And here's her Bio
(Despite she's only in Wublin Island)
βThe magic flowing through The Mystical Island and its neighbouring islands ensures that many strange anomalies can be seen without warning. When the land and sky begins changing colour and the grassy plains give way to unusual plants one has never seen before, the Monsters of the Monster World know they are in the midst of a transitioning of realms, and can either move away from where they came from, wait out the shift, or keep moving forward and find themselves in another world. During these shifts, magical creatures hiding in the in-between can be seen for a time before slipping back into the sheets of reality. A creature who loves to venture into the in-between is the Plaxeie-- born in the Fae Realm's salt water forests, the Plaxeie emerge from their crystals with the ability to swim through the air with ease, becoming more and more proficient with talent.β