selene-soulwar — Sasodei - Bloodied Locust [NSFW]
Published: 2008-04-12 08:11:52 +0000 UTC; Views: 9396; Favourites: 196; Downloads: 107
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Description Part 1 - Dizzy

Warning: Contains yaoi/shonen ai (relationship between men), slight sadism/masochism, some blood.

Obsession was a dangerous thing.
It sucked you down into a world where love and desire knew no bounds. Where rules were blurred by the desperately screamed words, logic was lost in the haze of pain and pleasure, where your mind became one-tracked with your obsession, the thought of pleasing them, breaking them, submitting them to your own will, and have them moan your name in desire or scream them in a begging plea, hands gripping you as if you were the lifeboat, the reason why they walk the dirty, otherwise pointless paths of the Earth.
Because to the obsessed, there is only one thing worth living for.

It wasn’t a path recommended. It’s not a fate many people would wish.
But like all dangerous things, it was oh-so-sweet.
Forbidden. Pleasurable. Maddeningly delicious.
And once you had a taste, you were lost forever.

You’re cynical and beautiful
You always make a scene
You’re monochrome delirious
You’re nothing that you seem

Sasori never intended on becoming obsessed.
His plans involved turning himself invincible, design and revolutionise the mere craftsmanship of puppetry, wipe the rest of the scum human race who he couldn’t look at off the face of the Earth.
Becoming obsessed was definitely NOT on his list of things to do.
But the unknown twists of destiny had bought him crashing down into reality, tangling his fate with the fate of a stranger - one who looked like a fallen angel.
But inside, bore the imagination and the soul of the wickedest devil.
One Deidara of the hidden Rock Village.
At first, he was an unshakable curse to the puppet master, someone who always made them stand out, and who, for the love of all he held holy, would not die and leave him alone.
Many a times he felt like ripping the blonde’s guts out and breaking his neck. He wanted to make him suffer for annoying him so much, make him cry, break him in every possible way.
His frustration startled him, unknown to him why he wanted to hurt his fellow artist so much when he could otherwise usually tolerate his partners. But the desire to slam him against the wall and punch him was overwhelming every day, fists shaking whenever he heard the blonde’s voice. That damn little brat just knew which buttons to push, how to drag out the worst side of him. Deidara managed to poke that hidden, bloodthirsty monster out with every word, every smirk, every blink of his sparkling blue eye.
Because it frustrated him so much how someone so annoying could be so beautiful.
He was lost over how someone so angelic looking could be so sarcastic, and make him laugh secretly.
He couldn’t understand how after knowing his partner for more than three months, he still could surprise the redhead. When he decided the blonde was a wimp, he would show his cruel, ruthless side. When he thought him to be weak, the blonde was steely and tough. When he smirked at Dei at being childish, the sculptor morphed into an insane murderer.
That was another thing he couldn’t understand.
How this innocent, almost fragile looking boy, no older than seventeen, could be such a merciless killer.
However hard he tried to deny it, he found it fascinating.
Worsening the situation was that instead of running away and keeping his distance like any normal human being would have done, the blonde came back every time. Unfazed grin in place and only flipping the redhead the middle finger, accompanied with a toothy palm-grin, the blonde only kept coming back. Like water off a duck’s feathers, he shook off the insults and persistently and stuck by the unwilling redhead’s side.

Resisting was futile.
It was only a matter of time before things turned ugly.

I’m drowning in your vanity
Your laughter’s a disease

Narrowed rose-ash eyes stared down stubbornly at the mahogany surface, his other hand fingering the smooth surface. He stubbornly kept his neck rigid, refusing to look sideways where his partner was.
The blonde terrorist was currently sitting with his back to the redhead, legs crossed. His nimble fingers untying his ponytail and hastily shaking it back, he began the daily ceremony of trying to untangle it from previous missions.
He allowed his lips to curl into a smirk. If there was one thing he could tease and jab at the other and actually get a reaction, it was about his looks and ego.
The redhead shook his head with a defeated sigh when he heard the soft brush of hair against plastic, letting the wood tumble in his lap.
Slowly, he sneaked a sideways glace at his partner’s back, who was cautiously combing the tangles out of his hair, visible eye shut in concentration.
The puppet master scoffed slightly, bringing his body round.
“If you spent half the time you spend untangling that ridiculously long mane of yours on training, I might actually be scared of your fighting skills.” He remarked dryly, watching the muscles in the other’s back tense.
Deidara tried to control his aggravation as he shrugged, moving to the left side of his hair without replying.
The redhead made a soft sound as he stared at the other wordlessly, eyes, for what seemed like the thousandth time in those four moths, drank in his outlines.
The supple muscles under the fair skin, tinted with a few dozen small white scars. The constantly moving butter blonde waterfall of hair, the ends slightly matted with dried blood.
So caught up, the redhead didn’t realize the other’s movements had ceased until he heard a chuckle. Wrenching up his gaze, the ash-red was met with amused cobalt.
“Like what you see, Danna?” he raised an eyebrow, his irises twinkling with hidden humour.
“Don’t be ridiculous.” He muttered in response, immediately looking away, cursing under his breath.
Deidara blinked, chuckling again. He then turned back to his previous task, a soft and almost victorious smile gracing his features.
Once again, silence settled in between them, one of silent triumph and sulking from each member.
The redhead felt his eyes wonder involuntarily before gritting his teeth. He forced himself to look at the wood in his hand, relaxing slightly as the blade of the knife dipped into the soft surface.
If only that blonde could keep his mouth shut.
All he had to do was chuckle, and the subtle joy-filled syllables burrowed their way into the redhead’s mind.
Like a persistent virus, it dug deep.
And however hard he tried to tear its roots out, it stubbornly slipping out of reach. Quietly and slyly, it multiplied in the depths of Sasori’s mind, to all his frustration and guilty pleasure.

You’re dirty and you’re sweet
You know you’re everything I need

For someone who liked being in complete control of his life and surroundings, it really was beyond frustrating not to know why the blonde stole so much of his attention, even when he wasn’t being a pain.
The redhead sighed moodily, absentmindedly chewing on a dango stick, leaning back to rest his lithe body on the concrete steps. Mulling over the sunset, he drank in the blood-red sky silently. His creative spirit has been tainted by artist’s block, and he drank in the inspiration nature bought like a dying sailor upon reaching shore.
“Art, uhn.”
He raised an eyebrow and cocked his head backwards to see a pair of familiar feet behind his shoulder. Masking his surprise, pushed the dango to the side of his mouth. “What?”
The blonde pointed to the kaleidoscope of warm colours, overflowing above them, like an overenthusiastic artist’s palette. A warm smile lit his face as his gaze washed over them, wide and fascinated.
“It’s like that only once a day, Danna, un. And it’s only so majestic for twenty minutes or so. Then it disappears.” He glanced down. “Art, un.”
Sasori stifled a sigh. He really should have expected something like this from the younger male. “…interesting theory…”
Deidara chuckled and plonked himself down next to the redhead, black cloak open and fluttering with the sudden movement. He rested himself on his hands, looking at the puppet master with a playful smile.
“Don’t deny you like the sunset, Danna…even though it’s not permanent…” he chuckled.
He shrugged, automatically trying to put a little distance between the two of them. “I just came out for silence and air. Nothing to do with the temporary status of the sky…”
Deidara made a sceptical little sound before blinking, eyes fixed on the dango hanging out of the redhead’s mouth.
Mentally groaning, the redhead frowned at his sudden uneasiness that usually came with his partner’s presence – when it wasn’t rage or fascination. He tugged on the dango with his tongue, mentally debating whether to remain silent or just tell Deidara to leave him alone.
Turning to the side, his eyes widened when he saw the blonde’s face just a couple of inches from his own. He drew back with a hiss.
“Deidara…” he said in a warning tone, words slightly muffled.
However, the blonde only advanced more, coyly smiling.
Swiftly, he licked the redhead on the chin. When Sasori’s mouth dropped open in shock, Deidara sunk his teeth in the dango and pulled it free from the stick.
Once the dumpling was safe inside his mouth, he pulled back, chewing triumphantly, openly grinning at the gaping puppet master.
Struggling to get his limp tongue working, Sasori had to take several deep breaths before spluttering “The fuck was that?!”
Sucking on the sweet with a slightly smug look, the blonde shrugged nonchalantly. “Your dango seemed tasty.” He winked, standing up, and leaning close to the redhead again. This time, Sasori only narrowed his eyes and clamped his mouth shut, watching the blonde like a hawk.
“But you know what’s even tastier, Danna?” the other questioned with a smirk, swiftly licking the other’s cheek before straightening up, a light blush seeping through his features before the blonde turned his heel and ran back to their hotel.
Leaving behind a dumbstruck and gaping redhead on the stairs.
Snapping his jaws shut, Sasori turned around, shaking his head.
Fucking little…insolent…he thought before sighing. Instinctively, he ran his tongue over the damp spot on his jaw where the blonde previously licked him.
Humming, he smiled to himself.
That damned brat tasted every bit as sweet as part of his twisted personality.

Everything you are
Falls from the sky like a star
Everything you are
Whatever ever you want

Hearing the other’s battle cry, Sasori involuntarily smirked, watching his partner on the back of his clay bird, blonde ponytail lashing about in the fierce air currents.
His pace casual, he walked behind him, not taking his nonchalant mahogany gaze off him.
Even though they have been stuck together almost twenty-four hours a day for the past three months, the redhead was slightly ashamed to admit he barely knew anything about his partner.
Sure, he knew a few habits and superficial details anyone could gather within half an hour of meeting the ex Iwa Nin.
He knew the circumstances following his partner, the cries of horror and blood raining from the sky, smoke, explosions and destruction.
He knew the other was stubborn.
And gorgeous.
With a shake of his head, the redhead decided on decrypting Deidara when they reached their hotel for the night.
Maybe it would make his tasks a little easier.
He smirked.
The more you knew your target, the easier they were to break and manipulate.

I wanna kick at the machine
That made you piss away your dreams

Water rushing down the small cubicle, enveloping the exhausted blonde standing under the spray with refreshing steam.
Pushing his blonde bangs out of the way and peeling his mechanical eye off his skin, Deidara sighed and began to rub the dirt off his body, eyes closed in bliss. For that
Finally turning the tap off with his left hand, he slid out of the shower cabinet and wrapped a towel around him.
He sighed, slightly moody, as images of his predicted evening flashed before him. Silence, perhaps a debate or argument, and then sleep, with his partner’s back turned to him as he tinkered away with fixing up his handicrafts.
Deidara tugged at his long fringe, watching the water droplets slide down his hair onto the damp towel.
For the thousandth time, he cursed at fate, the leader and his choice for partners, himself, his dual sexuality and the redhead for being so damn…intoxicating.
Rubbing his forehead, Deidara bit his lip, absentmindedly licking his palms with the tiny hand mouths. The throbbing, dull pain in his chest was worse than any persistent wound he had received.
Then again, those cuts from Hiruko’s tail come close second, uhn… he added sourly, smirking wryly to himself.
What scared and slightly disgusted himself was that he found himself willing to wind the stoic redhead up, even though he was painfully aware what consequences it will bring, only if it meant perhaps half a second of more attention from the one he had grown to admire.
Look what I’ve been reduced to by this fucking redhead… Deidara sneered to himself, looking up to the ceiling.
Kami-sama…if you’re up there…you have a really fucked sense of humour, uhn.

“Why do you insist on doing that?”
The blonde glanced up from his work, features contorted with concentration. “…uhn?”
Sasori nodded at his clay sculptures and twirled the screwdriver in between his fingers.
“…they are my art and main methods of fighting in battle…” he replied, not wanting to go into further discussion with the stubborn bastard. Not tonight.
“By looking at your skills, you would make quite a decent close-range fighter. You wouldn’t have to waste your time on chewing up and charging clay with chakra. You could also go with more stealth instead of creating the chaos you do when you enter a city…” the puppet master explained quietly.
Deidara’s movements slowed down and eventually ceased as he felt forgotten hatred rose up inside him. He shook himself and stared down his lap, gritting his teeth.
Sasori raised an eyebrow in surprise as he caught a glance of the blonde’s furious eye.
“…why are you so intent on ripping my dreams out, uhn?”
Sasori frowned at the quiet yet malicious tone of the other, so unlike the carefree sculptor. “It was just a practical suggestion, brat…”
“You don’t understand, uhn. They never do…” he muttered angrily, shaking slightly.
Sasori looked up and rested his head on his prosthetic hand, sensing his opportunity.
“Then tell me.”
The blonde snorted, hands moulding the clay once again. “No.”
“Why not?” he inquired, trying to sound patient.
“None of your Goddamn business.”
Sasori stifled a sigh and the rolling of his eyes. “Don’t be such a stiff, you brat.”
Deidara snorted. “That’s rich, coming from the one with the wooden ass…”
The redhead was about to throw a kunai his way when the dango incident from a week ago flashed into his head.
Perhaps there was a better way to both persuade the cocky blonde, and tip the scale over to his end.
Pushing himself up, he quietly walked towards the hunching sculptor, who was still muttering to himself, seething with anger.
Said artist’s head only snapped up when he felt a hand on his bare shoulder. Azure eyes widened in both surprise and shock. Moments later, he was pushed backwards against the headboard of the bed, not too firmly but not gently either.
Kneeling with one leg, Sasori placed his other hand under Deidara’s chin, pushing his gaze up.
“The hell, Danna?” he protested when finally finding his voice.
“How do you expect me to understand when all you do is sulk and shut yourself up?” the redhead questioned, hands gliding over the other’s neck, nails scratching the tanned skin lightly.
“W-what, uhn?” Deidara breathed, shivering at the not-too-gentle touches, biting his lip, taken aback by the sudden advance.
“You are by far the most disturbingly complex person I’ve had the fortune…or misfortune…to come across, Deidara.” The redhead whispered in his ear, steadying his grip on the blonde’s shoulder. “I don’t know what I need to do to understand how you work.” He bit down on the sculptor’s neck, grinning at the sharp hiss that escaped the blonde’s lips. He sucked on his flesh, surprised at how sweet he tasted.
“How much dango do you eat, brat?” he murmured, moving his hand down to the other’s chest, pinning him against the headboard firmly.
A steady blush rising to the sculptor’s face, he pushed at the redhead’s shoulders weakly. “D-danna, the fuck?” he cried out, voice wavering, his will already crumbling.
“What don’t I understand, Deidara?” he murmured in his ear, making him shudder. “Tell me, what is it that makes you so vengeful?” Smooth, prosthetic hands glided across the struggling body, immobilizing it with a single touch. Sasori could feel Deidara shiver under his fingers, heard him swallow.
Manoeuvring, he pressed his lips on the panicking vein on his neck, nipping and licking, manipulating the blonde.
“…they…held me back…” the blonde muttered, almost sulkily, struggles against the other’s hold lessening. His hand slid down to the redhead’s wrist, gripping gently. “…they…took my wings away…”
Sasori paused, moving his wondering tongue upwards to Deidara’s ears. He gently nibbled on the lobe. “ ‘They’?”
The blonde moaned gently, biting his lip. “…the ones in Iwa…un…nobody…approved…of my fighting methods…they all wanted me to stop flying…” he muttered, eyes on the other side of the room. He smirked sourly. “Everyone just wants to tear out my wings and cut my desires in half. And you’re no different, Sasori-Danna…uhn…”
The redhead paused for a minute, blinking at the blonde’s slightly humiliated face. Slight concern filled him as memories of scowling faces from his own childhood filled his head.
A little redhead boy, wrapped in traditional Suna wear, his beaming face slowly crumbling into teary submission as the elders scolded him for his so-called ‘warped’ imagination and his violent ideas for puppets.
He remembered the pain and disappointment when he was forced into the lines of puppet crafters, his ideas and ideals moulded and crushed.
Or rather, attempted to.
His attention snapped back from his blood-drenched memories to reality when he felt Deidara try to push him off once again.
And tear at your defences
Till there's nothing left but me

Mahogany gaze sliding over to the narrowed blue, he smirked and brushed his hand against the blonde’s cheek.
“I’m no different?” he murmured in the other’s ear, moving his hand slowly upwards, fingering the blue fabric of the other’s forehead protector. Slowly, he untied the tight knot, letting it fall on the blonde’s lap, the severed symbol flashing in the sharp yellow room light.
Deidara watched the other, confused, gently shivering under the other’s touches. His slightly frightened eyes bore into the half-lidded brown ones as he hesitantly licked his dry lips.
Picking the hitai-ate up and discarding it to the other side of the room with a careless flick of his wrists, the puppet master brushed the hair that tumbled free back from the younger male’s face.
“You’re wrong, Deidara.” He whispered against his neck, brushing his lips over his jawbone, earning a very soft whimper.
“Danna…please...let me go…” the sculptor managed, voice hoarse. “…I didn’t mean to interrupt you…un…” he struggled again.
“I’m not going to break your dreams in half.” Wooden fingers glided down the other’s back, rubbing gently along his spine, sending sharp, short shocks down the other’s helpless body. “I am not like those in your home village…”
The sculptor could only gape as the redhead’s smile turned slightly vicious. “But you know, Deidara, dear…freedom too comes at a price.” His right hand rested over the other’s stomach, left one closing around a wrist. “And a hefty one too.”
The blonde’s eyes widened further as he drew in a shaky breath. “A-and how could you help me accomplish that?” he breathed, cocking his head to the side, cheeks flushed. “I don’t need nobody’s help, un…”
“Of course you don’t.” he cooed, smirking. “Not Deidara of Iwa, the most cocky and reckless out of all of us. Going after his own head all the time, that pretty, snub little nose high in the air – only to fall painfully every time.”
A low growl escaped the trapped blonde, eyes flashing with his wounded pride. “Shut up, uhn…”
“Truth hurts, Dei-chan?” he asked, voice dripping with mock sympathy. He grasped the other’s wrist tight and bought it close to his face, despite Deidara’s remarkable struggles and soft curses.
“I do not fall ‘every time’, Sasori-Danna!” he spat fiercely.
“Oh, of course not…just the time you wanted to keep working in Iwa, and got defeated by Itachi. Just the time when you wanted to convince Pein of your skills. Just the time when you carelessly took on those ANBU troops and ended up lying unconscious for a week…and just the countless number of times you tried to convince me to see the so-called true way of art…”
“Shut up! Just shut up, uhn!” Deidara snarled, eyes ablaze. He tried to slap the other’s hand away, but all movements were futile.
“You’re so easy to break.”
“Fuck off!” he growled, his throat clenching.
“All one has to do is probe at the right place…” the puppet master bought the other’s clenched hand closer, brushing his lips against his wrists before gently prying his fist open.
A surprised sound escaped the blonde, watching the other, trembling softly. The redhead looked intently at the thin line across his palms, humming softly, eyebrow raised.
A raw heat of embarrassment rose to Deidara’s cheeks, swallowing, hated being scrutinized like this. He tried pulling away but only managed to snap the other out f his musings.

You're angry when you're beautiful
Your love is such a tease

He. It was pretty ironic that the sculptor’s angry face just fuelled his desires even more. Instead of being put off of being intimidated, he was fascinated, as always, by the infinite passion withheld in the other.
Like a living flame, the sculptor knew what power he held. He was always such a tease, let it be his clothing choice, his flippant remarks – or recently, his entire behaviour one could label as flirting. All the redhead had to think was dango, and he couldn’t help but roll his eyes, frustrated yet fascinated.
Now that he had his scorpion tail wrapped around this bird, he might as well be so kind and return the favour.
Sasori smirked before licking along the hand-mouth’s thin lips. Deidara’s eyes snapped wide just to see Sasori press his lips against his second mouth, movements surprisingly soft, but with a sense of demand and control.
The blonde’s eyes widened even further as he fiercely bit his lip to muffle sounds that struggled to escape him.
He whimpered as the other’s mouth continued brushing over this unexplored territory, the special little tools giving birth to his explosions, the ‘mutations’ many people shunned and condemned as the devil’s deed.
The area he didn’t realise was so extremely sensitive when someone else touches it.
Or more specifically – kisses it.
His resolve not to make any noise broke the minute Sasori began to pry the little mouth open with his tongue, fingers tightly gripping the sculptor’s wrist.
Moaning gently, Deidara felt the mouth open, little tongue hungrily mingling with the redhead’s. As the hot, wet muscles slipped over each other, and a surge of pleasure shot down the other’s spine, Deidara bit his lip again, groaning.
Sasori raised an eyebrow, giving the tongue a playfully nibble before breaking away.
“Someone’s sensitive…”
The blonde gave the other a weak glare, only to receive a chuckle and another breathtaking kiss on his second mouth.
The blonde panted, biting his lip as he struggled to pull away, his numb muscles refusing to co-operate.
Sasori blew across his hand, nipping at the skin and stealing kisses, yet only giving the other a fraction of the time and attention, his yes glinting with wicked glee at seeing the blonde squirm and grow frustrated.
“Don’t be…such…a tease, Danna…” Deidara managed to growl, glaring at the other.
“You’re the right one to say that…” Sasori smirked, leaning closer to the blonde, foreheads touching. “Might I recall…that little dango incident…?”
Blushing by a fraction, the blonde smirked back and licked the other on the chin, just like previously.
“…was no incident, Danna…uhn…” he said quietly, eyes soft and needy.

I'm drowning in your dizzy noise
I wanna feel you scream

The puppet master and the sculptor locked gazes for a minute before the older one let go of the other’s hand.
Instead of flopping down, Deidara tentatively bought it up to caress the redhead’s cheek and neck, growing more confident when he didn’t pull away. Trailing gently over the other’s lips, the blonde shuddered when Sasori took one in his mouth, giving it a gentle suck.
Pulling his hand back, Deidara leaned forwards until he felt the other’s breath on his flushed face. Looking up, he broke into a coy smile.
“Can I have a kiss on this mouth too, un?”
The redhead smirked and slipped one hand under the other’s chin, moving the blonde’s head into a different angle. “Only if you make more of those little noises.”
A grin flashed across the blonde’s face, he made a soft groan of agreement as he pushed their lips together, hand burrowing its way in the other’s red locks.
The puppet master grunted, frowning at the other’s sudden advance, hands on the blonde’s shoulders. Teeth nibbling on the blonde’s bottom lip, he pushed the other forcefully on his back.
Breaking the contact to yelp, Deidara panted a little, head rolling to the side as the redhead attacked his neck and collarbone, moaning softly as small pricks of pleasure ran down his spine. He hissed a little when he felt the skin break, looking down at his partner through half-lidded eyes.
Burnt sienna met cobalt. Pushing himself up on his elbows, Sasori leaned to roughly kiss the blonde, hands moving down his body, nails dragging not too gently over his pale skin.
Whimpering, the blonde leaned in the touches, submitting to the other’s demand for dominance. His moan escalated in volume when the other’s fingers slipped in his trousers, kneading and rubbing over heated flesh.
Closing his eyes, the blonde just groaned helplessly, body buckling and growing more desperate by the second.
“Please…Danna…” he breathed, tongue slipping over the other’s shoulder joint and down his smooth, polished arm. The redhead was faintly bitter, due to the remains of the poisons he drenched his body in, and the wood polish he occasionally used. Intoxicated, the blonde ran his tongue over the smooth surface again.
Nails dug in the hard wood as the last pieces of clothing fell to the floor, bodies sliding over each other. A choked moan escaped the blonde as barriers were crossed roughly, pain mixed with maddening pleasure. Consciousness was lost, instinct took over as their movements became faster and faster.
The blonde shut his eyes, desperately clawing at the other’s back, feeling the redhead’s breath on his sweaty skin, his controlled pants making him only grip harder.
Another rough thrust, the cable smeared with both blood and sweat glistened in the dim lighting before sliding back into the buckling body, forcing a cry from the blonde’s lips.
“Louder, Deidara.” The redhead commanded in a raspy tone, roughly clawing between the blonde’s shoulder blades, groaning when a thin line of crimson seeped through the thin wound.
The blonde obeyed, escalating his voice as he rocked back in the rough movements, clenching his muscles tight around the redhead.
“Scream.” The puppet master grunted with narrowed eyes, moving his bites down the blonde’s chest, sucking hard on his collarbone. His hand pushed down on Deidara’s hip, forcing himself deeper in the other.
Deidara’s eyes snapped open at the sudden rush of raw pleasure, his body buckling under the prosthetic hands. His lips parted in a scream, hands clenched in the sheets. He cried out again, head thrown to the side as he lost himself in the feeling, the coil in his stomach tightening at an alarming state.
“Danna…” he groaned, chest heaving as he wrapped his legs around the steadily moving redhead.
“Scream.” He murmured in the blonde’s ear, nibbling on the rim, hand trailing down to his partner’s leaking erection. “Scream for me, Deidara…”

Everything you are
Falls from the sky like a star

Muscles tensing, Deidara gritted his teeth before tumbling over the edge violently, screaming his partner’s name in a hoarse scream. As he collapsed down on his back, he could hazily hear the redhead’s groan and he whimpered when the puppet master collapsed on top of him, his breathing heavy.
Cobalt eyes still foggy with the aftermath, Deidara tried to get his shaky breathing normal. He peeked down at the puppet master, fingers tangling themselves in the red locks playfully.
“Bang, un…” he chuckled quietly, stroking the other’s slick back, fingers tracing the folded wings.
Sasori rolled his eyes and pushed himself higher up on the blonde, easing the cable out of him, making the sculptor whimper low in his throat. “Don’t play with death, Deidara.”
“But that’s what I do, un…” he smiled, head cocked to the side.
The redhead shook his head, the smile mirroring in the corner of his mouth. “And you’re the only one who can perhaps get away with it.”

Everything you are
Whatever ever you want

Sighing and resting his face on the blonde’s chest, the puppet master traced one of the many scars marring his pale skin, the other’s heartbeat echoing in his ears. He found it strangely comforting, and made his already brittle will to get off the other even weaker.
Deidara shivered lightly at the soft touches and looped an arm around the other’s body, sighing contently.
Sasori’s fingers came to an open scratch on his side, undoubtedly made by him. He rubbed it slowly without really thinking, looking up and pulling away only when he heard the blonde’s muffled gasp.
“Pain endurance this low?” he raised an eyebrow.
Deidara shook his head, a little colour rising to his cheeks again. “Y-you just caught me off-guard…un…”
“That’s a really stupid thing to do.” He scoffed, moving his hand down to the wound again. “Lowering your guard around me?”
“I…I trust you, un…”
Mahogany eyes widened at the simple sentence. He looked incredulously at the other, whose cheeks have once again gone slightly red.
“…you…are an absolute idiot.” He said in a hollow voice, eyes shocked.
Deidara laughed and gently nuzzled in the other’s forehead. “So they say, un. But there must be a reason why I’m still here with my intestines still inside my body and throat still intact.”
The redhead only sighed and rolled his eyes in response.
“You have no idea how feminine you look when you do that, un.”
“Do you want to have your guts in plain view?”
“Calm down, Danna…”
The puppet master scoffed and pushed himself up, making a move to get off the blonde. “Fine, I will…”
A hand closed around his wrist, accompanied by a sheepish look.
“Danna, don’t take it seriously…don’t go…” he tugged gently on the other’s hand, biting his lip. “…please…un.”
With a stony look, Sasori sighed and resumed his original position.
“…only because I’m too tired…”
“Of course, un!” the blonde smiled triumphantly, wrapping his arms tight around the other.
Sasori sighed and resumed his previous task of tracing the other’s scars. “…you’re really scarred up…” he remarked bluntly.
The blonde stiffened a little, biting his lip. “…un…”
“They’re interesting.” He remarked, rubbing one with the flat part of his thumb, near his collarbone. “Where’d you get this one?”
“Mission, un…I think it was a katana…”
Sasori hummed. “These actually don’t make you look like the wimp I assumed you to be occasionally…they make you look tougher…”
I like it.
“…I’ll take that as a compliment…un…”
“You better. I don’t give many.”
“Noticed, un…” the blonde yawned, turning on his side, holding the other close. “Mmmm…night, Danna.”
The redhead sighed, gently smoothing a stray lock from the other’s eyes.
“…You know that…this…” he struggled to voice his confusion, possible regret…and the unknown feeling which just told him to shut his mouth and snuggle in the sculptor.
Deidara only gave a soft mumble, hands clutching the redhead as his breathing gradually got slower and his posture relaxed.
Sasori frowned again, hands unconsciously tracing circles on the other’s bare back.
With an irritated sigh, he settled beside the other’s sleeping form. Stealing one last look at Deidara, he shuddered involuntarily, eyes tracing the sharp contrast on the bruises on cuts on his sides. The blonde’s lustful screams echoed in his head, his pleas for release making him shiver.
Gazing at his sleeping face, he caressed his cheek before closing his own eyes.

This was fucked.
And things will turn ugly, he could just feel it.
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Comments: 165

eenayde [2014-01-14 11:44:54 +0000 UTC]

Again, I say that I LOVE ur work! SasoDei 4 ever!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

eenayde [2014-01-14 10:57:24 +0000 UTC]

U so ROCK! BtW cool pic.

Awesome story... Luv it!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

AkatsukiMemberAkira [2013-01-14 17:09:48 +0000 UTC]

Hahaha~ -grins-
I uv that dango part,yummmm,I wonder either two of them,WHICH OF THE TASTED BETTER?!
(I think Itachi's the tastiest,he likes sweets,his favorite food was dango)

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

Gamergirl224 [2012-12-09 18:47:14 +0000 UTC]

I'm confused about this sentence: "His dual sexuality"
So does that mean he is bisexual? (:3
Your an awesome writer keep up the great work. :3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Weasel-San [2012-02-26 03:34:27 +0000 UTC]

o.0 ooooooooooooooo. yaaaaaaooooooiiiiiii.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Silverdragon04 [2012-02-18 01:13:34 +0000 UTC]

This was great! I love ur stories

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

IceRose69 [2011-07-12 23:33:31 +0000 UTC]

Words can not describe the awesomeness of your writing...

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

I-Stole-Duh-Cookies [2011-05-06 14:54:50 +0000 UTC]

YAY u RULE at writing ^.^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

jisko2ijsko [2011-03-01 17:41:03 +0000 UTC]

so this is the first part from 3?
what is the next part?
sind me a link

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ShiryoAoi [2011-02-09 16:13:53 +0000 UTC]

Yes, I'm reading it again, and I probably already commented on it, but I just can't keep quiet.
This is one of the very very few fanfictions I've read, where Deidara actually acts like himself. Simply amazing.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Deigirl8 [2011-02-08 00:42:00 +0000 UTC]

wonderful. lovely. fantastic. so many beautiful words to describe it.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

SilverWinter04 [2010-11-25 22:18:04 +0000 UTC]

Awesome job! Loved it, very well done! Great length too.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Deiara-Fan-Girl [2010-04-18 02:15:47 +0000 UTC]

love it

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

sasodeiluver96 [2010-01-31 07:01:12 +0000 UTC]

i am now in love with your art of writing!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

wiiluvanime [2009-12-30 01:14:41 +0000 UTC]

okay that had to be one of the best sasodei fanfics i've ever read. just amazing!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

nyo-koishii [2009-09-18 03:25:25 +0000 UTC]

i lurv this story!!!!! yay for sasodei!!!!1

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

selene-soulwar In reply to nyo-koishii [2009-09-28 18:57:22 +0000 UTC]

And lurv your icoooon!

Ysy indeed~~ And thank you so much!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

nyo-koishii In reply to selene-soulwar [2009-09-29 00:13:25 +0000 UTC]

thank youuuuuuuuu!! your welcome!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

narutopixygirl34 In reply to nyo-koishii [2010-07-07 22:05:19 +0000 UTC]

sasori danna and deidei swnpai r sooooooooooo cute 2gether

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

nyo-koishii In reply to narutopixygirl34 [2010-07-11 03:34:41 +0000 UTC]

lolz yeah

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

devimu [2009-08-07 02:55:40 +0000 UTC]

So goood story.
I loved it
And.. part 2 and 3?
can't find them...

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Okami-Seishou [2009-06-15 16:56:02 +0000 UTC]

so beautiful

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

selene-soulwar In reply to Okami-Seishou [2009-06-29 07:19:57 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so very much~

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Okami-Seishou In reply to selene-soulwar [2009-07-23 20:33:56 +0000 UTC]

my pleasure! ~~ i've read it many times. i've even reccomended it to sum friends

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

envyswrath97 [2009-05-06 23:52:32 +0000 UTC]

lol.i was listening to up all night by hinder during the lemon part.i was laughing so hard.good job.deidara rulz!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

selene-soulwar In reply to envyswrath97 [2009-10-21 17:06:15 +0000 UTC]

Yay for (in)appropriate musiccc.

Thank yous~ Glad y'liked~

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

dragonlovergrrl [2009-04-04 22:53:55 +0000 UTC]

I clap for you... this is THE most in character Deidara ever you, are my hero.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

selene-soulwar In reply to dragonlovergrrl [2009-05-12 18:45:51 +0000 UTC]

You mean he's actually...wow. 0_0 That's one of the biggest compliments I could get - thank you so much!

*waves a 'More IC Deidara plz!' banner*

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

dragonlovergrrl In reply to selene-soulwar [2009-05-14 00:07:44 +0000 UTC]

well he isn't all girly and blaaah, I've yet to accomplish this...

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

selene-soulwar In reply to dragonlovergrrl [2009-06-03 18:46:23 +0000 UTC]

Practice makes perfect~ It was hella hard though at times....you get used to reading him all 'girly and blaaah' and it just infiltrates your brain.

I have a feeling he would /not/ be pleased if he ever read some of his fanfics...

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dragonlovergrrl In reply to selene-soulwar [2009-06-03 20:00:21 +0000 UTC]

he'd kill as all if he read them...

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

selene-soulwar In reply to dragonlovergrrl [2009-06-04 09:40:33 +0000 UTC]

Oh, God, yes... Hopefully, you don't get dA in the afterlife for anime chars. Or fanfiction.net...

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

dragonlovergrrl In reply to selene-soulwar [2009-06-04 13:37:11 +0000 UTC]

>.> <.< this is why I dont give out personal information. no one can find me.

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kariuchiha16 [2009-02-03 21:09:08 +0000 UTC]

that was AWESOM!!!must fave!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

selene-soulwar In reply to kariuchiha16 [2009-03-14 14:47:01 +0000 UTC]

Many thanks for the faves~ Glad you liked it!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

kariuchiha16 In reply to selene-soulwar [2009-04-02 20:33:08 +0000 UTC]

sorry it took so long 2 reply...computer sux somtims.anywho ur welcoms 4 da fave!^^u deserve it!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

VampireLouise [2008-11-05 00:22:33 +0000 UTC]

this story is amazing.

i fav

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

selene-soulwar In reply to VampireLouise [2008-11-10 09:24:46 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much!! Glad you like!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

VampireLouise In reply to selene-soulwar [2008-11-10 16:51:09 +0000 UTC]

XD thats ok

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Sasorilover10 [2008-10-25 03:55:32 +0000 UTC]

*heavy nosebleed* *grabs wads of tissues* *mops up blood off floor* Holy...Shit....THAT WAS AWESOME!!!!XD Damn,thts just wat I needed rite then.YOU ROCK! *bows* *nosebleed starts again* Damn...-_- (FYI: The lil smiley thingy-icon thing: I'm tah purple one.You ish da orange smiley.lol)

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

selene-soulwar In reply to Sasorilover10 [2009-05-12 18:47:34 +0000 UTC]

*gets propelled back by the hugging purple smiley*

*gives you more tissues and gleefully licks blood off the floor*
Wow, what a response - thanks SO much, lovely! I am so damned happy you liked it so much

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lyonsc313 [2008-10-08 17:55:16 +0000 UTC]

ohhhhhhhhhh whens there gonna be a part 2? >👍: 0 ⏩: 1

selene-soulwar In reply to lyonsc313 [2008-10-26 13:04:54 +0000 UTC]

Eventually! *is kicking her muse back to life on this story*

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lyonsc313 In reply to selene-soulwar [2008-10-28 17:01:40 +0000 UTC]


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LilythecatFox [2008-07-01 06:53:36 +0000 UTC]

It took.......about.......12 mintues to read that for me...lol im kinda a slow reader..........

Anyways the point is: the story ruled, i loved it, and i was listening the video while reading the story ^-^

i envy your power to write so well...it was long but it was well worth it to read ^_^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

selene-soulwar In reply to LilythecatFox [2008-07-06 12:24:19 +0000 UTC]

Nah, it's not that, it's bloody long too
And I'm nowhere near some fanfic writers who write what, more then 10,000 words per chapter...

Thank you so, very very much! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

It takes practice. Really, anyone can write like this with the right amount of practice! ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

LilythecatFox In reply to selene-soulwar [2008-07-07 21:34:45 +0000 UTC]

Well i hope that one day i will compare up to you.

I LOVE really long stories...even if there one shot stories...I think long stories have more detail to them and explains better to the reader. ^_^

I will always and will continue to say this
" I worship and envy you"

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SarahANBU [2008-06-29 15:59:36 +0000 UTC]

That was an absolute... an absolute... Fuck this, I'm speechless.

Blood-ee hell. That was an amazing peice of writing. Everything was IC, the plot was made of win... Wow. Just wow.

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dragonfly129 [2008-06-18 19:01:32 +0000 UTC]

am now completely utterly hooked thanks to you and your amazingly good writing! its made me want to write a sasodei of my own... but although i can write some okay-ish stories, i dont know enough/dont have the self esteem to write one :'[ *howls uncontrollably, drowning in tears*
next thing you know i'll be painting mouths on my hands, dyeing my hair blonde and saying "un" after every sentence...!
thankyoooo! *hugs*

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Deidara-ArtIsABang00 [2008-06-16 12:07:03 +0000 UTC]

you are the absolute GOD(DESS) of yaoi!!! i simply love your work with Sasori and Deidara!!! i'm the biggest(?) fan of SasoDei!!! well at least i think i am... anywayz, do you have any other stories Naruto-wise, yaoi-wise? if so, i READ THEM NOW!!! thanks for the wonderful story so far! you're quite the exceptional writer! maybe you'll get a career with your talent some day. i know that i absolutely LOVE illustrating Naruto doujinshi and or comics. i think your's is going to be next, after i finish the previous one... then maybe i'll upload it or something. so then you can see my point of view on your SasoDei story!!! thanks yet again!

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