Shabazik — Drow Riflemen

Published: 2011-08-02 22:35:39 +0000 UTC; Views: 16210; Favourites: 162; Downloads: 380
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Description Two mercenary drow riflemen from the Negéera tribe of the Ypógeos, during the 3.077 after the Apparition of Humanity (Second Industrial Age), during the Trutsian-Torkish war for Bolgarya.

The Tork Empire of Cretor hired against the Krakavian Trutsians Ypógeos mercenaries to reinforce their obsolete forces, using them mostly as hit-and-run forces for night attacks, as well skirmishers and guides in the night.

They use old flintlock rifles of Cretorian production, and the near riflewoman, a Negeéra commoner, had as well a Trutsian officer revolver, surely loothed from an officer of the Czarist Empire.

Now, this will be long....

History of the Drow

The Drows, a kind of dark elves, seem to have originated from the steppes and deserts from Hieyoks. These folks of nomadic hunters and gatherers of black skin and white hair -who called themselves originally Neroz- wandered, following the game their hunted, as the “Wars of the Gods” ragged, and the whole ecosystem of Aiers seemed to be at stake.

During a time of warm climate, they settled in the shores of the sea of Hieyokscream around the 22.000 or 20.000 before the Apparition of Humanity (b.a.H). However, with the desaparition of the “Gods” and the “ancient races”, destroyed in their wars, the climate began to change again, became cooler and cooler: This obligate first the Zuleis, ancestors of the Hake dark elves, and then the rossnes –ancestors of High, Silvan, Grey, Doroz, wild and Sand elves- to leave their ancestral homeland in Polforia, and migrate across Hieyoks to Ushaenor.

In these migrations, Neroz, Rossnes and Zuleis clans had relations, and from them where born the purple elves, the Wollumis.

But the temperature keep dropping, and the hunting areas and lands of the nomad Neroz became invaded with the ice and snow, and now was time for them to migrate:

The 19.000 b.a.H, the Wollumis and Neroz tribes crossed the sea of Hieyokscream, to the continent of Aels and the regions of Polforia, following once more time the migrating animals.

Once in Polforia, the more aggressive black and purple elves needed to fight for survival against beast peoples: K’nir, Loranor and harpies, and they forced to leave the blue, green and pink elves from their ancestral lands of Polforia.

About the 16.000 b.a.H, the Wollumis decided to migrate to their own lands, to the forests of Nubla, meanwhile the Neroz become the masters of Polforia.

The Neroz tribes, slowly, began to expand, and eventually they learned about the domestication of animals and plans: agriculture. Permanent settlements and villages will began to appear, as they began to become from nomad gatherer-hunters to semi-nomad shepherds and sedentary farmers, near the 14.000 b.a.H.

* * * * *
Empire of Drow

These settlements began to grow, becoming small towns: and eventually, around the 13.000 b.a.H, the Neroz will leave the prehistory, to become the historic drows, name taken from one of these first kingdoms that come to be, as their cities adopted written systems.

A first drow empire come to be: the first Empire the world of Aiers will ever see, expanding their influence in Polforia, and even beyond their natural borders. They ancient gods –according to the drow- ordered them to bring the light of civilization to their barbarian brothers, as well to domesticate the monsters (non-elfs: but the drow supremacy will not be uncontested: The ‘barbarians’, without organization or armies, were over runed and conquered, or forced out of the Empire of Drow. However, the barbarians learned from their conquerors and enemies: Verdennos, Zuleis, Rossnes and Wollumis elves began to adopt parts of the Drow culture and civilization, as well a more complex political organization aside from tribes and clans, to face the Empire of the Drow:

As long as the Empire of Drow was unified, their enemies couldn’t with them: but internal struggles, corruption, succession and civil wars weakened the empire from within…

About one thousand years of war will come in Aels, until the final defeat and destruction of the Empire of Drow: the other elven nations, aided by beast people and anyone who opposed the dark elves, defeated the drow armies, destroyed the drow cities, looting and plundering, killing each woman, man and children alike, bringing even their race to the brink of complete destruction.

The Empire collapsed: Cornered to their last lines of defenses, the drows retreated to the Underworld of Kazrrad about the 12.000 b.a.H:

As the Empire of Drow was in the eight of their power, they discovered the underworld and explored it, and they began to settle and live in it even before of the declination of their empire: So the transition wasn’t as painful or violent: but as they slowly lost their holds in the surface, they needed to become more and more secluded to Kazrrad.

But to rebuild their civilization, in the land of eternal darkness of Kazrrad, from the ashes of a destroyed world wasn’t an easy task, and it would be needed a thousand years, between the 12.000 to the 11.000 b.a.H for the sparkles of civilization to shine again, now deep down in the underworld of Kazrrad, as drow city states came to be.

Meanwhile they struggled to live in eternal shadows of Kazrrad, other drow survivors keep wandering the surface, the ones who will be the ancestors of the Canaia, the surface drows.

* * * * *
Ancient Kazrrad Drow city-states

In the shadows, anemic and without sun, the blak skin of the drow will turn lighter, to more grayish tones than their surface Canaia drow siblings, from obsidian and coal black.

Ched’Lolthan would be one of the first ancient drow city-states of the underworld of Kazrrad, founded around the 12.200 b.a.H, followed then by Lolth’Ilthan, Llurth Negeél, Luihalen’Tar, and Erehel-Sinu in the following 500 years:

The resources where limited, Kazrrad was hard, and the competence high: the drow cities predated on each other, and war will become constant: but despise their terrible costs, the civilization flourished.

More cities where founded: Abathagan, Szithilhan, V’eddrinshah, Orlytar… the drows where expanding in the realm of shadows of Kazrrad: to the south and west, in the caverns.
After about 1.500 years of Ched’Lolthan hegemony, the 10.000 b.a.H the city of Llurth Negeél will achieve the hegemony, but not uncontested: Becoming the larger and more powerful drow city of Kazrrad, the other 12 mayor city states banded together, and the 9.500 will began the brutal War of the 13 Cities , in wich Llurth Negeél and their vassals will face all the other drow nations of Kazrrad:

Despise the war, the Negeél civilization will live their goleen age around the 9.000 b.a.H: but finally, the permanent state of war, and meanwhile the other drow cities expanded in the underworld, the Llurt Negeél were cornered, and unable to expand any further, with internal struggles and the cost of war, declined:

The 7.000 b.a.H, finally they civilization will disappear, as a coalition of the drow followers of the Spider Goddess assaulted in a holy war, annihilating everybody except some few who where spared, to become slaves.

* * * * *
The Age of the Spider

The Confederation of drow cities, followers of the Goddess of the Spiders, Lolh, after defeating, destroying or converting the non believers in the War of the Holy Spider ended fighting each other for the spoils and the influence: the confederation dissolved, and for long time, the drow dedicated to fight each other: meanwhile some philosophers speak about the inminent extinction of the drow by drow hand, Manzarraza was the more powerful city state between the 7.000 to the 4.000 b.a.H, and to keep that status, they where in a permanent cycle of wars.

However, this age of fratricidal war will come to an end, with the rise of Erehel-Sinu as new hegemonic drow city.

It wasn’t precisely an age of peace, but after that, the Age of the Spider will be remembered as chaos, and in this moment will be that the cult of Lolth will be seen as evil or demonic by other religions.

* * * * *
Erehel-Sinu, and the Dwarven wars

Slowly but constant, the city under the Holy Mountain of Hortann, Erehel-Sinu, will reemplace the strongest and largest of the drow cities: the southern drow city, it was away from most of the constant combats and wars to avoid the destruction of it, near uncharted areas of Kazrrad to explore, settle and conquer, but capable of fighting the wars of the North.

This city will remain the title of the largest and more powerful drow city from the 4.000 b.a.H until the 1.000 since the apparition of Humanity: However, this wasn’t a time for the drow in Kazrrad, but for the Dwarves.

The dwarven civilization where some of the oldest of Aiers, and while the elves where still nomads in the surface, they where building cities and mines: For much time, they greater enemies in Kazrrad will be the Draak Harg, the dragon-kin as well the dragons, aside from the competence with other dwarven city-states:

But in the drow expansion –leaded by Erehel-Sinu- the hostile dwarven-drow relations will turn in a serie of wars.

But near the 3.500 - 3.100 before the apparition of Humanity, the dwarves of Fronhost learned the secrets of the Iron: and their discoveries will be turn as weapons of war by the Dwarves of the Mines of Nortunk, a young Dwarven nation:

Nortunk first defeated and conquered all the surrounding dwarven nations, becoming the Empire of Nortunk: The Dwarves of Nortunk had become an incomparable, unstopable power with their alliance with the Gmonia dwarves, and with their large armies, equiped with the better weapons and armors such masters of iron could create, there was no one who could challenge them.

the light-blue banner of the two hammers and anvil of the Mine of Nortunk will be found in all the destroyed drow cities of central Kazrrad: the loose confederation of drow states, gathered together in time of alarm, were completely defeated, and their armies routed: the survivors retreated to lick their wounds, learn the mysteries of this new “iron”, and hope to be ready when the dwarves come to them.

From the refugees of the destroyed drow cities, will surge the Mazalean nation, meanwhile in the south, Erehel-Sinu, the city under the Holy Mountian of Hortann –and dangerously close to Nortunk- received waves of refugees:

They needed to strength themselves, and rebuild their force, and to achieve that, they seek for expansion:
Refugees and people afraid of the dwarven menace, marched to the south, to caves and tunnels unexplored until then:

Among the many colonies that where founded, were Ched’Nasan, the 2.600 b.a.H and Negeémiliel the 2.440 b.a.H, both cities who will become important drow civilizations in their own.

Descendants from Llurt Negeél –city annihilated many generations ago, conquered the city by Erehel-Sinu and the survivors enslaved – the followers of the Cult of Negeé, a minor goddess of War in the pantheon will play a key part in the colonization of Southern Kazrrad.

Meanwhile in the north, the other drow cities, after the defeat in front of the Nortunk, and when returning home, will began –again- a serie of fratricidal wars to fulfill the vacuum of power, in the south Erehel-Sinu lived again an age of splendor –under the shadow of Nortunk-, setting contact with the Flairie –dark elves- city states from the surface of the Unnline civilization trade relations, as well surface settlements

However, the feared final push of the Mines of Nortunk to finish the drows didn’t come: The 1.100 before the Apparition of Humanity, Nortkunk and Gmonia, allied, tried to replicate their sucsess, conquering an empire –in the surface-. But what the Drow couldn’t do, was achieved by the sylvan elves from the Empire of Malvor.

With Nortunk, due their own greed, reduced again to be only other player –but still important- in the game of power in the underworld of Kazrrad:

However, as one enemy disappeared, other take the place: The High Elves of the Empire of Whide Axis: The 900 b.a.H, the High elves arrived in their large boats to Aels, to conquer and annex: a danger of new type, as they where the more powerful elf magicians, they will conquer and destroy the dark elves of Unnline, and force the drow surface settlements once again to the shadows of Kazrrad.

Apparition of Humanity: The Age of Invasions

The “Year 0” finally come: even if in the calendar there doesn’t exist the year 0, but 1 before the Apparition of Humanity and 1 After it, is called in that way the moment the “people of the Sky” arrived to the world of Aiers.

This didn’t affected directly the drows in the first moment: But the massive changes to the surface of the continent of Hieyokscream in about 50 years, as the Tekkno-loki magic of the humans shaped this world after their own, mean for the Drows that suddenly, inmense extensions of Kazzrad collapsed, and thousands of new caverns and tunnels will surge, as other were dried from the water of the seas.

The year 100 happened the sudden fall of the Human civilization in flashes of light and fire that burn the lands: and then, the dramatic changes produced by the Tekkno-loki were stopped.

With new lands to explore and settle, not only Erehel-Sinu became part of the colonization and expansion there, with the possibilities of the surface expansion cut down by the High Elves, but as well their colonies participated, becoming more and more powerful in their own:

To the point that eventually, the 400 of the Human Age, Ched’Nasan will gain their independence from Erehel-Sinu in a brutal war against the Metropolis; example wich will be followed by Negeémiliel the 480.

However, the Age of Invasions doesn’t have that name without motive: Meanwhile in the south new drow civilizations appeared, founded in these new caves of Kazrrad as Sunner, Sia’Peiran and Ched’Ipango, the geographical, climatic and migrations triggered in Aelz and Zarhuy a wave of invasions, of races and nations migrating, expulsated from their own homelands: Goblins, orcs and other monsters will go down to the underworld; pushed by Humans and Kanovs:

And in their way, they will destroy many drow city-states in Kazrrad, or trigger the foundation of new ones, like Ched’l Sulho around the 300, meanwhile the newly independent states found colonies in their own, as Negeémiliel founded Ched’Hihrin the 666 a.a.H

All of these changes will lead, finally, to the end of the Erehel-Sinu Hegemony around the year 1.000 since the apparition of Humanity.

* * * * *
The Warring states

For the next centuries, between the 1.000 and the 1.700 will be a time simply know as the Warring states: chaotic era of permanent war, against the non-drow and between the drows, with Ched’Nasan playing a principal role, as well of Ched’Hihrin, which won their independence from their metropolis, and Kalhari will be founded.

* * * * *
Negeémiliel Hegemony

The year 1.365, in the Island of Satanmet, from the Mount Demonach, appeared the demons for a first time. Slowly, they will manage to become one of the greater powers of Aels, in the Dark Legion: however, their assention would not be too easy or undisputed.
When, with the fall of Dume the 1.676 began the Dark Age of Demons, among the southern drows raised a new hegemonic power near the 1.700 a.a.H: Negeémiliel.

Meanwhile in the north, the dungeandar of Manzarraza, and in the south, Sia’Peiran, will play similar similar roles: and entering in the diplomatic games of the demon lords of the Dark Legion, for their own interests and the promises for the complete hegemony over all the drow, A loose drow confederation will be founded, ally from the Dark Legion of Demons, fighting at their side in the First War of the Power (2.203-2.223) against the humans and their allies.

This war will be lost by demons, and power struggles will follow it in the drow cities, but the Negeémi will remain as the principal drow city, after fighting a serie of wars and taking as vassals Ched’Hihrin, Ched’Nasan and Erehel-Sinu, becoming the largest drow city and Empire until that moment:

But internal struggles, wars to remain in their hegemonic position and the competence with the Nigromancer of Tok-Thoria slowly weakened their position: And in the second coming of darkness, the return of the great demon lords and the second War of the Power (2.434-2.539), the Dark Legion wanted a puppet drow state, more directly in their control: So was founded Zaghal.

* * * * *
Zaghal, the twisted city

Zaghal, the twisted city of the Tainted drow was founded the 1.511 as a confederation of the dark Elves, vassals of the demons.

After the first war, and during the second, the demons decided that the unsure allies that were the drow city-states, more focused in their political goals than to the war, wanted to achieve direct control over them: and that’s why was founded the Twisted City of Zaghal of the dark elves.

Vassal state of the Dark Legion, having endless hordes of orcs, monsters and creatures at their disposition, as well the most powerful mages and warlocks trained in demonic arts, superior to any other elven mages, Zaghal become the most important dark elf city:

However, it was a twisted nightmare of blood and destruction, tool of war of the demons: fanatics driven in a unholy war to crush the light elves. Seen as corrupted by the other drows and dark elves, their military force was more charismatic for them, trying to avoid a direct war against them.
Zaghal will be one of the four factions that fight during the demon civil war, in which will break the Dark Legion: the War of the Four Black Kings (2.535-2.539), fought for the place of the right hand of Sataan, after the failed coup d’etat of Satman the Fallen.

Lossing the war, the Dark King of Zaghal will become even more of a mere vassal of the Dark Legion, until the very end of the ancient age, with the Cataclysm.

And during the Third War of the Power (2.633-2.635) Their armies will fight as far as Ushaenor and Aels… before the complete destruction of the Twisted City of Zaghal in the Great Cataclysm.

The cataclysm and the drows, the drows in the human World

The cataclysm changed completely and forever Aiers, scarring the world itself: The massive earthquakes, as the world itself shifted, destroyed great extensions of the Underworld of Kazrrad: even worse than in the surface, it really reached apocalyptical proportions in the underworld, where whole civilizations disappeared but some few survivors.

Once again, the civilization of the drow was destroyed, and would have been needed centuries to rebuild them again: but this time they didn’t had the time:

Many needed to migrate to the surface, as the Kazrrad wasn’t anymore an underworld, but ruined caves: ancient trade routes and traditional resources destroyed, once in the surface, their settlements didn’t remained independent long before being annexed by humans.

Other cities, fortunate enough to survive the cataclysm, as well with enough space to continue their live underground, would escape from this destiny for longer time:

However, like with most of the other non-human nations, the First and Second Industrial Age, the rise of National States and the human imperialism and colonization, they time as independent nations was counted, despise some minor tribes and nations resisting, deep down in their caves…

The drow in the end, will become citizens of Slavkinia, Finnoland, Hettichslaven, the Tork Empire of Cretor, and many other –human- nations… citizens of second class, or just inhabitants.

so I finally inked this drawing... completely different concept now, thought. XD
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Comments: 72

moonsaber56 [2014-01-10 07:43:00 +0000 UTC]

Damn that is a lot of flintlocks....

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Shabazik In reply to moonsaber56 [2014-01-10 13:05:06 +0000 UTC]

lots of flintlocks!! D:!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Moreuse [2013-10-24 14:34:48 +0000 UTC]

love this picture

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Shabazik In reply to Moreuse [2013-10-24 14:40:57 +0000 UTC]


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Moreuse In reply to Shabazik [2013-10-24 14:59:24 +0000 UTC]


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larqven [2013-10-16 18:14:49 +0000 UTC]

Here we go!


Is there anything you can tell me about the Slov Trutsians and the Tork Cretor empire?  Geography, people, what was the basis of this war?  Presumably this is taking place in southern Aels, but no way can I be sure.  Largely because these two drows are post-cataclysm Negeemi. but as mercenaries, they might move about quite a bit.  But I'm assuming that they are mercenaries in the sense that their local drow government was requested them by their Tork overlords?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Shabazik In reply to larqven [2013-10-16 18:20:00 +0000 UTC]

well, first of all I changed the "slovs" into "krakavians" lately... as there existed a slavic people called the slovs. As I had to change as well the sorbian, as there existed some of them as well. XD

After the cataclysm, Hieyoks and Aels merged in great part, being displaced the Tok sea to the south, and Hieyokscream to the northwest: one of the great changes. So this happen where Hieyoks and southern Aels get together, in the shores of a reduced Tok sea!

the Tork Empire of Cretor was the one to succeed the Orange Sun caliphate of Blazakhov.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Savachika [2013-03-26 21:55:21 +0000 UTC]

Weapon can be different but with spears or with guns drow are dangerous, cute and sexy.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Shabazik In reply to Savachika [2013-03-27 13:43:04 +0000 UTC]


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johndoyhy [2012-09-04 08:35:17 +0000 UTC]

isn't it facetious to think that a race of people would stay under ground and nearly kill each other to extinction... couldn't they, say, leave each other alone, separate into two groups, and/or return to the surface, so they aren;t at threat of genocide?

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Shabazik In reply to johndoyhy [2012-09-05 12:28:52 +0000 UTC]

Well, they not only nearly killed each other underground nearly to extinction, but as well killed goblins, orcs, dwarves and others in the same way.

And while they attemped to return to the surface, there where several failed trials! :3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

johndoyhy In reply to Shabazik [2012-09-05 12:44:09 +0000 UTC]

so they were trying to kill everyone?

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

Shabazik In reply to johndoyhy [2012-09-05 12:53:19 +0000 UTC]

basically. Everyone who aren't their own. Sometimes rather than killing, they annexed the, thought!

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johndoyhy In reply to Shabazik [2012-09-05 12:57:10 +0000 UTC]

i don't understand. why so antagonistic and evil? and malicious and pernicious? that they wan't to kill everyone...

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Shabazik In reply to johndoyhy [2012-09-05 13:01:45 +0000 UTC]

No they don't, they states act as the states of any others.

The city-states of the drows look for 1.- Supervivence and 2.-Hegemony.

For supervivence, you need to defend yourself and keep the needed resources for your population. for Hegemony, you can achieve it by trade, diplomacy or war.

They use for hegemony trade, diplomacy or war. Often, the look for hegemony will find as oppositors other states, looking for hegemony, or only their supervivence.

Drows trade with drows, drows do diplomacy with drows, drows do war with drows.
Dwarves trade with dwarves, dwarves do diplomacy with dwarves, dwarves do war with dwarves.
As well, drows trade with dwarves, dwarves with drows, drows with orcs, orcs with goblins. Then they make alliances, and wars to each other.

Just like in our world in any moment of history, between humans

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

johndoyhy In reply to Shabazik [2012-09-05 13:19:31 +0000 UTC]

wasn't there a time when dwarves nearly wiped out all elves entirely.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Shabazik In reply to johndoyhy [2012-09-05 13:23:45 +0000 UTC]

not entirely, but from central Aels (one of my continents). It was the Nortunk Dwarf Empire. They almost crushed all the elves (light and dark ones) , orcs, goblins and beastmen, before their empire collapsed.

It was mostly due the use of iron by the dwarves, unmatched by the bronze weapons of the elves of that time. :3

👍: 0 ⏩: 3

johndoyhy In reply to Shabazik [2012-09-05 15:24:42 +0000 UTC]

is this all based off of Dungions and Dragons fiction?

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Shabazik In reply to johndoyhy [2012-09-06 13:49:11 +0000 UTC]

not really -or completely-, this come from a world I created for a game in school during childhood: but as I grew up -and began to read and learn more things- this world -Aiers- became more and more complex.

As originally was a game done with schoolfriends, often they "imported" from films, games and books ideas, which I adapted in my world, aside of my original ones:

of course, there was much Dungeons and Dragons influence!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

johndoyhy In reply to Shabazik [2012-09-06 15:42:05 +0000 UTC]

so, as you grew older, did your elves get more or less clothes?

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Shabazik In reply to johndoyhy [2012-09-06 16:28:59 +0000 UTC]

as fact, the elves appeared much later in my world. Most of my mythological creatures where at first from the chilean folcklore! XD

The first elves that catched my attention where from Lord of The Rings. And since then, rather than giving them less clothes, I make many, many types of elves, with different fashions: the explaination are cultural fashions! X3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

johndoyhy In reply to Shabazik [2012-09-06 19:16:28 +0000 UTC]

Why didn't you take more influence from Tolkin's lore rather than D&D or straight from germanic mythology - whatever the case may be? Did you not like Tolkins interpretation of elves. also the species in Tolkin's world didn't fight against each other. Rather, they joined together to fight of evil throughout the history of middle earth, as opposed to abandoning oneanother and later attempting to gain complete hegemonic control by killing races off as some primitive means of survival.
Of course it isn't fare for me to judge the integrity of your world's species (all lore can be interpreted differently), but i'm just curious about the direction your characters took.

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Shabazik In reply to johndoyhy [2012-09-07 02:44:54 +0000 UTC]

Well: as said, I began this as child, from a game I had with my classmates:

Each classmate directed a nation, and I created the world: This game lasted 12 years -all my schooltime, basically- and in a moment, played 140 persons from 800 that where from the school. XD

Originally the game was from a "modern world". But then I added a "medieval" part of it, and later, a "sci-fi" one.

The game tried to be more realist in the modern, space opera in the sci-fi, and fantasy in the "medieval". However, all of them where in the same world, so I needed to coordinate them.

As well, aside from the creatures I invented -and that I taked from myths-, the people who played could "invent" their own as well: and so, some people bring some interpretations of elves from a PC game, for example -world of warcraft- other from webcomics bassed in D&D -no one seem to have played in my school D&D, drows- and others from anime, movies, books or TV series. I must say thought, often they only said the visuals -so I draw them- and leaved to me everything -everything!- else. XD

This happened not only with elves, but all kinds of creatures. And not only fantasy people, but technologies, nations, cultures, etc.

Then, what I did with each player adding some in their own, and my own world, was the need to coordinate all:

And so, from multiple influences, I began to create my "own" lore.

As well, I loved history. And now, I study History -hoping to become a historian-

From this, basically I wanted my non-human creatures to be very human. Despise some physical diferences, they had our own interests and such:

In that way, with the ideas comming from several parts -myself, friends, familiars, myths, books, games, tv, movies, etc, etc, etc- I needed to make a coherent world.

After I finished school, my "world-game" ended, but not my efforts on it: I wanted to make it into something coherent:

So I taked away the ridiculous, and give original turns -or what I think are original- to others. Elves from different origins became elves of different races. Elves of different races, had different nations, ethnic groups and cultures:

And like human nations, often they will fight themselves, or serve their own agendas...

ANYWAY. My world is original, but in the same time, it's not.
Is in the same way my own creative world -giving them histories, stories, myths, cultures, languages, ethnic groups, physical characteristics, identities, personalities- and is not -with some creatures entering my world because a childhood friend in a moment of our childhood say "anthros are cool. You should totally make cat people!" as example. And as well, for using creatures of other fantasy works, mythologies and more-

I suppose in the end, that's why I don't try to commercialice my world or anything. XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

johndoyhy In reply to Shabazik [2012-09-08 02:43:16 +0000 UTC]

I was introduced to the fictional setting by the lord of the rings films when I was young, the elves and dwarves i immediately attached to, and I always enjoyed when the two species interacted. In my understanding elves venerated wisdom, where dwarves venerated intellect; this doesn't mean that dwarves weren't wise, nor elves unintelligent, but they were very much different as two supernatural species. Elves favored a conscientious approach to learning, suitable for there immortal, perpetual lifespans, and dwarves favored the stubborn pursuit of knowledge, and expressions through sophisticated and elaborately designed underground cities and fortifications. As far as combat, both were very capable. Dwarves took advantage of their short height and tank like build to plow down enemies in front of them. Elves took advantage of their tall height and keen senses and became deadly archers - plus they had magic, but I don't know what was going on with that. Through out the history of middle earth Dwarves and elves exhibited their superiority through valiant or incredible acts of heroism.

I don't know much about D&D myself, I only just recently read in to it. It wasn't a very detailed description but I know there's supposed to be a huge difference. However, I was introduced into the D&D lore much earlier, through a series of books called Dragon Lance, though i was unaware of where their inspiration came from. In dragon lance the species were notably different now that i think of it; the elves were younger, and the dwarves were more realists than engineers and crafts men, or, atleast, that what it seemed. they invented the gully dwarves which were interesting. but, still, no drows (they had dark mages though). The species of kyrn - the world of dragon lance - fought each other a great deal after cataclysmic events, sparking brutal wars where elves were massacred and raped.

Other than that, I read some the narnia books, which I enjoyed, and that world had dwarfs, however they were mostly antagonistic in the second book, and fourth books. They showed up in most of the books though; they weren't in the third one I don't think. Boy and his Horse I think it was called. I didn't read any of the last one, but I heard it was a rave.

I should request Santa Claus be added to your fiction. he's a beast.
I'm serious. him

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johndoyhy In reply to Shabazik [2012-09-05 15:23:03 +0000 UTC]

so at what point do the elves decide that violence is not always the best way to live, and they move into the forest where they live peacefully ever after?

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Shabazik In reply to johndoyhy [2012-09-06 13:47:00 +0000 UTC]

In my world of Aiers, never.

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johndoyhy In reply to Shabazik [2012-09-05 13:47:04 +0000 UTC]

so then there were only dark elves in Central Aels, below the earth.

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Shabazik In reply to johndoyhy [2012-09-05 13:49:54 +0000 UTC]

More or less :3

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johndoyhy In reply to johndoyhy [2012-09-05 12:49:20 +0000 UTC]

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larqven [2011-08-04 03:22:22 +0000 UTC]

Hmn? A Dahl'Arak in a future age following the ruining of Kazzrad? Yeah, I too like the split pants!

Lot of information to process! You come up with some great, evocative fantasy names for cities!

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Shabazik In reply to larqven [2011-08-04 04:25:36 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! I'm glad you like the names! X3

And yeah: back there, the Priestess of Negeéra may be a descendant from a Dahl'Arak for her hairstyle. X3

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Billie-Bonce [2011-08-03 18:17:32 +0000 UTC]

Good that Dahl'Arak lived in epoch when they hadn't chemical and nuclear weapons.

Also, for some reason, I almost see some Cossacks behind this girls.

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Shabazik In reply to Billie-Bonce [2011-08-04 04:24:00 +0000 UTC]

Well, you may remember that one time I commented there was "Kossaks", as well many other descendants of the original human groups... and the Trutsian empire is from slovs -slavs-, and the torks are Bazik -and turkik with Kanov- X3

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Billie-Bonce In reply to Shabazik [2011-08-19 16:14:13 +0000 UTC]

Since you doesn't copy the history of mankind exactly, there can be some differences. Say, could it happen that after facing the annoying (and, unfortunately, rather gory) night attacks of poorly organized but very well trained mercenaries, the Trutsian Empire used some officially unacknowledged Kossak regiments under the command of their leaders with Anarchist ideology to confront the mercenaries of the Tork Empire?

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Shabazik In reply to Billie-Bonce [2011-08-19 18:16:34 +0000 UTC]

oh, is true I don't follow history of mankind exactly, just enough to have some distinguible cultures around. :3

However, the trutsians used more against the night raids of these despictable non-human, some non-humans of their own! !

But prefeered tactic was to go and defeat the enemy in the day, so they don't need to rely in some honorless non-humans...

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Billie-Bonce In reply to Shabazik [2011-08-19 20:34:54 +0000 UTC]

I see. It seems quite realistic.

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LirikTrend [2011-08-03 06:10:53 +0000 UTC]

As if one drow is not lethal (and cute) enough. Now theu know how to handle rifles and six-guns! The universe is in terrible danger, my friends

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Shabazik In reply to LirikTrend [2011-08-03 16:09:32 +0000 UTC]

Nah... by then, the drow population is insignificant in relation of the human population of an industrializated world! Power of numbers! XD

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Achast [2011-08-03 01:55:02 +0000 UTC]

Well, it's no less impractical then most European uniforms in the gunpowder age. Probably cheaper, since there's less fabric. Much less fabric...

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Shabazik In reply to Achast [2011-08-03 02:36:38 +0000 UTC]

I was thinking in XIX century soldiers when designing their uniforms... XIX century soldiers of America, Asia and Africa, with some european weapons of various ages. X3

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Achast In reply to Shabazik [2011-08-03 02:51:33 +0000 UTC]

I wonder what the weather is like in Negeémiliel...

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Shabazik In reply to Achast [2011-08-03 03:57:33 +0000 UTC]

Negeémiliel is a cave: the deeper, more hot. Near the surface, colder...

These drow girls, however, are from a nation that descended from old Negeémiliel: Negeéra was a Negeémi settlement wich survived the cataclysm, remaining undergound and independent for long time, until their final conquest by the Cretorians, with some resistence:

They live in caverns, but in the surface are steppes, that in summer can be over 40ºC, and in winter -20ºC... this is obviously, summer uniform... the winter uniform is a bit more... bulky. XD

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sordcooper2 [2011-08-03 01:24:26 +0000 UTC]

hu, an interesting over view of drow history, and a fairly bad ass looking drow with a revolver... awesome

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Shabazik In reply to sordcooper2 [2011-08-03 02:35:20 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! :3

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doomie220 [2011-08-03 01:17:05 +0000 UTC]

The first drow carrying a gun! Awesome!

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Shabazik In reply to doomie220 [2011-08-03 02:35:09 +0000 UTC]


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doomie220 In reply to Shabazik [2011-08-04 00:25:20 +0000 UTC]


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theroyalscouter [2011-08-03 01:14:59 +0000 UTC]

It took them long enought to discover a combustible powder used to project an object...
I mean 21000 years of existance and alot of that time underground like 17000 years or so and at war and trade with dwarves that would probably had develop gunpowder already and it had to be the surface duelers that found that combination of elements to make gunpowder, it's kind of unbelievable.
I mean it didnt took us half that long... on our own to discover gunpowder once we became sedentary from being hunters and gatherers about 27,000 years ago and once developed in the 9th century by chinese and made it into archaic cannons and rockets, it did took us quite a time to develop a more mobile and precise one but that is because of the material and crafting of the cannons and firing mechanisms... So are humans like 500 time smarter or did gunpowder magicaly appeared? And what is it with flintlocks, I mean revolvers are there that means self contained cartridges?
Wow far too much to say about this...

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Shabazik In reply to theroyalscouter [2011-08-03 02:35:01 +0000 UTC]

21.000: since being nomads, gatherer and hunters, and then into small agrarian comunities, an empire.

Several cataclysms...

And that aside, consider how many generations of elves we speak about:
Converting (my) elves lives and years, these 21.000 years chronological traslate more or less in just 1.750 human years. Calculate the generations of humans that are in 1.750 years, and you have the generations of drows: and they are far less.

Of these, they have iron only 6.000 years ago aprox (for humans; 500)... So if the drow didn't have relations with other species, they will had still quite to go.

However, my dwarves didn't used gunpowder, so neither the drow can pick it from them... And since they have some (limited) magic capabilities that can be developed in the fashion of the early uses of gunpowder, they didn't needed it, neither.

Humans aren't smarter. However, in my world they have human ruins with stored knowledge: an once they understand it, they make some parts of it...

The Flintlocks and revolver mean this: the 3.000 smoethings is equivalent to the XIX century: And the drows are tribes(wo)man: Like in Africa, America and Asia in the XIX century, it was a perfectly possible convination, to find from guys with spears to a machinegun and Krupp cannons in the same army...

And these weapons are human, not drow. The Drows learned to make them from humans, thought.

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theroyalscouter In reply to Shabazik [2011-08-03 03:46:05 +0000 UTC]

Sure it is possible. Actually at that level a good compound bow or a big enough number of melee soldiers can stand quite well to single fire rifles and handguns.
I just found it weird that a mining civilisation as the dwarves didnt ever found niter one of the two components of gunpowder along charcoal and sulfur for a better blast.
Or that long living species are less capable of developing gunpowder that a specie that came to be later than them and with shorter life spams. Sure they didnt need gunpowder but someone should have had an explosive accident working in a mine or cave system.
But if I understand this correctly humans had an advantage because of the primal civilization that went extinct but left ruins with the knowledge or something of such sort. That means there was prior knwoledge of it?...
And that would be like 28 generation in lets say 50 to 70 years life spam.
You do know how to make gunpowder dont you, its relatively easy to do if you play with charcoal, and niter or more precisely potassium nitrate that not necessarly needs to come from niter which is the most closely ressemblance that occurs naturaly, of course if you add sulfur you make it in to better gunpowder with lower ignition temperatures and bigger blast but that may take like a month to discover if you mix what you have with other elements to see how it reacts. Yes I have a good inverse ingeniring and chemestry skills along with a curiosity of the most not mechanical way to do everything.
Not really trying to troll your world just had a bad day and everyy little detail around me is bodering me. And a good argument always makes my day well... enjoyable

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