sonicxjones — Ranger 6
#amy #character #fan #fanfic #fic #guild #hedgehog #ranger #rose #sonic #werehog #wolf
Published: 2014-11-24 16:35:33 +0000 UTC; Views: 3097; Favourites: 7; Downloads: 0
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Description Sonic quickly races off to grab them.  "Hey, where you going?" Tails asked, only to have his question unanswered, naturally. He watched Sonic race off, and Amy pawed at the fox gently to reassure him.


Sonic soon returned.


"... you wanna play dress-up, doggies?"

Sonic shakes his head and motions with his paw for them to turn around.

"... kay?" They slowly do. Then he nods to Amy to go first.  And she changes, subsequently clothing herself. Then Sonic follows after.

"Turn around."

"Oka-- wait, who said that?!" The kids whirl around.  "Who are you??!"

"We're the wolves."


"Yes. I'm Sonic and this is Amy."

"How d-did you change?

"It was a spell... by wizards."

"O-oh... um..."

"Please dont be afraid."


Sonic sighs alittle to himself, that's good.

"... so."

"So you were human all this time..."

"I knew it!"

"No you didnt..."

"Yus I did."

"Nah ah."

"Yeah huh."


"Oh... darn... and we almost kept you guys as pets."

"It's alright, you didn't know."

"I was really hoping for some puppies." The kid didnt seem bothered that they had almost kept them as pets, but by that they couldnt have pets.

"Ah..um..." Sonic blushed.

"... well..." Amy licked her lips. "You would need your parents' permission first, anyway..." She tried to reply calmly.

"Yeahhh... still."

Tails nudged his companion. "Shh... dont you see..?"

"Oh... um. Sorry!"

"So what are you're names? I couldn't really ask you before."

"Im Tails."

"And Im Marine."


"Thats our parents.."

Sonic froze.

"Theyre lookin for us."

"Tails? Marine! Where are you?"

"Here, mum...!"

A couple seconds later, a lady and man emerged into their view.

"Who are they?" The father questioned, looking at Sonic and Amy.

"Friends of ours."

"... how long have you known them?"

"A few years, though we haven't seen each other much."

"You never told us about them."

"Dears, you shouldnt have made friends without introducing us... its just safer."


"So... what are your names.. ?"

"Amy and Sonic."

"Nice to meet you."


The mother tried to be hospitable. "Er... would you like to rest? You must be travelers and weary..."


"I have some tea brewing already, luckily... follow me.."

She led them to their house and served tea there.  "Its chamomile."

"It's really nice."

"Im glad you like it.."

"Hot cocoa's better." Marine stated.



Sonic glances around, feeling nervous around the two.  Amy tried to chat despite feeling awkward herself.

"We should be heading home."


"Youre welcome. Come back again soon."


"Hope we can meet again soon."

After their long trip, they were tired.

"Im gonna hit the sack."

A few days later.....

"Only bad thing about fur." Sonic grumbled. "You shed alot."

"You got that right..."

"Could go to a barber..?"

"It's a good idea."


"How can I help you today."

"Furcut, please?"



And he worked quickly. They pay him and head out.

"Guess we might have to make a regular thing of going and gettin furcut, eh?"

"Best bet, we may not be beast no but it effects in little ways still."

"Yup... its not so bad if you moderate it.."

"Its the least of concerns, really."

"Just around the changing seasons."

"I think things are pretty good, overall..."

"Kind of quiet now though."

"Its boring but at the same time peaceful."

"I kind of have a love/hate with it."

"I know what you mean."


A week later...

"Gooood morning. coffee?"


"Yep. Hey guess what I heard."


"The circus is in town."


"We should go check it out later."

"But first..... baaaaacoooon."

"And more meat."


Sonic and Amy literally wolfed the food down. "Uhhhh... hungry guys?"


"Nom nom nom."

Soon the bacon was gone completely. "Is there any more?"


"Im going to go get more... I cant stop myself. I need bacon."

"I want some too."

"I'll get you some..."  Amy left to do as she had said.

She headed out into the streets, heading to the market with intent to purchase more meat. As she walked along, she bumped arms with a green hedgehog.


"Yeah, watch where you're... whoa. Hello." The guy stopped and glanced her over.

"Uh... excuse me." Amy was in too much of a hurry to acknowledge him, and walked off quickly.

He was stunned for a second, watching her leave. He studied every move she made with total interest... before deciding to follow her.

Meanwhile Amy was on her way to the meat market when... she spotted a little squirrel meandering along from the outskirts of the woods along the marketplace. The squirrel darted away when she came too close naturally... but seeing him run off triggered an irresistible urge in her. Losing all inhibition, she dropped on all fours and took off after the squirrel into the woods.

The squirrel easily escaped her by losing tracks. Amy stopped, trying to place a scent, but couldnt due to her form. Frustratedly, she removed her clothing and shifted form to give further chase to the squirrel.

Little did she realize the strange green hedgehog had been following her and witnessed her change..

He was astonished. How could someone shift shapes like that..?

Psh.. she'd make a great addition in the...

He had to go and tell Fiona!...

Meanwhile, Amy was making her way back to the guild, with her clothes draped across her furry back, a bit of fresh kill carried between her jaws, and a proud stride in her trot.

The others were surprised to see her return in wolf form.

She nudged Sonic by the leg and laid the kill at his feet.

He smiles at the sight.

"Ruff. ... ruff. *nudge*"

"Come on." He picks it up.

"Ruff ruff."

Both walk to another room, Sonic shifts forms after taking the clothes off.  "Prrruff."

"Nom nom."

Her tail wagged.

She took a step forward to lick all across his muzzle, tail wagging even faster.  

He purrs.

After pouncing him and continuing to lick him excitedly, she finally stopped and realized something. Sonic look at her, wondering what's wrong.

"Oh... what.. happened? For a while there, I forgot where I was and what I was doing..."


"I went to get some bacon, but saw a squirrel and... had to chase it. I forget the rest.... sorry." She climbed off him. "If I.. because I was... never mind."

"Oh?" He blinks.

"... why dont we... get dressed and head to the circus...?"



Together, both head to the festivities.

It was set up at the edge of town, filled with many large tents and stages.

"Lets see..." Amy read a poster. "Strongest man on earth.... fire bender... wind-controlling acrobats. Sound like they have much to boast."

"It's making me really excited to see the show."

"Lets go...! I see one performance starting now."

A purple cat was onstage, dancing about nimbly whilst waving large rods in flames.  The cat moved with ease, unafraid of losing control.

The performance was a spectacle to behold. The audience clapped and cheered.

The cat bowed upon concluding her performance and exited the stage.

The followong two acts were that of an immensely strong red echidna, and a trio of birds who specialized in graceful acrobatics.

It was a stunning show.

"~What odds." A green hedgehog looks at two in the crowd.

A red fox stood beside him. "Scourge, what are you staring at?"

"I see that changing hedgehog in the stand with a guy."

"Scourge, you twit... hedgehogs dont change. It was just you being perverted."

He gives her a look. "Only with you babe. I promise you I saw her turn into this huge wolf beast."

"Uh-huh. Well, whatever you saw, you just keep your eyes to yourself."

Scourge ignores her and goes back to watching.

"... hmf."

The performance ended.

"That was spectacular." Amy smiled.

"I loved it!"

"Me too."

"Im glad to hear that." A voice said behind them.


A green hedgehog stood there.


"We met before, baby. In the marketplace?"

"Oh I bumped into you."

"Yeah, I noticed."

"I am sorry about that."

"Its no problem. Enchanté anyway." He bowed and kissed her hand. "Heheheh.."

"So who are you?" Sonic asked.

"Scourge. Youre.. her brother?"

"No...her boyfriend."

"That so?..." Scourge said

"He is? I mean you are? I mean... uhhh... yeah."

"Well I'd think we were, after...well.."

".... hmmm.." Scourge's ears pricked up slightly, wondering what he meant. "Well! Annnyyyway..."

"Yeah. You got a name, then, Casanova?"

"I'm Sonic and this is Amy."

"Soooo. Can Iiiii... give you a tour? I run the circus."

"Really? That be so cool."

"Righto. After me then."


"So. Heres the animal cages. Lions, tigers, bears... theyre specially trained you know, by the animal trainer. Fiona."

"Is it hard to train them?"

"Depends. Do you like animals, Amy? What kind? Cats or... dogs?"

"I think dogs."

"Ah-hm. Just dogs in general? Or specifics... foxes, dingoes.. wolves?"

Scourge waited for an answer as they walked.

"Wolves?" Sonic said.

"You like wolves, eh?"

"Interesting. We might be acquiring one of those soon, to be a circus act.'

"That sounds really cool."

"You should check it out when it comes. Heh..."

Sonic nods.

"Well then..."

"Thanks for the tour."

"Sure. Are you leaving now?"

"We are, have to get back home."

"Ah. Well, come back soon." He kissed Amy's hand again. "I'll be waiting, yeah?"

"We should go again soon."

"Let's head back to the guild."


"Fiona. We got to get that girl in our performances."

"Well since you won't let it alone..."

"She'd be perfect! The beauty that turns into a beast. We'd be rich!"

"Alright alright."

"But how to get her... looks like that 'boyfriend' she has sticks to her pretty close. Ive got it. The fortune teller."

They head over to a old echinda with his younger hedgehog apprentice.

"Yo, Eddy. Old buddy, old pal."


"And Sliver. Looking good."

"Thank you sir."

"So. how bout a fortune?"

"What is it you want to see?"

"A girl. A lovely pink hedgehog named Amy."

"Alright." The echidna closes his eyes and focus.

"Where is she? How can I get her alone?"

"At a guild.....getting her alone? That would not be easy.."

"Because of that blue guy. Ugh."

"Their auras are very similar, his seems stronger too."


"Whats that mean?"

"I sense there's something unusual about them. Would you know what?"

"The girl is a wolf. I saw her change. She was chasing a squirrel."

"That may be it."

"Youre saying the blue guy is a wolf too?"

"I am sure."

"So thats it. Theyve probably got a whole pack lurking around somewhere. Even better. Two new stars. We'll be rich."

"Now how to get them?"

"Well? Edmund?"

"They will be.. out in the countryside tonight. In the woods beyond the rangers' guild, as wolves. It will be easy to capture them.."

"Easy as can be."

"Great. Lets do it, Fiona."

"After you."

The sun had set. The wind howled across the moonlit fields. Sonic and Amy raced happily together. Things were dapper and peaceful in their lives. They had no reason to worry.

Orrrr... so it felt. Lately both had been feeling different. They worried less about life. It became more about simple missions. Eat, hunt, sleep, play. Of course, there wasnt much else to do but... they unknowingly were forgetting themselves as they slid into a mentality.

A wild mentality. Mia, Melody, Nicole, and their other friends were curious when the two would suddenly decide to go out as a wolf. Their growing-in-frequence wolfish acts were puzzling as well.

To Sonic and Amy, they were natural now. Get hungry? Go out and find a nice rabbit or something like that. Feel threatened? Growl and show your teeth.

The sister who could understand the wolves picked up on this slightly. She wondered if it would soon die down or if it was a problem worth addressing. If the wolf mentality persisted, what would the two wolves do? Reject human contact? Retreat to the forest? Revert to wolf completely and become as though they were already forest inhabitants?

She wasn't sure what would happen.

But right now, it was beyond her control. The wolves were out somewhere romping about...

Amy staged a mock battle with him playfully, and mouthed the fur of the nape of his neck gently

They played around happily for what felt like ages. When the moon was high and bright in the sky, they had by then grown tired and laid down to regain energy

Amy sat over Sonic. It seemed she might try to initiate another play fight, for she mouthed on his ear for a moment. Only for a moment, though, for the next one saw her proceeding to lick his head gently




"Wasnt this fun..? Just you and me. And isnt it nice out here..."

"It is."

"Why dont we stay out here... never go back to society. Stay out here and live by our wits.."

"That sounds so good."

"Instead of hiding our wolf sides... we could embrace them. We could start our own pack and everything.."

"Not worrying about where we change.."

"We should do it." She nudged him with her nose slightly. "When...?"

"When do you want?"

"Anytime. Would you rather wait to start a pack..?"

"Well, it's up to you. I won't unless you're ready."

"~"There they are.."

"Just like Eddy said..."

"Look at them. They'll bring us in big bucks."

"They look like ordinary wolves to me..." Fiona muttered.


"Dont 'duh' me! I'll call this thing off right now!"

"It's you're money."

"Hmf... lets just get the stupid dogs before I change my mind."~

With that, they slowly move in on the two preoccupied wolves....the next thing Sonic and Amy knew, there was net over top of them.


"Got em!!"

""Take them away, boys!"

The two wolves, who fought in vain to free themselves, were dragged away....

They were shoved into a cage together and locked behind iron bars.

Sonic snarls swiping his paw though the bars. Amy paced around angrily, growling

They were left to themselves for the rest of the night. No one was there to receive their threats...

Night passed.


*bang bang bang*

"Rise and shine, doggies."


"Easy, pup. You can yowl at the trainer all you want but you shouldnt be upset with me. You know what they say- dont bite the hand that feeds ya." He tossed some meat into their cage.

Both glance at it and then him. Not moving at all.

"... gruff..?"

".. I am kinda hungry..."

"You eat it then." Sonic says.

She hungrily ate the meat, but left a bit in case. They still didn't know what was going on.  They werent going to for another hour or two.

Only then were they approached by a red-furred fox.  "Hello, wolfy."


"Im Fiona. And youre in our circus. You'll both be stars, as long as you undergo my training."

"~Low life!" Sonic snarled.

"Personally, I'm not very impressed with either of you... now, if Scourge found two-- even just one wolf-- that could speak, that would be different."

"Now then..  lets get you to the training ring."

"~No way."

The cage was unlocked so as to free the wolves. Their first instinct was to escape, but two burly men appeared and controlled them. They were taken away, with Fiona in the lead.

A green hedgehog was waiting at the ring when they arrived.

"Ah, there you are."

"Scourge... what do you want? This is my job."

"I know it is. I just came to watch. I hope they'll be ready for tonight."

"~"We'd never preform for you!" They snapped in wolf growls.

"To perform tricks maybe. But how do you intend to get them to do that 'transforming' business?"

"That may have to wait a little bit after more work on them. But we shouldn't wait long."

"Maybe its a time-based thing."

"Or maybe we could trigger it somehow..."

"Or trick them."

"For that much you could just ask nicely. Hmf."

"Maybe." He took the sarcastic remark seriously and looked at the wolves.

"Would you two change for us, in that case?"

Both just glared at him.

"Ah-huh. Well, you cant say I didnt ask first."

"Heh. Well, proceed Fiona. We'll start off with basic tricks and then we'll figure out how they change."


Both wolves lay down, exhausted.  The others had finished with them.

"Not much progress.." Finoa says.

"Only for now."

"Cant wait. Both are gonna bring in big crowds, but I'm pretty sure the girl will be best. I can feel my pockets heavy with coins even now... heheh."

"I'll be waiting." She says.

"Be good now." He smiles at the wolves. "You'll have a big day of practice tomorrow."

With that, they were left alone.

"Ugh... how are we going to get out of here...?"

"I don't know.."

"We have to... let me think... we can wait till night and change to human and work on the lock... then run away..."

"It's a plan."

As soon as the sun settled, the two shift form and Sonic fumbles with the lock. It really wasnt a strong lock. No one expected anyone to mess with the lock.

~Click~ It opens.

"Got it..!"

He quietly sushes her as they sneak out. They drew close to freedom... but then..


The two freeze.

"Where are you off to in that state? Dont you know most places have a 'no shirt, no shoes, no service' policy?"

"Who ARE you, anyhoo?"

"Nobody." Sonic says.

"Hmm... do you think theyre the wolves?"

"Hey I was going to ask you that."

"That so?... lets catch them anyway."

"Run Amy!"

They fled and were chased.  "Come here!"

"Almost gotcha!"

"Amy go ahead I'll slow them!"

"But Sonic."

"I'm fast enough to meet up with you."

She took off. The other guy followed her. Leaving Sonic to fight the bigger guy.

It was a terrible struggle. Sonic would have had the guy beaten, were it not for another guy who leapt to the other one's aid.  "Heh. Gotcha."

"Get off me!" The hedgehog struggled in their grip.

"Nope. Youre the boss's meal ticket. Youre the meal ticket of all of us."

"You have no right to do this!"

"Come on. We're a big happy family. Come join us."

"No thanks!"

"Thats a shame.. but seeing as how you've nowhere to go, we'll be good people and let you stay a little longer.

"Take him back."

They dragged him back to where he had been kept. Scourge waiting.

"Ah. Nice walk?"

"Shut up.."

"I see one." Scourge stated as Sonic was promptly incarcerated. "Where is the other?"

"The blue one kept us away, but one of our men did follow after."

"He darn well better catch her."

The other guys walked off, leaving Scourge to wait.


Scourge was rather anxious. He grumbled and huffed. But his wait wasnt long...Soon, the man returned with Amy. "Finally!"
"She wasnt quick, but she was smart... hmf. Now back in there with your friend." They toss Amy back in with Sonic.

"So you finally got out of your wolf skin. Usually its a wolf in some other clothing. Bit of a switch."

"Shove off!" Sonic snapped.

"Now we're getting somewhere. One step closer to a hit performance. Heh. Well. You relax for a bit after your ordeal.."

"Nighty night." The men laugh.


After a while, Scourge and Fiona had Sonic and Amy 'trained'. That is to say, they figured out how to compel the two to change back and forth at orders. They were promptly scheduled to perform that evening.

"This is ridiculous .." Sonic tugged at the collar of the outfit they forced him to wear.

"And we have to go out in front of people and act like... ugh.."

"We gotta get out....."

"You two are on in a couple minutes!"

"Get ready."

"And smile." One of the men say.

Onstage, Scourge introduced the two.

"Ladies and gentleman! Prepare to witness a feat the likes of which have never before been seen!"

Sonic and Amy were soon forced out onstage after he concluded the introduction. Both stood there, momentarily frozen.

"Ladies and gents, what do you see before you? A simple man and woman, no?  But watch. This beauty will become a beast." A stage hand leads her to the center of the ring. She was forced to undergo transformation. Much to the shock of the crowd. "Whooaa!"

"Her friend can do it too. Cant you?"

"I can." And he does so.

"Impressive, no?"


"They can transform back with ease." And then they did some tricks.

The performance was dismissed with interested audience and curtain closing.

"There, was that so bad?"

The two hedgehog glare at him.

"You did just fine. Soon you'll be doing that a lot more."


"For now, go on and get changed, and get a drink."


The two walk off. "Creep."

"I agree..at least they aren't forcing us back in that cage.."

"Though I doubt we can get very far away from here anyway.."

"Lets just get a drink... Im thirsty."

"There's a little bar thingie over there... with people though.."

"Do you want me to get some and you can wait here?"

"No.. lets go together."

They went over together slowly. The people there were a purple cat, a red echidna, and several birds. They glanced up as the two hedgehogs approached and studied them silently.

"... hello."

"So you're the... new guys. The wolves."

"We are."


"Welcome. Not that its much here. Scourge and Fiona have made us out to be slaves. I suppose you will share our plight, if not have it worse. ."

"You're forced to be here too?"


"... pull up a chair. Have a drink."

"Yes... we might as well become acquainted. I am Blaze. That is Knuckles, and these are Jet, Wave, and Storm."

"You are?"

"Sonic and Amy."

"Hm. So are you guys really human or really--" Knuckles broke off when Amy got a drink, as she unthinkingly begin to lap it up thirstily like a dog would. "... wolves..?"

"We are humans." Sonic answers.

"I see.... so... why do you become wolves?"

"It wasn't our choice, we can tell you the story."

So they spun their tale...


"And here we are."

"Yeah... we all got stories..."

"I'm hittin the sack. Peace out."

They all departed, leaving Sonic and Amy to themselves.  "I guess we should get some rest too..."



"Oh...still here..." Sonic gurmbled, covering his eyes.


"Not my idea of comfort.."

"At least the cage is open... interesting."

"Though it also worries me. They would only be dong this if they were sure we couldn't get away."

"Lets... look for food.."

They soon saw a table and wolfed it down breakfast.

"Like it?" One of the other members from the night before walked up.

"Oh hi..."

"Did you do it.?"

"I did."

"For us?"

"Did you like it?"

"It was great."


"Thank YOU.."

They chuckle. Someone of the others come.  "Morn." Said Knuckles.

Everyone sits down to eat.

"At least we have something to look forward too..." Silver mumbles.

"..." Amy wondered if there really was a way to escape.


"Okay. Get ready."

"Tonight's our night..."

"Ready to run when you are."

The performance began as usual...But not all would go as planned.

Mid-performance, the wolves turned on them.


'"Agh! Theyre escaping!"

People scattered as the wolves ran around, trying to stir up panic to aid their chances of escape.



Giving the wolves plenty of leeway for an escape.  "Lets get outta here!"

Away into the forest.  "Freedom."

"Now back to life."

"I wonder if those other people got away."

"Oh yeah.......... do you think so?"

"Hmmm... what if didnt..?"

"... maybe we should go and see."

So they carefully sneak back.  They were still there, but there was still opportunity to escape...

The wolves look at each other.  "... lets help them.."

So they hurry over to guide the group away.



The two wolves change back. "You are."



They cheer and hug each other happy as can be.

"Thats frickin awesome."


"Youre all right there, hedgehogs!" Jet nodded his approval.

"However unfashionable you may be.." Wave agreed

"Now.. the farther away, the less likely they are to find us again." Blaze commented.

"What about Queen Sally?" Sonic suggested to Amy. "I'm sure she'd give us all a place to stay for awhile."

"Thats a good idea."

Away to the Kingdom of Acorn.

"Queen Sally, you have visitors.."

"It is the one who was a wolf, and his friends. Sonic."

"Let them in."

"Yes milady."

They showed the group in.


"It's great to see you again!"

"You too! How've you been?"

"Alright. What brings you here?"

"We have some friends in need of shelter."

"They, and we, were fleeing a group of people who forced them against their will.."

They explained the story. "Oh gosh! They are free to stay."

"Thank you. That means alot."

"I suggest you stay here for a while too." Sally said to the hedgehogs. "Till they leave and such."

"Gives us a chance to recuperate "

"Sure thing."
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Comments: 5

HellonEarth003 [2014-11-25 01:29:35 +0000 UTC]

Not the circus of evil!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

sonicxjones In reply to HellonEarth003 [2014-11-25 02:02:20 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

HellonEarth003 In reply to sonicxjones [2014-11-25 02:04:15 +0000 UTC]

They always be so mean with trying to kidnap innocent beings ;-;

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

sonicxjones In reply to HellonEarth003 [2014-11-25 02:09:30 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

HellonEarth003 In reply to sonicxjones [2014-11-25 02:19:16 +0000 UTC]

Never ever trust them..

👍: 0 ⏩: 0