SoulEvans — YB: Yanagi Towa

#rp #towa #yankee #daydreaming #yankeebust
Published: 2015-03-26 14:25:35 +0000 UTC; Views: 5683; Favourites: 61; Downloads: 5
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Can I cry now...I'm finally done with her APP...took me Hours to write her History alone ORZ

Quote: "Love your enemies.. it pisses them off."
Name: Yanagi Towa
Nickname: x
Voice: Ito Shizuka
Age: Eighteen
DOB: July, 29th
School Year: 3rd Year
Gender: Female
Height: 163cm
Weight: 55kg

Gang: DayDream
Rank: Rank F
Yan: 194
Battling Style: 
Towa does not have any experiences when it comes to Fighting. But she relies on her strenght and prefers to fight with bare Hands and wont hold back using her Legs 'n Feet to kick People randomly in their Faces. or Parts of the Body that will hurt way more u v u  However..Thanks to the accident she can't use her left Leg as much as she wants to, since she has to take care of it to not burden it so much (Even Skateboarding is a risk). Eventhough she looks fragile, she is  strong for a Girl but compared to other Students or Gang Members her strenght is pretty average and she is more of a reckless Fighter. She always rushes into Fights without checking the Situation first, what can get her into a lot of Trouble easy. Her weakpoint is her left Leg and she will try to "protect" it from Attacks. Aswell as she does not like to be touched on her neck..

"You were looking good from afar.. now you're far from looking good."


In short - Towa is a ruthless Bitch e 7 e Nah..not really...OTL

Never paying attention and being Noisy in Class - IF there are times she actually is not skipping them. But there are still things she has to Fight with. And her biggest Fear is to get too attached to a Person and get betrayed by them again. Thats why she wont get too close to a Person or won't consider him/her as a Friend - For name only and not to be alone at School. However, that doesn't mean that she does not like the People around her. But in her mind she is trying hard to not get too close, while in reality she yearns for a Person she can trust and be close with. Besides that, if you are on her Good Side ( for now only  DayDream Members) and as long as she can rely on you - you can definitely rely on her in whatever reason there is. If she makes a Promise to you, she is sure to try to fulfill it - doesn't matter how. And she hopes you will do the same for her. Although she wont make any efforts if she knows she wont get anything out from it. "You help me - I will help you. If not, then do your shit alone."

But if you are on her Bad Side, God Bless You. If Towa sees you 'n doesn't like you, then she really doesn't like you. And you don't even have to do something in the first place for her not to like you. If that happens she is sure to bully you whenever she sees you. And she is kinda persistent and wont let you go once she has driven you into a corner. Its kinda like the Type of bullying you see in Shoujo-Mangas..only with more Blood involved...lmao Her Relationship regardless the other Gangs...well..it's kinda a "Love and Hate" Relationship. Goes more towards Hate, tho...There are a few Members where she feels - somewhat - "comfortable" to be with and she tolerates them as long as they wont try anything stupid.But if they should Gang up against Members of DayDream, she would not hold back. "Todays Friend can be Tomorrows Enemy"  But hardly the other way around.

At School, she always tries to hold up her "Cold" and "Brute" Facade, getting into Fights whenever there is a Chance, bullying the Weak, skipping Classes and ordering others around the way she wants it. And of course, tries to not let others find out about her own weakness - 'cause if one would find them out, they could easily triumph over her. If she is stressed and wants to take a break you can always find her at the Arcade, playing the Games. One of the Times u can see her laughing like crazy 'caue she's excited and having Fun While at the Outside she is ruthless and cold, there is still a soft side in her that thinks about her Future. Eventhough she doesn't take classes seriously in School, she sometimes sits in her Room and tries to study. She is still unsure about what she wants to do in the Future, tho. But even when her Grades are Bad, she is acutally a smart kid. That is, IF she would put some effort in studying. Oh, did I mention that she loves pretty Boys? She especially bullies them the most. ORZ  Like a Elementary Kid that bullies the one s/he likes ..ahaa..

Her current Relationship with her Family is a little messed up. The only one she kinda trusts is Kou, her "younger Stepbrother". Besides that, she completly ignores her Mother and Kazuto. Especially the relationship towards her Mother is bad. And she always does threaten her with kicking her out of the House if Towa would not change to the better. But Towa takes this lightly and still continued to act as she wants.
However, even the Girl has a soft spot. She is relative friendly and respectful towards old People and young children. And she sometimes has really cute moments. Especially when she sees Spiders e 7 e


Japanese DIY Candy
Towa LOVES DIY Candy..Especially Choco Neri or Nerunerunerunerune
or Jelly Straws~ She also never leaves Home without Candies in her Pockets~

She recently started to try out her Skateboard 'n she loves it so far.
It gives her a feeling of Freedom~
She is still clumsy, tho. And gets a lot of Bruises and Injuries 'cause she always falls off.

Circle lenses
She doesn't need Contact lenses or Glasses, since she can see just fine.
But she wears various colorful Circle lenses for Fashion Purposes.
Like her Pink ones she wears at School 'cause it matches the Color of her Uniform.
Her original Eye color is Green.

When she was small, there was a Neighboor Kid that owned a Pet-Spider and he always teased Towa with it.
But, she somehow got interested in it and would always come and watch it everyday.
Even now she kinda loves these Animals and sometimes Stops when she sees one.
Towa can't understand the screams of the Girls in her Class when they see a Spider.
So she loves to tease them too. She considers getting a "Pet"-Spider herself.

Melonpan | Black Chocolate | Fireworks | oversized Hoodies | being Outside | taking a Nap | an Online Game called "DragonNest"


She's fine with Cats and all...but Please no Dogs.
Since she almost got bitten by accident when she was Young.
Even the smallest ones can give her a little scare.
But she tries to hide it from others and puts up a brave front when she sees one when she's with "Friends"

One of her strongest weakness.
She is really afraid of Syringes...so she hates to go to the Doctor when she's sick...

Well yeah, there are a lot of Pretty Boys in the School and Girls of course
But the noisy Screams and Giggles of the Fangirls really pisses her off.
And if you do that, you can consider yourself lucky to be her next target.

Raisins | Rain | Bees | when it's too Hot | White Chocolate

History:  Was not supposed to turn into a Wall of Text ; 7 ;

6 - 9 Years:
That didn't change much after Towa entered Elementary School. Event then, she was a really hyper and happy child. And probably on the "little Troublemaker" Side. But she always followed Class, eager to learn new Stuff since School was pretty exciting for her. It was new and she was happy when someone praised her for Stuff she did in Class or when completing  her Homework. Even in Elementary School she had a lot of Friends and she was the Type of Girl that loved to help People, or more like, loved to gain attention (lmao). And a few of the other Kids relied on her when they needed help. Sometimes she got into Fights coz she Protected her Friends from Bullies. (U know...the cute Stuff where Boys bully the Girls they like, but the Girls wont understand that and think they want to harm them? ahaha...so Towa always tried to help her Friends and did start Fights with the Boys |D ) 'n of course she would get into Trouble for that 'n her Mother always lectured her afterwards. But still, Towa had a lot of Energy as a small Kid. Around the Time when she turned Eight, her Class made a small Trip to a Ballet Performance, coz they were about to Perform a Play at the Schools Festival with a small Ballet Dance Scene included. And the Teachers thought it would have been a good Reference for them, if they would visit an actual Performance. (u can imagine the Boys Faces at that time..AHAHAHA. Especially coz they had to sit still..and u know how younger People just can't sit still for a long time uû) And that's when Towa fell in love with Ballet and persuaded her Mother to let her go to a Dance School where she could learn Ballet. Her Mother declined a few Times, but Sakae's Mother thought it would be a good Idea since Towa could use her remaining Energy like that. Eventhough Sakae really couldn't imagine Towa being successful with that kind of thing, coz Towa was just too much of a hyperactive child. But Sakae eventually agreed since it wouldn't hurt to at least try it out, and as long as Towa was Happy it should have been okay and to be honest she didn't believe that Towas interest in Ballet woul last long anyway. But for that, Sakae had to work even more to pay for the fees 'n in the End she couldn't see Towa even less now and sometimes she overworked herself too much to the point that she got easily sick. 

9 - 16 Years:
Even after Years, to Sakae's surprise, Towa still continued with her Ballet lessons and even her Personality changed a little - in a positive way. She wasn't as hyper as before. More gentle and reliable and she wouldn't recklessly start a Fight anymore. Towa wouldn't miss one Class and even at that young Age she could manage to do well in both, normal School and Ballet School. Towa's dream at that Time was to be a Prima Ballerina in the Future. Eventhough her Mother was against it, since it was not a dream that was easy or "realistic". But she encouraged her anyway, since Towa was still "young" and u know, we all had those Dreams of being a Doctor or a Fireman / Policeman at that age. However, for Towa it was a serious dream, and she would spent a lot of Freetime into dancing and training to archive that. To the Point that sometimes she would look like a Doll or a Robot that solely excisted for that reason. But not in a super negative way, that is..she just spent a lot of Time in training and neglecting her Friends from School and Stuff and coz of that she happened to spent breaks alone at School, since her Friends thought that Towa didn't want to hang out with them anymore. Which wasn't the case but at that time it was hard for her to say it so she more and more lost connection to her Friends until she alone most of the Time. Except for her Friends at the dance School. There were times where Towa couldn't keep up with both things and her grades dropped drastically. Especially when her Grandma suddenly passed away because her health worsened coz of her Age(Towa was 14 at that Time). Since Towa's relationship with her Grandma was the closest since she was small, that was quite the shock for that little Girl and she locked up herself in her Room for about two weeks and didn't want to speak with anyone and even took a break from Ballet. But of course her Mother dragged her to School again and Towa didn't rebell against it cause she knew it was for the best. Although, she didn't pay much attention to class anymore and so her Grades got bad more and more. She distance herself from everyone and rarely spoke, and as soon as she got home from school she would just again sit in her Room doing nothing. After one Year they decided to let Towa re-do one year again coz of the things she did miss and the Girl agreed on it. Eventually she started to go to Ballet Classes after she felt better and slowly began to "enjoy" her life again. But still it was a little awkward for Towa because she was in another Class, with People she only saw passing by in School aswell as her new dance Partners at the Dance School since she had to switch Classes there too.

16 - 18 Years:
Still, even after three years have passed since the death of her Grandma, she still couldn't fully recover. And you could see that. Even if her grades went up in High School and she took Class "Serious" again but Towa started to distance herself from her Classmates and didn't make any effort to make Friends with them. But it was not like she wouldn't talk to them and they would fight with each other etc. They still had a rather "good" relationship but it was not a close one. The only close Friend she had was Maika, one of the Students in the Dance School and they always practiced Ballet together whenever they could. Towa did spent quite a lot of Time with her and they were really really close and best Friends at that Time. But, that was about to change when the Students was given a a chance for a Big Role in a Ballet Performance Play that should be performed in the Town and a lot of famous People from the Ballet "Scene" would watch it. Means, if you would caugh they attention u could have a Chance to get a Role for an even bigger Performance in the Future and that would bring you one step closer of becoming a Prima Ballerina. Of course, the News did raise the motivation of the Students. And even Towa was fired up and all ready to give it her best shot for the Audition. Especially coz her Dance Teacher told her that she had really good Chances since she was one of the best dancers. (The result of her hard Training when she was young etc). Of course Towa told her best Friend about the praise she received from her Teacher, but Maika didn't like the fact but still congratulated her while she started to feel hatred and jealous towards Towa coz she knew even with a lot of practice, she couldn't win over her. At the Day of the Audition Maika asked Towa to meet her in Town before the Audition at an old Basketball court where they used to practice Ballet a lot. No one else used the court anymore and it was quite outside of the Town so they were always alone there and had enough time for practice without getting disturbed. But Maika didn't show up. Instead Towa did meet Maika's older Brother at the court,  he closed the Gates from outside so Towa couldn't get out of the court and ran away. (The high Fences that are around most Basketball courts etc so the Ball wouldn't roll on the Street or at Cars/Windows..whatever..u know what I mean? u v u ) Thanks to that, Towa was locked up without any chance to get out of there. Luckily she had her Cell Phone with her and called her Mother. But Towa didn't want to waste any time since the Audition would start soon. Soooo Towa tried to climb up the Fence so she could escape that way. However, that wasn't as easy as she thought it would be. In fact, when she tried to climb over to the other side she sliped with her Foot and did fall from the Fence. When Saeka arrived to help her Daughter, she found her sitting against the fence, crying coz her whole Body hurt. Saeka, shocked from the Situation, hurried with Towa to the Hospital for check ups. It was nothing life threathening but a few of her bones were broken and of course the Audition was already over - not that she would have ever been able to try in her current Situation. After she went out of the Hospital, Towa did meet up with Maika after Maika ignored her calls and wouldn't see her. Towa felt betrayed since she couldn't understand why Maika would have done something to her since they were close Friends and Maika answered she was jealous and she hated Towa for being better than her etc. They eventually never did meet again after that and Towa had to stop dancing. Cause of the accident she would not have been able to dance anymore since the bone in her left Leg got really damaged coz of the fall and it would affect her Life when she would continue with Ballet and strain her left Leg coz of the intense Training. For Towa, it was literally the End of the World.....

After that incident Towa wasn't the same anymore. She got even worse than the time when her Grandma died. She completly lost the trust in other People and wouldn't even consider making Friends nor being friendly with her Classmates anymore. Or more like, she was always on Guard that People could easily betray her again. Towa decided to change High Schools coz she didn't want to see Maika ever again. Of course it was an easy thing for her to change schools, coz of the good record she had from previous Schools. But oh well..That Girl was now the complete opposite. Being in a new Enviroment, she started to bully her Classmates so they would not get too close to her. She skipped Classes and did not care about a single thing. For Saeka it was painful to watch her Daughter to transform in such a Person and she tried everything she could to help Towa, in vain. Sometimes they still had to go to the Hospital for check ups. That when Saeka met Ichinose Kazuto, a Caretaker that worked at the Hospital. He saw Saeka often visit the Hospital together with Towa and one Day gathered the courage to talk to Saeka. When she told him everything that happened he tried to comfort the woman and that helped her a lot. They then met up a lot and for Saeka it was great to have someone to talk to, especially at times like these. And after Years and the thing with Senri, she fell in Love again 'n yay..they soon started to go out //HEART  Towa didn't really care about the things her Mother did but she was a little sceptical when they told her that they would move in together with Kazuto and his Son Kou  and then she started to even rebel against her Mother, telling her it would be better to be just the two of them and she should not trust Kazuto since he could just be like Senri and leave her one Day aswell when things get complicated. And then, Saeka, for the first time, snapped at her Child. Telling her how much she worked for her sake, how she tried to make Towa Happy all the Time and it wasn't easy for her. She was at her Limit and now she just wanted to rest at least a little bit. And if Towa wouldn't change for the better, she would just kick her out of the House since she could not take it anymore. Her Mothers outburst didn't change the fact that Towa was against the whole moving together thing and she continued to rebel, without hope. After two Months they ended up moving together and Towa did not have any choice but to accept it. Even her Mothers warnings to kick her out, if she wont change, didn't help. Towa continued to neglect her responsibilities, skipped Class and got into Fights whenever there was a Chance. One Day she decided to Join one of the Big Gangs in the School, DayDream. Coz she thought it wouldn't hurt to be around People that think like her..and are like her in  some ways and accept her just the way she was - Quite brutal, cold and dangerous. That doesn't mean she would suddenly get all friendly with the other Gang Members now. But she would tolerate them around her as long as no one would try something fishy. But to be honest, she felt quite comfortable around them maybe coz no one was nagging 'bout her behaviour. Saeka didn't like the fact that Towa joined a Group and didn't allow her to go out and meet up with them in summer holidays and forced her to help Kou with his Part-Time work at his Dads company as a Caretaker or else she would kick her out. Well of course Towa didn't want to live alone and so she had no choice but to behave for now. One Day she followed Kou and Kazuto to another clients place. A Girl called Umeko ,  diagnosed with ALS (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis). At first Towa felt sorry towards that Girl, since she knew that Umeko would not have much time left and would die soon from what Kou had told her and she would even make sick jokes about that. But after some time they started to get close and Towa would slowly open up to Umeko and Kou after spending some time with both of them, taking care of the sick Girl and talking to her whenever there was Time. But Umeko's Condition worsened more and more over the time until she wasn't able to walk or move on her own anymore. But even then, they both supported the Girl until one night when she died, because of her lung muscles suddenly stopped working over night, and the Girl stopped breathing without anyone noticing it and passed away. Sure, for Towa it was a shock to lose someone again, even when it was only for a short time she grew attached to Umeko and now she would not be able to meet her again, just like her Grandma. But she was not affected as much as she would have been in the past and continued with her life as always. Summer vacation ended, and School began again. Her life as an delinquent continued 'n the only thing that got better was her relationship with Kou. 



Mint Scent
The only kind of Perfumes she uses are the ones that have a fresh "natural" scent to it.
So she most likely has a Mint scent on her all the Time. Maybe'cause she always drinks PeppermintTea
She hates the Scent of Roses, tho

DayDream Tattoo
The DayDream's Gang Logo is on her Nape.
It's completely out of Black Hena, tho coz she's afraid of Needles

Believe it or not. That Girl once loved Ballet and dreamed of being a Prima Ballerina someday.
However, that dream got crushed after an accident.
She still keeps her Ballet Shoes and treasures them.

Towa can speak German
Because there was once a Transfer Student from Germany in her Class, an so she got interested in the language.
And started to learn it. She is still a beginner, but would not have any Trouble to hold a normal conversation.

Towa had to repeat one Year in High School, coz she missed a lot of Stuff when she stayed at Home after her Grandma died.


Key Chain
A small KeyChain Towa and Kou got from Umeko before she passed away.
It's a precious Item of her.

Soap Bubbles
Sometimes she carries around a "Can" of Soap Bubbles.
When its really nice outside, she enjoy's to blow Soap Bubbles from the Class Window.


< Non-School related > Storyline based

Ichinose Kou - Ichinose Kazuto's Son and Towa's "Step Brother" in the Future? |D
Their Parents didn't marry, so they have different Surnames.
He goes to another School, tho and aims to be a doctor in the Future.

Umeko - Since Towa was forced to help Kou and Kazuto with their work as Caretakers (Kou works part time, after school) she met Umeko.
They became "Good" (but not so close) Friends, until Umeko died 'cause of her illness.


< School Related >

DayDream Members - Towa kinda trusts them and feels comfortable around them.
When being with them, its one of the few times where she really has Fun and does enjoy School Life.
But she still keeps a certain distance.

Murakame Kano - [ Brombeer Bro for Live ♥ ] Always ready to share a glass of Brombeer Smoothie at the Rooftop |D

If, by any chance, someone wants to build up a Relationship with her (be it Siblings, Childhood Friend, Rivals or whatnot..) then plese send me a Note |D

Credits: Skateboard Signature comes from APP   [Removed it, tho]

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Comments: 30

Alpha-Nerd [2015-06-02 16:24:16 +0000 UTC]

I had no idea you used her for YB too!

its me Nolan haha shower pact buddy

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SoulEvans In reply to Alpha-Nerd [2015-06-02 16:36:34 +0000 UTC]

amg u are in YB too?
Or did u try the late opening? *q*

'n well..Towa was designed specially for YB xD
But I used her for the FB thing aswell coz I thought she would fit in there |DDD ahaha

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Alpha-Nerd In reply to SoulEvans [2015-06-02 18:53:15 +0000 UTC]

no Im not I wish orz
I totally failed at the opening i mixed up the months 

XD she does, just call it an AU pfft

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SoulEvans In reply to Alpha-Nerd [2015-06-02 21:02:08 +0000 UTC]

Awww..I see ; 7 ; Too bad..Would be so cool if all three of us could be in one Group //sob
But haha..maybe u can try again in the next opening..although that might be not so soon

I was wondering for a long time now..but could you explain to me whats an "AU" is? |D
I dont really get it ; 7 ; //bricked

btw..we should RP in SG!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Alpha-Nerd In reply to SoulEvans [2015-06-02 21:10:53 +0000 UTC]

yeah crying I can wait though, itll give me time to do a nice app
well we'll all be in X-block hopefully 
am I the only dealer trying out??? //lays down im surrounded by divas
and au is alternate universe, same characters different situation/story like erm highschoolmaus where everyone is in highschool or idol aus where everyone is a singer //kicked 
and oh gosh yes

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SoulEvans In reply to Alpha-Nerd [2015-06-04 06:40:41 +0000 UTC]

oooh so u try to get in X-BLOCK aswell<33
That would be awesome *7*
ooh I think Rhy is going for  a dealer aswell..but yeah..there are already a lot of Celebs going around |D ahahaha....

aaaah okay xD Thank you ..I was always wondering what this was..lmao

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

un-goki [2015-05-11 09:57:29 +0000 UTC]

t..that history brought me on a feels train like no other
Soul my kokoro brokoro so hard

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SoulEvans In reply to un-goki [2015-05-11 20:49:01 +0000 UTC]

awawawaw hun ; 7 ;  Dun crai! *pats 'n fixed ur brokoro kokoro*

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

SugarMoony [2015-05-10 20:46:46 +0000 UTC]

fellow daydream!
She's so cute~! O///O

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SoulEvans In reply to SugarMoony [2015-05-11 20:49:27 +0000 UTC]

aww Thank you >v<
Your BBY is awesome aswell..amg want to touch her hair so badly XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

meiruuu [2015-05-10 14:18:57 +0000 UTC]

speechless at this bae
i kennot brain how perfect she is //VIBBRATTESSSS
i love her everythhingg and history is so uugh  //sobs in ahnds

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SoulEvans In reply to meiruuu [2015-05-11 21:02:25 +0000 UTC]

awawaw..Thanks for the praise, hun!
Maybe we can rp sometimes..eventhough different gangs ahaha

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

meiruuu In reply to SoulEvans [2015-05-13 04:16:34 +0000 UTC]

these gang wont keep us apparrrtt /hitthit

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SoulEvans In reply to meiruuu [2015-05-15 18:21:43 +0000 UTC]

nooo never!!! //sob
No one can stop them to meet!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Magezian [2015-04-07 01:54:40 +0000 UTC]

she's such a cutie

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SoulEvans In reply to Magezian [2015-04-07 05:52:17 +0000 UTC]

naww Thank you >////< <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Magezian In reply to SoulEvans [2015-04-07 12:30:43 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome! ;u;

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

niwakaamegou [2015-03-28 03:31:39 +0000 UTC]

oh god- she's adorable. omggg

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SoulEvans In reply to niwakaamegou [2015-03-30 17:15:17 +0000 UTC]

awaw Thank you<3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Ceon-Rii [2015-03-28 01:18:06 +0000 UTC]

Cool and badass *A* Her design is so awesome, from her hair (and white streak!) to her tights and awesome skateboard!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SoulEvans In reply to Ceon-Rii [2015-03-30 17:15:08 +0000 UTC]

awawawaw thank you so much for all your COmments >///< YOu praise me too much, hun! ; 7 ;<3333

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

gothiclove145 [2015-03-27 05:13:53 +0000 UTC]

Your baby is so pretty!! Is she a skater?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SoulEvans In reply to gothiclove145 [2015-03-27 10:48:23 +0000 UTC]

weeee...Thank you >////<  And yes..she's a Skater xD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

gothiclove145 In reply to SoulEvans [2015-03-27 11:09:47 +0000 UTC]

WWOOOOOO!!! Skate buddy!  

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SoulEvans In reply to gothiclove145 [2015-03-27 12:39:40 +0000 UTC]

weeeee...are you a Skater?< 3
Or are you planning on joining the group too with a Skater? *7*

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

gothiclove145 In reply to SoulEvans [2015-03-27 13:08:22 +0000 UTC]

I'm planning on making a skater for the group

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SoulEvans In reply to gothiclove145 [2015-03-27 13:39:02 +0000 UTC]

awww cool :3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Tsukinohana21 [2015-03-26 15:13:50 +0000 UTC]

That´s pretty *___* wooow

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SoulEvans In reply to Tsukinohana21 [2015-03-26 17:42:44 +0000 UTC]

Thanks ; u ; <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Tsukinohana21 In reply to SoulEvans [2015-03-26 17:48:31 +0000 UTC]

You´re welcome

👍: 0 ⏩: 0