SH4RKIE — Ravenstar of RiverClan

Published: 2013-11-24 22:50:42 +0000 UTC; Views: 1495; Favourites: 18; Downloads: 3
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*NOTE: There is mature content in this application.

- Ravenkit
- Ravenpaw
- Ravenstrike

- Ravenstar
- 39 Moons
- She~cat
- RiverClan. 
- Leader.

- Softly glowing blue wings.

Voice Actor:
- Romy Madley Croft, the female vocalist in the XX.






- Straight.

Taken | Single

Looking For:

- None | Fling | Long-Term  

Preferences / Attractions:

- She is highly attracted to darkly colored toms - preferably black and brown tabbies. She also enjoys warm colors. Her favorite light colors are a light golden brown or a soft silvery white. Her favorite eyes color is either amber or blue. 

Sensitive Spots:

- Warm breath on the back or front of the neck or ears, but every time someone attempts something, she freaks out.


- She doesn't really have any experience. She's only ever mated once - and it was rape from a tom that gave her a hard time as an apprentice, and he did it for revenge. She later lost the kits in a miscarriage.

*NOTE: I do not roleplay any further than PG-14. AKA, I fade to black once it goes far enough.




- Ravenstar is a rather stocky she~cat - from a life of both swimming and hunting in rough waters, she has grown very muscular, and is at home in the rivers. She's also a fairly swift runner, but is a better fighter, taking down prey with heavy blows.


- Ravenstar's fur is medium in length, but very soft, fluffy, and thick. It has a natural water resistance due to her many generations of RiverClan ancestry; and all the fish oil has added to that effect in her fur.


- The eyes of Ravenstar are many shades of green, but some say they remind them of summer leaves.


- Ravenstar has earned herself respect with many battlescars. There are too many that mean little to her, but the worst scar is the one over her eye. She doesn't talk about it, but she got it when a tom raped her after she became a warrior. He had done the deed because as an apprentice, he taunted her, and when she told the leader, his warriorship was delayed.




- She likes morning time; it feels peaceful.

- She likes to watch the forest come to life as creatures wake up in the mornings.

- She likes the chill of the night air in leaf~bare.

- Ravenstar's favorite prey is either fish or rabbits.

- She enjoys a nice breeze on a warm day.

- Her favorite sight to see is the night sky in the night's latest hour.

- Ravenstar loves to swim. It's one of her favorite hobbies, and she'll often lead patrols to hunt and swim together.

- In green~leaf, she likes to look up and see the sun shining through the leaves on trees above her.

- Though she dislikes the taste of birds, she loves to hunt them; it's one of the most fun and difficult things for her to do.

- She likes taking time to spend with her clanmates. In this time, she'll often groom the other cat's fur and make sure they're healthy and well-fed.

- She likes to help others. If someone is hurt or hungry, or if anything is wrong, she likes to resolve the matter.

- No matter how much she dislikes birds and bugs, she has a "trophy set" in her den of rather lovely looking bugs and


- She doesn't like to eat birds. The feathers displease her and take too long to get around.

- Ravenstar hates getting dirty. it can drive her near crazy.

- Mud squishing between her paw pads is enough to make her mood go sour.

- While she is fine with being alone, she longs to be understood by another.

- Disrespecting Ravenstar will most likely get you a nick in the ear or claws to the nose.

- Ravenstar dislikes bugs. If one crawls after her, she will either swat it away or freak out.

- Ravenstar has a thing for hating mushroom and boggy/swamp-like places.

- Ravenstar's least favorite season is leaf~bare, for various reasons. Ask her about it someday - I'm sure you'll get a full-on rant.

- Though she loves to swim, sometimes water can be a bit too cold for her - she hates cold water with a passion!

- Ravenstar won't take your disrespect. That's all I can say.


- To make something for someone special.

- To develop a new hunting/fighting technique.

- To be remembered.

- To find a true friend - someone that she trusts.

- To no longer be afraid of commitment.


- She fears a bug will crawl in her mouth or ear while she is sleeping.

- Ravenstar fears what she cannot see. Be it in the dark or hidden around her, if she cannot see something and it makes a noise, it will strike fear in her.

- Ravenstar fears going blind, even though her eyesight is perfectly fine.

- Getting trapped and drowning in frozen water.

- Ravenstar fears StarClan's judgement upon her.



- negative | - neutral | - positive


- If you ask her about anything past-tense, you probably won't get a reply. If you're lucky, you'll get a muffled, mumbled answer, that you probably can't understand. From there on, you should drop the conversation and leave her alone for a little while. She won't want to talk to you about anything other than formal matters after an event like this - and you're're probably thinking: Why? Things have been hard on Ravenstar, and she's blown up on someone before. She doesn't want to blow up on someone and reveal how she really is, open up her heart like she did .. And get it hurt again. She doesn't exactly trust others. She's usually very formal and revealing of how she feels. She hides just about everything about herself that she can. When it comes to her personal problems, she can be rather airy - she brushes things off, and focuses on the clan. Ravenstar is a very reserved, respectful female. She doesn't like to bother others about things that could obviously cause them trouble - and in return, she asks for the same treatment.


- Ravenstar is a generally friendly gal. She likes to be around others and enjoys small talk. Ravenstar enjoys listening to others - she could literally sit around all day and just listen to you talk. Ravenstar likes intelligent conversation, and talkign about common interests she shares with other felines. She likes to smile, and make others smile while she does it. Ravenstar can be considered funny. She's a bit of a joker, but only playfully - she doesn't like to hurt anyone unless if they piss her off, which isn't all that easy unless if you're just a dick. However, you see, Ravenstar is only truly open and friendly around close friends - and even then, she still has information and secrets that she hides. Her type of friendly is a rather reserved friendly - she still doesn't give anything about herself away. This often gets on the nerves of those who are closer to her. They just don't understand that it's in her nature not to give anything about herself away - she's learned the consequences from doing that. You see, her front is how friendly and reserved she is. Ravenstar's front is just a brick wall that she has built to make others think she is alright.


- This is what happens if you piss our little Ravenstar off - she'll yell at you. A lot. She's got  sharp tongue and doesn't take crap from anyone - not excuses, not disrespect, not anything of a wrong sort. You piss this little gal off, you've got a problem. She's very temperamental - a bomb waiting to go off. She will explode and you'll regret making whatever decision you did that made her go off. She's under a lot of stress, and sometimes, blowing up on someone who goes out of line is what it takes to lighten the load. Not many have experienced this state directly form her, but they know the stories of how she's blown up - a tom in the Clan has a scar across his cheek, and he can tell you to not violate her. She's been violated before, and her anger problems have evolved as a sort of defense mechanism against attack, abuse, and disrespect.

/  Secretly Soft:

- ;;motherly, kind, wise, loving. has a soft spot for younger apprentices, kits, and those who arent' able to stand up for themselves. wants to help those that she loves.

/  Prideful/Stubborn:

- minitraits - prideful, determined, brave, and stubborn.


- a bomb waiting to go off - she's been holding a lot in her entire life and she's about to let it all go in a raging ball of fury.

*NOTE: These may change as I develop her in roleplay.



Before Birth

- Ravenstar's parents were deeply in love - some might call it love at first sight.  wip her parents were very in love. if you're looking for a sad set of parents, look somewhere else. her tragedy comes later in life. her parents had a previous litter or kits who were all grown and active, working members of the Clan.

Growing Up

- parents were very loving and protective, they cared for her and her brother very much. the kits had it pretty easy and made friends in the nursery - only, ravenkit had particular difficulties with an older tomkit named pidgeonkit, and his group of friends. ravenkit's brother, however, had a soft spot for her, and was very protective, and wouldn't put up with the way pidgeonpaw treated her. badgerkit and pidgeonpaw would often get in small scuffles.

Early Apprenticeship

- the night of her apprenticeship, pidgeonpaw glared at her. her mother told her it was because some toms didn't know how to show affection when they're young at they do so in a mean way and that he would learn, yahdayahda. but the bullying continued, especially when her mentor would train with pidgeonpaw's mentor. she was at her protective big brother's side whenever she could.


- badgerpaw grew to be bigger than pidgeonpaw, and pidgeonpaw would often leave her alone when he was around. around this time, ravenpaw's mother became pregnant again. her father seemed troubled by this, and ravenpaw overheard them arguing because the two had not mated since before ravenpaw and badgerpaw were born.

Senior Apprentice

- badgerpaw's taunting reaches a new high.

Early Warriorhood

- it happens.

history planning a wip beyond this point



Adderbite of TBT

It took her only a few seconds to come into his vision. She seemed so regal, so elegant and proud ; really, she carried herself like a lioness, the queen of a pride of strong, healthy lions would.  She smelled strongly of herbal fragrances, and when the wind shifted, he caught onto her Shadowclan scent. Her movements rustled the bits of things - grass, dirt, nettles, pebbles .. the list went on - on the ground as she came into view.

The way she circled him almost made him go up on alarm - like one of those tricky she~cats, who would tell him one thing and do another. When he noticed her almost kit-like behavior, he smiled and watched her ever more closely with his one upward eye. Well, as far as he could tell, she was pretty from afar, but even better up close. For a moment, the wind changed direction, tussling the branches of the tree, and the hair on both of the cats to the left. He smiled at her briefly as she moved directly in front of him. Hm - but she was still a way away .. He would love to stare into those eyes of hers.

He had finally finished speaking, but then she moved forward again. He sat up with a soft, slow yawn, but not before noting a small falter in her step at his 'dear' comment. Her facial expression, once regal and so .. innocent and pure .. They melted away into fear and devastation, of what Adderpaw had felt so many times. He looked at her face, almost eye to eye - but he was taller, and as of now, hunched over. The look in her eyes .. Those glossy, glassy orbs almost appeared broken. He wanted to reach out as he felt pain flood his heart, tears filling his eyes at the thought of past fears and losses. He almost let out a chocked sob, but it came out as a shaky sigh.

His voice was softer, now, even if her painful expression had quickly gone away, rebuilt itself into something strong, but interested. He didn't know what had brought that expression to her - certainly not his comment, correct? But, nevertheless, part of it had to be his fault. "I'm so sorry .." What could break such a spirit as hers, as he had seen in her eyes, almost see instantly in her heart like a flame ready to burst and become a wildfire. He had seen a spark like that in Dawnpaw.

He had wanted to feel Dawnpaw's spark of life rush into him. What was that spark? It bothered him so. He itched to know. Several things had come to him that the sparks could be - the cats' actual spirits .. Their personality .. Their strong hearts .. Gosh, he really didn't know. Could they be love? He looked at the almost kit-like apprentice - almost too obviously the medicine cat apprentice - with awe and respect for her spark. No one could tear that down, and in an instant, he felt a rush of protectiveness run through him, like sap through the bark of a strong, ancient tree, bringing back it's feeling of sweet, young life.

Yes, she was a kit in his eyes, but an apprentice all the same. Maybe even like a little sister of sorts .. She was so innocent, like all of the gentle, soothing things in the world wrapped into one beautiful, fragile piece. Was that how brothers felt like towards sisters? Was that why brothers always talked to him before he met their sisters, made sure their little sisters were safe and out of harms way - from a broken heart, from a disappointment, from a serious or even a small wound?

His voice became more soft, yet still deep, like the tumbling of those far, echoing rocks into mountain crevices and caverns, echoing deeply, deeply, deeply, on and on and on. "I'm Adderpaw."

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Comments: 48

xTheWorldIsMyCanvasx [2014-02-17 18:01:24 +0000 UTC]

Sorry typo *relized

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xTheWorldIsMyCanvasx [2014-02-17 18:00:36 +0000 UTC]

Um, I was thinking of joining with a cat named Ravenshadow (idk what clan) and I relived they both are black with thickish fur but my OC is a tabby. Will I be able to try to use Ravenshadow even if they have similar names? I don't want to bother you I was just wondering...

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SH4RKIE In reply to xTheWorldIsMyCanvasx [2014-02-17 19:33:33 +0000 UTC]

I'm sorry, could you reword that .. ?

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xTheWorldIsMyCanvasx In reply to SH4RKIE [2014-02-17 19:54:16 +0000 UTC]

Yeah sorry my words got mixed up hehe

I was thinking of joining the marked warriors and my OC is Ravenshadow. I was unsure if it was allowed sense Ravenstar and Ravenshadow are alike names. 

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SH4RKIE In reply to xTheWorldIsMyCanvasx [2014-02-17 19:55:19 +0000 UTC]

You could either change the Raven part or put her in Thunder - or Wind - Clan.

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xTheWorldIsMyCanvasx In reply to SH4RKIE [2014-02-17 20:01:58 +0000 UTC]

Ok what about shadowclan?

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SH4RKIE In reply to xTheWorldIsMyCanvasx [2014-02-17 20:11:23 +0000 UTC]

Only Wind of Thunder are open.

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xTheWorldIsMyCanvasx In reply to SH4RKIE [2014-02-17 20:18:03 +0000 UTC]

Oh kk 

Thank you so much and sorry for bothering you

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Wyvlen [2014-01-31 03:15:03 +0000 UTC]

We need to RP girl.

Kore is calling.

calling i tell you

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SH4RKIE In reply to Wyvlen [2014-02-01 02:09:30 +0000 UTC]

We do we do

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Wyvlen In reply to SH4RKIE [2014-02-01 02:12:59 +0000 UTC]

well who well who

starts this

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SH4RKIE In reply to Wyvlen [2014-02-01 16:00:22 +0000 UTC]

do you think


you could ;o;

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Wyvlen In reply to SH4RKIE [2014-02-01 16:08:13 +0000 UTC]

yis maam i can

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SimplyNeon [2013-12-22 16:29:46 +0000 UTC]

I really adore how well your style is developing!

And those butt wings

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SH4RKIE In reply to SimplyNeon [2013-12-22 18:05:51 +0000 UTC]


&&Thank you! ;o;

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SimplyNeon In reply to SH4RKIE [2013-12-22 18:09:49 +0000 UTC]

Flipping love butt wings lmao what it Sunny just came and stroked her mark and her butt lol

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SH4RKIE In reply to SimplyNeon [2013-12-22 18:12:01 +0000 UTC]


We need to roleplay this

Cause little Ravenstar here

She don't take no shit from any man

She would probably smack him xD

And then feel really bad xD

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SimplyNeon In reply to SH4RKIE [2013-12-22 18:54:01 +0000 UTC]

We...we must ;u;

I demand it, but it would be funny to since Sunny's rather "proper" and uptight lol

I could say he's trying to be one of the "ladies man" or something XD

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SH4RKIE In reply to SimplyNeon [2013-12-22 20:34:08 +0000 UTC]

we should do this now yes

do you have a skype uou??

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SimplyNeon In reply to SH4RKIE [2013-12-22 22:29:59 +0000 UTC]

Sadly no ;n;

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SH4RKIE In reply to SimplyNeon [2013-12-22 23:20:19 +0000 UTC]

ooooh babs ;o;

You should make one, if you can!

I was hesitant at first, but I love skype so much!

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SimplyNeon In reply to SH4RKIE [2013-12-23 01:18:03 +0000 UTC]

I would totally make one, but my overprotective, nontrusting parents blocked all social media sites BUT deviantART ;n;

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SH4RKIE In reply to SimplyNeon [2013-12-24 15:58:32 +0000 UTC]

That's not fair ;n;

Ah well, we can do it through notes! c:

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SimplyNeon In reply to SH4RKIE [2013-12-24 16:00:05 +0000 UTC]

Sure thang!

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AlmostCreepy101 [2013-12-22 04:17:52 +0000 UTC]

She looks so lovely!

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SH4RKIE In reply to AlmostCreepy101 [2013-12-22 15:29:34 +0000 UTC]

Ahh thank you ;o;

I feel like I've improved sort of?

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AlmostCreepy101 In reply to SH4RKIE [2013-12-22 15:52:25 +0000 UTC]

You sure did, Faith (:

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petalkitten [2013-12-12 02:40:29 +0000 UTC]

throws softrain at u with evil plots

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SH4RKIE In reply to petalkitten [2013-12-15 01:27:54 +0000 UTC]

catches and whispers ideas

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petalkitten [2013-12-02 02:53:53 +0000 UTC]

finish ur history omg

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SH4RKIE In reply to petalkitten [2013-12-02 03:50:21 +0000 UTC]

mmmmmrrrmmm okay i'll do it by the end of the week ;o;

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ohsh [2013-11-24 23:15:22 +0000 UTC]

Gaaah, so purdy Bam!

Pssst, Waspwish will be done soon *squeee*

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SH4RKIE In reply to ohsh [2013-11-25 10:17:37 +0000 UTC]

Ooh, I changed her a bit, look again <3 ;o

ashkadgsjghjadsgh I CANNOT WAIT ASHDFSKDH

He's so handsome <3

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ohsh In reply to SH4RKIE [2013-11-26 15:19:10 +0000 UTC]

Shit. That is so cool frick omg, fine I'm going to finish Waspwish right now I have no choice I can't waitttt

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SH4RKIE In reply to ohsh [2013-11-26 15:33:26 +0000 UTC]

omg ;u;

i can't wait to see omg ;o;

are you putting him on the app or still traditionally drawing him because girl a join.me might be necessary ;o;

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ohsh In reply to SH4RKIE [2013-11-26 16:18:55 +0000 UTC]

Aaah, im way too lazy to do a join me ;m;

wait, doesn't Ravenstar need to have a star on her head?

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SH4RKIE In reply to ohsh [2013-11-26 18:40:14 +0000 UTC]

Fixed it ;o;

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SH4RKIE In reply to ohsh [2013-11-26 18:21:22 +0000 UTC]

aww crap i forgot to put it on her ;n;

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ohsh In reply to SH4RKIE [2013-11-26 18:41:26 +0000 UTC]

Pssst, look at my gallery


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SH4RKIE In reply to ohsh [2013-11-26 18:44:38 +0000 UTC]


I have so much muse right now omg

He's so amazing I CAN'T

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Miss-Smutty [2013-11-24 22:58:29 +0000 UTC]

[aggressively throws Artemis at] 

gosh she's purdy

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SH4RKIE In reply to Miss-Smutty [2013-11-25 10:24:31 +0000 UTC]

Eeepp thank you! But I'm so much more satisfied with her now look look ;o;

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WaterTheWolf [2013-11-24 22:57:41 +0000 UTC]

x-x what happen to the group?

;-; //dies

and yay..new leader ^-^ (sowwy kinda bumed cuz Elanipaw liked kiostar but oh well)

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SH4RKIE In reply to WaterTheWolf [2013-11-25 10:25:29 +0000 UTC]

The owner of Koistar left the group, so I took over RiverClan. 

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WaterTheWolf In reply to SH4RKIE [2013-11-25 18:10:20 +0000 UTC]

aww :'c 


But it's nice having a new leader.So yeah,lol lead the clan well.

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Okiekon [2013-11-24 22:53:02 +0000 UTC]

Amazing! Warriors rule! Keep up the good work.

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SH4RKIE In reply to Okiekon [2013-11-25 10:17:01 +0000 UTC]

I love Warriors! :3 Thank you! :'D

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Okiekon In reply to SH4RKIE [2013-11-25 14:03:41 +0000 UTC]


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