RvBOMally — Sixteen Louisianas

Published: 2018-08-19 18:42:58 +0000 UTC; Views: 20172; Favourites: 194; Downloads: 112
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Description Based off Wyyt 's "Twelve Nations" idea. 

A1 - Kingdom of New France (1842)

The victories of the French against their numerous enemies in the wars of the 18th century were impressive in the short term, but the number of foes arrayed against them led the French to realize that lasting victory would be impossible. Thus, the wars which decided the fate of Europe ended in a variety of settlements, which usually led to France making concessions to their major victories on the continent, while they made gains on the colonial stage. Considered a backwater by both France and Britain, the British were willing to concede territories in North America in exchange for the guarantee of continued Dutch independence after the Twelve Years' War. Much of this was territory neither the British nor French controlled, but this would change as adventurers, the destitute, and groups such as the Hugenots and Germans in now-hostile territory fled for what was then known as New France. A century later, New France had a large enough population that it needed to be divided for administrative purposes into the sub-kingdoms of Canada and New France. New France remains one of the richest countries on Earth, although its population is dwarfed by the belligerent, autocratic Commonwealth of Virginia.

A2 - French Empire (1812)

It was not long before the wars of the French Revolution would reach American shores. Although it attempted to be neutral, the American government was pulled into the conflict by a mixture of pro-French sentiment among the population and the continued belligerence of the British, particularly through the harassment of trade with continental Europe, the impressment of American sailors, and incursions into disputed territory by British troops. The Americans entered the war as a co-belligerent of France, although cooperation increased after the Americans saved French troops in Haiti from imminent destruction by helping to put down what they believed to be a British conspiracy to inspire slave revolts across the entire New World. The British were unable to make any significant inroads into the United States, while the Americans successfully invaded British North America. Eventually, Napoleon would be defeated on the continent, but through the efforts of his allies, managed to escape to the colony of Louisiana. The Americans agreed to guarantee Napoleon's safety from the British, so long as the majority of the Louisiana territory were granted to them, and they would be given the right to freely ship goods down the Mississippi in perpetuity. The disgraced emperor agreed. To this day, his line rules over the French Empire, thumbing their nose at the British-backed Bourbons in the metropole.

A3 - Mengzian Order of Songlon (1985)

The Namvue have always been a seafaring people, so it was no surprise that they would take charge during the Age of Exploration. Although it was the Yamato who discovered the Morninglands, it was the Namvue who discovered the Ox Sea and the great river Songlon which fed into it. Already the colonial hegemon of the region, the Namvue colonized the Songlon River area extensively, hoping to use it as a springboard for trading the Morninglands’ natural resources with the Daqing peoples of the Far West. Ultimately, Namvue’s power receded and Songlon became an independent kingdom, later replaced with a Mengzian government in the late 20th century. Attempts by the Eastern Powers to stop Songlon from falling to the Mengzians led to their humiliating defeat at the hands of Songlon guerrillas.

A4 - United States of America (1941)

As the United States tore itself apart in the leadup to the Depression Wars, state governments took sides. Huey Long of Louisiana had a particular advantage that few of his contemporaries shared: through the use of his charisma and shrews politicking, he had a state more or less united completely under him. A populist who promised to lift up Louisiana’s poor, he had a broad base of support among large portions of Louisiana’s population, and Long had already purged the Louisiana state government of his rivals. He also stood out as a voice against the old order that many felt ailed America. When the Depression Wars began, Long surprisingly took on the mantle of the restorationist, promising to return America to its former glory and punishing those who failed her. Long succeeded in getting a lot of support from white southerners, but his strong segregationist views and anti-communism alienated a lot of black southerners, who were attracted to the communist ideal at the time. Long’s choice to be a restorationist and wage a war against communism led him to make alliances with more reactionary, and eventually openly racist, elements fighting in the Depression Wars. His acceptance of aid from the Third Reich and its allies was the final straw, leading to a black revolt in Louisiana itself. This revolt failed to oust Long, but it did force him to turn his efforts against the rebels and prevented him from seizing control of the entire Southern United States. Long managed to get a peace settlement with the various republics that emerged from the old United States. Today, the United States is surrounded by enemies and dependent on economic assistance from the New Order.

B1 – Ordenstaat Acadien (1949)

By the time the Germans invaded the East Coast of the United States, the Americans stood no chance. The major cities of the United States were already destroyed by German atomic weapons, and most of America’s home armies were deployed in the West to fight the Japanese. Most German troops poured in from Canada and marched through New England, although some landed along the Gulf of Mexico to secure important ports. There, they faced fierce resistance from the locals, but in the face of Germany’s advanced war machines, they could do little. In the Treaty of Denver, the former United States was divided between the Germans and the Japanese. The Germans chose to divide their portion into a collection of puppet states, occupation zones, and NSDAP governorships. Although most of the American South was placed under the control of the Second Confederacy, the Germans did not want control of the Mississippi River to be placed under former Americans. They instead created the Ordenstaat Acadien, to be ruled directly by the Nazi Party. Although named after the Acadians, the Party deemed the entire population of Louisiana to be too mongrelized to be trusted, or even allowed to live. Thus, the entire population was deported to labor camps in the Great Plains, while the Ordenstaat itself was settled by Germans from the Fatherland, with preference given to Party members.

B2 - Dominion of West Florida (1802)

While the American revolutionaries succeeded in seizing control of the New England and Mid-Atlantic states, the South remained loyal to the crown. British military victories in the region further bolstered this loyalty, especially after the American revolutionaries, in their desperation, promised freedom to any slave who would fight alongside them. Although the British were unable to reestablish control over all of the Thirteen Colonies, they maintained their hold over Canada and the South. After the war, the British successfully prevented further American expansion by maintaining control of the Ohio territory under an Indian protectorate, and by seizing Louisiana from the Spanish at the end of the French Revolutionary Wars. The British reorganized their North American holdings, part of which was the creation of the Dominion of West Florida. Established to more easily govern the mouth of the Mississippi separately from the plains above, West Florida has remained under the British crown for its entire existence, discounting a brief rebellion sparked when the British banned slavery throughout their empire.

B3 - Holy Kingdom of Luiciana (1818)

The Spanish used their colony of Luiciana to assist the American rebels against the British, but the rebels would ultimately fail. Ironically, the British would help the Spanish crown flee to Luiciana during the European Revolutionary Wars. A deal had been struck between the British and the Spanish: the British would help the Spanish flee and help the Spanish keep control of their colonies in the New World, and the Spanish would use New Spain’s vast resources to help put down the revolutionaries terrorizing the European continent. This arrangement would ultimately work more in favor of Britain, as while the European revolutionaries would be contained to France and Iberia by the quadruple alliance of Britain, Prussia, Austria and Russia, much of New Spain had to be granted independence under pro-Spanish leaders lest they fall to revolution themselves. Eventually, only Luiciana remained under the Spanish crown’s control, which eventually relinquished their claims to Spain proper. The Kingdom of Luiciana rebranded itself as the beacon for true Spanish Catholics, escaping persecution from the atheistic Spanish republicans.

B4 - Pharaonate of the Brown Nile (1656)

When explorers from Kemet first happened upon the Brown Nile, they immediately made comparisons to the Nile in their homeland. Believing that this was the New Land’s counterpart to the Nile, or even the Nile after it exited a source deep in the earth, the government of Kemet was extremely interested in finding out everything it could about the Brown Nile. Thus, while most of the New Lands were left to the Carthaginians or the Norse, the Brown Nile was extensively explored and colonized by Kemet. Gradually, the colony grew, as its commercial value outstripped its cultural value. During the War of the Five Pharaohs, the Prince of the Brown Nile declared his independence from the homeland, feeling that this was his chance to become a true pharaoh. Crowning himself Pharaoh of the Brown Nile, he secured himself a dynasty that would last centuries.

C1 - Sector 28 (2024)

The Resonance Cascade irrevocably damaged the ecosystem of Earth. The Mississippi River and the Gulf of Mexico quickly became invested with Xen-derived lifeforms, with the swamps of Louisiana proving fertile ground for some of the deadliest creatures from the border world. Most of the state's population were cordoned off into cities, with the chaos of the Seven Hour War leading to many of those cities being destroyed and flooded. What few survivors were left were shipped off to other parts of the planet, or other dimensions entirely, by Earth's new government: the Combine. The Combine had little use for the Mississippi for trade, relying mostly on rail and aerial transport, but the river system did provide them one thing they needed: water. Much of what was now designated Sector 28 was either abandoned, or repurposed to provide water to the Combine Overworld and the empire's other colonies. Portals were placed in the mouth of the Mississippi, draining fresh water to far-off worlds. A skeleton crew of human slaves, mostly from Central Asia, were tasked with maintaining Combine operations, while the rest of the sector was left to the Xen infestation. After the fall of City 17 and Earth's disconnection from the rest of the Universal Union, Sector 28 was secured by its adviser leadership, which continued operations as always and pretended that nothing at all had changed with the local state of affairs.

C2 - Free City of New Orleans (2020)

The Second American Civil War was not fought between states, it was fought within states. The more liberal urban areas, and the more conservative rural areas, showed more of a division than any “red state, blue state” electoral map. New Orleans, a dot of blue in a sea of red, was the site of some of the heaviest fighting in the war. Red militias quickly cut the city off through the use of checkpoints and even explosives, and Federal troops were incapable of liberating the city from land. The city was under siege for much of the war, resupply only possible with US, Mexican and European shipments. However, the Federal naval presence prevented the Reds from successfully taking the city, which they deemed a waste of time and resources in comparison with battles elsewhere. The stalemate lasted until the end of the war, and the New Founders proved amicable to the idea of New Orleans remaining an independent free city, so long as the free flow of American goods cannot go unimpeded. Preferring this to destruction, the city government of New Orleans agreed. The city has since become a major commercial center, particularly because it is one of the few places in the New World where America interacts with the rest of the world.

C3 - Republic of Acadiana (1993)

The Third World War left much of the former United States in shambles. Although there are rumors of the government persisting in bunkers deep in the heartland, to the people of the Gulf Coast, they may as well be on the Moon. With the major cities and military bases of the region devastated, and damaged nuclear power plants leaking deadly radiation decades after the bombs first fell, the most sparsely-populated regions of Louisiana were the ones most unfortunate to live in this brave new world. Years of war over dwindling resources transformed once-peaceful citizens into warriors or slaves. Regional identities, which meant little more than a funny accent or a type of cuisine, became the beating heart of post-war political entities. The Republic of Acadiana is the most successful of the post-war societies in Louisiana. Rallying around the Acadian entity, the republic is ruled by a council of warlords who put aside their differences to fight against the starving hordes moving in from the east, and the road bandits of the west. Seizing control of some offshore oil rigs and some of the last functional petroleum processing plants in the Western Hemisphere, the Acadians have successfully secured for themselves an empire which resembles the feudal kingdoms of old Europe, only this time it is the technical and not the horse which reigns supreme.

C4 - Louisiana Refuge Republic (2558)

As sea levels rose around the world, many cultures around the world were under threat of destruction. With the colonization of Mars already deemed a long-term failure, the Imperial American government deemed the Red Planet fit only for undesirable populations. The culture of Louisiana, being distinctly European in origin, was protected by the Imperial government and was deemed the responsibility of the government to preserve. While sea walls had kept out the worst of the flooding, projections estimated that Louisiana would be flooded regardless. Thus, the Imperial government created the Louisiana Refuge project, a massive (for its time) orbital habitat that would be open to all Louisianians. Although dwarfed by later orbitals, by the standards of the 24th century, it was a marvel of orbital architecture. About ten million people eventually moved to the habitat, which could sustain itself with the aid of hydroponic farms and some of the largest solar panels ever constructed. After the end of the Gene Wars, Louisiana declared independence from the American Empire and became part of the Community of Orbital Nations. 

D1 - Despotate of Quilgualtanqui (2125)

At its height, the Mexica Empire dominated the entire lower half of Upper Cemanahuac. Mexica explorers moved up and down the Mixizibi River, seizing slaves and sacrifices all throughout Upper Cemanahuac. As a result, the land that would be known as Quilgualtanqui became firmly entrenched in the Mexica cultural sphere, and eventually the building site of their great fleets to subdue the Dead Lands of the Far East. With the fall of the Mexica Empire, Quilgualtanqui fell under the control of its old governors, who maintained the old ways and dominated the Mixizibi River valley. Recently, the advance of the nations of Lower Cemanhuac has prompted the Quilgualtanqui to rethink their methods, realizing that they could no longer be the regional hegemon if they are technologically outclassed. The leaders of the Despotate have taken it upon themselves to industrialize Quilgualtanqui as quickly as possible, sending observers to Lower Cemanhuac to learn foreign ways, while keeping an iron grip on their people so they may toil for this grand goal.

D2 - Republic of Louisiana (1948)

The fall of the Confederate States was an unpleasant affair. Although Confederate forces were soundly defeated and the Americans occupied much of the former Confederacy, America’s British and French allies at the time managed to secure much of the Confederate coast. In the Ottawa Conference, the Americans, British and French agreed to a division of the Confederacy, and with the British and French in the region, the Americans had to make good on that claim, despite their rhetoric of total reunification. As part of the settlement, the United States would take the lion’s share of former Confederate territory, the British would occupy Florida, Georgia, Mississippi and Alabama, France would occupy Louisiana, and Texas would be allowed to decide if it wants to join the United States or become an independent nation. With American and Anglo-French relations souring at the end of the war, the British and French forced referendums in their occupation zones which led to independence for what was known as the Dixie Federation and the Republic of Louisiana. The British and French never fully retreated, leaving behind significant occupation forces and heavily arming their puppet states. This “betrayal” would mark one of the events which would begin the Ice War between Europe and America.

D3 - Republic of Sherman (1878)

The fury of the Union Army was something to behold. The American Civil War ended with the total destruction of the Confederate States of America, the enraged North wishing to avenge President Lincoln after his assassination in 1864. After the war, the Radical Republican government sought to destroy not only the Confederacy, but the states of which it was composed. They also intended to guarantee the rights of the newly-freed slaves, knowing that if left to their own devices, the white southerners would use every dirty trick in the book to maintain their supremacy. To this end, they restructured the entire South, and with it came granting independence to the “Negro Free States.” Although a controversial opinion even among radical Republicans – the country had, after all, just fought a long war under the idea that they would unite the entire country – this was deemed to be the best solution short of moving the black population to Africa. In this way, blacks would be guaranteed their freedom, without tarnishing the white society of the United States. The Republic of Sherman was one of these Negro Free States, named after the Union general who liberated the area.

D4 - Gulf Reclamation Corporation (2870)

The Gulf Reclamation Corporation was formed for the purpose of reclaiming the lost cities under the Gulf of Mexico. Similar projects in the former Netherlands and Bangladesh were also successful, and for the offworld communities which traced their lineage back to the ancient cities of the Gulf, that their own ancestral homes have not been recovered was a major offense. The Gulf Reclamation Corporation was granted a 99-year lease on the former territory of Louisiana by the Pan-American Hegemony, which at the time was strapped for cash. Using advanced techniques in undersea construction and anti-gravity, the Gulf Reclamation Corporation successfully raised some ancient cities of Louisiana to the surface, where they were rebuilt as “living history exhibits.” All this belies the true purpose of the Gulf Reclamation Corporation, which is the recovery of ancient American military secrets dating back to the First Machine War, which were known to have been lost in the Battle of New Orleans. 
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Comments: 42

GWNF74 [2018-08-24 05:50:25 +0000 UTC]

Sector 28, I wanna steal that for a Half-Life inspired roleplay.

Everything you do RVBOMally just gets my mind firing off and going.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Ngabay [2018-08-23 20:22:36 +0000 UTC]

C2 and d4 are huge teases for potential timlines. Republic of sherman is also a cool concept to expand on . all the maps are fire though

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PG-1987 [2018-08-22 18:25:57 +0000 UTC]

Very well done.

The French Empire-in-exile seems to consist of Louisiana, western Hispanioala and a third territory.
What is the third? Western Cuba?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

RvBOMally In reply to PG-1987 [2018-08-22 20:49:38 +0000 UTC]

Part of the Yucatán.

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FreDurholt [2018-08-22 17:44:32 +0000 UTC]

Amazing creativity on this one! I assume the Mengzians are *Communists? 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

RvBOMally In reply to FreDurholt [2018-08-22 20:49:46 +0000 UTC]


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OneHellofaBird [2018-08-20 23:59:37 +0000 UTC]

C3 oo, a Southern Comfort TL

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Sera-Fim [2018-08-20 10:09:44 +0000 UTC]

Orbital Republic of Louisiana survived until the 32 century?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

RvBOMally In reply to Sera-Fim [2018-08-20 13:04:59 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Sera-Fim In reply to RvBOMally [2018-08-20 15:18:13 +0000 UTC]

That's cool

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mdc01957 [2018-08-20 06:37:18 +0000 UTC]

This is nicely done.

Also, I love this AH meme!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

RvBOMally In reply to mdc01957 [2018-09-04 04:22:19 +0000 UTC]

You should try it with the Philippines.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

mdc01957 In reply to RvBOMally [2018-09-04 14:09:45 +0000 UTC]

Sounds like a good idea.

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KuboCaskett [2018-08-20 02:50:22 +0000 UTC]

So let me guess, Louisiana is your home state right?

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RvBOMally In reply to KuboCaskett [2018-08-20 03:00:01 +0000 UTC]

It is, actually.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

The-Artist-64 In reply to RvBOMally [2018-08-20 12:47:41 +0000 UTC]

You know, this is strange, but I kept trying to guess to myself based on the conditions you left around your profile. I guessed Florida. Do I still get a runner-up prize?

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Sliversun [2018-08-20 02:39:53 +0000 UTC]

Looks good.  Can you please do these other states:

New York








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wabash56 In reply to Sliversun [2018-08-20 03:19:59 +0000 UTC]

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RvBOMally In reply to Sliversun [2018-08-20 03:00:46 +0000 UTC]

I may do one other Sixteen Nations, but that's it. 

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GWNF74 In reply to RvBOMally [2018-08-24 05:50:52 +0000 UTC]

Crazy idea. Instead of a Terran nation, do 16 Valles Marinerises or something like that.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

RvBOMally In reply to GWNF74 [2018-08-24 07:05:20 +0000 UTC]

Believe it or not, I have considered this. Although my idea was the Moon or Mars as a whole.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

GWNF74 In reply to RvBOMally [2018-08-31 16:52:02 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Shaymin0000 [2018-08-20 00:38:06 +0000 UTC]

can't wait for the writeups on C1, A4, C4, and D4

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

RvBOMally In reply to Shaymin0000 [2018-08-20 00:38:22 +0000 UTC]

Wait no more.

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RtasVader [2018-08-20 00:16:11 +0000 UTC]

where my boy Huey Long at

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

TycheDA [2018-08-20 00:15:53 +0000 UTC]

Very cool! Very pumped for the text

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

MoralisticCommunist [2018-08-19 23:39:34 +0000 UTC]

Having a space station as a "Refuge Republic" is certainly an idea I've never seen before!

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Todyo1798 [2018-08-19 21:51:36 +0000 UTC]

Fuck you taking my 16.

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RvBOMally In reply to Todyo1798 [2018-08-20 00:41:11 +0000 UTC]

You're the one who gave me the idea. 

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Todyo1798 In reply to RvBOMally [2018-08-20 00:43:51 +0000 UTC]

Exactly, hoist by my own petard.

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YNot1989 [2018-08-19 20:53:56 +0000 UTC]

The Brown Nile... was that a Lion's Blood reference?

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RvBOMally In reply to YNot1989 [2018-08-20 00:41:22 +0000 UTC]

It is, but I went in a different direction with it. 

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PersephoneEosopoulou In reply to YNot1989 [2018-08-19 21:25:29 +0000 UTC]

That the one where Alexander produces two sons, one ruling from Egypt and another from Ethiopia?

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YNot1989 In reply to PersephoneEosopoulou [2018-08-19 21:50:32 +0000 UTC]

Yes, but the true POD goes further back to the point where Socratese doesn't drink the Hemlock and decides to leave for what became Alexandria and opens a school of philosophy (exile was one of his choices given by the Athenians).

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

PersephoneEosopoulou In reply to YNot1989 [2018-08-19 22:35:22 +0000 UTC]

Ah interesting.

What else is in that novel, I recall skimminga review and I know it has a reserve of the historical situation in America eg black slave owners and white slaves among other things.

And Islam still somehow came about despite the PoD.

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YNot1989 In reply to PersephoneEosopoulou [2018-08-20 02:05:32 +0000 UTC]

Pretty much.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

PersephoneEosopoulou In reply to YNot1989 [2018-08-20 02:36:36 +0000 UTC]

Is there anything good in the book, I might pick it up if there is.

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YNot1989 In reply to PersephoneEosopoulou [2018-08-20 03:51:34 +0000 UTC]

Its really good, and an excellent human story.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Wyyt [2018-08-19 19:40:54 +0000 UTC]

B4, C4, and D4 all pique my interest very much...

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Twiggierjet [2018-08-19 19:35:40 +0000 UTC]

Looks like C1 needs the Freeman.

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123456789JD [2018-08-19 19:30:36 +0000 UTC]

All of them are Louisiana 

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aaaaZa [2018-08-19 19:17:17 +0000 UTC]


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