secondhandwatch — Spiralling- Chapter 2
Published: 2010-05-27 04:15:04 +0000 UTC; Views: 416; Favourites: 0; Downloads: 3
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Description Spiralling- Chapter 2

Tidus hadn't realized how hungry he really was until Tromell had brought in the tray of food. While Seymour rummaged through a desk in his study, Tidus didn't hesitate to gobble down the exotic meal. As he chewed he glanced up at the rows and rows of books that lined the wall. "Have you read all of these?" he asked, watching Seymour finally procure a small, disc-like object from a drawer.

Seymour looked up at the books and shook his head. "Not all of them," he glanced back at Tidus and grimaced, "you have something on your face."

Tidus wiped his mouth roughly with the cloth napkin Tromell provided with the meal. He watched Seymour shake his head and hold up the glass disk. "Is that your proof?"

"Yes, somewhat. If anything it may snap you out of whatever is wrong with you if you are indeed lying." Seymour walked over to a small metal box and placed the disk carefully upon it.

The lights began to dim in the room and Tidus stood up and looked around. The walls and ceiling disappeared as the concrete and steel of a city formed about him. "What the-?" Tidus gasped and stumbled back watching the Zanarkand sky line appear out of nowhere.

"Is this your Zanarkand?" Seymour stepped beside Tidus and gave him a curious glance.

Tidus said nothing. He watched as people moved along the street as all were normal. They were oblivious to his presence. He reached out to touch a girl passing by and watched his hand melt through the hologram.

"They're not real," the guado's voice cut over the noise of the crowd.

Tidus continued to ignore Seymour and moved away from him, following the main flow of the crowd. His eyes searched the buildings, all of them familiar and in their place as he remembered them. He turned to say something to Seymour, but a sudden scream caught his attention and he turned to see the familiar monster from before rising from the sea. His eyes grew wide with terror and he watched helplessly as balls of energy erupted from the creature and caused the buildings around to shatter and fall onto the helpless masses of people. It was not much longer until the video turned into static and nothingness, bringing the guado's study back into focus.

Seymour watched the young man carefully. Tidus stood, trembling slightly before finally falling to his knees and letting out an anguished cry.

"Damn it! What happened? Why am I here?" Tidus said to no one. His mind was reeling. What had happened to Auron? What if he couldn't find Auron and he was trapped in this place forever? He wanted to tear his hair out. The man before him had no reason to lie to him and certainly he couldn't have faked what occurred in the projected video.

"You really are from Zanarkand."

Tidus glanced up, glaring at Seymour. "That's what I've been saying the whole time."

Seymour returned the glare with an icy stare of his own. "Forgive me for doubting you. It's not everyday that people fall from the sky, claiming they've come from a place that doesn't exist anymore. You could have been an Al Bhed rebel for all I knew."

"Al Bhed? I'm not even going to ask what that is. I think I've had enough weird for the day, thanks." Tidus slowly stood and stumbled against the wall, rubbing his head and face in frustration.

Seymour crossed the room and removed the disk from the projector. He looked down at it then back to Tidus. "Perhaps it is fate that you are here. I am about to start my pilgrimage to Zanarkand."

"I just thought you said it didn't exist."

"It does. Not anywhere near its former glory, but it is still there. I must go there to defeat Sin, the creature that destroyed Zanarkand and still ravages this world today."  

Tidus leapt from the wall and gawked at Seymour. "That thing is still alive?"

"Yes. It has returned, as it has before. I am a summoner. It is my task to defeat Sin in order to bring about the Eternal Calm. No summoner has been able to do so thus far." Seymour paused for a moment. He was unsure how to comfort the boy, he could not change the past. There was one way the boy could be of use him though. He cleared his throat and held out his hand. "So, who are you?"


"Tidus, if you want to avenge your city then I ask you to be my guardian. Join me on my pilgrimage to Zanarkand and I promise you, we will bring the Eternal Calm."

Tidus stared at the man's hand, then reached out and shook it. "Alright Seymour, I'll join you. I can't bring back the people of Zanarkand, but I can at least stop this thing once and for all."

Seymour smiled and let go of the boy's hand. "Then we'll be leaving in a few days on our journey. First, we have to make a stop in Luca for the annual Blitzball tournament. It is one of the few things the people in this world can still enjoy. Have you heard of Blitzball?"

Tidus cracked a grin from ear to ear. "Now you're talking my language Seymour!"


Yuna watched Luca come into view through the porthole window in her room. She had told Cid to keep the ship off a distance from the docks. There were enough arriving ships from other parts of the world these days that they would just be viewed as another, innocent looking vessel.

She sighed, watching the lights of the port city glow with the onset of night. The distant voices of dock workers could be heard every now and then on the wind. Yuna imagined them pulling cargo from the ships with aching backs, anxiously waiting to get off work and get a drink. She envied the simplicity of such a life.

With a dry smile she moved away from the window and went to her bed, lying down with an exaggerated flop. Her eyes watched the last rippling shadows of the sun on the water wash across her ceiling. The sight caused her to hold her breath, feeling like she was sinking down into the sea. After a few moments she let out a gasp and took in a rush of fresh air.

Another burst of distant voices from the docks brought her back from her inner thoughts. It would only be a few days from now when the Blitzball tournament began. One of the few times of so-called "peace" Spira could truly enjoy. She wasn't going for the games this time though, there was something much bigger on her plate.

A twinkling in the corner of her eye caused her to reach over and grab the com-sphere that lay beside the bed. She had received it three months ago and even though she had watched it dozens of times, she could not help but once again run her fingers over the smooth disk.

After a moment a small hologram appeared before her. She had known who it was the instant his image had appeared in the sphere, Seymour Guado. They had met briefly during her mother and father's pilgrimage to defeat Sin. His father and mother had joined Yuna's parents on the pilgrimage shortly after they had met. It hadn't been long after that that her father returned her to her mother's people. Fighting Sin was no place for a girl of four.

Yuna shook her head, putting the memories of the past behind her for now, once again focusing on the hologram. Seymour made a formal bow to her and cleared his throat.

I know this message must come as a surprise to you, Lady Yuna. I know it has been many years since we last saw each other as children. I hope this sphere makes it to your hands because the nature of it is rather sensitive. With the signs of the rise of Sin once again on Spira's shores we now know that our parents were not able to bring forth the Eternal Calm. It is not their fault. They gave us years of peace if anything and we can never thank them enough for that.

Moving past this though, the reason I send you this message is in relation to what our parents attempted to bring forth in the past. They were far beyond their time: a human and guado, a summoner of Yevon and an Al Bhed. They knew love had no boundaries. Perhaps they had a point to make; the people of Spira must begin to think in the same way they did. To cut to the chase: Yevon and Al Bhed must work together to defeat Sin. I reach out to you Lady Yuna, not as a Maester of Yevon, but as an old companion that has been through the same pains as you.

I will be in Luca for the Blitzball tournament. Please meet me there and give me your answer.

A knock on the cabin door caused Yuna to jump slightly. "Yes?"

"It's me Yunie," Rikku's soft voice piped up.

"Come in Rikku." Yuna sat up and placed the sphere on the bed beside her. As Rikku entered, Yuna noticed the girl's soaked blond hair. Rikku also seemed flushed and her eyes tired. "I assume you and Brother finished up our preparations?"

Rikku nodded and looked at the sphere. "Were you watching it again?"

Yuna smiled and ran her fingers over the small hologram of Seymour that was frozen. "I suppose I can't help but feel a little grateful towards him."

"Are you going to do what he asked?"

"Well, yes, but I wont participate in quite the way he is expecting," Yuna lowered her gaze to the floor, "it is the only way we can get to Bevelle."

Rikku grinned. "Then the fireworks right?"

"They'll be the prettiest anyone has ever seen." Yuna looked up and grinned maliciously.


Seymour pushed himself up off the boat railing. After a fortnight of being on the sea he wasn't sure how much more he could take. Even with the lights of Luca appearing in the distance it seemed like another lifetime away. A sharp laugh from Tidus caused Seymour to turn around.

"Still sick?"

"We guado are not used to the instability of the sea," Seymour's face looked white as a sheet and he leaned back against the rail.

Tidus gave him a sympathetic glance. "Well, we'll be there by morning. I've been practicing. Wanna' see the famous Jecht shot?"

"Er, I'll respectfully decline for now. I'm sure I'll get to see you in action during the tournament."

"Do you think they'll let me play?" Tidus leaned next to Seymour on the railing and stared up at the stars.

"Oh, I'm sure you'll find a team. Just remember what we discussed. No Zanarkand talk." Seymour gave Tidus a stern look.

Tidus raised his hands innocently. "You only drilled it into me a hundred times. I'm just supposed to be a lost pilgrim that got a little Sin-addled."

"I'd give you a treat, but I can't stand the sight of food at the moment. Ugh, just mentioning it," Seymour moved away and towards the cabins.

"Hey, Seymour!"


"Thanks again, for letting me join you."

Seymour gave a wry smile. "Let us see how much you'll thank me when you see how long this trip will really last. We have barely begun to face danger. Just wait; you'll be wringing my neck by the next moon."

Tidus chuckled and watched Seymour stumble back to his cabin. He gazed back at Luca and took in the city lights on the horizon. It was no Zanarkand, but it was comforting to see that there was still civilization here. Tidus didn't expect defeating Sin to be a cake-walk, the thought of it still got his stomach in knots. He hoped he would find Auron in this world, there were so many questions. His thought's flashed back to Auron's mention of Jecht and Tidus gripped the pommel of his sword. Is where his father had disappeared to? Perhaps he would find the both of them here.

An ocean breeze brushed back his hair and he shook his head. He would leave the heavy stuff for later. Right now he needed to focus on the game ahead.
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Comments: 2

CyanideSmiles [2010-05-29 05:29:36 +0000 UTC]

Well, okay, you said you welcomed any comments/con-crit, and you seem very intelligent, (don't get much of that around here >.> lolol sorry), so I'm just going to be honest, both about myself and the story...

"'yourself' you say? how is that relevant to concrit?" xD well, i... admit that i may be biased here, because I love the original game so much, and Yuna/Tidus is my OTP, so the story makes me a little.... uncomfortable, maybe?

so this criticism may be without much warrant. I acknowledge that, and it is worth noting. xD

BUT I still strongly feel that the general idea of Yuna being evil is just... OOC in itself. But I guess since you haven't had the time to justify it yet, I should just wait it out and see before I write it off as totally OOC.

Tidus and Auron and Seymour are all well-done, and Rikku's good (although she is missing her trademark quirkiness, I believe), but Yuna, even without the evil-ness seems off to me... somehow. Too casual, maybe? I'm not sure, but her voice doesn't seem to me like it would be coming from her, you know? And... "Yuna smiling maliciously?" xD That's scary because I can't even imagine it

....I hope this doesnt come off too harsh, because no matter how I feel about the plot, I am definitely without a doubt very intrigued by this story and I think you are an excellent writer, so I want to see where you're going with this, but... as it is... I'm very skeptical. >_< lolol.

As I said though, that's most likely just due to my own preferences, no fault of your own xD;;

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

secondhandwatch In reply to CyanideSmiles [2010-05-29 22:23:49 +0000 UTC]

First off, let me say I really appreciate your comments! I'm certainly not going to take your critiques as an insult. I want people to feel free to point out what feels "weak" in the storyline or what they feel doesn't seem to add up. This is totally fine and doesn't bother me in the least.

Okay so! First you mentioned your Tidus/Yuna love, this I totally understand. (I'm more of a Yuna/Seymour fan, but I was a Tidus/Yuna fan before the other.) I'm wanting to edge this into a Tidus/Yuna/Seymour scenario since I really enjoyed that drama in the game. It's okay to be uncomfortable with the Yuna/Seymour angle I'm going for, but if it helps, know that their outcome in the game will be repeating itself. Also I'm not throwing the Tidus/Yuna of the original games out the window.

Evil!Yuna, yeah I look back and go "maybe I should have introduced her with her more canon personality". So, yeah, she does not seem herself at all in these chapters, but much like how Seymour on the outside was all "friendly" and "helpful" but dark on the inside in the original games, thats kind of what I'm going for here. But I will set up justifications for her being an antagonist. (I really shouldn't say "evil" because we all know the real evil is Yu Yevon.) But I am really glad that you've pointed out how I've written her and it is very hard to write a evil!Yuna! I agree with you, but I'm trying. I guess I should just clarify that she is trying to fix things her way much like Seymour attempted in the original game.

Whew. Once again, thank you for the comment! Please don't worry about pointing out things that don't seem right or that are hurting the flow of the story. I want to know so you will enjoy reading it!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0