secondhandwatch — Say Goodnight and Go- 5
Published: 2009-06-11 17:44:33 +0000 UTC; Views: 508; Favourites: 6; Downloads: 6
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Description Say Goodnight and Go- Chapter 5

Vincent crawled along the stone floor. His mind was in a total haze and he could barely feel his legs functioning. He was almost too frightened to look down at himself. After seeing a moment of his reflection in a glass beaker he had vomited violently over the side of the exam table he had been strapped against. With much pain he had been able to rip out of the restraints and simply wriggled about the floor helplessly now.

Hearing the sound of sudden footsteps he began to panic and attempted to find a hiding spot. He could still taste some of his bile in the back of his throat and it was taking so much for him to control his stomach. What had Hojo done to him? How long had he been asleep? He couldn’t feel where he had been shot, was that all a dream?

“Ah, the patient is beginning to move around,” an all too familiar voice came from the doorway. Vincent turned his head sharply, hearing a crack in his neck. Hojo was shutting the door behind him tightly.

“Hojo,” Vincent growled. Truly growled. A hand went to his throat and he looked up into the professor’s eyes pleadingly, not truly wanting to believe what had issued from his vocal cords.

Hojo chuckled and stepped over to Vincent, easily picking him up under the arm and dragging him to the exam table. “I suppose I’ll have to do better than leather restraints this time. Though I wasn’t expecting you to wake up so soon. I was thinking more in the next hundred years or so.”

Vincent couldn’t believe that he was being easily thrown about by this unassuming little man. He had trained as a Turk after all, it should be nothing from him to throw Hojo to the ground and bolt out of the room. Vincent swallowed and when he finally decided to cast a look down at his body he was horrified to see it had become worse than some tattered rag doll.

Jagged scars ran throughout his emaciated corpse of a body. Stitches ran between his stomach and waist, separating his body in two almost. He could see where a few had torn due to his attempt to break free of his bonds. His nails were long and yellow; puss and dirt clung to the insides. Where once was lean muscle, now was simply flesh and bone.

“Oh don’t look so down Vincent,” Hojo said with a twisted whisper, “I’ll rebuild you good as new. I just wanted to take a good look at what I was working with. Everyone loves to play with toys.” He snickered and shoved Vincent harshly back upon the table, taking out a set of iron cuffs. “Since you misbehaved and didn’t appreciate the comforts I wished to bestow upon you, I’ll have to teach you a lesson.”

Vincent lay there impassively. There was nothing he could do and the worry and shame of it made him break into a cold sweat. How long would Hojo work on him? What if he woke up again and he was worse? He shut his eyes tightly and prayed for sleep. He had never been much for religion, perhaps because of his fathers “religious” attitude toward his work, but at this moment he prayed with all of his heart. If his heart were even left.

“Getting a little shut eye so soon? You just woke up though. Let’s have a little chat, you and I.” Hojo fastened the remaining restraints and pulled a near by stool close to the table. Sitting down upon it he crossed his legs and looked over Vincent with a shake of his head. “What am I going to do with you?”

“K-kill me,” Vincent gurgled.

“Ahaha, no not quite what I had in mind. You see Vincent; you attempted to come between me and my work. Now, that just won’t do. No one comes between me and what is most important to me, my work. I suppose you could almost say you’ll be a test run for what sort of little horrors I’m planning to unleash upon the unsuspecting Professor Gast.” Hojo smirked and tilted his head to the side.

Vincent’s eyes went wide and he struggled at the cuffs, though the edges of them cut into his skin harshly and he soon stopped, not even wanting to deal with the added pains that were now creeping over him. He looked up at the ceiling and as his mouth opened Hojo raised a hand to silence him.

“Please, Gast won’t be your cellmate for quite sometime. I’ve thrown enough obstacles in his way for now to turn this project in my direction. He won’t see them, nor do I ever plan for him to. Now, you may be wondering, why am I not concerned about Lucrecia?”

Another animalistic growl issued from Vincent’s throat.

“Yes, yes, I thought you would react that way. You see I never really was jealous of you. You can love her all you wish. It makes no difference to me and never will. My intimacies with her were simply scientific. Thankfully now, she is really not even there in that pretty little head of hers. Oh, she can function well enough, but her mind has been shattered by the treatments to hold back the total invasion of the Jenova cells. You’ll be pleased to know she asked about you today.” Hojo waved his hand about indifferently. “I suppose you could have some romantic notion that she knows that you are alive in here. I seriously doubt it though.”

A deep sorrow filled Vincent’s mind. He had failed Lucrecia, the only person worth saving in this awful place. He desired death even more at the thought of what she was enduring. He didn’t even care that Hojo was the father of the child that lay within her womb, he would have taken care of it as if it were his own. Sure things would have been tough for them, but he would have made her life as comfortable as possible.

No, that all was a foolish daydream now. He had let his naiveté of a lovesick boy destroy everything. Even trying to conjure up the image of he and Lucrecia sitting beneath the shady oak was of no help. It did nothing to soothe the pain in his body or mind at this point. It was simply a futile effort. He wanted to be put back to sleep or to simply die, he had failed the one person he had come to love in this world and that should have been enough to put him in a grave. He turned his head away from Hojo, not wanting the professor to see wave of emotions that were passing over his face.

“I suppose this means you don’t want to talk anymore. That’s fine. I’ve never been one for long talks myself. I just thought I would let you know the reasons why I am going to make your life a true horror story. And I wanted you to know that it was I that did this to you. I want you to always know that, Vincent.” Hojo continued to stare at the mangled man for a moment longer then turned and went over to a nearby table, beginning to prepare a set of injections.

Vincent could feel the strain in his body due to the flood of hateful emotions. As a Turk he had been trained to never let your feelings cloud your judgment, it would always mean failure for a mission. That was never as true as it was now. He had let his love for Lucrecia destroy the both of them and now his feelings of hopelessness and anger were keeping him from focusing on a way to escape this madness. His eyes flickered over to Hojo as he approached with a small tray.

Setting the tray on the stool Hojo gestured towards three syringes that lay upon it. “Now Vincent, let me tell you what we are going to do, you see I have three injections here. The first two are a little sample of a project I’ve been working on; the last is a little something to send you back into that little coma you so desperately want to return to. I could show you some kindness and put you to sleep first, but I’ve had a bad day and unfortunately for you my kindness has already been worn thin.”

Hojo picked up the first syringe, the liquid within it was a bright rusty color and Vincent swore he could see things floating around in it. Though he was cuffed to the exam table now, Vincent desperately tried to shift away from the professor. Hojo simply chuckled and grabbed Vincent’s arm. “Don’t struggle, hasn’t anyone ever told you that only makes it worse,” he muttered jabbing the needle into a vein.

At first Vincent felt nothing but the sharp stick of the needle, but quickly a raging fire could be felt within his veins and he cried out. His cries were more like a howl though and he thrashed about wildly in his restraints. The pain was unbearable and he could not understand how he did not just collapse right there. He could feel hot tears at the corners of his eyes and they slowly trickled down the side of his face, they felt like corrosive acid.

Hojo turned and grabbed a clipboard from the table and began to jot down some notes. He reached over to wipe one of Vincent’s tears and rubbed it between his fingers with a curious look. Vincent glanced over and through a film of tears he could see that they had taken on the same rusty color of the injection.  

“You see Vincent this is what I love about science, one can never truly expect the outcome of an experiment until you test it to its full potential.”

Vincent felt as though his head was filled with cotton at the moment. Hojo’s voice was slightly muffled, and while this may have been a blessing, the overwhelming fear that he was about to become blind and deaf took away any comfort he could gain from it.

Hojo set down the clipboard and readied the second injection. Vincent struggled once again and looked up at Hojo with such sadness. He didn’t even care if Hojo saw him in this weakened state. This was no time for stoic silence. His instincts cried out to be free and be given the chance to live, even if it wouldn’t be for long. Just so he could die in peace.

“P-please don’t,” Vincent croaked pitifully.

“I’m afraid I have to, you don’t want the experiment to end now, do you? I certainly wouldn’t want you to stay like this, believe it or not,” Hojo shushed him and stuck him once more in the arm. Vincent moaned and twisted away, the needle ripping away from his arm.

While the searing pain still persisted, a new more terrible sensation. It was as if his whole body was trying to stretch beyond its frame. Hojo didn’t even bother grabbing the clipboard this time and stared at Vincent in total fascination. Vincent suddenly heard a sickening crack of his bones and then his muscles within his face twitched violently. If the pain from the first injection wasn’t enough, this new level of agony topped it quite easily. Vincent’s mouth stretched open and from it issued a howl not unlike that of a wolf. The sound of it left him dumbstruck.

“Well, I would call this a partial success. Unfortunately, due to your writhing about only half of the serum was administered. Though the results do give me much hope for what I have planned in the future. I’m sure you’ll agree with me.” Hojo looked about his lab for a moment, then spying an old piece of glass on a nearby table he went over and picked it up, wiping it clean on the sleeve of his lab coat.

Vincent did not want to look, but even knowing that he would not be happy with what he saw looking back at him a part of him desired to know how deep this nightmare would go. As Hojo lifted the mirror to Vincent’s eye level a terrible cry issued from his throat once more.

What once was man, was now a beast. Vincent’s face had contorted into that of a wolf or something quite similar. He could see his teeth had become long and sharp, tiny trails of blood mingled with foam along his teeth giving him a rabid appearance. His eyes have even taken on that of an animal’s, the pupils now a sliver from dilation. Fur had sprouted along his face, the rusty red of the first injection he had seen. He wanted to look away, but couldn’t. He wanted to believe that it was some trick with a mirror, that the entire thing was a joke. How could someone turn a man into a monster? This could not be real!

Hojo put down the mirror, seeing Vincent go into an almost silent and catatonic state of shock. “I suppose now that we’ve had some fun you can go back to sleep now. Next time you’ll think about waking up and trying to escape me.” Hojo prepared the final syringe taking a deep breath. “This could have all been avoided Vincent, always remember that. You could have saved yourself and Lucrecia a lot of pain and suffering had you just kept your nose out of my business.” Hojo stabbed the injection deep into Vincent’s arm.

Lifting off the table slightly, Vincent strained once again violently, then slowly his eyes rolled back into his head and he slumped back against the table, his features slowly returning to normal. Or rather as normal as they could be at this point.

“Hojo,” a raspy female voice came from the doorway.  

Hojo spun away from Vincent to see Lucrecia slumped against the doorframe. He was surprised to see her up and that there had not been altered by the monitors she was hooked up to. Though amazingly enough she stood there, her hair hanging down in lanky chunks, her gown clinging to her thin shoulders and the gentle swell of her belly. Hojo looked over her shoulder to see that she had indeed unhooked herself and shut off the monitors that were supposed to be taking note of her every move.

“I suppose you still do have some sense in you,” Hojo let out a breath and stepped closer to her.

Her eyes were fixated on Vincent’s body. Her gaze had a wild look to them and she stepped closer to the table, placing a hand on his leg. She turned back to face Hojo and she had the look of a child who had suddenly seen a pretty doll in the window they desperately want.

“Give him to me Hojo,” she pleaded.

Hojo stared at her for a moment, a little shocked at her request, but at the same time a sick fascination grew within him at the moment. What could Lucrecia want with this shell of a man now? And if she was still capable of performing scientific experimentation on him, what would the results hold?

He stepped close to her and gently lifted her chin, a thin finger lightly brushing along her jaw line. “Oh, you shall have him Lucrecia. Think of it as the one gift I will give you as your husband,” he whispered softly to her.

Lucrecia said nothing but smiled brightly up at him. She would now be able to continue her beloved Professor Grimoire’s work.
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Comments: 3

gabrielsangel [2009-06-12 05:12:43 +0000 UTC]

My God... The way you write Hojo is INCREDIBLE! So creepy and eerie! It's perfect! Please write more of him!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

secondhandwatch In reply to gabrielsangel [2009-06-14 03:39:46 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much for the comment and fav! Hojo will definitely be showing up in the next chapter.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

gabrielsangel In reply to secondhandwatch [2009-06-19 03:19:28 +0000 UTC]

YAY! I really the way you write him!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0