SkarmorySilver — 135 - MEKUNGIRA

#fakemon #legendary #legendarypokemon #pokemon #watertype #poisontype #timingila #threepoisons #ecoli #hindumythology
Published: 2019-06-11 16:08:25 +0000 UTC; Views: 2373; Favourites: 46; Downloads: 4
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Description "The second of the Poisonous Beasts came from the seas, a Monster of Tides that emerged from the blackest depths of the ocean. It had two great tusks, powerful fins which churned water into foam as it swam, and a lack of sympathy for all other forms of life. It flooded the seas with a sludge laced with all kinds of deadly poisons and diseases, spelling doom for all around it, but the creature itself cared not for those who drifted lifeless in its wake. For it saw itself as the only creature in the entire ocean that truly mattered. In the view of those who depended on the sea and saw its bounties for what they were worth, this would not stand, and so the sages that once feared it ultimately banished it from the surface with their own power, forcing it to descend back to the eternal darkness from whence it had come. To this day, the people of this world practice learning and observing the world around them and its many wonders, knowing what will happen if they fail to do so. Should delusion and ignorance once again arise among us today, the Monster of Tides will surely return."


Blight of Delusion Pokémon
"Legend has it that it first emerged from the bottom of the sea over two thousand years ago. It came from a realm where the sun's light did not penetrate, leaving it blind to the effects of its noxious sludge on its surroundings."
"Wherever it appeared, the sea churned black with a terrible poison that covered and blotted out all it touched, destroying all kinds of marine habitats. It is one of a triad of terrible monsters known as 'The Poisonous Beasts'."

Type: Poison/Water
Height: 30'
Weight: 950 lbs
Ability: Toxidize** (Pressure)
Evolution: Does not evolve (Legendary).
Egg Groups: Undiscovered

Basis: Timingila, a sea monster from Hindu mythlology; medieval depictions of whales; pliosaurs; E. coli; gas masks; deep-sea fish in general; a visual pun on "sea pigs"; the Buddhist vice of Moha (delusion, confusion).
Name Origin: MEKURA ("blindness" in Japanese)+TiMiNGIla

Moves Learned: Punishment, Water Pulse, Poison Fang, Safeguard, Swords Dance, Brine, Poison Jab, Liquidation, Calm Mind, Sludge Wave, and starting moves Tainted Tide**, Amnesia, Hydro Pump, Roar, Muddy Water, Whirlpool, and Toxic Terrain***.
Notable Other Moves: Notable TMs include Venoshock, Rain Dance, Leech Life, Sludge Bomb, Facade, Rest, Scald, Fling, Brutal Swing, Embargo, Smart Strike, Gyro Ball, Infestation, Sleep Talk, Snarl, Dark Pulse, Surf, and Waterfall.

Base Stats:

HP: 90
Attack: 125
Defense: 90
Sp.Atk: 105
Sp.Def: 90
Speed: 80
TOTAL: 580

* Toxidize - Allows Poison-type moves to hit Steel-types for neutral damage.

** Tainted Tide
Category: Physical
Type: Poison
Power: 80
PP: 10
Accuracy: 100% (hits adjacent foes)
The user stirs a wave of churning, toxic fluids which badly poisons those it hits. This move is Poison and Water type simultaneously.

*** Toxic Terrain
Category: Status
Type: Poison
Power: N/A
PP: 10
Accuracy: N/A
The user turns the ground under everyone's feet to poisonous sludge for five turns. This poisons Pokémon on the ground every turn.

NOTE: When Toxic Terrain is in effect:
  • Grounded Pokémon are poisoned at the end of each turn unless they are currently affected by another status (if the status wears off, the poison takes its place). This does not apply to either Poison-types or a Pokémon with an ability that sets Toxic Terrain, which heal 1/8th of their HP during each turn. The poisoned status will remain after the Toxic Terrain effect stops. Steel-types will not be affected, but Flying-type or levitating Pokémon will be.
  • Poison-type moves used by affected Pokémon are boosted by 50% (regardless of whether the target of the move is affected by Toxic Terrain).
  • Grass-type moves have their power halved if used against affected Pokémon (regardless of whether the user of the move is affected by Toxic Terrain).
  • Water- and Flying-type moves will have a 20% chance of poisoning the target on top of any existing secondary effect (regardless of whether the user of the move is affected by Toxic Terrain).
  • Nature Power becomes Sludge Bomb.
  • Secret Power uses the animation of Poison Sting and may poison the target.
  • Camouflage causes the user to become Poison-type.

The second of The Poisonous Beasts has been revealed! This one is... well, it's a design that I feel could've used a little more work, personally, but I still like how it turned out for what it was worth. Mekungira is one of those fakemon for which I thought up the concept first, and then tried to produce a design for it afterward based on said concept - something tells me that I might have tried to put too many ideas into a single design, so it's a wonder it doesn't look as cluttered as it could've been. Heh.

Mekungira is based on the Timingila or Timingilam, a giant fish monster from Hindu mythology, which was massive enough to swallow whales whole. It's quite obscure, though, due to it being only occaisonally written about, although among its few mentions were in both of the two Sanksrit epics, the Mahabharata and the Ramayana. I picked the name because I needed a giant fish monster from an Asian mythos and this kinda fit - I'd have picked Bakunawa from Philippine lore but that creature is more like a serpent or dragon than something explicitly fish-like, plus I already have a Phillippine monster planned as the last of The Poisonous Beasts anyway lol. Oddly enough, the animal representative of the vice of ignorance in Hindu lore is the pig, which is ironic considering that swine are quite intelligent, but whatever. I managed to find a solution though upon noting that medieval depictions of whales on sailor's maps were actually quite freaky, resembling fish with the heads of boars more than anything else, so I used that as a primary reference for this design, with a gas mask-like snout for good measure. The pathogen inspiration, E. coli, is actually quite varied in microbial strains, but the most dangerous varieties are usually spread around by contamination of food and water via waste matter... yeah. So that kinda does tie back to the ignorance theme in that neglecting to clean up after yourself - especially in third world countries where sanitation is lacking - can cause the germs to spread and epidemics to break out. So wash your hands, for Arceus' sake!

Back to the topic at hand, the stat spread for this guy was modified from that of the previous Poisonous Beast, Xiangekido - you can check out the stats for him here . I wanted a slower but tankier sort of build, so I took 20 points from Speed and added 10 each to both defenses to compensate, and subtracted 10 points from physical Attack to give to Special Attack. The 580 BST remains the exact same. As for the movepool, The Poisonous Beasts share the same number of moves, and the ones I'm keeping for all three are the signature move Toxic Terrain, along with Roar, Poison Fang, Swords Dance, and Poison Jab. The starting moves are all flavor-based: Amnesia to fit the "ignorance/delusion" theme, Hydro Pump as a high-power Water attack, Muddy Water in keeping with the idea of polluted seas, and Whirlpool as a trapping move, like Rock Tomb on Xiangekido. Its signature attack is, of course, Tainted Tide. As for the rest of the movepool, I went with Punishment, Safeguard, and Calm Mind from Lugia, along with Water Pulse and Brine from Tapu Fini. Liquidation was added as a strong final Water-type attack, and for the final Poison-type move I picked Sludge Wave, which fits because it hits everyone around it including its user's own allies - with Mekungira himself none the wiser!

As a strong special attacker with mediocre speed and better defenses than the other two Poisonous Beasts, Mekungira is a loose cannon with flippers, without subtlety or focus. Sludge Wave and Liquidation are the way to go, but with the former you'd better hope your allies resist or are immune to poisoning! His special attack score ain't half bad either, so Toxic Terrain plus Surf can easily spread poison in all cardinal directions, and Calm Mind added on top of that can make him extremely lethal and a rather serviceable special tank besides. Throw in Venoshock to nail those who are already poisoned and you should be good to go. Other attack types include Bug, Dark, and Steel, and supporting moves include Amnesia for buffing Special Defense, Safeguard as an insurance policy, Rest/Sleep Talk if you want to take the risk of the Sleep status, Swords Dance as a classic setup move, Roar to force switches, Embargo to shut down item users, and Whirlpool and Infestation to trap foes. And then, of course, there's Tainted Tide. This is actually better for dealing neutral damage rather than super-effective, because Grass, Ground, and Rock are all balanced out because each is weak to one type but resists the other, leaving only Fire weak to this move, while Dragon, Poison, Ghost, and Water outright resist it. Oh well. It's flavor-appropriate, sure, but just stick with two STAB attacks each. As long as you can put the sturdiness and monstrous power of this demon of the deep to use, he'll get by just fine!

Pokémon © Nintendo
MEKUNGIRA is mine!
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