skywriter33 — Epilogue #2: Surprise Wedding Gifts

#fanfiction #gainesville #incursion #invasion #meeting #refit #science #startrek #wallpaper #romulans #startrekfanart
Published: 2021-04-05 23:18:57 +0000 UTC; Views: 9648; Favourites: 75; Downloads: 57
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Description Earth.
Stardate 23185.6

Starfleet Command.
Buzz Aldrin Complex. Floor Sixteen. Suite #239.

Janine Dorchester looked around the spacious waiting room and sighed.

“It's been almost two weeks since the hearings on Starbase 218, lover. Why would the top brass be summoning you here of all places?” She asked with some worry in her voice.

Leslie chose to smile instead and answer her with a different question of her own.

“I thought you said you weren't going to drive yourself crazy on the way over from Denver?”

“I was comfy!” The other woman griped. “The crisp, cold weather was giving me every available chance to sleep in—until...!”

Leslie smiled broadly. “Don't blame Starfleet for having to summon us on such short notice. We both knew that this was coming.”

“Why would Hendricks ask for a meeting between the two of us—especially considering how close we are to planning our wedding on the Galani home world?”

“I don't know why in particular myself—not since the hearings back on Starbase 218.” The other woman said—still dressed in her civilian clothing. “But I imagine a few days delay wouldn't hurt things that much.”

The ship's doctor scowled unhappily. “I hope not. Otherwise, Amanda's going to get an earful from me when she least expects it.” She reminded her fiancee—just as the door opened and both women saw Lieutenant-Commander Jacob Hawking step through the doorway and come out into the waiting area.

“The Admiral will you see you now, sir.” He said briefly—all business.

“Jacob.” Leslie said with great affection for the Admiral's personal aide. “When are you going to get the hell out of San Francisco and start living it up in Miami's Old Quarter?”

The man paused for a second and winked at her in passing. “Soon.” He promised.

“Better be more than soon. It's been three years.” The ship's doctor argued lightly as the three of them walked into the Fleet Admiral's outer office—decorated with some really interesting photographs, stills, and paintings from the days of old. Leslie even spied one of the hallmark building's namesake—an old time photo of a famous astronaut saluting Old Glory on the Moon at the time.

Jacob led them through another secure access point—where they were scanned, fingerprinted, and identified at a mobile kiosk station.

“Identities confirmed for civilian access.” A computerized voice intoned. “You may proceed.”

Janine blinked a bit. “I don't remember that being there—the last time I breezed through this place was on a tourist pass.”

“How long ago was that?” Leslie wanted to know.

“Oh, thirty, thirty-five years maybe. I don't remember when.” The other woman guessed off hand. “But the place had a different look back in those days—just after the turn of the century.”  

“Things have a habit of changing,” Jacob reminded her mirthlessly. “In fact, this administration complex recently went through a multi-life systems upgrade only a couple years ago. Everything you see here is still practically brand-new.”

“Now I'm jealous.” The ship's doctor said with growing envy. “Some of these new interfaces are different than the ones used onboard ship.”

“From what I hear, your vessel is due for a new systems upgrade. Gone are the duotronic systems. Now the Fleet is installing the new isolinear chips that just came into production eight months ago.” Their guide said matter of factly.

“Lots of changes...” Leslie murmured in quiet surprise. “From what I hear, the new system upgrades will make our girl even more faster in response and more deadly as well.”

“Exactly.” Jacob said—waiting for the last security protocols to clear them a visit to the Fleet Admiral herself. They did in a few seconds flat and the first door to her inner office opened.

“Come with me. Through here.” He invited graciously to the two women in question.

Neither one hesitated to decline the offer and followed him inside—allowing the door to slide shut on command.


Fleet Admiral Amanda Hendricks was busy with a ship's status report she was going over with one of her aides—when the door to her office suite slid open and Jacob Hawking stepped through with two of his guests in tow.

He saluted smartly in return.

“Admiral. They are here as requested.” He said without hesitation.

Amanda looked up briefly—taking in the sight of her guests in return.

“Thank you, Jacob.” She said with some affection on her part. “You may leave now. Delia? Thank you for bringing this one to my attention. I'll have it taken care of immediately.”

The other aide nodded. “Yes, ma'am. Thank you.” She said—gathering her things and making a beeline for the exit.

Janine's eyebrows went up a bit, but she didn't say anything as the Fleet Admiral gave the two some latitude and asked them if they would like anything during their meeting with her.

“Tea, please.” Leslie respectfully requested.

“And you, Doctor? What is your special of the day?”

“Rigellian spiced coffee with Irish creamer if you please.”

The other woman stood up and went over to a wall slot that neither had seen before and fed it some verbal instructions.

In mere seconds, their drink orders were placed and on a serving tray.

“Matter/energy replicators.” Amanda said out of habit. “The newest toy to come out of R&D in almost forty years. It took Starfleet Command's Corps of Engineers nine months to refit this building with the new technology. But I can tell you, Admiral Parker: It will make space exploration and space travel all that much easier—once you get back into space.”

“Yes, ma'am. Thank you, ma'am.” She said—accepting her drink and then studying it for a second. “It's smells like the real thing. You said this was...replicated?”

“Amazing...isn't it?” The other woman said with some open admiration. “Anything you could need or want to eat or drink can come out of this one type of food replicator. There are others tasked for matter replication and other stuff, but you won't be seeing those until you get back on board ship.”

“So why am I here, Admiral?” Leslie questioned directly. “This isn't just one of your usual pep talks. This is something far more serious than having to send a messenger to Denver to fetch us all the way from our summer residence.”

The other woman studied her for a moment—every measure or hint of pleasantry gone in a heartbeat. Even Janine was impressed by the sudden change.

“—and just like that...from the frying pan and into the fire.”

“Well, yes. But it isn't what you think. Your actions over the past year has given Starfleet Command a unique opportunity to put together a team of mission specialists specifically tasked to putting out as many, um...brush fires as possible. I'd like you to head that task force.”

“I don't want your job, Admiral. Believe me. It's not worth the overtime.” Leslie quipped at that moment.

Amanda giggled. “Believe me, dear, you don't want my job either. But despite our differences and past associations, you came highly recommended by the Admiralty in getting the job done—no matter what the cost. And that takes more than being an ample paper pusher like myself—I'm afraid.”

“I thought you said you didn't like to lose any Fleet assets?” Janine piped up at that point. “You would ride anyone that did?”

The other woman sighed and then nodded. “True. My reputation does proceed me on that front. However...recent events outside the one at the Inar star system—gave me a sense of personal pause and some reflection on the matter.”

Leslie looked up from her cup in surprise. “There were...others?”

Amanda nodded. “You think your situation was unique? It wasn't. While you were heavily engaged, three other
incursions in the Alpha Quadrant happened at about the same time yours took place. It took a lot of Starfleet assets to put them down in a hurry. We lost a lot of good people and good ships. Fortunately, the Fleet isn't that heavily impacted, but we are now spread a bit thinner than we would have liked now because of it.”

“So if we're really stretched as an organization, wouldn't it be better if we beefed up our frontline units with more older assets?”

“Normally, you would be right. But we've been scraping the bottom of the barrel for the past six months on that front.” Amanda revealed.

“As such...we don't have that many ships to cover everything and it's left us exposed in a few critical sectors. Especially those close to the Romulan Neutral Zone.”

Leslie leaned forward a bit in her chair.

“Do you think the Romulans would make a move at this juncture—taking advantage of our weakness like they did with the Tomed Incident back in 2311?” She asked.

Amanda shook her head. “This situation is more critical and more grave than the Tomed Incident, Admiral Parker. Starfleet can't afford another invasion at this point. We are at the breaking point as it is. Another such...situation as yours would finish us as an interstellar power.”

“But why?” Janine asked.

“Blame our expansion programs. That's what got us out this far to begin with. But we suspect that it also lead to our eventual downfall—in this regard—as well.”

“So what's the plan of the day, Admiral? Where do you want you want us to go?” Leslie ventured briskly—all business now.

The other woman laughed. “Cool your jets, dear. Nothing's been finalized yet. No plans. No mission profiles. Not even orders. Starfleet's just curious as to how you would be up to the task—given your string of messy successes.”

“We'd be all for it, ma'am.” Janine spoke up in support of her financee. “Just tell us what to do and we'll do it.”
Amanda grinned. “I don't see any Captain stripes on you, Doctor.” She egged on a bit at her expense.

The other woman sipped from tall cup experimentally. “Doesn't matter. Where she goes, I go.”

“Yes...so I hear. You two have a wedding planned—do you not?”

Leslie nodded. “Yes.”

“Well, let me be the first to offer my congratulations on tying the knot. It has been long overdue in your case. And speaking of which, I do have something for you. It was part of the reason why I called you down here. I couldn't have Kerry spoil the surprise by showing up with these two packages in tow.”

Leslie put aside her drink for a second in surprise. “Admiral...you didn't have to. I mean...?”

“Let an old lady like me have a little fun, Admiral Parker. It's what being a Fleet Admiral is really good for these days—until they ship my ass out on some underpowered and unappreciated Fleet vessel that should have been mothballed ages ago.” She joked lightly.

Then she handed them each their wedding gifts.

“It's on me.” She said with pride. “I don't know if you two were in the business of shopping for wedding gowns, but I took the liberty of talking with both your parents and they were tickled pink by the idea of having a traditional wedding—per Galani custom.”

“Admiral...I mean Amanda...” Leslie said with a bare whisper as she looked at the transparent case top of her gift. “This is...this is...beautiful.”

Janine nodded as well. “Look at all this lace material. What is it?”

“It's a dress, silly.” Leslie chuckled.

“I know that. It's just...I had already picked out mine months ago.”

“We'll have the vendor take a raincheck.”

“Like hell. I'm still buying it. On my salary. I'm deserving damn it.”

“You can only have one dress at the wedding, baby.”

“So? I'll model it for you. Have a second pretend wedding. Isn't that what most Humans do nowadays?”

Amanda smiled broadly. “Yes. That's what we do.” She confirmed easily.

“Then when we get back, that's what I'm going to do. And you're going to like it, Leela.” Janine said with absolute authority in her voice.

Leslie smiled as well. “How can I say no to that?” She said—cradling her gift.

“Indeed.” Amanda echoed. “But it also brings me to this last part of the meeting.”

“And what would that be?”

“Your ship isn't scheduled to leave dock for at least 3-4 more months due to the repair overhaul.”

“I know. Commander Erin Taylor was not happy about it one bit when we finally docked at Starbase 218. She said the most her work crews could do is restore engine functionality and bring the damaged girl back to Earth for a near full refit.”

“And the Georgetown. And a few other vessels in your fleet—which will make up your new task force. I would normally give now Admiral Chad Whitehead a crack at leading this new squadron, but the Bristol is in need of some serious work at the Utopia Planetia shipyards—and will be out of action longer than the Gainesville.”

“That's a quiet relief.” Janine groused a  bit. “One admiral is bad enough. But two...?”

“Now don't you start,” Leslie admonished lightly. “Chad's a better field commander than even me. He knows space like the back of his hand.”

“But he's going back on the frontier with a new task force to shore up some of the more trouble spots along the Romulan border—nothing that will tip off the Empire to our activities—mind you. Our latest intelligence suggests that the Romulans are keeping their fleet assets centralized near their home worlds of Romulus and Remus.”

“So they have no idea what's going on.”

“That's the general feeling—yes. Otherwise, they would have made a move somewhere already. But Starfleet's positioning stations and monitor drones haven't picked up any suspicious activity within the Neutral Zone itself.” Amanda said. “That section of space is dead as a door nail.”

Janine's eyebrows went up a little. “I guess the stories were true, Kaydee. They have left the Quadrant of their own volition.”

“So far. And it's unfortunate. We really need to know what they've been up to all these years.” The Fleet Admiral said in a worried tone of voice.

“So what's does Command need us to do—as our eventual first job?”

“Actually, it's more of a request from me personally. Do you know Captain Rachel Garret by chance?”

Janine raised her hand. “I know her father. I had many dealings with him during the border wars.”

Leslie nodded out of mutual irritation. “I haven't spoken with her in about...eight years now.”

“Well, Captain Garret's ship is going to be arriving sometime right after your wedding. The Enterprise has been on extended deployment to the Gandori sector in System 212-B. She's scheduled to be resupplied and repurposed with new personnel upon her return. I need you to call on her when you get back home.”

“I don't thing a H'talz war party could keep those two apart.” The Doctor said with an open grin of her own. “Beth and Leela go way back as far as childhood friends go.”

Amanda smiled gratefully. “Good. Because here's what I want you to do, Admiral...”


Artwork by Jetfreak-7.
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Comments: 7

kuckuk333 [2021-04-06 19:56:45 +0000 UTC]

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skywriter33 In reply to kuckuk333 [2021-04-06 23:51:42 +0000 UTC]

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kuckuk333 In reply to skywriter33 [2021-04-07 15:09:56 +0000 UTC]

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skywriter33 In reply to kuckuk333 [2021-04-07 15:16:32 +0000 UTC]

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Knight475 [2021-04-06 18:36:12 +0000 UTC]

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skywriter33 In reply to Knight475 [2021-04-06 23:53:07 +0000 UTC]

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warrior31992 [2021-04-06 03:17:50 +0000 UTC]

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