#31: ChuChus
And my Halloween Countdown is officially rolling!
Ranking in at thirty-one it's the Chu Chu. I actually feel a little bad, this is going to be a line up of Zelda monsters and Octoroks will NOT be appearing as I gave them a special spot in last year's count down. If I hadn't they would have been 31st. However, with them out of the picture, Chu Chus were next in line.
A very common sight in the Zelda world, even going back the original, whether they were actually called Chu Chus or just generic "Slimes", these little blobs have some longevity. However, given their remarkably weak status, common useful properties and sometimes humorous appearance I put them on the bottom rung of the ladder. I mean, you don't really get much lower then just a puddle of slime!
I went with the Wind Waker style as I always enjoyed it the most. I felt it actually gave personality to the otherwise egg shaped blobs we saw them as in all the other games. (And don't even mention their look in Majora's Mask) I like their quirky, vibrants looks in this style and the large amount of "breeds" that existed. (I didn't include yellow out of sheer laziness!) I think my only issue that sometimes this style makes them look a little too solid, but otherwise this is my favorite.
To close, these creatures' names have always baffled me. Given that 'chu' either means 'mouse' or is a term for kissing someone... oh well!
((characters are copyright Nintendo))