SilentReaperNeku — WotB - Mothwing

Published: 2017-07-18 03:17:46 +0000 UTC; Views: 1020; Favourites: 12; Downloads: 2
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STATUS || Come at me Bro

  ACTIVITY LEVEL || Moderate

  TIME ZONE || Mountain Time (US and Canada)

  SKYPE || Note me/Comment

  DISCORD || I'm not really good at it but I can try

  NOTES || Not really...I forget about them

  CHAT || Rarely


  CURSING || 10/10 Have at me you scurvy dogs cats

  VIOLENCE || 10/10 I love violence

  GORE || 10/10 I love gore

  SEXUAL THEMES || 9/10 I’m down, just as long as it’s relevant

  ROLE-PLAY EXAMPLE || In times like these, it was best to relax. Mothwing let out a content sigh as he drifted in a calm spot on the river, staring at the clouds for a solid moment. All this talk of dogs and what to do about them was good and all, but he wondered when they’d actually see some action. Regardless, here he was. A small catch of fish on the bank where he had placed them in a basket for the clan, and a few shells to work with later...he’d say his work for the day was done, right? It was green-leaf after all.

Basic information

  NAME || Mothwing

  PAST NAMES || Mothkit, Mothpaw


  NICK-NAMES || Moth

  AFFILIATION || Riverclan


  SEX || Biological Male

  GENDER || Identifies as Male

  BIRTH SEASON || New-leaf

  AGE || 19 Moons / 21.5 Years

  RANK || Warrior

  MENTOR || Cloverstripe (NPC)




  BREED || Mixed


  BUILD || Medium, a bit more built in the upper body.

  HEIGHT || 6' or Average

  SCARS || Most notable is the scars from where he got injured in a physical fight as an apprentice and a few training scars. He really likes them.  

  HAIR TEXTURE || Soft and feathery

  HAIR COLOUR || Ash-blond

  SKIN COLOUR || Light

  EYES || Blue

  SCENT || River grasses and faintly of clay

  VOICE || Soft and masculine



  LEAF-FALL/LEAF-BARE OUTFIT || He loves to wear rabbit furs and/or deer skin in the winter time, anything that will keep him warm, really or he's curled up by a fire.

  ACCESSORIES || A ton of shells and bones from the river that he strug up to decorate himself.


  SWORD NAME ||  Wavestrike

  BLADE LENGTH || 125 cm / 49”

  SWORD/BLADE SHAPE || Curves down the blade, like a wave.

  NOTABLE FEATURES || It's so waavyy

  OTHER || N/A



   DAMAGE || 7

   ACCURACY || 1

   MOBILITY || 2




  TACTICS || 4

  SPEED || 4


  STEALTH || 3


  AGILITY || 4


  EYESIGHT ||7 /10

  HEARING || 5/10

  SCENT || 3/10





  CRAFTING ||0/10


  BELIEF IN STARCLAN || 5/10 (Average) 

  BELIEF IN THE DARK FOREST || 5/10 (Average)

   LOYALTY || 5/10  (Average) 


  Positive trait || Adaptable |  No matter the situation, Moth is flexible enough to adapt to almost anything he encounters with relative ease. From conversations to tough battle situations and even navigating relationships, he always finds a way to adjust what he says and what he does accordingly, and usually, procures a favorable outcome in his favor. If he doesn't, he will also adapt to that as well and do the best he can with what he has and help others as well. 

  Positive trait ||  Reliable | If he says it will get done, it will get done. Moth is incredibly dedicated to any task he is given and, even if he takes his time on it, it's a rare moon when he shirks a duty or forgets about it entirely. Relationship wise (friendship or intimately), he will always be there for another if he is needed, and is a good cat to fall back on in hard times for support and encouraging pep talks even if they seem a little more based in fantasy than reality with sometimes wild claims or impossible outcomes...but at least he can make you smile.

  Neutral trait || Leisurely | On a daily basis, he seems relaxed. Moth takes life one day at a time, and enjoys its pleasures to stop and smell the roses (or...whatever is in riverclan) between his normal clan duties. Because of this, when other cats may be hurried in their work, when he takes his time he’s more prone to catch mistakes and fix them to get it done right the first time, as well as usually feeling less stressed out by the end of the day. However, his lack of being rushed can frustrate some of the others in the clan.

  Neutral trait || Persuasive |  He’s a sweet talker. If he wants something, he can usually twist his words around just right to trade favors or get someone to do something that he wants, or talk another cat out of doing something that could be potentially harmful to himself or others. While it has its good perks, it does have its selfish downsides. He can often be called out on his persuasive nature if it has a 'romantic' tone to it or a vaguely teasing one, hes not a great manipulator.

  Negative trait || Arrogant |  He’s too confident in himself. Everything he does, he holds as a sort of pride on his list of accomplishments and if asked will gladly tell anyone about them. Occasionally, it gets to his head and he finds himself comparing his abilities to others abilities who may appear lesser than his own, and it takes a swift cut of words to make him come back to reality. Lately however this trait has been a bit in question since the dog attack, he doesn't feel arrogant at all, he feels scared. He's making efforts now to amend this trait into a better life even if he still comes off as haughty from time to time. 

  Negative trait || Tactless |  While persuasive, he can be insensitive or insecure past the surface. Moth has a lack of sensitivity in dealing with others problems or with difficult issues that he hasn’t experienced himself and may come off as ignorant or even haughty about it. It can make him appear as a know-it-all or even rude, even if his words are well intended. It’s the trait that he most often finds himself apologizing for but it has been less of a problem more recently after the dog attack...he's finding himself thinking more of others than himself and how they feel than ever before.

  LIKES ||

-Grooming and roaming the river banks for shells and objects of interest.

-Swimming and stargazing….isn't that romantic?

-Observing others and the things that they do (aka People-watching).

-Sunbathing on the banks of the river in his spare time.


-Doing anything at a rushed pace, it makes him irritable and crabby.

-Anyone who doesn’t have a sense of romanticism about the world. Debbie downers ruin the mood.

-When things don’t go as planned, it miffs him more than he would like to admit.

-Any cat that doesn't have an open mind to listening to what he or others have to say.


His agility and ability to swim in the water are superb. On land, he sometimes likes to play games and show off his reflexes.

He’s a good listener. He wants to help others with their problems or at least let them vent.


He has an unrealistic expectation of the world, especially when it comes to romantic ideals.

He’s a little full of himself and needs to be occasionally brought back to reality.


His tail twitches a lot, almost like a nervous tick when he’s talking.

He has to eat his meals and do certain activities in a very specific way or it bothers him.


  MOTHER || Cranestep || A thin, white she-cat with a unique way of walking. ||NPC|| Alive || Molly || Riverclan

  FATHER || Batear || A hard faced, light brown cat with bat-like ears. || NPC || Alive || Elder || Riverclan

  SIBLINGS || Beetlekit || A brown and grey kit on the stocky side. He died when he was a kit due to complicated health. Moth’s brother. || NPC || Dead || Riverclan

     Antwillow || A tortie grey and brown she-cat that’s rather tiny and takes after their mother. Moth’s Sister. || NPC || Alive || Molly || Riverclan

  KITS ||






  ORIENTATION || He’s kind of into anybody as long as they’re fairly attractive.


  PHYSICAL PREFERENCES || Just about anything really, maybe not incredibly big.

  PERSONALITY PREFERENCES || Someone willing to go along with him on his romantic talks and understand that he’s a lover at heart and has a hard time staying put.



After one of many clan battles, former childhood friends Cranestep and Batear hit it off rather well after a near death experience for the both of them. It prompted them to declare their love for one another almost immediately after without much thought to it, the two assuming that their adrenaline filled passion would be enough to sustain an actual relationship as mates together even if they had never really felt anything for eachother before that moment. After a few moons it boiled down to nothing but disagreements and senseless arguments until even the other warriors shooed them out of the den to argue outside of the camp. If passion was all that they had, their real feelings and incompatibility became more of a problem than it was worth as they had very little in common. He was a warrior, and she became a molly, clinging to past memories became all that they had left. Deciding to part ways and remain friends instead was hard, but in the end it brought them a wave of relief and healing.

When Cranestep discovered she was pregnant a few moons later however, Batear stepped up and decided to take responsibility. The two decided to be honest when their kits were born, they wouldn't let them be motherless or fatherless, even if they were no longer mates together.


When Mothkit, Beetlekit, and Antkit were born things became harder. Remaining friends with children in the mix put sort of a strain on their already fragile relationship, especially when it came time to explain why they weren’t mates, even if their kits took it rather well. Things further crumbled when Beetlekit’s health took a dive for the worse, and Crane constantly left Moth and Ant in the care of the other mollies when she was by his side in the medicine den. Beetle had always been different from the others, and Moth and Ant weren’t sure what to make of their brother. He couldn't talk, he couldn’t play, and he needed help to do everything, which was rather odd for the two kits at the time but they made the best of it.

Batear, too, tried to make an attempt to bond with his children while their mother was occupied with other kits or with Beetlekit, but Antkit wanted little to do with him and the stories that he told them, instead taking after her mother and much preferred the comforting hand of the mollies that raised them while she was away.

Moth however grew an appreciation for his father and his stories of patrols and hunting, and followed him wherever he could, often times picking up a reed or a stick and pretending with the other kits that he was a warrior too. He would constantly rush to his father's side when he came to camp, asking him all sorts of questions that made even the other warriors laugh at how eager he was to learn and be accepted among them.  


Beetlekit’s declining health lasted well into the beginnings of Moth and Ant’s apprenticeship. As they gained their apprentice title, and he came to be apprenticed under a lovely she-cat named Cloverstripe, Beetle still barely clung to life being rushed in and out of the medicine den, with more bad days than good. He was large- bloated almost in Moth’s eyes, with a gaze that told the young apprentice that he must have not really been there in mind. Often while visiting his mother (and Ant, as she had begged her hardest to also become a molly), the visits wouldn’t last long. Cranestep spent night and day tending to Beetlekit and found herself too busy to spend much time with her other son, and Ant would spend a good portion of her waking moments with mother and other brother, claiming it was important to her training.

Feeling alone, Mothpaw would often find himself down at the river taking shells and making trinkets for himself and some of the other apprentices, and when his father wasn’t busy, would make an attempt to make friends with the other warriors. Cloverstripe too would sometimes catch him going off to the river alone, and the two would talk about anything and everything, prompting Moth to see her as more of his big sister than a mentor. About the middle of his training, Beetlekit passed away, and though he let out a mourning wail with the rest of the cats at his funeral pyre, he felt relief more than anything for his mother and sister to get on with their lives, but he kept that to himself.


With the dogs causing havoc all over the land and cats disappearing left and right it was only a matter of time before Moth and Ant received their names along with the other apprentices. Batear got hurt on a patrol, crippling him and forcing him into eldership, while Cloverstripe on the very same patrol had disappeared. Saddened, but believing in his mentor that she was out there somewhere, Moth did his best to be confident as he received his name, Mothwing, along side his sister, Antwillow.

After the final attack, Moth has changed some. Ending the life of another, even if it was an enemy, shook Moth greatly to the point where some of his core personality traits are in question, and he's not really sure about his life as a warrior anymore. Regardless, he's struggling to move past this point and accept it into his life so he can move on but he's finding it hard to accept that he feels like a murderer even if it was in self defense and taking back their lands. 

-More TBD through RP-




  |Mortal Enemy

  |wants dead







  |Major Crush


  |Visually Appealing

  |Physical attraction




  |Would die for



  |Best friend

  |Platonic love



  |Nervous of

  |Scared of




Cats name || Owner of the character or NPC or ADOPTABLE || Relation to your cat  || Bullets || "Thoughts about this character go here"


Cats name || Owner of the character or NPC or ADOPTABLE || Relation to your cat  || Bullets || "Thoughts about this character go here"


Cats name || Owner of the character or NPC or ADOPTABLE || Relation to your cat  || Bullets || "Thoughts about this character go here"


Batear || NPC || Father |||| "I love my father very much. He may be a grouchy old elder now, but I enjoy talking to him and bringing him gifts from time to time. We have a good relationship."

Cranestep || NPC || Mother ||  || "My mother. I guess she’s alright. I’ve come to terms that I’ll never be as close to her as Antwillow is, and that's okay."

Antwillow || NPC  || Sister ||  || "She's a bit of a mouse brain but she's kind hearted. We’re not particularly close, but I wouldn't let harm come to her."

Runningstep || eto-nyan || Father-figure ||   || " He's also my father...sort of. In some ways, I think I'm closer to him than Batear. He's always looking out for me...I've been trying to help him smile."

Silentdawn|| Avis-Praeclara  || Clanmate ||  || "She's more calm and collected than I am. And also a very good friend. I'm glad that she doesn't mind being around me."

Sparrowbreeze|| Alfalfa-RP  || Clanmate ||  || "I like how relaxed he is. He's very helpful and kind, and exactly the kind of cat that Riverclan needs."


Beetlekit || NPC || Brother ||  || "I’m not really sure what to think. I never knew him, I don’t think anyone did. He was dead to me all of my life, or like some kind of distant pet or inanimate object. I’m glad he’s not suffering anymore though."

The Dark Forest

Cats name || Owner of the character or NPC or ADOPTABLE || Relation to your cat  || Bullets || "Thoughts about this character go here"

Cats Outside the Clan

Cats name || Owner of the character or NPC or ADOPTABLE || Relation to your cat  || Bullets || "Thoughts about this character go here"

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Comments: 29

crackerlegs00 [2017-11-22 05:26:33 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SilentReaperNeku In reply to crackerlegs00 [2017-11-24 05:45:08 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Muramia [2017-07-19 00:08:24 +0000 UTC]

Damn hot piece of FISH STINK ASS

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SilentReaperNeku In reply to Muramia [2017-07-19 00:21:40 +0000 UTC]

You're gay

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Muramia In reply to SilentReaperNeku [2017-07-19 00:22:48 +0000 UTC]

we both are

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SilentReaperNeku In reply to Muramia [2017-07-19 00:23:10 +0000 UTC]

So true

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Avis-Praeclara [2017-07-18 14:40:58 +0000 UTC]

We should rp

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SilentReaperNeku In reply to Avis-Praeclara [2017-07-19 00:21:27 +0000 UTC]

That would be neat! I'm on skype if you would like my name? 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Avis-Praeclara In reply to SilentReaperNeku [2017-07-19 02:36:33 +0000 UTC]

sure~ you can note it to me if you want!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SilentReaperNeku In reply to Avis-Praeclara [2017-07-19 16:37:42 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

JessicsAesthetics [2017-07-18 10:21:13 +0000 UTC]

he seems like a very interesting character, awesome that his in Riverclan CX

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SilentReaperNeku In reply to JessicsAesthetics [2017-07-19 00:20:59 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! I'm trying my best with the boy, thats for sure

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

JessicsAesthetics In reply to SilentReaperNeku [2017-07-19 00:45:58 +0000 UTC]

Your welcome and i think you've done great with him

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SilentReaperNeku In reply to JessicsAesthetics [2017-07-19 01:11:20 +0000 UTC]

Thats so nice- dfjklsdjg 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

JessicsAesthetics In reply to SilentReaperNeku [2017-07-19 01:21:39 +0000 UTC]

Well he seems very intresting and his bio is the prefect mix of sad and happy moments it not over dramatic but its not all sunshine and rainbows eaither.
And his design is just amazing

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SilentReaperNeku In reply to JessicsAesthetics [2017-07-19 16:38:11 +0000 UTC]

Aww thank you thats very kind, I'm striving to make characters who feel realistic and aren't edgelord central 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

JessicsAesthetics In reply to SilentReaperNeku [2017-07-20 07:59:05 +0000 UTC]

your most welcome, Well i think you have it spot on!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Artistic-Alfalfa [2017-07-18 07:39:11 +0000 UTC]

A nice Riverclanner here~ XP
Maybe we can RP sometime~

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SilentReaperNeku In reply to Artistic-Alfalfa [2017-07-19 00:20:43 +0000 UTC]

Yes! I'm v active on skype idk if you rp there- 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Artistic-Alfalfa In reply to SilentReaperNeku [2017-07-19 00:55:25 +0000 UTC]

Aww. I don't have Skype. Do you RP any other way? 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SilentReaperNeku In reply to Artistic-Alfalfa [2017-07-19 01:21:19 +0000 UTC]

Uh, what do you have? I have a hard time rping on DA in general- 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Artistic-Alfalfa In reply to SilentReaperNeku [2017-07-19 01:46:08 +0000 UTC]

I usually RP over deviant art comments or messages but I can make a chatzy room too which I can access for RP. ^^'

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SilentReaperNeku In reply to Artistic-Alfalfa [2017-07-19 16:35:06 +0000 UTC]

A chatzy room? Well, id be willing to give it a try! 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Artistic-Alfalfa In reply to SilentReaperNeku [2017-07-20 03:11:03 +0000 UTC]

Sure. I will note you a link~

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SilentReaperNeku In reply to Artistic-Alfalfa [2017-07-20 03:51:06 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

eto-nyan [2017-07-18 05:52:14 +0000 UTC]


Running: -looks @ him n cries a little- A good boy

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SilentReaperNeku In reply to eto-nyan [2017-07-19 00:04:31 +0000 UTC]

Running you sap-


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

wet-bread [2017-07-18 05:45:08 +0000 UTC]

 When the boy's smirk is just right    

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SilentReaperNeku In reply to wet-bread [2017-07-19 00:04:39 +0000 UTC]

omfg rune please

👍: 0 ⏩: 0