Sky-chii — Hayama Akira x Reader || Of Spices and Clothings
#animemanga #fanfiction #oneshot #readerinsert #xreader #readerinsertfanfiction #shokugekinosoma #xreaderinsert #hayamaakira #hayamaakiraxreader
Published: 2015-08-09 07:32:07 +0000 UTC; Views: 17117; Favourites: 166; Downloads: 0
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Description Some characters may be OOC. You have been warned.

- - - -

You were trying to make a new curry dish when Alice forcefully dragged you out to accompany her somewhere.

"Alice, I told you, I'm busy." you grumbled as you tried to escape her clutches. Your efforts were in vain, so you just let her drag you to who knows where. You weren't having any luck with your dish anyway, so you weren't too mad. "Why couldn't you just ask Ryou or even Erina to accompany you?"

Alice made at face at this. "Ryou's hardly a good company for what I'm about to do. Don't even make me start on Erina. Besides," she twirled around to face you and stretched your cheeks. "You need to get out once in a while. You've been cooped up in that kitchen for weeks."

You whined in pain, begging with your eyes for her to stop. She did so after a while and you rubbed the abused skin with a scowl. "But I'm still not satisfied with the way my dish is."

"And that's why we're going out for a walk! You might get inspiration from this, and if not, I know someone who could help you."

Your ears perked up at this. "You do?"

She wagged her finger. "Tut, tut, not now. Relax first and don't think of cooking." you pouted at this, then sighed resignedly.

"Fine. Where are we going then?"

Alice grinned mischievously.

You had a bad feeling about this.

- - - - -

Alice was a monster. Why did you even agree to do this?

"Aliceee, no more pleaseeee." you were literally begging her as she grabbed another pile of dress for you to try on.

"That won't do, [Name]~ We're just getting started~"

You weren't ashamed of the shriek of despair you let out as she dragged you yet again to the dressing room.

- - - - -

By the time lunch rolled in, you were almost crawling. Alice made you try hundreds of different dresses and you were sobbing in happiness when you finally finished. You thought nothing could get any worse than that.

But of course, it got worse.

She dragged you to the shoe store. It was a nightmare. Your feet hurt like a bitch and how the hell do people even walk in these damned things—

When you two finished, you could feel your soul coming out of your mouth. And Alice— that girl was a demon in disguise, you swear— was humming the entire way while asking you what you wanted to do next.

You asked for home.

She turned deaf ears on you.

- - - - -

Well, at least she had the decency to feed you. But that doesn't excuse her behavior from before, thank you very much.

It was almost evening already, and you just wanted to go back to the dorms and sleep.

Alice prevented you from running off to your dorm and dragged you somewhere again. You were whining the entire time but she just smiled angelically at you.

"I swear to god, Alice. This isn't relaxing me AT ALL. It's making me stress out more than anything and—"

"We're here~" you stared at her blankly, then turned your head towards the building she was pointing to.

"Shiomi's.. seminar? What is this, Alice?"

She crossed her arms and frowned. "Isn't it obvious, [Name]? This is the answer to your problems about that dish you're perfecting."

Your eyes sparkled at this. "You mean..?"

She nodded. "They specialize in spice research."

You almost jumped in joy at this. "Why didn't I know of this sooner?" you groaned to yourself. Alice shrugged, "Well, I'll leave you now, [Name]. Enjoy~ Thanks for accompanying me." she snickered and waved goodbye.

That's when you noticed you're still wearing the clothes and shoes she picked for you earlier. You wanted to go back to your room to change your outfit into a more casual one, but it was getting dark and you don't want to waste anymore time.

You decided to just go with it, and knocked on the door. You waited for a while, but there was no answer. You frowned and knocked again. Was there no one in? Or did Alice just prank you? You shook your head at that. Alice may be a handful sometimes, but she isn't that cruel. You turned the knob, and surprisingly, the door opened.

You peeked your head in. 'Whoa, this room's a mess.'

Books were cluttered everywhere but there was no person to be found.

"Hello..?" you called out. There was no answer. You were a bit disappointed at this and were about to go out when there was a small squeak and a girl shorter than you peeked out from another room.

You had a small staring contest and you coughed awkwardly. "Umm, hello? Is the professor here? I need some help.."

She seemed to perk up at that. "I didn't know we were having a visitor. I'm sorry, please come in." she motioned for you to go in the room she was situated in and you did so in a rush.

"Sorry for dropping by without notice," you started as the girl started to clean up her area.

"It's okay, we don't get that much visitors anyway, so it's a delight when we get to see new faces." she smiled meekly at you. "Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Shiomi Jun, the one in charge of this seminar."

You gaped at her. "Y-you're the professor?"

She got up abruptly at that. "H-hey, just because I'm small doesn't—"

You shook your head wildly, trying to pacify her. "I'm sorry for my rude behavior, I just didn't realize.." you trailed off at this and smiled sheepishly. "I apologize, Shiomi-sensei. Oh, I'm [Full Name]."

Jun immediately got her energy back at that. "Well, I guess it's alright.. Oh wait, where are my manners, I'll prepare tea right away!"

"Ah, that isn't necessary—" but she was already running off to gather water to boil. Just as she was making her way to the stove, she tripped over a stray book. "Uwah!"


You blinked slowly as water dripped down from your head and down to your body.

'Well, at least it wasn't hot water..' you tried to stay positive.

Jun looked like she just got caught murdering her parents. "WAAAAH, OH MY GOSH, I'M SO SORRY—I DIDN'T MEAN TO, WHERE ARE THE TOWELS— OOF" she fell down on the floor as the same book thwarted her yet again. You sweat-dropped at this.

"Jun, what is it this time?" an annoyed voice called out and—

There was silence as a white-haired guy emerged from one of the rooms and stared blankly at the both of you.

"H-hayama-kun, uwah! Towels, we need towels!" The boy— Hayama, you assumed— pinched the bridge of his nose in exasperation and sighed.

"Just what the hell did you do again.." he approached you, but then looked away as he got nearer. He silently took his shirt off and offered them to you, still avoiding your gaze.

You were gaping at him, heat creeping up to your face as you realized something.

A guy. A handsome guy. Half-naked. In front of you. Offering you his shirt.

You felt like evaporating.

"I, uh, um, no uh it's alright, Uh, you don't have to.. um, the shirt. And uh," you were stuttering so badly and you tried to make your eyes stay above his neck and not down to his chest dammit—

He looked at your face and, was that a small blush on his cheeks?

"... Your dress is soaked through."

Well, of course it is, you got splashed with water—

".. I can.. kinda see it." he finished with a cough.

You were silent for a moment and what he said finally sunk in. You looked down, and sure enough, your dress was soaked to the point of it being somewhat see-through. You squeaked in embarrassment and immediately grabbed his shirt to cover yourself up.

He looked away respectfully as you put his shirt on. It was too big, and it reached your thighs. You mumbled a shy thanks and you unconsciously fiddled his shirt. It smelled good.. like cinnamon. You shook your head wildly to rid of the glazed look in your eye.

"Jun, towels? Remember?" Hayama snapped impatiently. She immediately scrambled up and cried out a stuttered apology before she rushed back into one of the rooms.

She returned with a bunch of them on her hands that she almost tumbled down at the weight. Hayama sighed in exasperation and grabbed two of them before handing one out to you.

You smiled in thanks as you started to dry your arms and legs with it. Hayama got up behind you and started drying your wet hair. You yelped in surprise and stared at him in confusion and embarrassment.

Jun was staring at both of you in fascination— which you didn't even want to know why.

"I'm sorry for this idiot's clumsiness." he shot a pointed look at Jun and she snapped out of her momentary trance to glare at him.

"H-hey, who are you calling an idiot! I'm still your—"

"Who dropped a container full of water on our visitor?"

".. Me."

"And who helped said visitor after you dropped said container?"

".... You." Jun pouted.

"Good girl." Jun sulked in a corner.

You chuckled a little as you watched their interaction. It was.. cute, in a sort of weird way.

"I'll go make tea for all of us." Hayama stopped drying your hair and you felt like you could breath again. Having a guy like him so close to you is not good for your heart. At all.

"I'm really sorry about earlier." Jun mumbled, as she twiddled her fingers.

You waved off the apology with a small smile. "Oh no, it's okay, really."

Hayama handed you a cup and you smiled in thanks. You took a sip and sighed in relief. You hadn't realized that you were shivering until now.

"But it got so late already.." Jun sullenly said.

You looked outside and sure enough, it was already night time. You checked your watch and your eyes almost bulged out of its sockets as you realized it was almost 9.

You immediately finished your drink and got up. "Oh no, I have to go."

"I'm so sorry again." Jun bowed. "Umm, you could come by tomorrow and you could tell me what you need help in.."

You flashed a bright smile at her. "Okay, thanks for having me."

"Oh, wait." Jun stopped you before you could leave. "Hayama-kun, please accompany [Name] back to her dorm."

You shook your head at this. "Oh no, I'm fine. You don't have to—"

"Alright." Hayama agreed and he went back to the room he came from earlier and grabbed another shirt. "Come on."

Well, at least he wasn't half-naked anymore.

- - - - -

The journey back to Polar Star Dorm was awkward. You were walking behind Hayama and the silence was deafening. You didn't know what to say and you cheered inwardly when you reached the gates of your dorm.

"Umm, thanks for walking me here." you murmured shyly. "I'll wash your shirt and return them tomorrow. Thanks again, and uh, be careful on the way back." You bowed your head and he nodded. You waved at him and entered the dorm.

Fumio-san's figure stopped you from advancing any further and you laughed nervously.

"Hello, Fumio-san.. Ermm, nice weather outside, eh?"

"You're out late today, [Name]." she tapped her foot impatiently as she looked at the clock pointedly.

You bowed your head. "I'm sorry, I lost track of time and—"

"Well, at least your boyfriend had the decency to walk you here."

Your jaw dropped at this. "Excuse me, my what? H-he's not my—"

Fumio-san waved her hand dismissively and raised her eyebrows at the clothes you were wearing. You were about to explain to her that no, Hayama-san was not your boyfriend dammit, although he's kinda cute but that isn't the point and this is not what it looks like, he just lent you his clothes out of good will— "Go to sleep, [Name]. You still have classes tomorrow."

"Fumio-san, please let me exp—"

"Goodnight, [Name]." She left you gaping in the halls. Oh god, she totally misunderstood and now she thinks—

Ugh. You sulkily made your way to your room and you didn't even have the energy to change your clothes anymore; you slumped on your bed and fell into deep sleep.

- - - - -

You woke up to the sound of knocking. You groaned sleepily and sluggishly made your way towards the door.

"Good morning, sunshine~ You were taking too long so I—" Alice halted her words.

You blinked sleepily at her. "What?"

"Oh my god, [Name]!" Alice gasped out and shut the door behind her. "Who did this to you?!"

"Huh?" you were still half-asleep and you couldn't comprehend what she was saying.

"This!" she pointed at the shirt you were wearing. "Oh my god, were you taken advantaged of last night?"

Sleep finally left your body and you flushed a dark red at what she's implying. "Alice no! Something just happened yesterday and—"

"So something DID happen!"

"—I got wet from—"

"Oh my god, [Name]—"

"ALICE, WOULD YOU PLEASE LISTEN FIRST!" you were blushing so hard right now. Damn Alice for being too perverted.

"I got splashed with water yesterday, okay? And Hayama-san lent me his shirt. That's all."

Alice pouted. "Eh, that's all? Boo."

You scowled. "Don't sound so disappointed, dammit."

- - - - -

That afternoon, you skipped your way to Shiomi's Seminar, excited to finally make an improvement to your curry dish.

Hayama's shirt was safely folded in your paper bag, and you silently lamented the fact that the addicting cinnamon scent disappeared from it. [You would then on associate cinnamon with Hayama and you knew it was going to come and bite you back in the ass someday.]

You knocked politely when you reached the door and then entered after a while. You knew they were in the other room so you made your way there. Sure enough, Jun was there, crouching over a book.

"[Name]!" she got up and dusted her clothes.

"Hello, Shiomi-sensei," you greeted.

"Woud you like some—"

"I'll handle the tea this time, Jun. Wouldn't want a repeat of last time, eh?" Jun stuck her nose in the air at this and you laughed.

"Hello, Hayama-san." he uttered a greeting back and you offered him the paper bag. "Thanks for the shirt again."

He just shrugged. "No problem. Just lay it down on a table for now. I'll prepare tea."

You did so and you sat down on one of the chairs. Jun sat down in front of you and smiled. "What is it you need help with?"

You scratched your cheek nervously. "Umm, I'm trying to make my own unique curry dish.. But whatever I do, I just can't seem to find the taste I want." you explained. "It's for my father, you see. He's a spice specialist and it's his birthday soon. I want to serve him the perfect curry. It's his favorite dish." you continued shyly.

Jun nodded. "That's admirable of you, [Name]. You came to the right place. We'll help you make the perfect curry for your father. You can also use the kitchen here to try out your dish."

Your eyes brightened. "Thank you very much!"

After that, you had a long grueling session of lecture with Jun. Your eyes were ready to fall out by the middle of it. She then deposited you to Hayama's care where you learned of many different spices you didn't even know existed before. He also taught you how to take advantage of the spices' aroma to make your dish even more delicious. You tried to make your dish again, and after many failed attempts, you finally found the one you're aiming for.

"Finally," you gasped out. Jun congratulated you and Hayama approached you with a towel in hand. You thanked both of them as you wiped the sweat off your face.

"I'm sure your father would love this very much, [Name]" Jun commented and Hayama nodded his approval.

You grinned. "It's all thanks to you both, really. I can't thank you enough. And I never knew spices could be so interesting. The endless possibilities of it on dishes, I can even improve that dish I made before—"

You were cut off as Jun embraced you tightly. You squeaked in surprise at this. "E-eh?"

"You're so cute when you're passionate about something. That's it, I'm keeping you here with me." Jun decided and you stared at her wide-eyed. "It'll be nice to see a cute face like yours and not just this guy's all the time." she stuck her tongue out at Hayama childishly.

"Umm.." you started, trying to breath properly. Man, Shiomi-sensei may look small, but she can surely kill you with her vice-like embrace.

"Jun." Hayama clicked his tongue. "You're suffocating [Name]."

Jun immediately let go of you and started to apologize. "Uwah, I'm so sorry! I got carried away— Wah, I'm sorry, now you wouldn't join us anymore—"

You let out a small laugh. "It's okay. And I'll join."

"— and I'll be stuck with Hayama-kun foreve— eh..? You will?!"

You nodded your head. "I want to know all there is about spices and I.. kinda like both of your company." you flushed a little at this.

Jun cheered at this and you looked at Hayama who was looking at you funny.

"What..?" you asked hesitantly. Did he not want you here..?

He shook his head. "Nothing. Welcome aboard." and then he smirked. "I suggest you bring in some clothes from now on, though." you laughed at this and Jun scowled at him.

Hayama ignored her. "If not, then I'll be happy to lend you my clothes again." the playful look in his eyes intensified at this. "Anyway, I'm going to clean up for a moment. I'll be back later." He raised a hand in goodbye and entered his room.

You were left there blushing and stuttering at his words. Oh god. What did you enter yourself into?

On the side, Jun shook her head in amusement. "Hayama-kun's a bad flirt, ne?"





((I'm going to regret adding this is2g..))




Months after joining the Shiomi Seminar, Jun and Hayama found you passed out in the club room.

"[Name]? Oh my god, is she dead? Hayama-kun!! Do something!"

Hayama sighed. "She's just passed out, Jun."

You opened your eyes slowly then giggled. You settled your unfocused eyes on them and hiccuped.

"Araaaa~ It's Jun-senseeei and Akira-kyuuun. *hik*"

".. Hayama-kun.. Is she drunk or something?"

".. I think so."

You settled your eyes on Hayama and alarm bells started to ring in his mind.

"Akira-kyuuun~ You're so cute *hik* wanna snuggle~ You're my *hik* precious cinnamon roll~~ Hihi *hik*"



When you were finally sober enough, you locked yourself in one of the club's extra rooms and refused to look nor talk to them.

"Come on, [Name]. Come on out now, it wasn't that bad, really." Jun tried to coax you out but you remained sulking inside.

You could hear Jun's restrained laughter even from the inside though, and that made you sulk harder.

"Awww, you're [Name]'s precious cinnamon roll. Hayama-kun is just too pure for this world~"

You wanted to die and you swore never to drink Ryoko's rice juice ever again.

(How does one get drunk off of rice juice anyway? Ah well, just add that to the mysteries of polar star dorm members.)

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Comments: 14

MarionM [2019-11-13 06:03:35 +0000 UTC]

Oh my gosh I just love this. Especially the ending can't stop laughing🤣😂

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

animelover387 [2019-02-12 16:23:34 +0000 UTC]

I was giggling like an idiot

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

MerlinMiles [2016-10-20 06:50:27 +0000 UTC]

Rice juice means alcohol right??
In my native country, traditional alcohol is made out of either rice or palm juice

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

xxblutixx [2016-09-25 05:45:56 +0000 UTC]

:') cracked up so hard - I loved it. Hayamaaa + it's not too hard imagining Alice Doing something like that ;-;

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

EstherM22 [2016-08-09 12:17:20 +0000 UTC]

Ryoko...You are dead meat.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

JungSaehyun [2016-06-24 20:55:50 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Trash4THEM [2016-05-27 00:15:12 +0000 UTC]


👍: 1 ⏩: 0

lotus-alchemist [2016-03-02 09:21:55 +0000 UTC]

I was smiling while reading this. Good job.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

JumpYow [2016-01-03 10:49:19 +0000 UTC]

I was starting to get jealous with him and Jun but after reading this I feel good! Make mooore~

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Sandararara [2015-08-18 03:22:23 +0000 UTC]

Love the story; great ending xD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Sky-chii In reply to Sandararara [2015-08-18 05:48:20 +0000 UTC]

Hngh, thank you so much!  

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Matcha97 [2015-08-09 09:47:18 +0000 UTC]

Kyaaaa!!! My bae!! Akira!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Sky-chii In reply to Matcha97 [2015-08-14 09:33:54 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Matcha97 In reply to Sky-chii [2015-08-14 09:55:30 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0