secondhandwatch — Spiralling- Chapter 3
Published: 2010-06-14 03:03:01 +0000 UTC; Views: 523; Favourites: 0; Downloads: 7
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Description Spiralling (Chapter 3)

Tidus bounded down the plank-way, taking in the sea air, bright sunlight and the cheering crowds. "This is more like it," he muttered, looking back to see Seymour still shuffling his way down to the dock. It wasn't Seymour's fault for the delay of them moving to the arena. Tidus was seeing for the first time how Seymour's presence seemed to excite the crowd. Seymour had discussed his position as a Maester of Yevon very briefly, but Tidus had assumed it was just a simple government position. Seymour seemed as popular as a Blitzball star.

It wasn't long till Tromell made his way among the crowds, shooing the bulk of them away from Seymour. Most of them bowed and moved away, looking over their shoulders in awe of coming face to face with the maester. Despite the outpouring of affection, Tidus saw a few people huddled together, whispering darkly as they spied the half-guado. Seymour seemed oblivious to any stares that seemed less than positive. Tidus figured that the man had grown past worrying what others thought of him, good or bad.

Bouncing a blitzball from knee to knee, Tidus moved away from the ship they had arrived on and made his way towards the coliseum. The guado team, The Guado Glories, already had enough players for the tournament. They hadn't given Tidus the warmest of receptions anyways. Seymour assured Tidus that there would be other teams that would most likely have an open spot. Traveling to the tournament would be difficult and most teams wound up losing one or two members due to fiends on the roads. A loud argument caused Tidus to pause and turn to see two teams confronting each other near the docks.

"Well, if it isn't the tournament's official losing team, the Besaid Aurochs," a red haired man yelled out, causing his teammates to snicker. They were dressed in dark purple blitz gear and seemed to be a little more professional looking than the Aurochs who wore amateur yellow swim trousers. The Auroch team seemed to be looking around for a place to hide. All accept one who appeared to be their leader, a rather athletic looking man with a crest of red hair that anyone could pick out in a sea of people.

"Ya, well maybe this year you'll eat those words Bickson! The Aurochs have been working hard this season."

"Probably more like 'hardly working'. C'mon Wakka, how about coming over to a winning team for once? You're too good for the Aurochs," Bickson folded his arms with a sly smirk.

Tidus watched the man called Wakka shake his head and point towards his teammates. "These are the only guys I'll play for," he shouted, but soon lowered his head, "'sides, I'm retiring after this year."

"Good to see you know when to back out, Wakka." Bickson continued to smirk wickedly.

Tidus had been in these kinds of fights before between teams, he felt sympathy for the Aurochs though. Even if they were the losing team at least they were still fighting the good fight. He started to move on, but another shout from Bickson caused him to pause once again.

"I see you guys are down one man anyways. If you can't find an extra team member by the afternoon you'll have to be disqualified. I think we've got this year's win in the bag again boys! Who is going to want to play for the Aurochs?"

"I am!" Tidus stepped forward. He dropped the blitzball he was holding and let it land on the top of his boot, then gracefully bounce to his knee before he jumped skyward and the ball soar over the heads of the two teams before it came reeling back to him and he caught it effortlessly before landing back upon the ground.

Everyone stood, mouth open and in shock for a brief moment before Bickson shook his head and stepped forward, trying to look unimpressed. "And who are you supposed to be?"

"I'm Tidus. I used to play for the Zanarkand Abes," Tidus replied coolly, flashing a confidant smile. The sharp gasps and looks of terror quickly reminded him of Seymour's words of warning. The sound of heavy footsteps caused him to turn and see the half-guado's look of annoyance.

"Tidus, do you listen to anything that goes through that pretty head of yours?" Seymour muttered as he stepped beside him. Seymour reached over and patted Tidus hard on the shoulder. "Forgive my companion, he has been Sin-touched and has no memory of who he really is."

"Maester Seymour," the man named Wakka stuttered as he stumbled forward and bowed to the guado, "we're so glad you were able to arrive safely." Everyone began to follow Wakka's lead and bow towards both Tidus and Seymour.

"Thank you, please, I ask that you dispense with the formalities. I am here as a spectator like everyone else. Treat me no differently." Seymour waved his hand in indifference. Turning to Tidus he then gestured towards the Aurochs. "Is this the team you'll be playing for?"

Tidus nodded and smiled. "Yeah, they say they need an extra."

"Good. I'm off to welcome Lady Yuna's party." Seymour turned and stepped towards Wakka. "I trust you will take care of my guardian in my absence. He is unfamiliar with much of Spira since his accident."

Wakka stood in awe of Seymour for a moment before snapping out of his reverie and nodding quickly. "Yes Maester Seymour! Of course, Maester Seymour!"

Seymour did his best to give an effortless smile, Wakka's attentions making him feel rather uncomfortable. "Tidus, I'll be at dock C when you are finished."

Tidus gave a thumbs-up and walked over to Wakka, slapping him on the shoulder. "Introduce me to the team man!"


Seymour made his way to dock C slowly. He rarely was so nervous in meeting others like this. They had only met once, very briefly during their childhood, before their parents went to face their pilgrimage to Zanarkand. Seymour only remembers a shy little girl hiding between her father's robes. He wonders what kind of woman she has turned into.

As he turns the corner he is struck by the strangeness of the Al Bhed ships. They are constructed out of metal and look rather menacing compared to the wooden ships he is familiar with. Groups of male Al Bhed are moving blitz gear and other trunks from the ships. The Luca division of Yevon guardian monks are watching each package with extreme care. Seymour isn't surprised, despite the "feel good" atmosphere these games are supposed to promote the Al Bhed are still seen as heathen outsiders who deserve to be kept in their desert oasis, far away from the eyes of Yevon.

A flash of skirts catch Seymour's eyes and he looks up to see two females moving through the crowd. A young blond girl in green shorts and a bright orange blouse bounces around a brunette who Seymour knows without a doubt must be Yuna. She smiles and talks with her female companion and Seymour feels his breath catch in his throat. She is lovelier than he imagined. She wears a dark blue patterned skirt that flows to her knees, touching the tips of her knee-high boots, her blouse a dazzling white with embroidered flowers. A few live desert blooms rest inside the fabric beside the fake ones. Seymour can smell their strange, alluring scent from where he stands and he swallows hard.

The girls stop feet from him and the blonde one looks up at him suspiciously, linking arms with Yuna protectively. Yuna pats the girl's arm and looks up at Seymour with a welcoming smile. "Maester Seymour," her gentle voice speaks up over the noise of the crowd, "I am glad to see you have arrived."

Seymour is speechless for a moment, looking into Yuna's miss-matched eyes. He never noticed them when she was younger. One a bright grass green, the other as deep a blue as the sea before them. He supposed it was something that occurred between Al Bhed and human race mating. It was strangely beautiful.

A sudden sea breeze that brushes Yuna's hair into her face wakes Seymour of his dream and he comes to his senses, bowing before her. "Lady Yuna, forgive my silence. I suppose I expected to find the little girl I met once long before. I am also glad you were able to make it to Luca safely. I trust you had no troubles?"

Yuna shakes her head. "Everything is well. Rikku and I were about to come and search for you actually." She smiles again, though Seymour can sense her nervousness about the situation as well. He begins to regret sending the com-sphere. She is not a little girl, but the energy of her youth is still a glow around her.

"I'm glad I could save you the trouble," Seymour smiles.

"Alright! Seymour! Looks like I'm gonna be getting us a blitzball trophy!" A familiar voice shouts and Seymour stumbles over quickly as Tidus runs into him, slapping him on the shoulder. "Whoa… who are you?"

Seymour curses under his breath and gets back to his feet, nudging Tidus back. He turns to see his younger companion is already rudely gaping at Yuna and her companion. He clears his throat and nudges Tidus again, getting the boy to close his mouth. "This is Lady Yuna and her companion. They'll be joining us after the tournament." Seymour looks to Yuna who is staring at Tidus with a strange look in her features, he sees the blonde girl also noticing the strange look that seems to be passing between Tidus and Yuna. "At least, I hope you are still in consideration of joining my pilgrimage," Seymour speaks up, breaking the palpable tension.

Yuna blushes and looks to Seymour. "Oh! Yes Maester Seymour, I wanted to talk about that with you. Is this your guardian?" She looks to Tidus once again.

"I'm Tidus!" The boy reaches out and shakes Yuna's hand. She blinks and in return just bows, giggling and looking over at Rikku.

"I'm Rikku!" The blonde speaks up with just as much enthusiasm and shakes hands with Tidus. "You're going to play in the tournament! You must be pretty good!"

"Star of the Zanarkand Abes!" Tidus once again announces without thinking.

Seymour hangs his head and elbows Tidus roughly in the ribs. He wonders how many times the boy will bring this up. "He was on a pilgrimage to Guadosalam and was attacked by Sin spawn. It seems to have destroyed his mind in some way," Seymour growls at Tidus at the last part.

The girls look pitifully at Tidus and shake their heads. "I'm so sorry," Yuna speaks up, the sadness in her voice evident. Seymour wonders if she is thinking of her father and mother.

Seymour bows once more. "Now that I know you have arrived safely Lady Yuna, I will take my leave. I will meet you in the private box I have arranged later this afternoon. I'm sure you will enjoy the shade and we can talk over our future plans."
"Of course," Yuna returns the bow and she and Rikku nod to Tidus before walking off, arm in arm.

"Try to be on your best behavior Tidus, I really am not asking for a lot," Seymour turns on Tidus and grabs him by the arm, dragging him back to their ship.

"Sorry! I forgot! So, she's coming with us after the tournament?"

"We'll see."


Auron knelt beside the entrance to the Mi'hen Highroad. It had been a long, dusty journey. He had never expected to be separated from Tidus this long. While he was sure the boy could fend for himself, he was more worried about what kind of company the boy would fall into. The Al Bheds could take him for a Yevon spy of some sort, the Ronso would throw him from Mt. Gagazet, and the guado may think he was some sort of being from the Farplane. Tidus had a wicked streak of luck though, so Auron had to count on that, if anything.

Taking a sip from his wine jug he looked out over the sea and what little of Luca he could glimpse. Practically all of Spira would be here and it would be the best chance to see if Tidus had made it to Spira in one piece. If Tidus gravitated towards anything, like his old man, it was blitzball.

Auron dusted off his breeches and stood back up, making his way down the steps to the back entrance of Luca. He tried to ignore the cheerful faces of passers-by, wanting to hold down any hope for this land. Tidus had a long way to go before becoming the hero he was meant to be and a lot of people would end up suffering in the long run.

A seagull's cry caught Auron's attention and he turned back to the horizon. Tilting his shades down he peered out with his good eye and sudden found himself frozen in place. A dark mass loomed far off in the distance. To anyone other than him it might have seemed like evening rain was in store, but Auron knew the truth of it.

"No Jecht, not here," he whispered, cursing his luck.
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