#cat #feline #fluffy #olb #roleplay
Published: 2015-05-27 22:34:15 +0000 UTC; Views: 1722; Favourites: 23; Downloads: 2
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Description OKAY Spartan has a new design!! O:

Name: Spartan
Age: 39 moons
Gender: Tom
Affiliation: Tocho --> Royals.
Rank: Chieftain.
Apprentice/Mentor: Tamala.

Strength: Spartan is very strong. He has muscle packed on his muscle in many layers, and loves to show off his immense strength. This quality about him helped him rank up in his tribes - during spars, he would eventually come to a point where he would just pin the other feline down until they stopped struggling and gave up.
Speed: Spartan is average when it comes to speed. His muscle is good for very, very, very short bursts, but he's not able to make it past an average sprint because of all the muscle weighing his body down.
Agility: Spartan has average agility. His muscles are able to charge in one direction, but once he has some strength into a movement, it can take a second to change direction. However, he's still average at this.
Stamina: Spartan can take a lot of blows and can keep moving for a long period of time - just at an average sprinting pace. 
Intelligence: Spartan has learned a lot in his life, even though he is still young for a Chieftain. He is wise and leads the tribes by makign the best decisions possible, but there are times that he makes mistakes or simply does not have certain knowledge. 
Stealth: Spartan has pretty good stealth - it's slightly over average. However, his weight makes it difficult to be quiet, especially at times when leaves are under his paws.
Swimming: Spartan is a pretty decent swimmer. 
Climbing: Spartan has lived most of his life in the mountains. He is an excellent climber, and loves to scale trees and rocky slopes.
Healing: Spartan doesn't really know anything about healing. He leaves that job to the Ahote Healers.

Mother: Lailah
Father: Brutus
Siblings: Nalan; Uriel ( half-sibling, from father's side. )
Spartan also has direct lineage from Kladr on Brutus's side.

( Please give 5-7 traits. Include at least two negative traits.)

Confident: At least 4 sentences on how this trait affects your character and how your character acts with this trait.

Friendly: At least 4 sentences on how this trait affects your character and how your character acts with this trait.

Ambitious: At least 4 sentences on how this trait affects your character and how your character acts with this trait.

: bulletblue: Selectively Serious: At least 4 sentences on how this trait affects your character and how your character acts with this trait.

Cheeky: At least 4 sentences on how this trait affects your character and how your character acts with this trait.

:buletblue: Flirty: At least 4 sentences on how this trait affects your character and how your character acts with this trait.

/ Theatrical: At least 4 sentences on how this trait affects your character and how your character acts with this trait.

Temperamental: At least 4 sentences on how this trait affects your character and how your character acts with this trait.

Selectively Rowdy: At least 4 sentences on how this trait affects your character and how your character acts with this trait.

ETXRAS Optional
- Dominance. Spartan likes to be the dominant partner in any relationship - it's not exactly a sick power trip, but more of an insurance type of feelings. He's never wants to feel weak or out of place.
- Spartan loves a good spar. He'll tussle and playfight with others all day long if he didn't have any responsibilities.
- Spartan likes to get dirty. He often rolls around in the dirt and takes dirt baths, messed around in mud and water, and usually comes home to Nokomis with leaves and debris in his fur, which takes a while to untangle and groom.
- Spartan loves to lay around and lounge in the sun. He'll just soak it up and sleep for hours.
- Spartan tries to act all big and tough around everyone except kittens - or the younger, smaller trainees who seem to need a helping paw. He loves being a father and caretaker to them.
- Spartan loves a good physical challenge - climbing a mountain, climbing a tree, a good fight, a good training session .. anything!
- Spartan hates being disrespected. Anyone who disrespects him is bound to get an earful from a fluffy, infuriated tomcat. 
- Deceit. Lies and things of that nature "are fore sick bastards," as Spartan says it.
- As much as he doesn't like being disrespected, Spartan doesn't like to lose his cool. He thinks it is unbecoming and unprofessional, but sometimes he loses control of his actions and his anger takes over.
- Being rushed around. Spartan hates it! When rushed around, he becomes irritated and sometimes his body will overheat, causing him to be snappy and gripe. 
- Losing a fight or having to give up on a physical challenge. While Spartan is in the early prime of his life, he is starting to think more and more about how as he will get older, his strength and skill might start to fail.
List at least one. These may be difficult to come up with, but try to be unique.
- Spartan is known to be very anger-prone. Sometimes, if made angry enough, his anger will control the decisions he makes.
- When around others, Spartan flexes and shows off his muscles. Sometimes he'l rake his claws down tree bark or will do a few stunts - the reasoning behind this? He's either showing off for a girl or trying to get other males to be submissive.
- Spartan uses the sun and a certain star called Polaris to navigate. Don't be offended if he looks up at the sky when speaking to you - he's just trying to figure out where he is or what time of day it is.
- Spartan fears mortality. He doesn't want to lose his physical strength or good looks.
- Heat stroke. Everyone knows Spartan is a purebred Tocho, and that he can't handle too much heat.

Most stories do not end happy, and this the perfect example of one. This is the story of Brutus. 
You see, Brutus was born in Tocho, and was a descendant from the great Kladr - the last ruler during the times of the Great Tribe. He was the last male of the bloodline, and was treated like royalty by his parents.  He became spoiled and rotten, and entitled. Arrogant and proud, Brutus lived his kithood years in a peaceful, unbothered solitude. His parents were happy, and he was happy. And then he had to begin his training. Brutus didn't like his mentor - a sniveling, jealous tomcat who was bringing him along the path to become a hunter. The two often clashed heads, but another she~cat - one named Lailah, told him to calm down and keep his cool. She handled things so well - and, Brutus was obviously attracted to her soft lilac-tinted markings. Lailah was a Mother Trainee. She was sweet, cool-tempered, and very easy-going. A few moons passed and the two became very close. They were only 9 moons old - but Lailah became pregnant. She worried and fretted but Brutus was there, proud and regal, to keep her calm. The two kept this fact a secret, but Brutus kept a secret from Lailah. In the moons he had become close to Lailah, he also became close to Lailah's older sister, Laliah. Laliah was just a litter older than Lailah - by only 3 moons. Their mother was pregnant back to back! This was why they were so close in age. Nevertheless, Laliah and Brutus had a thing for one another as well. They both kept it secret, but a moon before Lailah was due, Laliah became pregnant. 
Just a few nights before Lailah was due, Brutus was bitten by a venomous snake while going out to sneak a visit with Laliah. Karma was finally beginning to bite him back. He died, alone and cold in the snow. Just three nights later, Lailah went into labor. It was long, and very hard on her body, and she died after naming her kits. Her son was deemed Spartan, and her daughter named Nalan. She told the tribe they belonged to Brutus, and her gaze searched frantically for him as she let go of her last breath. Lailah's mentor had to eat herbs from Ahote to get milk for the kits - one male and one female. Seeing as Laliah had been moved to the Mother's area, - everyone knew she would be kitting soon as well - they were to be given to Laliah as soon as her kits were due.
At first, Laliah resented the kits. They were a symbol of Brutus and Lailah's relationship, and secretly, it had bothered her very much. She wished Brutus had cut off ties with Lailah, but it didn't work out that way. Eventually, she warmed up to them. Her milk began to flow one morning as she went into labor, and bore only one kit. Sobbing, she told the tribe what Lailah had told them about her kits - he belonged to Brutus. She claimed care-taker rights to Spartan and Nalan, and named her son Uriel. 
Spartan and Nalan grew fast. Laliah often had to remind them that Uriel was much younger and smaller. She wouldn't let them roughhouse with Uriel for a little while - not until Uriel's eyes had opened and he was able to walk and run like the other kits, but he was already less than half their size. ( Tocho kittens grow extremely fast and in many large, rapid growth bursts. ) Once Spartan and Nalan were three moons of age, and Uriel was one moon - old enough to walk and talk - she told them about their story, and how each of them came to be. Laliah believed it was wrong to hide anything from her litter, and told them the straight truth. 
Spartan and Nalan were disheartened. Their parents were dead - long gone and incapable of watching them grow. This bothered the two kits for days, and they even stopped playing. Uriel was confused. Maybe he didn't have a Papa, but he had a Momma. One day, when Spartan and Nalan were alone at the entrance of the Sleeping Grounds, obversing the snow from their little hidden cavern inside the huge main cave the Tocho called home, Uriel came to speak with them. He wobbled up to his older half-siblings on shaky, barely-used legs, and wedged himself between them. Spartan looked down at Uriel and voiced his thoughts. "I'm jealous of you, Uri. You have a momma. Ours is dead." Spartan sniffled and Nalan was silent, her gaze cast upon the ground. Uriel plopped his little rump down and began to speak with his very small voice - "But Spartan, Nalan .. She can be your Momma too .." From then on, Spartan, Nalan, and Uriel all three shared the closest bond any siblings have ever had. Sure, they argued and fought over things like children would, but they all loved each other.
When Spartan and Nalan turned four moons, they had to leave Uriel behind. Uriel was still two moons of age, but Spartan and Nalan had to proceed with their training. The Matcher Trainee of Tocho fussed over the two on their big day, and made sure that both Nalan and Spartan were freshly bathed and had combed fur, and took a few guards with her on the journey to the Lorien Tower. Then, the Head Matcher and the Chieftain took the kits one by one to observe them while they took their test - a test that would decided their future.
Nalan took on the rank of Smithy Trainee, and Spartan was assigned the two-moon trial period to see if he would be best-suited to be a Guard or a Hunger-Gatherer. He was under almost constant supervision during these two moons he was taught the basics of hunting, gathering, self-defense, and fighting for others' defense. It was decided that he was a decent Hunter-Gatherer, but already showed great promise for a future Guard. By the end of those two moons, it was an easy choice - Spartan would be trained to become a Guard. A few days later, Uriel entered the same stage - the two moons of learning the basics of two ranks. During these days, Spartan's life began to slow down a bit. He would finish his training for the day with his mentor - which was really just fighting until he dropped and couldn't fight anymore - and then hobbled over to watch Uriel or Nalan in their training. Sometimes he would visit Laliah, who encouraged him to work harder, being the oldest of all the heir to Kladr's line. Spartan acknowledged her encouragements to work harder, and became hardy and ambitious, but refused to become corrupt or arrogant like his father had. 
Spartan would train on his own after his full-day sparring sessions with his mentor. When Spartan wasn't visiting his family, he went off and practiced tactics and agile movements. He would often perform attacking methods while using the objects around him to his advantage - such as using a tree to leap off of and change the tides of a fight, or sliding on the ice or throwing snow into an opponent's face. These private sessions with himself continued on for a few moons until Uriel found out. After Uriel's discovery of Spartan's secret self-training, the two began training together. It was a silent, unannounced tradition between the brothers. They grew even stronger and larger, becoming the strongest of all the Guard Trainees. 
At long last, Spartan's final test was to be given. He was to spar with one of the best Guards in the tribe, a tom named Glenn; another tom named Norrdka, and a she~cat Guard named Shira. Spartan fought with Norrdka first; a newly made Guard. He won easily, being bigger than Norrdka and more skilled from his private sparring with Uriel. Next was Shira, which made Spartan slightly uncomfortable. He knew not to underestimate a female Guard - most of them were tougher than the majority of the males. He also knew the Shira was rumored to be barren, and usually used a deep hatred for the fact of it as a fuel to make her stronger in battle. It was a rough fight - Shira accidentally swiped her claws over Spartan's eye, leaving three deep cuts. He won the fight and was told to move on a keep fighting - that's what a Guard would do for the tribe if injured in battle. Finally, Spartan fought Glenn. The tom showed no mercy, and Spartan found it difficult to hold his own. The spar ended in a draw - a tie. Glenn could not beat spartan, and Spartan could not beat Glenn. At the end of the test, Spartan was named a full Guard, and held his head high as he was told to apply ice to his eye and rest for the next few days. A cat had been sent to request an Ahote Healer, and it was a full moon before Spartan's wounds healed and scarred over. He was lucky he didn't lose his eye. Ever since then, he avoided and had a slight resentment towards Shira, and always competed with Glen. 
A cat had been sent to request an Ahote Healer, and it was a full moon before Spartan's wounds healed and scarred over. He was lucky he didn't lose his eye. Ever since then, he avoided and had a slight resentment towards Shira, and always competed with Glenn. Glenn and Spartan's competitive nature with one another owuld often get out of hand and owuld turn into arguments and small, dangerous scuffles. In the two-moon wait for his little brother to become a full Guard, Glenn hooked his claw in the side of Spartan's muzzle, drawing blood and leaving a scar. This sparked Spartan a rough anger and dislike for Glenn as well.
Meanwhile, Nalan lived her days as a full Smithy, working with precious metals and gems. She made a gift for Spartan in honor of his new rank, and he buried it somewhere in Tocho territory. No one knows where it is except for Spartan. Finally, Uriel joined Spartan as a guard. The two brothers were inseparable! Spartan told Uriel of his troubles with Glenn, and his dislike of Shira. The two brothers both disliked Glenn and Shira, but were even more surprised when Shira and Glenn were Matched. It was proven that Shira was barren, though, and Spartan offered her his deepest apologies, but talked to her about how much of an amazing Guard she was. Shira and Spartan became friends, but Glenn left Shira to find a "more suitable" mate; directly quoted from Glenn.
Not much happened for the next few moons of Spartan's life. He just .. lived his life with the seasons. An interesting even happened when Spartan was twenty-seven moons old. He was out checking the territory for signs of predators, as well as marking the territory, when he saw a small figure lying in the snow. The wind changed direction and brought the figure's scent to him - a she~cat, with .. an odd scent. She smelled of distant wind and strange dirt and metals he had never smelled before. When he came closer to examine her, he noticed that she wasn't a pure Tocho cat - in fact, she was mostly Ahote, but perhaps with some distance Tocho in her blood, giving her enough fluff and fur to keep her warm. However, she had been licking herself to try and keep warm; Spartan could tell because of the icicles on her fur and the rapid, extreme shivers of her body. He guessed she was about eight moons old, but very, very small. So small! He thought, scooping her up in his paws. He wrapped his heavy body around her, knowing that she wouldn't make it if he carried her to camp. Hours later, the she~cat woke and frantically scampered away from Spartan's warm grasp. Spartan' gathered himself to his paws and ran after her. "Wait, little she~cat! Wait! I promise to not hurt you. I'm a protector, a guard."
The she~cat emerged from behind a pile of snow. "Yes, I know. I know all about the tribes. My mother, Moon, taught me everything. " Spartan was stricken by her beauty and hypnotized by her words. He padded cautiously over to her, sniffing her pelt. "You .. smell funny. What's your name?" His eyes were narrowed slightly, but she merely replied with a soft answer of her name. "Nokomis." The two talked for a bit longer, but she grew a little cold again. Spartan took her to Tocho camp, and it was told that she was eight moons old with all the knowledge of a fully-ranked Mother. Spartan and Nokomis were seen often around one another for the next couple of moons as she was under watch by the tribe. The tribe wanted to make sure she wasn't dangerous. Uriel even teased Spartan of how fond Spartan was over Nokomis, which resulted in an irritated Spartan stalking off with a deep blush on his face. When Spartan was thirty moons old, and Nokomis eleven moons old, they were made mates under the Matcher's words. Everyone in the tribe celebrated for the newly-matched couple.
Spartan didn't want to try for kits - he felt he wasn't ready and knew that Nokomis was far too young, not to mention far too small. He told her he loved her every time things became heated between them, but also told her that he felt they weren't ready. The next few moons passed peacefully, but when Spartan was thirty-four moons old, the Warhead died from a common sickness. Spartan decided to fight Glenn for the position of Warhead - he'd much rather not see a cruel feline such as Glenn leading the tribe. Shira - Spartan's friend, Nokomis, Uriel, Laliah, and Nalan cheered Spartan on as he climbed the ranks and fought more and more of the Guards. No blood was drawn - it was forbidden and disqualify the violator. Spartan finally fought enough to rest - his next, and final opponent was Glenn. Spartan was tired, but he felt that some of his strength was renewed after his rest. When it was time to fight, Spartan gathered himself to his paws and flexed, staring into Glenn's eyes. "Here's to a fair fight." He mrooooowed between gritted teeth. The two toms fought like no one had ever seen - they were a perfect sparring match, their skills unable to best one another. Spartan grew tired, though; he had fought many before fighting Glenn. Spartan lost his footing and Glenn grew tired of the constant draw between them. Glenn took the moment that Spartan fell as an excuse to attack even more. Glenn whipped around to Spartan's side, digging his claws into Spartan's tail. Many smaller scrapes and scratches were given to Spartan as Glenn appeared to go on a rampage. "You will not take this from me, Spartan!" He yowled, tasting Spartan's blood from where he bit into the large tom's pelt. Spartan cared no longer about violating the law. He had to protect himself. Raising his paw with what strength he had, Spartan sent his paw flying into the air - making a loud CLLLKKK! with the impact of Glenn's lower jaw. Glenn let out a shrill scream - his jaw was dislocated! Spartan turned to face his tribemates in shock. He knew not of his strength - in fact, he wished he had known of it before he dislocated Glenn's jaw. In the following moments, Glenn took off down the mountainside, leaving forever, and Spartan claimed his position as Warhead. Spartan named Nokomis, as his mate, to be the Matcher Trainee.
Shortly after Spartan became Warhead, Nalan requested to be a loner, but also in peace with the tribes. She was given permission to go around and trade with the tribes, as well as to livei n the Sacred Trees. Many began to call her "Trader" instead of by her actual name. 
Days before, the Chieftain had visited Tocho to speak with the previous Warhead. The elderly Chieftain caught the same common sickness as the previous Chieftain, and about a moon of suffering went by. The tribes were in a hushed, unbroken type of vigil of respect; the Chieftain had led them for many years, and things were beginning to take a sort of dark turn with his recent falling ill. Another half moon later, the Chieftain passed away, slowly and quietly in the night. Spartan also participated in the fight for Chieftain - he had too. He fought long and hard against the other Warheads, and in the end, he won. He made Nokomis the Head Matcher and the two have lived in the Lorien Tower ever since.
However, Spartan was present in the sparring that decided who would be the new Warhead of Tocho. He watched as Uriel nearly made a fatal move that would have lost his gain for the position, but Spartan tossed a few branches in nearby bushes when no one was watching, causing Uriel's opponent to be distracted. At last, Uriel had the upper hand and won. No one knew what spartan had done, but he did it for his little brother. 
Uriel visits Spartan often, and usually by surprise. The two brothers are as close as can be. Lately, Nokomis and Spartan have been going off to be alone in the Royals territory, and her belly has gotten bigger in the past moon. Many think she has perhaps been overeating, but only time can tell ..

You may either create a colored bullet list or use a relationship chart, which can be found in the featured folder of the group gallery!

Please give up your best example of a roleplay with your character. If you need any ideas or prompts, just try to roleplay your character working for their profession. ( Ex. A Scavenger out scavenging. )

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Comments: 19

FaIIenShadows [2015-07-10 05:24:22 +0000 UTC]

Omgggg i love him so much ahhh ;__;
we must rp ;__;

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SH4RKIE In reply to FaIIenShadows [2015-07-10 14:32:04 +0000 UTC]

omg yes we must!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Darkmask7 [2015-05-28 19:42:37 +0000 UTC]

why is it that you draw for all the studs and cuddly toms
and I cant have them thats not fair ;u;

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SH4RKIE In reply to Darkmask7 [2015-05-28 20:48:39 +0000 UTC]

omg what are you talking about O:
Not evennnnn

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

NauticalMiles [2015-05-28 19:01:49 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SH4RKIE In reply to NauticalMiles [2015-05-28 19:20:06 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

painkrc99 [2015-05-28 00:48:10 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SH4RKIE In reply to painkrc99 [2015-05-28 18:18:30 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

painkrc99 In reply to SH4RKIE [2015-05-28 20:03:46 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Ukariarti [2015-05-27 23:07:55 +0000 UTC]

Hoooot. Though he is related to Uriel? O: Didnt know that! 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SH4RKIE In reply to Ukariarti [2015-05-27 23:24:18 +0000 UTC]

Yep! Different mommas, but the same daddy.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Ukariarti In reply to SH4RKIE [2015-05-27 23:27:54 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

KAZUHlRA [2015-05-27 22:37:08 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SH4RKIE In reply to KAZUHlRA [2015-05-27 22:50:36 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

MlSTY [2015-05-27 22:36:18 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SH4RKIE In reply to MlSTY [2015-05-27 22:50:14 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MlSTY In reply to SH4RKIE [2015-05-28 00:04:37 +0000 UTC]


Ahhhh c": saaame

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

AlmostCreepy101 [2015-05-27 22:35:53 +0000 UTC]

He's beautiful! 
I can not wait for this group to be open c:

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SH4RKIE In reply to AlmostCreepy101 [2015-05-27 22:50:02 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! <33
Same omg ;o;

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