Aioria, sketching quickly like I was doing, but the following days I listened to it over and over again, and I changed my opinion and now for me is a song completely dedicated to other characters... anyway... thank you for the fav and the comment, I'm glad you like my meme! *O*

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momo-chansempai [2008-02-24 01:34:52 +0000 UTC]

jaja q divertido, si creo que las canciones les pegan bastante XD

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Rucci In reply to momo-chansempai [2008-02-25 13:40:32 +0000 UTC]

Bueno, bueno! XDD Este meme es divertido mientras lo haces, esto es importante... XD

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momo-chansempai In reply to Rucci [2008-02-25 15:58:01 +0000 UTC]

jaja si el de Shura y Death Mask me mato de la risa...y la cancion de Camus le pega perfectamente

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Rucci In reply to momo-chansempai [2008-02-25 19:18:43 +0000 UTC]

Sì, la de Camus fue decidida por algùn Dios O_o

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momo-chansempai In reply to Rucci [2008-02-25 23:16:51 +0000 UTC]

si es un misterio que sea tan...Camus XD...Además el grupo que la hizo es uno de mis favoritos y esa cancion me mata

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Rucci In reply to momo-chansempai [2008-02-26 07:38:41 +0000 UTC]

Sì, tanto que esta canciòn me estaba inspirando un dibujo màs complicado per bueno las reglas del meme me bloquearon aqui. XDD

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momo-chansempai In reply to Rucci [2008-02-26 15:28:01 +0000 UTC]

si es verdad da ideas para muchas cosas, es una lastima que no pudieras hacer el dibujo más complejo...aunque lo puedes hacer en solitario algún día

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viol [2008-02-22 16:54:41 +0000 UTC]

*Steals and runs away do to VC music meme.*

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Rucci In reply to viol [2008-02-22 18:18:12 +0000 UTC]

Mwahahahahah, please, steal if you please. XDDDDDD That's funny!

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viol In reply to Rucci [2008-02-22 21:17:26 +0000 UTC]

I did. Funny indeed.

[link] - if you want to see.

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Rucci In reply to viol [2008-02-22 21:50:35 +0000 UTC]

Sure!! XD

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Tomokoyaoihime [2008-02-22 13:04:08 +0000 UTC]

Oh, Game... *me va in adorazione di Sanzo e di quella canzone* Bellissimi gli schizzi, mi piacciono da morire il 9 (*_* Lovvo in assoluto l'espressione) e il 7 (vedere due esseri chibosi che ballano per me è sempre fonte di immensa giuoia!)

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Rucci In reply to Tomokoyaoihime [2008-02-22 18:17:14 +0000 UTC]

Grazie tante! *OOO* Commento edificante sui miei poveri schizzi! ._. Luv! ^***^

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ShaolinQueen [2008-02-22 12:00:12 +0000 UTC]

Stupendo X°°DDD!

Il balletto in coppia è debbbest XD

Mea Culpa *ç*. Secondo me Milo non significa miglio, ma... =çç=

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Rucci In reply to ShaolinQueen [2008-02-22 12:44:18 +0000 UTC]

Sì, è anche il mio preferito! *____*
Grazie carissima X333
Mea Culpa .ç.

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Mordaunt [2008-02-22 10:12:35 +0000 UTC]

Che brava...Io non riuscirei mai a fare degli schizzi così belli ed espressivi!

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Rucci In reply to Mordaunt [2008-02-22 11:17:34 +0000 UTC]

Oh, invece credo di sì, eccome. .ç. Anche se ho bestemmiato in tutte le lingue per la mancanza di tempoh.

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Mordaunt In reply to Rucci [2008-02-23 10:18:12 +0000 UTC]

XDD Forse le bestemmie in tutte le lingue del mondo sono parte integrante della creazione...XDD
Io conoscevo una ragazza che sapeva disegnare solo se arrabbiata: quindi prima di mettersi a disegnare litigava con qualcuno o si faceva insultare e dire di tutto...Ti veniva proprio a cercare e ti costringeva a dirgli in faccia tutti i difetti che potevi pensare avesse, così riversava la rabbia sul disegno; altrimenti non riusciva a tirare una riga!XD

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Rucci In reply to Mordaunt [2008-02-25 13:42:14 +0000 UTC]

Ma che figata!!! XDDDD Spero solo che il metodo non le si sia ritorto contro. °_*;

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Mordaunt In reply to Rucci [2008-02-25 14:12:58 +0000 UTC]

XDD Io sarei finita dallo psichiatra in crisi depressiva, come minimo!!!XD Ma lei si sfogava sul disegno...Era inquietante, vedere con quanta rabbia e furia riusciva a disegnare Snoopy!XDD

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Rucci In reply to Mordaunt [2008-02-25 19:21:46 +0000 UTC]

XDDDDDDDDDDDD Snoop--*morta*

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DarkHotaru [2008-02-22 10:10:09 +0000 UTC]

... OH!, grazie del tag! Me adora disegno di song #6. XQ_ Però non so assolutamente come farlo, stò meme, visto che al momento non ho nè stampante nè tavoletta grafica, dovrò aspettare di finire gli esami per poterlo fare ;_; Grazie ancora *-* *la prima in vita sua che ringrazia per un tag invece di bestemmiare*

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Rucci In reply to DarkHotaru [2008-02-22 11:17:05 +0000 UTC]

Sì, lo sapevo che avevi un po' di casini, per questo volevo venire ad avvisarti sulla tua pagina, ma mi hai preceduta. XD Ti ho taggata perché tipo adoro i tuoi schizzetti a penna, quando avrai il modo in qualsiasi momento sarei curiosissima di vedere un meme così fatto da te, tutto qui. XD Fight per gli esami! è_é;/

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DarkHotaru In reply to Rucci [2008-02-22 16:18:51 +0000 UTC]

... *commuov* Grazie

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Jael-Kolken [2008-02-22 06:56:00 +0000 UTC]

Mea Culpa! *e si spogliò*
Viva il fanservice. Sempre, sempre viva.

Anche io questo coso lo schizzerò a mano, altrimenti al pc nel tempo di una canzone non riuscirei a tirare due righe. XD

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Rucci In reply to Jael-Kolken [2008-02-22 07:33:07 +0000 UTC]

Yeeeeh, fanserviiiiice! *C*
Sì, Mea Culpa, puff. Voglio bene a quella canzone. Per merito tuo.

Te lo consiglio, già io a mano quando mi è capitata una canzone di due minuti e trenta stavo schizzando. XDDDD

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hieilonewolf [2008-02-21 22:36:57 +0000 UTC]

XD I might do this some time... maybe... #9 Kanon I believe... looked like Hades. ^.^
All of them very cute.

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Rucci In reply to hieilonewolf [2008-02-22 07:32:07 +0000 UTC]

Aaaaw, if I knew!! *C*;;; I should have tagged you! Sorry! It's very funny, and also quick to to because of the rules....
Well, I decided.
I tag you now.

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hieilonewolf In reply to Rucci [2008-02-22 17:57:44 +0000 UTC]

Ahh!! XD Alrighty, I'll try my best. Only trouble is I have no scanner available.. but I'll run to the library. I need to post up lot of things anyways. ^.^


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Rucci In reply to hieilonewolf [2008-02-22 18:18:49 +0000 UTC]

Gambatte! I'll wait for that! *_*

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Chemicalgirl666 [2008-02-21 22:14:25 +0000 UTC]

Duality *.*
I love Slipknot so much!

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Rucci In reply to Chemicalgirl666 [2008-02-22 07:30:45 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, that song in particular rocks! *C*

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Chemicalgirl666 In reply to Rucci [2008-02-22 08:27:54 +0000 UTC]

That's right,but others songs are the best too!
Hmm...I think "Opium of the people" is one of the hardest and better song in " The Subliminal Verses" record.
I love it!

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Ty-advance1 [2008-02-21 22:01:20 +0000 UTC]

wow .... x3

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Rucci In reply to Ty-advance1 [2008-02-22 07:30:32 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the comment! XD

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Ty-advance1 In reply to Rucci [2008-02-22 07:43:39 +0000 UTC]

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
Your Welcome but, ya know ... i really don't understand this, but it seems funny xD ......... maybe ... :3

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