I wanted to design, for a long time now, a different type of visor for Monsoon. This particular visor is a whole lot easier to remove than his primary, combat visor but its disadvantage is that it lacks the Lorentz Force generator to manipulate his body.
His body is pieced together with powerful industrial grade magnets and so he has no problem walking around without his generator but he cannot manipulate his limbs or lift heavy objects without it.
The visor above is more of a casual model.
It was developed for him after he’d been transferred into his combat body and created while his combat visor was being constructed hide and protect his (now outdated) optical implants that he’s not very fond of.
Another benefit is the fact that he can switch to this model to allow his face to breathe. It does tend to get rather stuffy under his combat visor.
He can also move through the public with a few less looks especially when he wears his coat out on the streets of Denver below.
In any verse/time frame where he has a civilian body the casual visor above has been retired in favor of current generation optics.
The chin guard to the head rigging can be removed for an even sleeker look. There is an additional piece that wraps around the back of his head that holds the visor in place along with the amplifiers pressed to his ears.
One of the other reasons I wanted to do a design of this nature is that he has very pretty hair not to have more visible.
If you choose to buy my premium content, an alternative file of him in his Desperado trench coat is available.