Comments: 46
4November [2018-12-13 19:33:47 +0000 UTC]
Even a spermatozoon can grow a beard these days ...
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Hellion-Aingeal [2016-07-14 00:28:05 +0000 UTC]
Hidden by Commenter
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KtheKreative [2014-01-12 06:38:18 +0000 UTC]
*backs away slowly*
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Shayla2046 [2013-01-27 10:09:38 +0000 UTC]
www....ttt.....ffff...???!?!?! No not vlad! D:
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Luckystarz103 [2012-12-03 07:33:04 +0000 UTC]
so liek
how long did it take u to type up all that which noone reads?
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LordWhittingtonIII [2012-07-07 22:19:50 +0000 UTC]
Holy crap, that is one long description.
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XxKASHxX In reply to LordWhittingtonIII [2012-10-13 19:55:20 +0000 UTC]
you got that right. usually all i do is one or two senetences
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Tookie123456 [2012-03-08 03:44:09 +0000 UTC]
Artist's comments= tl;tr :3
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mrmen00 [2011-04-04 12:37:42 +0000 UTC]
wow how long is ur dec like btw love the `tag ur it` thats funny
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floratang33 [2010-05-27 21:09:21 +0000 UTC]
It is very great, want more of mpreg.
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Hatted-Halfling [2008-11-18 20:43:20 +0000 UTC]
(giggles) Really enjoyed this, especially because of the AN! Haha! I finally know the basic plot of Bittersüß! >3!!! Which brings us to our next point. (pause) WHERE THE HECK IS THIS FIC?!? Honestly, something in me snapped today while I was taking notes for a research essay and I decided 'Once I'm finished with my notes, I'm gonna go back to my room, get HEX (my laptop (guess who it's named after (hint: think Terry Pratchett))), pull up Bittersüß, pull up Word, pull up an online German language translator, and translate the dratted thing myself!!!' And everything went according to plan, until I tried to find the fic. And couldn't. There was much angsting involved. Could you please let me know where to find it? I'll send you all my translations, promise!
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Semiramis-Audron In reply to Hatted-Halfling [2008-11-18 21:12:26 +0000 UTC]
Tie... Tie.... O.O... uhm... Merida's Bittersüß... has nothing to do with Ghosthunt and Love Chaos (the rpg) and... Merida's Bittersüß is NOT to be confused with my Bittersweet Spell...
There is no Mpreg in Bittersüß... and there is no Samandiriel either...
if you mean the rpg that ashee and me are playing the one that will have Mpreg if we finally manage to get Vlad and GW together properly... that one is on Animexx... but unless you're a user with an account you can't read it...
I could give it too you though... but beware it's a fucking lot and there is only one sex scene in it yet and that happened mostly in a dream of Vlad...
so... uhm... please...
IF you mean Merida'S Bottersüß, I can give you that too...
just tell me what exactly you want ^^
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Semiramis-Audron In reply to Hatted-Halfling [2008-11-18 22:30:08 +0000 UTC]
okay... then well... here you go... but beware... it has a lot of philosphing and thinking and stuff ... (and there are some little Danny and Sam posts in it from some other people who used to rp there too but were scared off by out massive posts ^^ )
And there is some latvian and gaelic in it too O.o but some english as well
well then... here ... basically an offline version of the animexx rpg forum thigny (they have that nifty feature that you can export your rps....)
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L-is-for-LOSER-17 [2008-11-06 22:47:19 +0000 UTC]
I read it all! Every last word! Successsss!
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Semiramis-Audron In reply to L-is-for-LOSER-17 [2008-11-06 23:30:10 +0000 UTC]
^^ yeah... it's a great rpg.. and we are STILL plotting... like hell... for example that gay-sex-de-flowering of College Vlad isn't the only time GW meets the Packersfanatic back in time...
He'll also be a girl by the nickname of Candy (because I like this song so much and Vlad DID have a band [link] ) who will spend some time with Vlad BEFORE that one gets halfghost and will spend time with him in hospital... (where Vlad asks for her hand...)
But alas, both don't remember... >_> ..yet...
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Tovah111 [2008-08-13 16:10:40 +0000 UTC]
Hello Tovah...Please find my dog tags. Of every single thing I ever gave the two of you. Those are what I want back. Given my my life being changed by the USN. Getting them will make me happy, well relativialy speaking. And QUIET on-line.
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ShadowAlchemy [2008-08-04 17:53:55 +0000 UTC]
*attacks preggy Lyman* *glom* You made 'im so cute and cuddly!!!
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Semiramis-Audron In reply to ShadowAlchemy [2008-08-04 19:57:44 +0000 UTC]
don't attack him! He'S with child!
(in general you should never attack an assassin who's pregnant with twins and has shown that he can kill a grown man with nothing but his fist in said man's (as to say Crowler's) face...)
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ShadowAlchemy In reply to Semiramis-Audron [2008-08-04 20:27:36 +0000 UTC]
fine, but can I rub his belly ^^ kawaii!!!!!!!!!! and I never had a doubt he could kick some major ass
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ThatOtherKitsune [2008-07-31 15:04:59 +0000 UTC]
this is really good! I have almost no artistic talent of my own, but a recent yaoi/mpreg craze has swept me into an interesting story. You've managed to illustrate and write one. I'm impressed. This is the best mpreg meme I've found! Great job!
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Semiramis-Audron In reply to ThatOtherKitsune [2008-07-31 17:11:32 +0000 UTC]
wow thanks ^^
and technically I didn't write it... as I stated somewhere in this lot of text... it is an rpg and currently the two are still in the first part where the one HATES the other...
But well... the one character of the rpg is played by the nice woman that shares the flat with me ^^ so we can talk and plot about it the whole day so the whole thing kind of evolved... O.o
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Semiramis-Audron In reply to ThatOtherKitsune [2008-07-31 20:47:06 +0000 UTC]
mhm I understand that... only just my computer was too slow to handle anything newer than sims deluxe but I still managed to hook some males up somehow ^^
And yupp... it's more difficult to draw Sims then cartoon characters... Imean, sims look very realistic and cartoon characters have their distinct features (like here vlad with his silver hair and beard and Ghostwriter with his lilac/green color scheme... it makes them easier to draw... draw a boy with unkepmt hair, glasses and a flash-scar on his forehead... could be everyone... give him a flash-shaped scar on the face and everyone turns into Harry Potter ^^)
*likes your 'i-read' deviation btw*
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Semiramis-Audron In reply to ThatOtherKitsune [2008-08-01 13:37:50 +0000 UTC]
immortal? why are they immortal? Vampire-sims?
And yes that's Ghostwriter... only just he wasn't hired by Vlad in the show... he just got pretty pissed at Danny because the boy destroyed his recently finished poem... that's why he put him in rhymes ^^
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Semiramis-Audron In reply to ThatOtherKitsune [2008-08-01 14:35:13 +0000 UTC]
lol like.... "I curse you"... turns them gay so they will have mansex which will end in Mpreg that normaly (due to anatomy) will kill them... but BANG Immortallity saves their sorry asses ?? like this?
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ThatOtherKitsune In reply to Semiramis-Audron [2008-08-01 14:56:28 +0000 UTC]
not quiet, they have the ablity to make and carry children but every time they'll have to get a c-section, but the immortality helps them heal faster.
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Semiramis-Audron In reply to TavalyaRa [2008-07-23 21:55:03 +0000 UTC]
whoot... k-thanks! ^^
It's easier to develope a sort of good story if you do it together with someone who tells you that "SEVEN ARE ENOUGH FOR FUCK'S SAKE!!!"
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Semiramis-Audron In reply to Chaosmyotismon [2008-07-22 04:16:45 +0000 UTC]
why?... Believe me hon' just because your mommy said, looking at Mpreg memes makes your characters pregnant, it'S not true! They have to have buttsmex for that XDDDD
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Chaosmyotismon In reply to Semiramis-Audron [2008-07-22 16:25:41 +0000 UTC]
LOL! That's not way. It was just in humor. ^_^ I love the pic. Its funny.
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quetzalgirl [2008-07-21 17:06:13 +0000 UTC]
Damn!! That was tooo much!!
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Merida [2008-07-21 16:33:53 +0000 UTC]
Du wirst wohl oder übel jetzt mit Deutsch vorlieb nehmen, denn ich sehe mich nicht in der Lage, diesen Schwall an Informationen und Genialheit deiner Seits, in eine andere Sprache zu transferieren.
Ok 1.) WOW, was ist denn das ich glaube ich fallen nach hinten um und komm nicht mehr hoch. Ich meine die Bilder sind genial und auch die Coloratur. Jetzt weiß ich endlich warum das so lange gedauert hat, aber es hat sich gelohnt definitiv zu warten. Ich liebe die Bilder, angefangen vom Vlad und Devan "Super-sperm" über Samandiriel, und die weiblichen Versionen der beiden. Auch auf die Gefahr hin das du es falsch verstehst, du hast einen extremen Sprung nach vorne gemacht, vor allen auf den Gebiet der Anatomie. Es ist immer noch dein unverwechselbarer Stil, der einen sofort wissen lässt : Ah hier war die Semi am Werke! Er hat nur an Perfektion in der Technik und Ausführung gewonnen.
2.) Der Erklärtext...nein warte eigentlich müsste man es Roman mit einen eigenen Universum nenne, denn nichts anderes ist er. Wenn einen noch nicht die liebevoll gezeichneten Bilder umhauen und einen mindestens einen ausgerenkten Wirbel schenken, für den harten erstaunten Aufprall auf den Boden, dann tut es deine Beschreibung.
Ich meine wer macht sich sonst die Arbeit sein Werk und seine Vorgeschichte so zu erklären das sie wirklich allen zugänglich ist. Das ist wirklich bewunderungswürdig. ich glaube ich hätte gar nicht den Elan das zu tun, aber es geht ja hier nicht um mich... Also zurück zum Text. Es sind so viele Informationen das man eigentlich sich Notizen machen müsste um alles zu erfassen und zu verarbeiten. Da sind einmal Vlad und Devan direkt die eine solch Komplizierte Beziehung führen (werden) das man eigentlich nur denkt das es nie funktioniert und dann die Kinder. ich liebe einfach die Detailverliebtheit die dort zu tage tritt. Es gibt nicht einfach Nachkommen, sondern sie haben einen Geschichte und eigenen Charakter... das muss man sich einmal auf der Zunge zergehen lassen. Ich meine Besteller gelesen zu haben die nicht zu einen Quäntchen so detailliert und durchdacht waren. Aber nicht nur die Planung stimmt, sondern auch das Aussehen...mein Favorit an dieser Stelle ist eindeutig Alexis, sie erinnert mich immer an einen kleinen weiblichen Devan. Aber eigentlich ist es schwer zu entscheiden was am besten in dieser Stelle ist,jeder hat was finde ich. Das macht das Kommentieren auch so schwer,es ist nicht so das du sagen kannst: "Wow Bild 3 gefällt mir am Besten" Sie sind alle so genial das man keine Abstriche machen kann und man ungerecht wird, wenn man eines den anderen vorzieht.
Ich habe zwar jetzt nicht mal im Ansatz meine Wertschätzung für diese Arbeit ausdrücken können, aber sei gewiss ich liebe es.
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BigGurlzDontCry [2008-07-21 03:50:49 +0000 UTC]
excuse me but at #8 davina dats mah name! damn i thought it was uncommon good art work
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AgentMoore [2008-07-21 03:17:07 +0000 UTC]
Woah; this was like one of those 'Movies in five seconds' you see on YouTube. This is like 2-years' worth of rp squished into a DA artist's comment. Holy crap!
I love the way you think. Everything is explained and loops nicely. Good tied up storyline.
I'm not much into M-preg since all of my character's take children very seriously and I hate children IRL. Spy and Schu love them for some reason. Pfeiffer is afraid of them. GW would try and eat them..
I like small bellies also on characters simply because it makes them more natural than all of the buff weapon-weilding types you see dragging fifteen bastard swords around while riding a pogo stick.
P.S. You can always request stuff from me. Why did I add you to the kiriban? To fill space because I am a horrible human being. You and Ashee can always ask me to draw things and you know I will; your ideas are so creative!
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