Scribbleloupe — SVA - JUKKO

Published: 2023-09-18 04:25:19 +0000 UTC; Views: 2190; Favourites: 20; Downloads: 0
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DISCLAIMER: My characters are separate from my own beliefs, and do not reflect how I view the world. I do not condone any of their negative traits or actions.


Name: Jukko

     Nickname: Ko, Junko (affectionately)

Age: Adult

Gender: Male (DMAB)

Orientation: Heterosexual

Height: 85 cm

Weight: 42 kg

Territory: Taika

The Achiever


Family and Relations

Mother: Tora (deceased)

Father: Nim

Siblings: Two unnamed siblings

Friends: None yet

Enemies: Kaija

Attractions: Kaija

Crush: Kaija

Mate: none (Formerly Ima - deceased)

Children: Willka

Extended family: Unknown



Ranking: Darys

Abilities: N/A

Physical Description: Jukko is what remains of a handsome, well crafted young wolf, after a catastrophic injury to his left hind leg, leaving the limb atrophied and useless. 

Scent: Wet stone and earth.



- Vindictive - Prideful - Stubborn - Passionate - Tenacious - Protective -

Jukko is a friendly shadow hovering over a bitter, vicious interior. His personality has warped over time, like beeswax on a hot stone, until it became impossible to decipher what once lay beneath. Jukko is cracked and jumbled mess of a wolf, trying hard to seem like a whole being. His pride will not let him admit when he is wrong - particularly in regards to his obsession over Kaija. He allows himself to fall into a deep well of cruelty when he does not get his way, and it feeds into the way in which most of his relationships fray and break over time. Worst, in combination with these negative aspects, Jukko is unendingly stubborn. He will cling to something, if he believes that he is in the right, regardless of whether or not it is true. He will also use every tool at his disposal to try and convince the opposing side of his own choice’s validity, and veracity. Despite all of the negative aspects to the dark wolf, he does have, buried deep within, the capacity to live well. He is deeply passionate over whatever he believes in, and will without hesitation limp the extra mile if asked to. He sets his teeth into a problem and worries at it until the problem unravels, and he would fight tooth and claw to see those he actually loves protected.



She was always his everything.

Born to a well off family just before the Tundes split, Jukko began as a friendly, open child with a bright outlook on the world. He had little difficulty in making friends, and when he and his family grew close with another family one girl in particular caught his eye. Her name was Kaija, and soon enough, the two of them were fast friends, getting into all sorts of mischief together and exploring as far as the Tundes territory reached. As they grew and the world changed around them, Jukko began to take for granted the knowledge that she would always be there by his side - always.

When as young adults she turned away his romantic advances, he became bitter. Their relationship as friends frayed as he continued to push at her, hoping that a gifted rabbit here, a flattering word there, would push her into loving him back. They were well beyond the years now where his actions could be written off as the whims of a petulant child. His family began to drift away from him.

He used every opportunity he could, after this additional insult, to punish Kaija for her rejection. When he made a half hearted union with his future mate Ima, it was clear that his heart and attention lay elsewhere. He always felt sure that she had known it, and that that was why she turned her own bitterness towards Kaija as well. A cruelty that they concocted together was the coercion of the black wolf into watching their newborn daughter, Willka. Yet this too backfired, when Willka grew more close with Kaija than she did even with her own parents. It all came to a head one night, not long after Jukko received word that his own mother was deeply ill. Pushed to the edge, his emotions roaring like a tidal wave, he confronted Kaija. Their words rose to shouts, and as he tried to make her listen, as he tried to impress upon her his own faithfulness, despite everything, he pushed forward - and she pushed back.

The rocks beneath his feet grew unstable, and with a cry Jukko found himself lurching back into the void, the shocked face of his former friend silhouetted by the cold moonlight.

When he awoke, his world had shattered. Kaija was gone - fled somewhere into the free lands, no one knew where. Ima was fuming - he had finally made his infidelity clear - and Willka… he didn’t know what she thought. While he lay recovering in the Healers’ den, he didn’t try to find out.

His hind leg had been utterly destroyed. The Healers had managed to save the limb - and his life in the process - but he would never walk well again. Gone were any dreams of becoming a Grandmaster Sentinel. Gone was the chance of chasing down food for the pack, and when the wave came, gone was any chance of saving his family.

His mother, weak and den-bound, was swallowed up by the sea. After the water receded, they found her body. He ran at Ima’s side up the field towards the first tree. The water was coming up fast, and he could see the wolves already huddled below the tree, where the stones were gathered. But his leg gave out, and he fell behind. In a fit of desperation Ima shoved him in front of her, up onto a log. Jukko remains haunted by the look in her eye, the ferocious, victorious smile that touched her lips as she was swept away. He managed to cling to the log like a limpet, eventually rescued by a Skydas patrol.

Willka was safe, thank goodness, as was his father. At least they were alive. For a time, his entire world did not focus around Kaija, but instead on recovery. He was gripped by a strange pain every time he thought of Ima and her last moments. If he had been honest with her, would she have survived? He leaned in to re-forging relationships with those who were left, but as the land began to recover, so too did his obsession. Kaija was still out there, and as horrible as he felt over Ima’s death, in a sense now, Jukko was free. 


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