RussianRevolution — NorwayXReader - New Year's Eve
Published: 2014-01-01 05:30:01 +0000 UTC; Views: 1863; Favourites: 42; Downloads: 0
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Description Lukas sipped his drink carefully, watching everybody talking to each other and having a good time. He wasn't even sure why he had let Mathias convince him to go to the New Year's Eve office party, because they always put him in a bad mood and Mathias always left him on his own, saying that he needed to make some other friends. He didn't understand; Not being much of a social person, Lukas had never had an easy time making friends, and usually preferred to avoid any communal gatherings, opting to avoid chats by the coffee machine or water cooler, and eating lunch alone instead of with his colleagues. These actions may have ended up alienating him from the rest of the workforce, but to be honest, he preferred it that way.

But this time was different. There was one person Lukas had always felt a little guilty about giving the cold shoulder; a co-worker of his, (Name) (Surname). When Lukas first refused to go, Mathias had let it slip that she would be attending the party this year. As much as he hated parties, he did desperately want to see her outside of work for a change. Although she was one of his closest co-workers, she was always busy running errands and sorting files, among other things, and never seemed to have time for a real, personal chat.

She may not have been the most beautiful woman in the workforce, but she was by far one of the sweetest. She always said hello to everyone in the morning, fetched coffee for those who wanted it, and always was around to lend a hand when another person was in need, even when her own hands were full. And yet, she wouldn't let anyone mindlessly walk all over her. If she suspected someone was just trying to use her, and was not in genuine need of assistance, she would put her foot down, and Lukas respected her greatly for that. She had an inner strength that he admired a lot. And even though Lukas was outwardly cold to everyone he worked with, she never showed any resentment towards his actions. She would just flash him that sweet smile, and continue on her way.


Tonight, he was determined to get her to talk to him. From where he stood, he could see her energetically talking to an awkward-looking, short dirty blond-haired guy whose name he’d never even bothered to learn, a glass of wine filled to the brim, slightly sloshing over the rim. (Name) was making giant hand gestures and laughing loudly, drunk out of her mind. The poor guy she was talking to looked like a deer in headlights. He tried to calm her down, but only succeeded in getting her alcoholic beverage spilt down his shirt. That didn't even stop her; she just laughed harder and patted him on the back, handing him her wine glass and moving on. Lukas may have been too far away to hear their conversation, but even from this far away, he could hear the boy's sigh of relief.

His own relief was short-lived as he realised where she was headed. She walked, no, stumbled over to the drinks table and pushed away the many people surrounding it, grabbing and downing the first few available beverages available, which just so happened to be some cans of Red Bull. Oh dear. An inebriated, hyperactive (Name) was not exactly the (Name) he wanted to make conversation with, but he would take all the chances he could get. He wasn't going to suffer through this party for nothing, after all.

Making a slight 'tch' sound, Lukas made his way over to the drunk (h/c), who was trying to dance with anybody she could get her hands on. But then she reached for somebody who was a little too far out of her reach and tripped over her own feet, falling to the floor and laughing hysterically. Lukas heaved a deep sigh and picked her up, hoping that she was only going to be like this tonight.

And because she was so far gone, instead of being embarrassed to be seen in this state and apologising profusely for being a nuisance, the way she would normally act if she wasn't so affected by all the alcohol she'd consumed, a huge grin nearly split her face in two and she reached up, stroking Lukas' face with the palm of her hand.

"Hey!" She cried. "You're Lukas! What are you doing over here by yourself, honey bunches? You should be dancing, and drinking... having a good time!!"

"You need to go home, (Name). You're drunk." He said, shaking his head in disbelief. He could almost see the liquor seeping out through her pores. But even in her drunken state, she'd remembered his name. That had to mean something. He smiled a little at the thought. They had never actually spoken before, and yet she knew who he was. Lukas briefly wondered if maybe (Name) wasn't as drunk as she seemed, but then he pushed that thought away. She couldn't have pulled off such a fall if she wasn't completely wasted. Plus, she was really breaching the space inside Lukas' personal bubble, by poking him in the cheek and pouting, before sighing and relaxing into his arms.

"Noooo! It's not even midnight yet! And I'm having fun! But you're so warm and cosy... maybe I'll lay low for a little bit..." She sounded like a little child, pre- and post-tantrum, and although his eyebrow did twitch a little, he found her reply more endearing than irritating. Sighing again, he decided to just leave her be. But he didn't let her go, for fear of her getting even more plastered than she already was, and she didn't protest against this or try to break free.

Just then, a loud voice boomed from the centre of the room. Lukas' eyes narrowed. He could place that voice anywhere.

"Alright! Ladies and gents, it's time to count down the New Year! If you would all be so kind as to turn your attention to the big screen over here, you’ll see that there are just five more minutes to go!" The Dane’s voice was incredibly loud, even louder than normal due to the excessive amounts of alcohol he had probably drank. Much like a certain girl he currently held in his arms.

"I know you guys'll be sad to know that the party will be over once the clock strikes midnight, but just so you know, I'm going to be hosting an awesome after party at my place, and we can keep the party going way into the morning! Everybody here's invited!" His eyes widened very slightly, and a devious smirk came over his face as he remembered something else he wanted to say. He lowered his voice a little. "Oh, and one more thing: just before the clock strikes twelve, I'd suggest you grab someone sexy and ready yourself for a big ol' New Year's smooch!" Although Lukas was standing quite a ways off from the big screen, he could've sworn Mathias had looked straight at him. He winked and wiggled his eyebrows, and without another word, made his way over to the drinks table, where Lukas and (Name) were standing, and grabbed himself a beer, laughing to himself the entire time.

The Norwegian's heart thumped uncomfortably in his chest. That had completely slipped his mind. He remembered it was one of the main reasons why he didn't go to these sorts of things in the first place. Who wants to be kissed by some random stranger whose name you don't even know? Maybe some people would like that, but unfortunately, Lukas was not one of those people. But he was with (Name) this time around, and if they were together at midnight, it might not be so bad...

No. He couldn't. This was probably exactly what Mathias had planned. Lukas wondered just how he managed to both convince (Name) to go along with it and get her drunk enough to need Lukas' assistance at the same time. He wouldn't have drugged her; (Name) seemed too smart for that sort of thing and even Mathias wasn't stupid enough to try something like that. The blond glanced towards the on-screen clock. Two minutes. He swallowed a lump in his throat and looked towards the table Mathias was now leaning on, a beer in one hand and a perky brunette girl in the other. And although the taller male's eyes were slightly glazed over, he still stared intently at Lukas, and then at (Name), and then back again, trying to convey some sort of message with his eyes. Lukas looked away, and then down at (Name), noting that she had fallen asleep, and then back at the clock.

One minute left.

He could do it. She wasn't even awake to protest. But the thought of doing something like that without consent...

Thirty seconds.

Mathias was glaring at him. He couldn't decide what to do. Could he really just go for it?

Ten seconds.

He could just do it. After all, Mathias hadn't actually specified where he had to kiss her. He could always go for a friendly kiss on the cheek, or on the forehead...

Five seconds.

He looked down at (Name) again. She was so tempting... what was the worst that could happen? She was totally off her rocker, and he could guarantee that next to no-one would actually see them kissing anyway, therefore sparing him the embarrassment of being rejected. He leant down very slightly, thinking that maybe (Name) wouldn't even feel him kissing her. The idea relaxed him a lot, and he closed his eyes.

Three seconds.

Two seconds.


"Happy New Year, cutie!"

Lukas' eyes snapped open. (Name), who was dead to the world less than a minute ago, had grabbed his face and pulled him into a deep kiss. He didn't even have time to react as she pried open his mouth and slipped in her tongue. When she finally released him, he was too stunned to realise what was going on.

And of course, in the state she was in, (Name) thought it only too fitting to take this opportunity to grab his rump and give it a good squeeze, grinning madly while she did so. A small, light blush settled across his cheeks as everything the mischievous girl had done finally sunk in.


"The one and only," she purred. She leaned closer and put her lips to his ear. "So Mathias is holding another party after this one finishes. I'd go, but I'm sick of all these people here and there's sure to be even more people tagging along if I go with him. So, I was thinking... how's about you an'me go to your place and have a little private party of our own?"

Lukas said nothing as he stared her down. This had to be the alcohol talking. She wasn't herself, but still... he couldn't bring himself to say no.

"Okay. Why not?"

She had made the first move. He couldn't resist. And after all, what was the worst that could happen?
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Comments: 6

KohlerMathias [2014-08-04 04:14:56 +0000 UTC]

{ That last line pay have been a curse
...or a blessing }

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

RussianRevolution In reply to KohlerMathias [2014-09-03 18:34:10 +0000 UTC]

it's def a lil bit of both

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

MuffledScreaming [2014-01-01 16:48:48 +0000 UTC]

Oh my God.

This story is perfect.

I can't stop laughing XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

RussianRevolution In reply to MuffledScreaming [2014-01-01 19:35:33 +0000 UTC]

thank you so much!!!! glad you enjoyed

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

LotusDragonof5000 [2014-01-01 06:33:12 +0000 UTC]

Haha, drunken me is funny~ ( Its new year for me too. Here's to 2014! )

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

RussianRevolution In reply to LotusDragonof5000 [2014-01-01 16:31:07 +0000 UTC]

haha, ikr! Happy New Year!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0