Snow-Bunny101 — TGB | Takara | v2.0

Published: 2014-02-01 01:41:44 +0000 UTC; Views: 2022; Favourites: 19; Downloads: 9
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Major revamp of Takara application- almost done- lots is still a wip though and the coding is being a butt ^^'

For any info of art or anything, see credits

General Info

{ A Shot in the Dark }

True Name | Takara (Tuh-car-uh)

Kit/Former/Exile Name | Ripple

Nicknames | 'Kara 

True Name's Meaning | translates to "treasure" is Japanese

Why True Name Was Chosen | Takara herself isn't sure why she is a treasure, but the spirits believe she, like every cat, is. 

Gender | female/she-cat

Age | 3 season cycles and three moons (39 moons)

{ You Hunted Me Down }

Tribe | Water Tribe

Former Affiliation | rogue, loner

Rank/Profession | warrior

Tattoo | orange water

Ability | secondary

Apprentice | Cyntheale

Soulbound | none


| Skill 1: Feel With Your Mind | Skill 2:Floating Waterdrops | Skill 3: Floating Wood | Skill 4: Sensibility | Skill 5: Floating Stone | Skill 6: Sensibility 2 | Skill 7: Airwalking | Skill 8: Pressure Wave | Skill 9: Explosion | Skill 10: Gravity I |

For skill descriptions go here .


{ What Do You See in Those Hazel Eyes? }


This she-cat has quite the coat of fur. She is a blue lynx point, which means she has a blueish color that darkens as it gets closer to the center of her face. There are a few unique marks around her face that make it positive that she is of lynx heritage. Her legs are a blue color as well that darkens as it gets closer to the bottom of her paws. These markings on her legs come with intricate lines near the top. Her ears and tail take on this blue point trait as well. Her main fur color is a very dark cream that shares a resemblance to wet sand by a beach shore. The only thing that breaks away from the blue point trait is the small black splotch near her right eye. Takara calls this her "birthmark". 

Physical Build

Above all, Takara has a slender, lithe build. She has medium length, thick fur that is smooth and sleek. She is quite tall compared to most cats, and her ears are long as well. She has high stamina due to a large chest. This she-cat's face is almost similar to the shape of a circle, but is a bit of a triangle at the bottom, like that of a teardrop or heart. Her eyes are almond shaped, and are almost perpetually locked in an icy gaze. Takara's tail is slightly longer than an average tail, but there is nothing noticeable about it at first glance. Her almost-dainty facial features give her a sort of cold beauty, one that would be a combination of darkness and grace.

 Takara has lost much weight due to depression developed from both her mother and the events going on in her life. She is so thin it is unhealthy, and her eyes seem to look much larger than usual. Her beauty is lacking, so she tries to hide herself from view. This has also made her weak in strength and endurance. She hasn't lost this much of her beauty ever, and it humiliates her wholly. 


A trait that many remember about Takara is that of her eyes. Her gaze is so unique and cold that cats are easily mesmerized. She stares intently at someone to get their attention. Although she seems to think she is doing so, won't be hypnotizing anyone anytime soon! Cats who are smart enough know not to fall for her mind games. Her eye color itself is a striking hazel-brown.

 Due to the nervous tick that seems to go off in Takara whenever someone gets close, her eyes now dart warily back and forth naturally. They also have the tendency to take on a somewhat insane gaze when she is in battle. Her scent is now completely that of WaterTribe, with the slight tang sawdust. 

Scars and Disabilities

• Nick in right ear, near earring, accidentally given | permanent | Crow

 scars on back legs | unknown | caiman

 hidden facial scars | healed | caiman

 distinct cut on eyebrow | covered | caiman

 scar at bottom of neck | permanent | Kooken

 slice on muzzle | healing | Kooken

 scar over right eye | permanent | Kooken 

 claw marks over left eye | healing | Kooken 

 depression | getting worse | anonymous

TBA | ? | ? 

{ I Can't Compete With the She-Wolf }


"Don't challenge me to riddles and rhymes or I will outsmart you. However, I have almost no defense or endurance."

-poor- <----- -----> -excellent-

 = full  = empty





Takara is faster than the average cat. She could outrun one cat but two or three would be a challenge. She is pretty good at catching prey. Takara would have average speed but she pushes herself beyond her limits.  Because of Takara becoming thinner her speed has greatened. 





Her stamina is very high. She could run for a long time without getting exhausted. This is one of her best statistics. But remember, just because she has high stamina does not make her energetic. 





Takara couldn't push something half as heavy as her very far. She isn't strong at all. But unfortunately, it's the price she has to pay for amazing stamina and agility.  Takara is now very weak and lacking in strength. She instead uses her sharp tactics and claws to lure in and destroy her enemy instead. 






She can hop, skip, and jump over her own size, and she can literally "weasel her way out" of many things. This makes her a hard target to hit for foes.  Her skinnier frame has affected her in many ways. It now makes her able to slip into the tiniest of holes.




It's really slightly more than a 50-50 chance when Takara attacks. Maybe a 60-40. In general, she hits more than she misses. But if she is overwhelmed, forgets to compose herself, or she is outnumbered, she can make the chances a 50-50, maybe lower.  Takara has been honing her ability to sink her claws into a foe. Her attack is now better than it ever was before. 




Takara has no mercy. She is vicious, snakelike, and ferocious. She will tear anything or anyone apart that gets in her way. She had worked so hard to earn back the mercy that was lost before, and now it has been lost again. 




Takara has good attack. That was the reason she was made a warrior of the Water Tribe. But she has very poor defense. She has a light frame, so she can be tossed around lighter than a "sack of potatoes". (More like a sack of feathers!) Her skin breaks very easily, and she has bruises quickly after a fall or even a cuff on the ear. Takara inherits this trait of why her body is sensitive to trauma from her father's side.  She now hides herself from any physical contact.





(See personality)

{ Shards of Ice Like Priceless Diamonds }

"My piercings are hard to ignore, but so are my flower petal cuffs."


Takara has a silver-black stud in each of her ears, near the bottom. She says they are made of obsidian. No one dares to ask her why she has them, for there is a scar on her right ear that starts behind the earring and then goes to the far right of her ear. 

Flower Petal Cuff

The cuff itself was made of cedar wood bark, strapped tightly to Takara's front left leg. Daisy petals are shoved into the cuffs. The petals are blood red, yet some of the edges are white. It is a horrid mystery how she got the flower petals, but she dare not say.  She gave the second cuff to her friend, John. 


| loyal | intelligent |  stoic |  depressed |  TBA | battle hungry | trickster | cold | spiteful | 

 | loyal | 

"I don't care how malicious I may seem to you. I will fight for my tribe until the very end!"

Although this trait might seem ironic, Takara will prove its irony wrong. After living with nothing to believe in as an exile, she is grateful to have something to live for, and something to die for: her tribe. She will show constant support to them through thick and thin. Even if it means something bad to her, if it will help her tribe, she will do so. This is what makes her dependable at what she is- a warrior of Water Tribe- not who she is- a former exile come back to the tribes. Even though she should try to find someone who will be thankful for who she is, Takara is very content with that fact her tribe treats her as an equal among them. This is another reason she sets her trust in stone for Water Tribe. As a younger cat, she had an aching deep inside her that she had to make her mark in stone for something, and now, her hunger will be satisfied.  Her loyalty has grown immensely ever since she has proved her worth other tribe. 

 | intelligent | 

"We learned how to detect where our enemies are, so why shouldn't we use our knowledge and apply it to fighting?"

Like said before, she was born with much intelligence. She originally received this trait when she was very young, which helped her learn how to survive on her own. It has only grown stronger as she has gotten older and has decided to live with a tribe, where she can apply it not only to her own needs but her tribe's needs as well. Whenever Takara learns something new, she thinks of how she could apply it to her daily life, like in battle or hunting or if she is ever in a fix. She loves these so-called "riddles", and encourages others to test her superior thinking skills. This will also help her use her skills in the tribe correctly, wether she be born with them or gains them as a tribe cat. She learned to hone her knowledge and thinking skills as an exile, where she had much time to herself (see backstory). She can easily learn something new and mimic the move or piece of advice until she has it down by memory. This intelligence is applied to many things in Takara's life, such as battle tactics and giving advice (if you're willing to take it.) It will help her make choices with meaning in them in the future. Hopefully in the moons to come she will use her skill for good and not evil. 

  | stoic |  

"How do I feel? Yeah, like I'm going to tell you."

Takara now has completely masked her emotions with a face of obvious stoic. She refuses to tell anyone about how she feels, let alone shows it on her face. She won't even express sadness in the night, as she used to. She just continues to sit, expressionless, waiting for something good to happen in life. 

  | depressed |  

"My life isn't worth living anymore... I just don't think I can go on much longer." 

Takara jeopardizes herself with this dangerous and suicidal thinking. She thinks that as long as she's blind, she's useless, ignorant, and mad. You will often find Takara in a dark and desolate corner, looking off into the distance, a cat who has forgotten all true purpose of her life. This also makes her drown in her own self-pity, which is usually the topic of conversation she chooses to use in conversation, usually with herself. 

| TBA |  

| cold |

"I don't have time for your sappy sob story."

If there is something Takara isn't good at, it's dealing with another cat's feelings. She can't stand when someone pours out their feelings to her. She'll leave the area and try to clear her head if a cat tries to, or Takara will ignore you and pretend she didn't hear you. She thinks that since it isn't her business, she shouldn't have to listen to another's miserable life. She doesn't think it should affect her. Her cold nature has come partially from being alone all the years as an exile, and also from the lack of attention her parents gave her. If you want Takara as a shoulder to cry on, you've come to the wrong place; she's a stone-hard freezing cold shoulder that provides no certain comfort for your own needs or sympathy. She doesn't even like to offer advice in times like this. Takara's cold nature also gives her a dark aura. She is usually merciless, and won't stop until her enemy is defeated. This could range from seriously hurting a cat to killing them (does not usually happen), or just making them feel guilty in the end. Takara does not show her emotions clearly; This is what makes her beauty a dark, mysterious one. She lacks the shown feelings to feel sorry for others. She hates to sympathize and to be sympathized. Try not to point out her emotions, or you will clearly regret it. 

| trickster | 

"You should be careful around my mind games; I'm a dangerous feline!"

Takara was born with the gift of intellegence- but she tends to use her gift for bad purposes and not good ones. She started playing pranks at a young age- about the age of an apprentice- and it has gotten much worse. She knows how her behavior effects others in a brash way- partially because she wants to. It makes her feel better about herself and to entertain herself at the same time. Her tricks can range from pranks to life threatening things, like making someone get utterly lost in a dangerous place. Takara wants to see how gullible others are toward her. Although she isn't arrogant, she tends to be a trickster because it is more just her personality. 

Being a trickster also involves cheating. This is rare in Takara's pranks but still can happen. She isn't very competitive and just really does it for fun, but you should watch your back no matter what trick she pulls! 

 | battle hungry |  

Ever since she was little, Takara has had a taste for battle. The excitement. The thrill. The adrenaline you get, not knowing wether or not you'll come out completely beaten up or striding out as a war hero. But it can be more than excitement- it can be horror and fear. 

Takara feels no fear when running into battle at first. She is so caught up in the fight that she doesn't realize she is doing more damage than necessary. And when someone crosses the line of average ligitiment battle into madness and mutiny, something must be done. This is where fear comes in. Although Takara does not show it, she can feel it in her bones that she is guilty. She knows what it's like, but she also knows it isn't like her to come flat out and apologize. If she does that, than cats will expect more of her- and she will give them below their expectation. She tries with all her might not to make that mistake. 

 | spiteful | 

"I will get back at you, and I won't regret it!"

Takara has yet another hunger, one different from loyalty: a hunger to be satisfied in revenge or the humiliation of others. Tricking them can only walk her half the mile. The other half must be done with pure spite and a dark determination. It's almost scary to think of the mountains she will climb and the ravines this she-cat will scale to fulfill this certain hunger. This type of spite is like a deadly ambition- one that doesn't matter on how much power you get from rank but by how much power you get from revenge. It is an ambition that is fueled by hateful memories, regrets, and hopes of the future. Hopes that anyone who did anything wrong to Takara will deeply regret it.


Old, unabridged, unedited version...


Paragraph version soon to come.


Mother | Ezra | Deceased

Father | Oak | Unknown

Brother | Crow | Unknown

Brother | Flame | Deceased

Sister | Dusk | Deceased

Sister | Feather | Stillborn

NPC refs coming soon!



Soon to come


Voice | deep, mysterious, and beautiful, with a hint of a blend between a Russian and British accent 

Favorite Prey | doesn't really care, but likes a good fish (salmon?) every once and a while

Favorite Colors | sky blue, scarlet, and lavender

Height | 11 inches/about 28 centimeters (from shoulder)

Weight | 9 lbs/about 4 kg/144 oz


 Company (does not show she likes it)


 practical jokes/pranks



 cats taking her advice seriously

 mind games/riddles

 laid back cats

 racing distance




 being blamed

 whiny cats

 when everything is too perfect

 nosy cats

 nightmares/dreams in general

 cats afraid of fighting

{Fun Facts!}

- Takara used to have curly bangs when she was younger. She just never truly wanted to grow them back.

- Takara prefers not to climb tall trees, because it reminds her of her brother's death

- Takara will stay far away from any sick cat, because of her dislike of sickness

- She folds her fluffy tail around her paws and rests her head upon it to help her sleep better

Role Play Example

May be updated to newer rp example

|Ripple|black water|exile|with brother, Crow|

Did he just say what I think he said?

A wave of confusion and nausea hit Takara like a heavy body was slamming into her. 

She felt as if a dead weight had formed inside her stomach, dragging her down and

making her paws shaky. Her head began to spin, and her heart began to pound faster.

Did he just say we should go live with the tribes?

Crow's stiff and solemn outline became a blurry mess of color and light. Ripple looked 

down at her paws. She felt as if she were hot and sweaty. She shook her head to clear

her mind of the stress that plagued her. Why should they go back to the tribes? Did 

they really need others to look after them? Was this because of Flame's death? Should

she be excited? Or scared? What did she know about the tribes? They were dangerous,

for one thing. Ripple could feel her muscles tighten and her eyes unfocused. 

Instantly, she was a kit again. Her tall, slender, beautiful-yet-depressed mother was 

looking down at her second born with the same solemn look Crow had just given her. 

Although she saw her paws were tinier, Ripple felt as if she was out of her body. She

then realized it was one of the flashbacks she would get often. Ezra's voice echoed 

in her head,

"...Our ancestors made a good choice in leaving them. You must never return! 

Do you promise?" 

"Yes, Mama," Ripple heard her kit-self say. Crow, Flame, and Dusk followed in a chorus. 

The flashback was over, and Ripple was still looking at Crow. Crow had raised an eyebrow as if to question her. 

Well? he could almost hear him say in the gaze. Her face felt hot, and she narrowed her eyes, giving him a cold, hard stare.

"How dare you go against our own mother, and turn to those... those heathens!"

She walked up closer to her brother, and unsheathed her claws. "Are you too weak to stay out here with me? Do you just want us to live in the same tribe together, just because we have the same TATTOO?" Ripple could feel her voice getting louder. But she didn't stop there. 

"There is no way I am throwing my future away for some tribe! You'll be sorry when you leave here! You will be sorry!" She was panting, and nose-to-nose with her brother when she was finished. Her chest was puffed up, as well as her tail fur and her back fur. Ripple didn't mind how intimidating she seemed. 


Art (c) eliza1star  

Thank you so much, Eliza, for drawing Takara! She looks amazing!

Takara and application writing (c) me, Snow-Bunny101

TGB (c) Atalae Tzurai  Sycophantism  

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Comments: 8

petalkitten [2014-02-11 15:56:18 +0000 UTC]

she's so beautiful <3

We should RP sometime *v*

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Snow-Bunny101 In reply to petalkitten [2014-02-12 03:46:36 +0000 UTC]

Thankyouthankyouthankyou! <3

Eeee yes i would personally love that ;u;

Your style is just so beautiful too omf

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

petalkitten In reply to Snow-Bunny101 [2014-02-12 04:13:35 +0000 UTC]

Do you have a skype?

omg aw thank you man

Takara is such a cutie and a deadly one

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Snow-Bunny101 In reply to petalkitten [2014-02-12 23:12:39 +0000 UTC]




You're uber welcome :3

Ikr; it took me sooooo long just to think of her design, but was it worth it!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

petalkitten In reply to Snow-Bunny101 [2014-02-13 17:56:23 +0000 UTC]

you should omg

its so pretty *v*

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Snow-Bunny101 In reply to petalkitten [2014-02-14 14:40:15 +0000 UTC]

Eliza drew it for me eue

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Ty-DySplat [2014-02-01 19:36:55 +0000 UTC]

Her app is so beautifully written, Snow! 

The poor baby though :c Why must she be soo saaad //hugs

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Snow-Bunny101 In reply to Ty-DySplat [2014-02-02 03:58:50 +0000 UTC]

Thanks, Ty! 

Blame her and Kooken, he and Takara got into a fight ;n; 

This is only the beginning of her depression, too. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0