sherlockdad — Bubbles For Dinner

Published: 2023-08-18 14:40:32 +0000 UTC; Views: 14130; Favourites: 21; Downloads: 1
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Description OK, yes it's been a long time since I've posted a new story. I finally figured out how to do it, thanks to one of my viewers. Thank you for the help! Any way, here is a moldy oldie straight from the crypt. It's based on a scenario I was planning to have shot by Reddmann, starring one of his early models; Bubbles. Unfortunately, Bubbles fell out of favor with redd & this idea got forgotten. I finally dredged it up & decided to post it here. I hope you enjoy!

  Bubbles was busily getting ready for her first date in quite awhile. She was very excited & wanted to look her best. She had showered, shaved her legs & applied lotion to her body to insure she was silky smooth. She put on her dress a strappy little black dress trimmed in red. It was very short & offered a clear view of her shoulders & upper back. She wished she had more cleavage, but plunging neckline offered a clear view of her chest. She planned to wear pumps, but didn’t want to walk around in them while she got ready so she wore white footy socks to keep her feet from getting dirty.

Bubbles was a young woman of just 18. She still had some acne on her cheeks, but she was still a very pretty girl with a nice smile. She wore her shoulder length medium brown hair tied in the back to high light her lovely face & her hazel eyes. She was short at only 5’2” & was a rather robust girl. She had wide hips & thick but shapely legs. Her mid section was a bit pudgy so she never wore anything too tight. Her arms were also a tad flabby, but she had a good olive skin tone & she never minded showing off a generous amount of skin. Her wide hips also made her but look big, but she counted on the black dress to hide this flaw. Besides, it gave her the nice classic hourglass figure guys liked.

Bubbles busied herself trying to decide if she wanted to wear any makeup. Her friends always told her she didn’t need it. She was a natural beauty. Still, she couldn’t help but feel she needed a little something. She admired herself in the full length mirror, standing on her toes to simulate pumps. She looked great. She smiled widely. Her plump legs looked so good in this dress. Despite their thickness, Bubbles thought her legs were her best feature. They were very shapely & well sculpted.

She had no way of knowing someone else was admiring her body. Sloppy Joe was skulking through the neighborhood looking for a meal when he caught a glimpse of Bubbles. He stopped & peered through the window. He drooled freely as he watched the delectably juicy girl pose in the mirror. She was nice, plump & meaty. She would make a fantastic supper! He toured around the house checking for others being home. Bubbles’ family was out for the evening so he saw no one else. Perfect!

Sloppy jimmied a window & crawled inside. He had a small satchel with him that he kept items he would need to capture his intended meals. He set it down, opened it & began to root around inside. He pulled out a few length of rope. This would all he would need to subdue Bubbles. He left the bag where it was & headed out in search of his prey.

Bubbles had been very pleased with her appearance. Now all she needed to do was complete her ensemble. She planned to borrow her sister’s 4 inch black open toed pumps. Her date was quite a bit taller then she was & she wanted to narrow the gap so they wouldn’t look too foolish together. She didn’t want the guy to be self-conscious. She wanted him to be totally relaxed with her. Her sister would be pissed when she found out, but too bad. She headed down the hall toward her sister’s room, turned the doorknob & opened the door. She froze.

Standing before her was a huge furry creature. Her eyes opened wide in shock. She had never seen anything like it before. What was it doing in her sister’s room? She gasped loudly & her mouth hung open. She couldn’t move & just stood there staring at the beast. Sloppy too had been surprised by Bubbles’ entrance. He had expected to have to slink his way through the house in search of the girl, hoping to get the drop on her so he didn’t have to chase her throughout the house as she screamed in terror. He realized he had lucked out. The girl had delivered herself to him.

Sloppy was never one to look good fortune in the mouth. He recovered quickly. He reached out & grabbed the stunned girl. Bubbles snapped out of her trance & began to scream & struggle. She was no match for him & she quickly found herself flung over his shoulder. She grunted for a second as her stomach was dropped on his shoulder then she began to scream again. She tried to struggle, but her legs were pinned in his powerful hands. Instead, she pounded on his back with her fists as he carried her off through the house.

Sloppy hated it when they screamed! It was so annoying. As he carried her, trying to find the kitchen, he took the opportunity to check out the plump juicy girl. Her thick short legs were exceptionally smooth. They were nice & firm too. Though she wiggled beneath his grasp, he really didn’t feel much rippling muscle within her flesh. He smiled. She was made up of lots of soft muscle & fat. She would be wonderfully tender & juicy. She was a rare find in this world of workout babes. He squeezed her large buttocks. Her cheeks were firm but gave way, 2 nice tender rump roasts. He drooled appreciatively. She was going to be a fantastic meal!

Sloppy finally found the kitchen. There was a nice big table in the center. He lowered the struggling girl down onto it, not wanting to bruise her tender meat. He had to wrestle with the squirming screaming girl, but he eventually was able to roll her onto her stomach. Once there, he held her down as he tied each of her wrists to the corresponding ankle satisfactorily trussing her up. She was still screaming, but she was unable to move. Her screams were beginning to annoy Sloppy. He looked around to find a gag of some sort. He spotted a large yellow apple in a bowl on the counter. It would work perfectly for a number of reasons he grabbed it & stuffed it into Bubbles’ mouth hard & deep. Her teeth had no choice but to dig in successfully wedging it in & muffling her screams.

Sloppy was pleased to see the house had a nice big oven. He opened it & removed the racks. The short meaty girl would fit perfectly inside. He busied himself now with preparation after he turned the oven on to pre-heat it. He wanted to make a nice basting sauce to augment the sweet flavor of the pudgy girl’s flesh. He found some wonderful spices in the cupboard & a couple of pounds of butter in the fridge. He pulled out a large saucepan & began to melt the butter.

Bubbles wiggled against her tight bonds but found she was securely tied. She also tried to dislodge the apple, but it was wedged in tight. Tears streamed down her cheeks. What did this odd creature want with her? All tied up, a dozen unpleasant possibilities ran through her mind. She began to watch him as he rummaged through her parents’ cupboards. Why was he cooking something? Her mind raced. She knew he had fondled her legs & butt. She figured he was a perv who planned to rape her, but why tie her like this? She wasn’t very versed on sex, but she couldn’t imagine him having his way with her while she was bound like she was?

Sloppy began to add spices to the melted butter as well as some flavored oils he found. Olive & hot pepper oils would add delightful flavors to her flesh! He breathed deeply the aroma of the bubbling concoction letting out a contented sigh. The delightful scent filled the room. Bubbles could smell it as well. It smelled quite delicious! Why was he making it? What was he going to do with it? What did it all have to do with her?

A terrifying thought slowly crept into her mind. She quickly dismissed it as too horrible to be true. It wouldn’t go away. No matter how many other explanations she came up with for what he was doing, the hideous notion kept coming back as the only logical explanation. A cold shiver ran up her spine, her skin was dotted with goose bumps; her eyes grew wide with terror. The substance he was cooking was a basting sauce he was going to use on her! He meant to cook her & eat her!

The realization got Bubbles struggling hard to escape her bonds. Sloppy heard the commotion, turned & chuckled at the squirming girl. “So, you finally realized what I have planned for you eh?” his gruff voice mocked her. “Yes, you are right, I plan to eat you! Your plump juicy body will make a wonderful meal for me!” Bubbles’ mind spun. She felt lightheaded. Her eyes rolled back & she fainted. The horror was too much for her to bear!

Bubbles awoke a short time later. Where she lay felt cold, yet she could feel something warm gently gliding over her body. Her eyes blinked then stung. Something had gotten into her eyes. She blinked continuously until tears washed the offending substance away. She looked around. She could see she was now lying on a large steel baking pan. This must be the cold she felt. She could also smell the mixture the creature who abducted her had been cooking quite strongly. She could feel that her skin was wet. She craned her head around as best she could to see to her horror that the monster was using a basting brush to marinate her flesh with the mixture from the pot! He dipped the brush in, then glided it along her body.

Bubbles tried to let out a scream, but it was muffled by the apple to a mere whine. Sloppy heard it though & turned to see her wide-eyed face staring at him. “You woke up huh?” he chuckled. “Just in time to watch me baste your succulent body before I pop you in the oven.” Bubbles tried to struggle, but the ropes kept her securely immobilized, much to Sloppy’s amusement. He just kept dipping the brush & sliding it over her body.

When he felt she was sufficiently marinated, he set the pot aside & brought over a bunch of vegetables; whole peppers, carrots, potatoes & tomatoes, & layed them all around her on the tray. All Bubbles could do was lie there looking terrified. He walked over & opened the oven door. Even though she was several feet away, Bubbles could feel the heat blast across the room & wash over her wet body. He then lifted the tray, carried it over & slid it with it’s delectable female adornment inside. Bubbles let out the most horrific scream she could muster as he closed the door. It still wasn’t very loud.

The heat was unbearable! She tried once again to wiggle free of her bonds knowing that if she didn’t, she would be roasted alive. It was no use. The heat sucked her energy far too quickly. Soon, all she could do was rock on the tray. Tears began to well up in her eyes. They dried immediately as they rolled down her cheeks not even making tracks through the glaze coating them. It wasn’t long before she became light headed again & mercifully passed out.

Many hours later, Sloppy removed the delightfully roasted girl from the oven. Her exposed skin was a wonderful golden brown. Her skimpy dress clung to every curve of her plump meaty body. Sloppy drooled just looking at her. He untied her wrists & ankles forcing the stiffened muscles to lay flat on the platter she now lay upon. He surrounded her with the cooked vegetables she had been roasted with & poured the juice over her & the vegetables with a ladle. She positively shimmered. He set the platter on the table to cool for a bit while he searched out the perfect bottle of wine from her parents’ wine cellar.

As her body cooled, Bubbles began to stir. She gasped. The now shriveled apple rolled from her lips. She took in deep gulping breaths. She tried to look around, but her vision was cloudy. She tried to move but couldn’t. Her body was totally stiff. She remembered what had happened to her & began to cry, but no tears came. No sounds either as her vocal cords were dry. She tried to work up some saliva to wet her mouth.

Her vision was clearing as she saw a huge dark shape move in front of her. She knew it was he. “Perfect!” she heard his gruff voice say. “I thought I was going to have to wake you up. I wouldn’t want you to miss your own supper performance.” He set down a wine bottle & a glass. He then moved around her, admiring her deliciously browned body. Her juicy legs looked fantastic! He reached down & slid off her footy socks & popped them into his mouth. As he chewed them, her juices poured out. They tasted wonderful. If her socks could taste this good he knew he was in for treat!

He couldn’t resist bending down to lick her savory legs. The skin was not as smooth anymore being crusted with the cooked marinade, but the flavor was indescribably delicious! He quickly raced around the table & sat down opposite her head. Bubbles looked up slowly & stared into the face of the monster. He was licking his lips, preparing himself for the feast to come. With great difficulty, she parted her dried lips & in a raspy barely audible voice said; “Pl-Please…. Don’t.” Sloppy only laughed. “After going through all the trouble of capturing you & cooking you, you want me to give up such a sumptuous meal? I’m sorry my dear, I don’t think so!”

With that, Sloppy lunged forward, grabbed Bubbles by the shoulders & forced her head into his mouth. She tried to wiggle as he licked her face, neck & shoulders as he slowly sucked her in deeper. Soon her head entered his throat, the first step toward her final destination in his stomach. Soon he was licking her exposed chest & upper back, areas that her skimpy dress made available. She was absolutely delicious!

Bubbles couldn’t fight him eating her. She tried, but her roasted body wouldn’t respond. All she could do was helplessly be devoured. Bitter tears finally found their way from her eyes as she wept knowing her life was soon to ended as she became food for this creature. Her arms were pinned to her sides by his mouth as she was slowly swallowed. In her mind, she hoped he would choke on her & die himself. Maybe then she could manage to free herself & escape this horrible fate. In her heart, she knew it wasn’t going to happen.

Sloppy continued to swallow the succulent girl. His tongue licked & probed every area of exposed flesh he could find. He sucked on her clothing extracting the juices. He made disgusting noises as he slurped & gulped her down. Eventually he reached her wide hips & plump butt. The twin rump roasts he had admired while carrying her, were proving quite difficult to get into his mouth much less swallow. Sloppy had expected this as he struggled to get her thick waist & meaty arms down. He didn’t want to force her lest he swallow her all in one big gulp & miss savoring her fat juicy legs. With effort, her hips & butt finally made their way into his throat. Once there, he knew they would have no problem with the rest of the trip.

Bubbles had hoped her rather robust rear end would cause him problems. She could feel his mouth & jaw press hard on her hips & butt. She knew he was struggling to swallow her. This was her one chance at escaping her fate. She said a silent prayer of hope. Her hopes were dashed when she felt her hips sliding into his throat. It was over. She was finished. She wept one more time then prayed that she would pass out again before she reached his stomach & he started to digest her.

Sloppy’s tongue was having a party on Bubbles’ fat juicy legs! Her firm meaty thighs were incredibly tasty! Her thick knees were delightful as were her 2 plump softball sized calves. Her legs though shapely didn’t really taper much at all until you got past her calves. Then her legs tapered nicely to 2 slender ankles. Her now bare feet were the last parts of her to enter his mouth. When he closed it, that was truly the end of Bubbles.

She had gotten her wish & fainted. Her unconscious body slid into his stomach, curling into a tight ball. Bubbles may have been short, but her plump meaty body caused quite a bulge in Sloppy’s belly. He felt full to capacity. That didn’t stop him from using some of the vegetables to scoop up some of the remaining juice left on the platter. The remaining vegetables & juice were poured into containers he found to be used as a delightful meatless soup he would enjoy to remind him of this very delectable meal!

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