Shenira — Luna's Profile - Novel A/Main Story

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Published: 2019-06-06 19:48:13 +0000 UTC; Views: 3313; Favourites: 14; Downloads: 4
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Her story and look during the time when she was part of Spade Pirates. The story includes parts of the novel about Ace. For better understanding check  onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/Spade… and  onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/One_P…

Next one:
Name: White M. Luna
白 M ルナ
Romaji: Shiro M. Runa

Birthday: 22nd September (Virgo)
Hight: 1,68 m
Weight: 60 kg

Race: Half human, half lunar
Hair: Light blond
Eyes: Azure
Blood type: A-

Occupation: Pirate (Spade Pirates, later Whitebeard Pirates)

Usually quiet and calm, but when triggered she can be very explosive. She’s very secretive and introverted, hides most of her feelings and thoughts. Independent, hardly takes orders from anyone. She dislikes rapid changes and needs more time to get accustomed to them.

1st  - 90'000'000 beri. She got it when she used her powers to stop Marine’s ships.
2nd - 270'000'000 b. She got it when she joined Whitebeard Pirates and her origins came out to light. She refused to work for World Government.

Lunar race:

Lunars are a race far supperior than humans. They were mostly active during empty age and currently they're on decline.

Just like the Moon has two sides: dark and light, Lanars also have two clans that vary with the looks and abilities. Luna comes from "Light Clan" which is distinguished by their light skin and hair color as well their pointy ears. 

Opposite to their "dark" cousins, they don't have wings, but in exchange thay're good swimmers. They also have born with natural ability of controling elements. Due to that DF have no effect on them. They're nothing more than untasty fruit.

They were full of pride and refused to mix their blood with different nations. Due to that their birth ratio was lower than death one. With the passing time they started to decline. Currently they’re almost extinct. Because of their profession, their existence is known mostly by high-ranking people.

At the moment live only 1 representative of "pure blood" and about 50 hybrids (only 7 half ones). “Pure bloods” strength is above Fleet Admiral. Tsuki (Luna's mother) was under direct rule of The Five Elder Stars. The last one of them cooperates with Dragon. Luna (before time gap) is on similar level as Rear Admiral. The World Government has listed any living ones and keeps strict control over them. Those who refused were either killed or have to live in hiding.

Traits of her ancestors:
Strength - Luna is slightly stronger than most of normal women, however she still has limits and won’t be able to match the strength of a man.
Speed – it’s Luna’s main advantage. From the beginning she was much faster than the others. Her reaction time is also shorter.
Agility – it’s also one of her bloodline gifts.
Endurance – it's the source of her inner ability. She rarely uses her power, but she still tries to rise her endurance.
Regeneration – only difference is that most of her healed wounds won’t leave trace. In other aspects she’s the same as normal human.

Control element - she was born with ability to control temperature. It’s often mistaken with ability to create ice, since that’s the mostly gained effect. She uses it mainly as a support or against DF users, since her element (just like for other from her race) works similar to sea stone. With longer use it puts a significant burden on her body by rirising or dropping her body's temperature, which increases automatically her fatigue. 

Haki – her kin is immune to conqueror, but in the same time it can't use it. Her body sends different "vibes" that’s why it’s almost impossible to find her presence with haki. After a lot of effort and training they may be able to use observation haki. Luna was forced to do so. 

She doesn't need a Log Pose since her body works as one (she can feel magnetic waves trough it). Everytime she enters New World, she ends with huge headaches due to amount of informations she receives.

Luna's story:
Luna was born on Mariejois, not as a Noble, but as a future weapon of the Five Elders. From the day of her birth, Luna’s live was either concentrated on her training or was was turned into playtihing of mysterious child, known as Im. Her childhood wasn’t easy and in order to survive she closed her emotions. When she ended 10 y.o. she was so tired of being hit by the boy, that she ended hitting him back. That have been seen as an act of treason and Luna got sentenced to death. Hearing that. Tsuki send a message to the Rayleigh with infromation about Luna's existence and current situation. Tsuki lost her life during their escape, while blowing up their pursuit and everything around.

Luna was found by Rayleigh and taken back to Shabaody Archipelago. She grown up there, together with Lori. At first Luna didn’t trust any of them. She once tried to run away, but was quickly caught by human traffickers. That made her realize how weak she was. Rayleigh saved her, hoping she learned her lesson. Luna decided to train again in order to never rely on anyone else. She although refused to use any teachings from her mother. She also promised herself to never use Interitum (weapon) againShe not only resented it, but since it was made of rare material, she didn’t want to bring unwanted attention.

With Lori’s patience and warmness after some time, they became close like sister. While Lori was under Shakky’s care, Luna was trained by Rayleigh. She started to use katana as her new weapon. After ending 12 y.o. she decided to continue her practice with Rokushiki martial arts. She needed better endurance in order to properly use her abilities. When she was 17 y.o. she left to travel through Grand Line and see the world. Lori joined her and due to her influence they both ended in the East Blue.

On one of islands she was robbed by young girl. She let her go only to find her next day, surrounded by some thugs. The girl was around 13-14 y.o., so Luna felt she should save her. The girl disappeared soon after Lori took care of her wounds. Though she never introduced herself, Luna didn’t forget about her. 

Few years later, when Luna was 19 y.o. she met Ace. He helped them, when their ship got attacked. At first she despised him. He wanted to became pirate and tried to pull her into it too. She wanted keep low profile, so she refused and even kicked Ace from the ship. That angered Lori. She forced Luna to go search for the boy and apologize to him. When she found Ace, he was making ruckus in the city and accidentally he made Luna his accomplice. Ace returned onto their ship, but Luna still refused to became pirate.

One day Ace disappeared, together with his boat. Full of bad feelings Luna and Lori decided to search him. After few weeks they found him and his new companion Deuce near the island  Sixis. Ace announced that from now, they’re Spade Pirates and she’s their navigator. Hearing that Luna kicked both of them out of the ship, but then  Ace started to drown. With Deuce’s help, they pulled Ace back onto ship. 

After reaching Grand Line, during party Luna accidentally drank sake with Ace. She quickly became drunk and told Ace that he’s her little brother now. Lori quickly knocked her down, so Luna wouldn’t so anything more. When Luna woke up next day Ace announced with big smile, they’re family now.

With Skull’s and her knowledge about Grand Line, she easily brought them to the Shabaody Archipelago. Ace left the ship without anyone notice. Since he left his wallet Luna and Deuce went after him. Later they stuck with Isuka from Marines. When Ace rejected her proposition to join them and jumped down from the Ferris Whell's gondola, Luna went after him. She then took him to Rayleight. She hoped he will coat their ship, since she was sure he will do his job well. Seeing Ace and her, the old man send strange smile, but she understood its meaning a lot later. He also mentioned her mother would end with heart attack, knowing she became pirate. It was a first time, when Ace heard about Luna’s family. Seeing her unusual reaction he guessed, they was a story behind it. When they left, Luna tellsold Ace about her origin and that she knew about Ace long ago. Ace finally realizes why she didn’t want to attract any attention. Next day he gave her two bracelets: one as an apology and second one as thank you gift.

During their stay, they ended in conflict with Vice-Admiral Draw. When slums ended in fire Lori could hear a lot of screams. She also knew Ace and Deuce ended in problems. She send Luna to help them. Luna used her powers to extinguish the fire. Though Isuka was one of Marines, Luna protected her in the midst of the fight. Later all of them run away from upcoming Marines. Ace proposed Isuka to join them, but she refused and stayed behind. Lori stayed behind as well in order to help hurt because of the fire.

It was the first time when Luna came to Fishman Island, so she was excited as a rest of a crew. Seeing as Ace burn down Whitebeard's flag, Luna is full of bad feelings. She knew, he wasn't someone they should mess, but she decided to stay on Ace's side no matter what. He was her family, so she needed to protect him. 

When Ace went to met for Shanks, after long search, she stayed on the ship. She met Shanks few times when she was kid and he alwys was rude to her. She didn't like him making fun of her. She was however forced to join a party started by Shanks and his crew. It was as she predicted. He recognized her and started to recall embrasing moments from her childhood. Her reaction surprised everyone, when red one on face, she threw herself at him, trying to strangle him. Shanks only laughed at her futile attempt and said it was good, she finally found her place.

In Wano Country Luna stays in Amigasa Village with rest of the crew. She fells Tama's admiration for them, but rejects her idea of joining them. Later on the ship she tells Ace it was stupid to give her false hope, by giving her promises without fulfilling. Ace disagree with her, saying she has a dream now and a reason to live on. She replies that dreams are not needed to stay alive. As a response Ace only says, her life must by sad one. Then he walks aways, leaving her with bitter thoughts.  

One day they got caught by Jinbe and it ends with a fight between him and Ace. Due to order to not intervene, the crew is force to only watch. Luna stays close in a case when her help would be necessary. The fight was fierce and ended with draw, but then appeared Whitebeard with his crew. When Ace creates a flame wall, she uses her ability to get trought it. Then she sees uncosious Ace and offers her life in Ace's place. Seeing her silver eyes, Whitebeard recognizes her as Tsuki's daughter - a woman, who tried to take his life countles of times. Then he asks her, if Ace was her "master", but she replies only "family". After that both of them been taked onto the ship of the Whitebeard Pirates.

She refuses joining Whitebeard Pirates as she has only one Captain. Till Ace was hostile toward them, she was as well. She knew Ace's attempts were futile. If he would be an easy opponent, he would died from her mother's hand long ago. Whitebeard once asked Luna, why she was hiding her ears? Was she ashamed of her lineage? She says no, but showing them wouldn't bring anything good. She wasn't on the same level as her mother, otherwise she would be the one after his head, not Ace. He then said, she was safe here and she knew he was right.

Ace finally accepted the proposition and joined Whitebeard Pirates. The rest of a crew did the same. Then they burned down their ship - Piece of Spadille as a farewell to the Spade Pirates. From now one they were Whitebeard Pirates.

Luna had problems with adapting in new crew. Even though there were few people she managed to catch contact, it was still difficult in the moments when Ace was send on solo missions. She realized how dependant on him she became and wanted to change that. She was spending all her time mostly with Mihar, expanding her knowledge. 

During mission she was send together with Marco, she met with representative of CP unit as he recognized, she was from Lunar race. Being one, she was reminded her of duties as a World Government's Dog. She also heard in order to rehabilitate herself, she needs to kill Whitebeard. Though she didn't know they were eavesdropped by Marco, she still refused. She replied that "stray dogs don't take orders". After that she was attacked, but with Marco's help, she get out safe. She expected, he would start to hate her, knowing who she was, but the only thing he did, was to pat her head. 

When Ace left the ship in order to catch Blackbeard, she asked for permission to leave too. She wanted to return to first part of Grand Line and fill gaps on her sky's map. She returned to Twin Capes to start her adventure once again. This time she choose different patch, than previously.

On the Little Garden Luna found clear pond and decided to refresh a bit. When she ended and was in the middle of putting clothes one, she noticed someone presence. She thought, she was being observed, but it was Zoro who got lost in the middle of hunting. He didn't even notice her, but she thought it was on purpose, so she attacked him. Their fight was interrupted by some wild animals that ran at them and took Zoro away. When she returned back, she noticed that her ship is in pieces. It got accidentally destroyed by Luffy and Usopp. That’s why she entered Strawhat’s ship and waited there for them. When they finally returned she was standing on the roof, reading wanted poster. She was immediately recognized by Nami, Vivi and Zoro. Frightened Vivi informed them, that her bounty was 270'000'000 b and it had to be her ship they blow up. Nami hoped Luna would still remembered her. She went on the Merry's deck, to talk with her. Luckily to them she did. After some talk Nami announced that Luna will accompany them, till she gets new ship. Luffy agreed to that, even though some members of the crew had objections.

When Nami got sick, to save time, Luna navigated the ship even during night. On Drumm Island, she kept watch over ship. Even though it wasn't her goal, she quickly gained Luffy's trust. When everything settled down, she left together with them to the Alabastra. When Luffy started commotion in the city, Luna prepared ship to leave and helped with escape. With Ace appearing on the deck later, she came to say "hello". Ace was surprised, but also happy to see her. He expalined, she was his first crew mate and it wasn't easy to recruit her. Luffy got really exticed, hearing that, while rest of the crew was deeply shocked. With Ace's leave, Luna did the same. She used her powers and reached a shore. She returned to city and bought herself new boat. Then she resumed her adventure.

During her travel through Grand Line she met Sakka. She was eating her meal in tavern, when Sakka noticed her and wanted Luna to became her model. But before reaching her, she ended in troublesome situation. Luna stood up to protect her, but it ended in overall fight. Luna took Sakka outside of a tavern. Though Sakka wanted to spend some more time with newly met girl, she knew she must quickly return to Law. Otherwise she would end with big troubles. Luna felt responsible for younger girl and took her to the crew. Her first meeting with Law, was full of unpleasant words and even small threats. Luna proved him, she wasn't someone, he should take lightly. Then she left.

The both of them met once again on the Shabaody Archipelago. Luna once again helped Sakka, but this time Sakka decided to explore some places with Luna's company. Luna showed her part of the archipelago. Next day she went to meet with Rayleight, Shakky and Lori. Her trip though was interrupted by Ace's arrest. When he got caught and imprisoned, she went back to the crew. During the Great War she tried her best to save Ace, but failed. When he died she did everything to protect Luffy. She blocked Akainu’s fist with her sword, but it got destroyed. In last resort she concentrated her power of coldness into her hand to block another attack. The high temperature from Akainu’s fist melted her bracelet and wounded her hand. Only thanks to the ice covering her skin, she didn’t lose it. Akainu won and was ready to kill her but Shank’s appearance stopped him. Before fainting from fatigue and pain, Luna managed to grab one of the beads from Ace’s necklace.

Later she was taken back with the remaining rest of the crew.

Fighting style:
She fights mostly using swords or knives, but if she needs to she can fight bare hand. She has been trained in Rokushiki martial arts by her mother, but when she ended 10 y.o. she stopped. She returned to practice when she ended 14 years. She mostly trains Tekkai to raise her endurance. Till now she mastered Soru for quick movement.

Items/ Weapon:

Gesshoku (Lunar Eclipse) - gift from the Rayleigh. It was prepared from lightweight, yet durable materials, so Luna would be able to use it. She was around 11 y.o. when she got it. It broke during the war in the Marineford.

Edge lenght: 91,5 cm
Total lenght: 129,5 cm

She wears two silver bracelets she got from Ace on Shabaody Archipelago. During Great War one of them was destoyed. After that she hid the other one in her jewellery box.

Her interests and goal:

Luna likes to travel and discover other cultures and histories. Her other hobby is drawing the map of night sky. She wants to reach the end of Grand Line so she could be able to draw all constellations she was able to see.

Other info:

- She hates to cook, so she usually eats fruits and vegetables.
- She's immune to haki, but she can't use it as well.
- Because of her natural ability Devil Fruits are poisonous for her. 
- She can’t consume sake. It works as strong aphrodisiac for her kin. In rare situations it can cause rage.
- Her sign of Whitebeard Crew is on her right shoulder.
- She also has moon-cresent birthmark on her back that shows she belongs to lunar race.
- When she uses her powers or is really mad her eyes became silver.
- She sleeps three times during day, 1 hour each time. She sleeps very deep so she's vulnerable on any kind of attack. Her falling asleep in someone presence is the biggest proof of trust.
- She wears clothes with hood to hide her ears and face, if necessary. She tries to keep low profile, so her origin wouldn't be discovered. In the end she failed.
- She has good memory for faces. She never forget those whom she saw even once.

Theme song: Awake and Alive - Skillet
Jewel theme: Sapphire
Animal theme: White Wolf
Flower theme: Night-blooming Cereus (Epiphyllum oxypetalum)
Astral element: Earth
Tarot card: Hermit (IX Major Arcana)
Saiyuu: Romi Park

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Comments: 13

Skeya [2019-06-14 17:48:45 +0000 UTC]

Ale ona wygląda młodo, o ja cieeee OOOOO Paku Romi jako jej aktor głosowy? Mniam W sumie chyba bardziej do niej pasuje, tak jak sobie teraz przypominam jej role w dubbingu. 
Zmieniłaś jej paletę kolorystyczną? Wydaje się być mniej blada, a włosy są ciemniejsze, czy mi się wydaje?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Shenira In reply to Skeya [2019-06-15 16:35:59 +0000 UTC]

Dokladnie Teresa z Claymore. Cieniowanie jest ciemniejsze. Baza dla skóry jest taka sama. Włosy też w sumie są trochę ciemniejsze by się lepiej odcinały. Powinna wyglądać młodziej. Ma w końcu tylko 19 lat :-p Podoba mi się w tej wersji. Zastanawiałam się czy nie skrócić jej włosów w wersji 2y, ale wydało mi się to trochę oklepane. Dlatego młodsza wersja wygląda w ten sposób.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Skeya In reply to Shenira [2019-06-16 17:40:49 +0000 UTC]

Teresaaaaa I wszystko jasne
Aaa cieniowanie ciemniejsze, ok rozumiem już Sweet 19 Wygląda naprawdę fantastycznie

A co z pomysłem na jej rękę? Nadal masz go w głowie?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Shenira In reply to Skeya [2019-06-21 18:01:19 +0000 UTC]

Tak, ale to w późniejszej wersji. Jeszcze dwa profile do zrobienia Dla wersji 2y zmienię fryzurę. Coś co by Sakka jej zaproponowała? Przez ten czas co obie podróżowały pewnie majstrowała jej przy włosach I może jakieś propozycje stroju? Coś pomiędzy stylem Sakki a Luny.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Skeya In reply to Shenira [2019-06-21 18:27:33 +0000 UTC]

Ojeeeej, nie wiem, musze posiedziec nad tym trudno mi stwierdzic jaki styl Luna preferuje przy doborze fryzur

Kurde, ale z ciebie pracus, az mi wstyd czas sie zabrac za swoja galerie

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Shenira In reply to Skeya [2019-07-17 13:49:28 +0000 UTC]

Woli takie, żeby jej nie przeszkadzały. Długie zapuściła tylko dlatego, że miała już dość zaczepek ze strony Marco i reszty, że gdyby nie cycki to całkiem spoko z niej facet. Więc zastanawiam się nad czymś co fajnie by wyglądało i nie przeszkadzało jej.

Gdybym była takim pracusiem to bym była w stanie zająć się innymi postaciami. Nie wiem jak ludzie znajdują czas na te wszystkie oc co mają.

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emilyk949 [2019-06-09 18:26:49 +0000 UTC]

Her short hair is so cute!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Shenira In reply to emilyk949 [2019-06-15 16:31:32 +0000 UTC]

She looks quite good with them. Maybe she should return to short ones later in a time? Hmm...

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

emilyk949 In reply to Shenira [2019-06-16 21:33:47 +0000 UTC]

Totally, she can rock any hairstyle

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Shenira In reply to emilyk949 [2019-06-27 15:36:51 +0000 UTC]

Thanks. Maybe you could do try to draw some different hairstyles for Alice as well?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

emilyk949 In reply to Shenira [2019-06-28 15:24:36 +0000 UTC]

Totally will, once I get off my lazy butt XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Shenira In reply to emilyk949 [2019-07-16 15:35:04 +0000 UTC]

I have the same problem by a most of time as well

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

emilyk949 In reply to Shenira [2019-07-17 01:37:14 +0000 UTC]

Haha its a universal problem for artists

👍: 0 ⏩: 0