Siryeehaw — Choose Your History! (America #20)

#alternatehistory #america #usa #interwar #cyoh
Published: 2021-01-06 22:01:51 +0000 UTC; Views: 9065; Favourites: 38; Downloads: 7
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(Wow, never thought I'd get this far. Thank you to everyone who's participated in this from day one, two, three, and so forth! Wish I could give ya'll a big hug, but unfortunately COVID is in the way, but sappy intros aside, on with the 30's!)

The radio crackles to life. A woman's voice reads out the stock market, everything has been going rather smoothly considering the crisis in the Great Plains, while agricultural stocks have plummeted since '29, the expansion and growth of other industries throughout the 20's, as well as the occupation of Alyeska brining in new stocks of gold and oil has managed to save the American economy from faceplanting into the ground. Though with the Alyeskan occupation tensions have only flared between the now recognized 'United Salvationist Communes of Russia' as well as her faithful allies and the United States of America. The woman's voice continues speaking- now talking about Italy and the changes the Kingdom has been through. Italy in response to growing Utopian fears and a growing nationalist movement has developed 'the anti-ideology' to Utopianism- 'Glorianism'. Already one can see Glorianism across Italy- old Roman gods and figures worshipped in place of the Cross, as well as what has become known as 'The Maroons', roving bands of Glorian thugs who enact the will of the Festa Nazionale della Glorian or the National Party of Glory. The FNG seeks to restore the Roman Republic- and with it a restoration of old Roman traditions and culture with a modernized twist as well as eliminating Christendom from Italy- seeing the religion and the Vatican as 'a weakening force that undermines the security and loyalties of a nation'. The radio clicks off abruptly as the woman's voice begins to ramble on about the weather..

The 20's were a year of great progress for the American nation. Philadelphia- a bastion of American culture and progress had been elevated to host the International League of Nations (or at least the American Headquarters), and to celebrate the first of the 2nd Olympics were held in St. Louis, Missouri, proudly winning America the gold- several times as a matter of fact. Even ignoring those two the 20's still were a roaring time for the Union. The post-war economy once again brought cheap comforts to all Americans- radios, cars, etc..  President Coolidge and his Vice President Hoover meanwhile managed to kickstart the first 'green' business ventures among the Southwest with experimental solar panels and starting work on the "Coolidge Waterworks" intended to bring hydroelectric power to Nevada, Arejoa, Baja, and Sonora. Meanwhile Hoover had worked on getting land grants in Alyeska and setting up more 'patriotic' companies in place of the old and sometimes incompetent Russian mining companies in the new District. 

 American interest in aviation has also greatly increased- what with the surplus of old outdated military aircraft, many in the upper and upper-middle classes fought dollar and quarter for their own aeroplane. Coinciding during this time a slight revival of the 'fantastic sci-fi' was also present in the 20's and with the recent discovery of 'Pluto', many are eager to see what lurks out in the great heavens above. And to them a plane is the first step. One day- hopefully America- joined with the rest of Mankind will one day touch the Moon. But as it stands many will simply have to make do with the aeroplanes of now, hopefully content with grazing the sky. 

Across the Pacific, while the Russian Civil War has now officially been declared over and the Salvationists having brought 'Armageddon' on the wicked Whites. The Chinese continue to struggle for dominance, with no clear winner in sight, it seems China will be removed from global affairs for a while. The Taiping Holy Kingdom continues to splinter as the Kuomintang and Beiyang governments hit its outer defenses while Utopians rise up along the coastal cities. If the Taiping were though to have an unholy amount of righteousness, the Utopian Kingdom of Sinae hath no fury like any other. Men and women throw themselves at machineguns citing verses from the Oriental Bible. While the Utopian kingdom appears small, she has struck the Holy Kingdom in the Achilles. It seems inevitable as the Taiping crumble- decades of fighting seemingly vanishing in a few years. 

But it seems the Utopians are not just content with Russia, for they've spread to the Emerald Island and the fields of Gaul and Pannonia. The population- now seeing the light has overthrown their governments full of the wicked and replaced them with the faithful. Britain now not only must worry of the French- but the Irish who've declared freedom from her 500 year old chains. Meanwhile the newly freed post-Danube and post-Russian states fear the worst and have solidified themselves into a union between the seas- hoping to ward off not just the Utopians, but the Germans and the Italians- though it hasn't yet been tested to see if they could hold off such invasions. Glorian Italy while content with what it got at the peace table has been engaging in a rivalry with the Utopians over control of the Western Mediterranean, and a struggle for dominance in the Eastern Mediterranean against the slowly rebounding Turks. 

The world is mostly peaceful. But how long can such peace last in such a world? 30 years? 20? 10? 5? The world will never know until a fatal move has been played- setting the world into further chaos. Or perhaps that fatal move has already been played- and its simply a matter of time until everything crumbles around them. 

(A) The Dust Bowl- Several states have been engulfed by the dust and the sand of the plains, and many more are suffering milder symptoms of desertification. Unless something is done about this crisis, the Great Plains may turn into an inhospitable wasteland for the next decade or so. 
Choose 3, 2, or 1. Frankly I won't judge. But the things connected by the dotted red lines? You can only choose one of them. 

Diversify the Farming Sector- while yes, there are other areas dedicated to farming in the US- the Great Plains has always been numero uno. Perhaps its time we change that and either make it share its crown made of wheat, or we give it to someone else, it is clear the Great Plains is not the invincible agricultural lynchpin it was made out to be. 


The Interconnected System- we could support our allies of Brazil and Borealia and their developing agricultural sectors to not only help re-feed America but also re-invigorate the agricultural sector. With more localized competition the economy might also bounce back as well. 

Experimental Power- solar and wind seem to be two prominent resources of the Plains, and as of so far Coolidge's work has proved to be successful. A few experts have also come to the theory that excess use of oil and other 'smoky fuels' led to the warming and increased 'desertification' of a few areas in the Great Plains. 


The Green Revolution- A series of new agricultural projects would help prevent disasters from happening, or at least mitigate them so they don't swallow whole states. It seems the most grievous error was monoculture of the plains, it seems our top priority is expanding the American diet and the American farm. 

Agricultural Aero Association- The triple A as its known has helped many farmers in Comanchera and Sequoyah by air dropping water, chemicals, and other supplies over dried up fields. Though its small nature limits its capabilities, but if we make the average aircraft cheaper the AAA could reach further and spread aid to other farmers...


The Omaha Connection- plans have been drawn for a planned airport in Western Kansas that'd allow fast and quick intercontinental connections from every corner of the Union via air travel. The only problem was land, up until now. The land costs might sink the Union a bit further into recession but the payoff might just be worth it. Quick, cheap, and fast air commerce and travel from every corner of the Union. Besides, we've always pined for connections from sea to shining sea, why stop at the ground?

(B) Electra Americana- As the nation grows and zips past 150 million people (not even counting the AR's) we must find ways to power our citizens homes and livelihoods or else we may find ourselves perpetually in the dark in more ways than one...
Only choose 2. Or you can choose just one. But no more than two!

The Niagara Dam- long have the Niagara falls been a source of beauty to the American people, but with a few adjustments the Niagara could also be made into one of - if not the largest power provider to the American people. All green, all natural, and all powerful. 

Green-ora- the Sonora's vast desert receives more sunlight than any other state in the Union. And while the desert may be inhospitable to man, its not inhospitable to machine. Massive solar farms painting the once chalky yellow landscape a light solar blue would bring life to the growing suburbs and cities of the former Mexican states. 

Incentivize Research- America has always been a land for free business, and while we may not pressure businesses and people into doing what we want, coercing them and making them work for a prize works just as- if not better than forcing them to do something. Pioneering the future may land you a few nice tax cuts as well as a few extra piles of cash if you're willing to jump for it.

Open Alyeska- Alyeska, while somewhat opened under Hoover has not really attracted the ire of the average Joe since the 1870's and 1880's during the Klondike Rush. With recent discoveries of frozen oil and new mineral deposits the American people have once again had their curiosity piqued. Now its only a question of if we let them take the bait. 

Purchase Greenland- the frozen glacier about 20,000 people call 'Greenland' has been in Danish hands since Lord knows when. Several American offers have either been shot down by Congress or the Danish crown, while we may not be successful in buying it now, if we managed to successfully capture Greenland for ourselves we would not only have access to her potential resources, but we might be able to finally bring Borealia into the fold...

Bio-fueling the Nation- While the Plains have been ravaged by drought and dust, a few experiments conducted with the crops have shown that corn, wheat, and other crops have the potential to fuel furnaces, fans, and maybe even homes. Perhaps if we turn this ramshackle industry into a new and 'hip' thing we could not only have our cake and eat it- but when we're done we could use it to light up our homes. 

(C) The New Constitutional Party- As the KNK merges with and incorporates many of its tenants and followers into the Con. party, many look for ways to usurp and surpass the Democrats in order to make of America 'the right and proper way.'
You can choose two. Or one. 

Broadcasting our Message- fairly obvious, but it seems not everyone has received the message of the Constitutionalists, or may not be swayed by it. Let us reach out to the poor and the weak and lift them high to where they can see the truth of the Constitutionalist way!

Colluding with the Militiamen- while they may be a bit too 'Glorian' in nature, co-operating with them would allow the party to grab some extra protection as well as dish out some punishments should push come to shove.  Maybe even one day we may be able to annex them just as the Con. Party annexed the KNK. 

Arm our Members- America nearly has enough guns to arm every man and woman in the nation, but that simply isn't enough. Every man and woman of the Constitutionalist Party must know how to defend their God-given rights whether it be from foreigners, utopians, the NAS, or perhaps as one day many fear- the government. 

Cast Blame- the Democrats are clearly at fault for many of our woes- their incompetence and hinderance obviously created the exaggerated Dust Bowl Crisis we not have to undo. It is up to us! The most righteous party of the Constitution to fix what they've mocked and messed up!

The White Hats- even if we don't co-operate with the Militiamen it might be useful to spread our word through 'other means' the KNK was recognizable for their attire and attitude, but many people found them 'garish or terrifying'. A makeover may be in order to not only strike fear into the enemies hearts but woo our allies hearts through a new set of heroes.

Other Branches- Fredonia has always been somewhat of an odd subject for the Con. Party. But if we help support Fredonia and other Autonomous Republics we could open up to the more 'egalitarian' Americans and let them see and believe that the Constitutional Party is nothing at all like the KNK or the old Constitutionalists.

Congress and the Senate have also been bickering about several issues- though in lieu of the Dust Bowl Crisis these issues have been put on hold a for a while.

1. The Western African Union has become a hub of republican ideals on the African continent- especially with the legitimate French government fleeing to Algeria and proclaiming "the successor to the 4th Republic" from Algiers. Many around the WAU seek to destroy it from the revenge-seeking Utopians, the Glorian Italians, or the British who felt a tad cheated at the table. If we take these fledgling republics and democracies under our wing we could ensure peace and stability in Western Africa. 

2. Reforming our alliance with the Europeans seems to be crucial in this era, while Britain and Germany are reliable, they seem to be slowly 'drifting away'. Its clear they dislike our republicanism, as do we their monarchies. While the US may not change to a monarch any time soon, we must stick together in this ever changing world- With the loss of Russia and the further distancing Italy, the Allied powers seem to be facing new challenges that may only be able to be climbed over by working together.

3. Mindanao while free from British rule has only been squandering and flailing about trying to find its bearings, and many in Manilla say now is the time to strike. While Mindanao is distracted and the world is focused on the Occident. And while many in the Philippines would love to 're-unify' the archipelago, all thats stopping them is approval from the US. However if we give the green light for an invasion we may open ourselves up to further trouble and distancing of Britain from our diplomatic sphere. 

Happy voting and happy trails! Voting ends January 13th!
(Comments have also been allowed!)

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Comments: 21

RichardK0 [2021-01-10 19:09:18 +0000 UTC]

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LastofSummer [2021-01-09 20:33:02 +0000 UTC]

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TallestSkil [2021-01-08 02:22:38 +0000 UTC]

Flagged as Spam

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Siryeehaw In reply to TallestSkil [2021-01-08 03:22:13 +0000 UTC]

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problematicweaboo [2021-01-07 16:58:01 +0000 UTC]

Diversify the farming sector
The green revolution
The omaha connection

The Niagara dam
Incentivize research

Broadcasting our message
Casting blame

Ally the WAU
Reform the allies
Don't invade the Philippine

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

CrimsonCharger [2021-01-07 06:42:33 +0000 UTC]

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SenorPatata [2021-01-07 02:05:57 +0000 UTC]

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Magnocipher [2021-01-07 01:20:54 +0000 UTC]

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Samuelgeno [2021-01-07 01:05:01 +0000 UTC]

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Scotty-Fresh [2021-01-07 00:26:27 +0000 UTC]

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Siryeehaw In reply to Scotty-Fresh [2021-01-07 01:23:32 +0000 UTC]

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Scotty-Fresh In reply to Siryeehaw [2021-01-07 01:39:22 +0000 UTC]

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Samuelgeno [2021-01-07 00:08:52 +0000 UTC]

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Siryeehaw In reply to Samuelgeno [2021-01-07 00:18:10 +0000 UTC]

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Samuelgeno In reply to Siryeehaw [2021-01-07 00:22:19 +0000 UTC]

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Siryeehaw In reply to Samuelgeno [2021-01-07 01:15:18 +0000 UTC]

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Samuelgeno In reply to Siryeehaw [2021-01-07 01:31:45 +0000 UTC]

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Siryeehaw In reply to Samuelgeno [2021-01-07 01:35:08 +0000 UTC]

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Samuelgeno In reply to Siryeehaw [2021-01-07 01:35:28 +0000 UTC]

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Siryeehaw In reply to Samuelgeno [2021-01-07 04:29:56 +0000 UTC]

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Samuelgeno In reply to Siryeehaw [2021-01-07 05:32:48 +0000 UTC]

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Siryeehaw [2021-01-07 00:02:26 +0000 UTC]

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