Apparently the theme for this week is monsters of Greek myth. Pegasus is known for two stories for the most part. In the tale of Perseus, in which Perseus decapitated Medusa, and Pegasus and Chrysaor were born from her neck-stump. (Poseidon raped Medusa in Athena's temple; Athena got mad, victim-blamed and turned Medusa into a gorgon, so Pegasus and Chrysaor were Medusa and Poseidon's children. Go figure.) Pegasus also appeared in the tale of Bellerophon, in which he was old Billy Ruffian's steed when he slew Chimaera, before Bellerophon spurred Pegasus up towards Olympus and got a lightning bolt up the bum for his trouble.
This picture only really started to come together when I started deleting a load of my linework, 'cause my draughtsmanship is scruffy as fuck. If I'd deleted all of it, got rid of every bit that my graphics tablet had touched, it'd be PERFECT.