A commission from elenaferroli
Crewman Ryetee Morva b 2238
Department: Science (Microbiology/Chemistry)
Homeworld: Zaynee
Species: Zayneean
Transfers to Saratoga: 2263
Morva is Science personnel onboard the USS Saratoga, which James T. Kirk commands in my AU New Start verse.…
Morva entered the Starfleet Enlisted Training Program in 2258 at the age of 20.
Upon graduation in 59 she served at the Nockuvo Outpost for four years.
In 2263 she was assigned to the Saratoga
Morva is a microbiologist with a focus on Mycology (study of fungi)
She is also a skilled chemist.
She loves her work with a passion and can wax poetic about fungi and its value as fuel, food or medicine.
She is often in the galley as she delights in brewing various ciders and wine.
She’s free spirited, has a sly sense of humor and is a shameless flirt!
She loves to dance!
She's a protege of Lieutenant Commander Alkira Fesi
She's friends with Ensign Mil Abytrys Feim
And her roommate Crewman Sofia Aspiote
She's also friends with Crewman T'rill