SheldonOswaldLee — SGR:NID Chapter 124: Langara and the Langarans

#cheyenne #command #confederacy #defense #department #federation #goauld #guard #institute #intelligence #jaffa #kelowna #langara #national #nid #renaissance #richard #sekhmet #stargate #union #ursa #woolsey #chayenne #andari #urson #langarans #tiranian
Published: 2023-11-03 23:47:36 +0000 UTC; Views: 9980; Favourites: 10; Downloads: 1
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The planet of Langara, homeworld to the Langarans, like former SG-1 member Jonas Quinn has had a troubled history for a planet of 5,200,000. Once a Spirits/ Neraida Aliens protected world, also known to the Okanagan Native Americans on Earth and originally inhabited by Grizzli Bear-like Urson/ Ursan when the planet itself was still known as Kelowna, it was later conquered by Greek/ Hellenic Goa’uld Thanos/ Thanatos, the God of Death who settled first human Tar on the world, the so called Terranians, to mine Naquadah and test the local Naquadria he researched upon. When they gained independence and autonomy from the Goa’uld, they named their new government the Kelownan Union. Over time the Terranians would be known as the Tiranians and be the original human natives, whose descendants in modern times numbered only 210,000. Governed from their capital of Lorunis, their union of Langaran people failed after only four decades. Several centuries before modern times when philosophic debates about genetically impure and if they truly should be killed off, caused an immense difference in parts of the population. As a result of that the more Galician/ Portuguese, Latin/ Roman originating Andari city-states split off about 500 years ago from the Union because of it’s genetic practices and persecution of the so called impure.

In this time of anarchy and chaos the Tiranian migrants who had once fled from Andari back into Kelownan Union government territory, but their ideas of impurity paired with discrimination after the breakup of the Andari City-states, who now joined into a Federation together, resulted in the Tiranians rising up as well, during the Kelowna Union Secession War, or Kelowna Union Civil War. In modern times the Latin/ Roman influenced Tiranian Confederacy as it would later be called made up around 1,900,000 people inside their borders, seeing themselves as the heirs of original human civilization, even if only about 210,000 true Tiranians lived inside tge Tiranian Confederation named after them. What was left of the Kelownan Union with it’s ideas of eugenics and ethnic purity, was toppled by it’s own government as well, resulting in the creation of the Kelowna Hierarchy. In this new government, the former genetic purity and killing of so called impure was outlawed, those responsible persecuted, trialed and either executed, or imprisoned for life for their crimes. Instead the modern Kelowna Hierarchy, who still had a partly Salish/ Urson influenced alphabet and language, was proud of it’s diversity in all parts of government and military, even if some of it was because of mandatory quota, simply to outdo the sins of the past Kelownan Union and modern backwards Kelownan Unionists/ Kelownan Nationalists. Kelownans therefore were among the most diverse Langarans and had European-like, African-like, as well as some mixed more Arab-, or Mediterranean-like looking Kelownan people.

Those last ones lived mainly along Northern Kelowna along the Equator and had similar looking counterparts in Andari and Tiranian neighboring nation states. Their rivalry was encouraged by the discovery of Naquadria on their planet and started an arms race for a Naquadria bomb for hierarchy and increased a cold war between them that nearly turned hot and destroyed their whole planet. When contact to the Tau’ri was made and the Stargate Network better understood the rivaling Langaran factions all wished for their won planets to get away from one another and their more national and isolationist factions would later have their own colonies in New Andari, Nova Tirania and Mayen Kelowna. The arrival of Anubis in his mothership looking for the Naquadria worsened the situation and tried to play the Langarans against one another to get what they wanted, but the Tau’ri, Langarans and System Lords defeated him in battle. Having seen how alien powers would use their disunity against one another, the Langaran formed the new shared and cooperative Langaran League under a triad of the Joint Ruling Council (of which Jonas Quinn would later become a member and ambassador) together and uncovered and researched the remains of Anubis motherhsip in a shared effort, to learn more about modern spaceships, shields and weaponizes overall.

They also formed their own Langaran Stargate Facility under Administrator Halpern. Because the Naquadria Core of Langara could dial Destiny, Langaran Ambassador Ovirrda appointed by the Joint Ruling Council negotiated with the Tau’ri and the Lucian Alliance about use of their Stargate to reach Destiny. After the military attempt to seize the Langaran Stargate failed, the Tau’ri pledged via contract to defend Langara with their own space forces against future attacks by the Lucian Alliance. As the Langarans removed their Stargate from the Naquadria powered facility to prevent it being used to dial Destiny again, a deal that held until the Lucian Systems Alliance got rid of their former Lucian Cartel criminal members and formed a true interstellar galactic government, normalizing relations with Langara via treaty. Afterwards the Langaran League looked outwards once more and established a shared colony called the Langaran Union, while more nationalist Andari, Kelownan and Terranian remnant governments from New Andari, Nova Tirania and Mayen Kelowna became bitter ethnocentric and nationalist rivals of the Langaran League and their Langaran Union Colony, even more so then they were of one another. Despite this they formed the so calle Langaran Alliance together, with the shared goal to defeat the Langaran League and Langaran Union, to liberate and separate the Andari Federation, the Tiranian Confederacy and the Kelownan Union into it’s own nation states again to join their colonial governments-in-exile.

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