SouthernNerd — Plasmoid (Angel Falls Version) by-nc-nd

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Description Name: Plasmoid

Alter-Ego: Plasmodius Gigatonius the 5th

Marital Status: Widowed

Age: Unknown
Ht.: 6’2”
Wt.: 275lbs.
Eyes: Light Blue
Hair: Golden with Black Streaks

Body- His body is well defined and muscular. His body shows no marks of scarring or tattoos as it is in its physical prime. The only thing off is the lion tail attached to him that signifies his link to the primordial force.

Face- He has a golden blonde goatee which mostly matches his hair; however, the hair does have black streaks in it. He has a lightning bolt birthmark on his left eye that is yellow and reflects his heritage.

Base of Operations: The Thurman'jius (Taarvinian Royal Ship), The United Nations also supplied a Taarvinian Embassy for him to meet with leaders or politicians concerning his people.

Occupation: Diplomat 

Personality type: Overall Plasmoid is a quiet person, he hates getting involved in conflict; however, he isn’t going to deny defense to the weak if need it be. He can act like a best friend to those that make a connection to him. When a diplomat he is extremely professional and holds himself up as not only a representative but a true king.

Skills: Diplomatic Speaking, Public Speaking, Gladitorial Fighting Styles, Elemental Influential areas, culturally sound,  and overall intelligent in alien sciences and physiology.


Elemental Mastry: Plasmoid, naturally, has control over the elements that he is presented in. The main 5 elements that he has a control over include Lightening, Fire, Water, Air, and Earth. He can control, project, or even use them to enhance his senses in various ways such as sense the electromagnetic spectrum, feel out seismic vibrations to indicate potential threats, and other elemental applications like that. The biggest disadvantage of having such power is that his new hybrid body can't handle the pressure and stress of handeling the elements. His body mostly requires the stamina it has to yield the elements and going over one element will cause him to tire out much quicker than he would with one element. He can switch the elemental manipulation with a simply requirement as refocusing his mind to a new element; however, the stamina spent can't be regained. The source of his elemental connection is very much a mystery; however, the best case scenario is that his body is naturally attuned to the "Natural Vibrations and Senses" of the natural environment he is residing at. The best description of the source of his powers is a combination of his bloodline and the natural state of the planet he resides on.

Cosmic Energy Mastery: Unbeknownst to Plasmoid, he has the potential and the capabilities to exceed the four natural states of matter and tap into a primordial state of energy. This is known as "Cosmic Energy" and it is the residue of energy that new planets, stars, and other things are created from. Currently, Plasmoid has no idea of this power nor its existence as it ties into a much more higher source of power that Plasmoid will have to recognize before he can begin training in this element. The biggest disadvantage is that this puts an enormous strain on his body in that after 10 minutes the pressure of the energy will send his body into a comatose state and most likely going beyond that will kill him. For the 10 minutes he has this power, Plasmoid is able to project, manipulate, and infuse the energy either into himself or other creatures. Also the limitation of the 10 minutes is solely if he starts a fight straight into Cosmic Energy, previous stamina being spent is a factor to the timeframe.

Technology Abilities:

Body Armor: Plasmoid's armor is a technological feat of merging biology of a living being, super powered even, and technology. Plasmoid's armor offers him both protection and the capabilities of his natural skin. Plasmoid, even while in the armor, can use his powers and abilities just as if he wasn’t wearing it. The armor is structured with a "liquid metal" giving it the ability to reform if damaged or broken just by allowing the liquid to retreat back to the main armor.

Helmet: Plasmoid's helmet is an advanced piece of technology with marvelous features and abilities given to the user. Guided by the Taarvin AI "Gaia", Plasmoid can detect environmental abnormalities in mere moments or before the event causes too much severe damage. The helmet is also capable of detecting various elements, chemicals, and metallic properties through a brief scan onto the target.

Space Ship: The Thurman'jius is an advanced piece of alien technology, offering both defensive and support capabilities to its master and others. The ship is ran by the AI "Gaia" and has the capabilities of constantly absorbing UV radiation from the sun, which is fixed in a rotation to follow the sun over Earth, and stores it inside a chamber of raw cosmic energy. The ship also features a defensive cannon, used for emergencies of extreme proportions, but can only be used through a passcode only which Plasmoid contains.


Darkness: Needing UV radiation in order to produce cosmic energy, being in the dark cuts Plasmoid off from his primary resource of energy, which in turn, makes Plasmoid limited on stamina and energy he can use. Being blasted with dark energies won't be a kryptonite to him as it is more towards his natural dependency and his body's ability to create new stamina out of solar radiation. The most effective means is to encase him in a room without any or little natural UV radiation.

Psychics:  Due to him suffering through events on Taarvin. Plasmoid is psychologically in stress due to a severe case of Post-Traumatic Stress disorder. While he doesn’t share this burden with others, it does hinder him in certain social situation that triggers the PTSD. 

Magic: Even though Plasmoid practices in the mystical arts, he isn't suited to defend against them. Minor magicians and magic users who can only do minor tricks might not be able to touch him, but expert magicians and sorceress can do some serious damage with the right spell. Also, magical based elements are not natural and thus it makes it impossible for Plasmoid to manipulate. Anything created with magics is out of Plasmoid's range of manipulation and can't be used to his benefit.

Force: Even though Plasmoid is perfectly capable of being protected by the elements of Earth. His body is just as tough as a male athlete, his bones are capable of being broken and his flesh is just as vulnerable as a human’s and he is capable or receiving physical injuries if enough force hits him.

Unnatural Pollutants: Since Plasmoid is linked to the natural state of the planet, elements like smog, radiation, and other harmful byproducts that aren't produced naturally will harm Plasmoid. Not to mistake Plasmoid with Captain Planet, he can't be simply rendered inert by the elements but enough exposure with little means to create natural cures will kill him. His suit does provide means of natural supports such as clean air, and a shell to protect himself; however, his body exposed will be effected like any other human would if thrown into those elements.


Taarvin is an alien planet that was home to a world of elemental manipulators; Taarvin was seen and known across the cosmos as a diplomacy planet. Having its inhabitants rise up against a parasitic species, the Taarvinians are a peaceful race that does not wish for warfare. 

Plasmoid was born into the hierarchy that is Taarvin’s structure. His father being the king of Taarvin and his mother being a queen of a race that Taarvin was an alliance in, Plasmoid was born with exceptional skills to the elements. Plasmoid was the first after a long break of kings to be able to have potential to yield the elements to his will. His father saw this as an opportunity to teach Plasmoid the ways of the people and the ways of diplomacy as was his people’s history. Plasmoid spent the majority of his childhood in the palace libraries learning about his people’s origins, their history, and their diplomacy. When he wasn’t studying he was practicing with his father in the arts of how to control, manipulate, and summon lightening. His mother didn’t approve of her husband’s methods on how to raise their son, when the king was busy with politics his mother would often take him out of the palace and explore the capital city.

Plasmoid soon befriended a guard’s son by this manner and son these two became inseparable as they trained, studied, and sparred against each other. The King didn’t approve of this, but the mother reassured her husband that their child needed to make friends more than imprint the history of Taarvin to his mind.

When Plasmoid (According to Earth terminology) was in his late teens, he and his friend were practicing bo staff training in the courtyard. They heard a scream as they rushed to the scene to find two women were being ambushed by a pair of robbers. As the robbers were subdued, Plasmoid was star struck as he saw the woman that granted him her presence and beauty. Plasmoid instantly fell in love with her and the young prince had the opportunity to talk to her at the royal ball.

Away from the others, the young woman explained that Taarvin was serious divided and would soon fail to prosper if the nations were still caught up in their own elemental egos. Plasmoid swore that he would fix this and made a vow to spend time with her when he returned. She smiled at the vow and the two kissed under the stars, sealing the deal.

After a long argument with his father, the King reluctantly agreed to let his son attempt to venture out of the city gates and attempt to delegate the five elemental regions together. Plasmoid’s first stop was the gladiatorial pits that were across the long desert. Plasmoid trekked the long desert until a band of slave owners captured him and tossed him in a cage to fight for the regions entertainment. In the holding area he met an Earthen Gladiator named Rictamius.

The young gladiator was the son of the imperial champion; however, when a jealous greedy man sought the throne he tricked his way to win the match and rule over pits. The system of the pits was to win three matches to gain the freedom; however, due to the corrupt tyrant’s system barely anyone had survived the three rounds.

Rictamius and Plasmoid soon teamed together and won the three rounds, testing their abilities to the maximum. After the third match was won, Plasmoid demanded a fight with the corrupted tyrant to restore the rightful ruler to his throne. The match ensued; however, the tyrant broke Plasmoid’s leg in a cheap attempt to kill the prince. When the tyrant was about to land the finishing blow, Plasmoid moved his hands up to block the stone figure’s chest; however, his earth powers kicked in and broke his torso apart, killing him instantly.

When Seimazimon was restored, he offered to tend to the young prince and aid him to help control his earthen powers. After 3 years, Plasmoid was physically sound and his powers were in bloom. The ruler directed Plasmoid to the volcanic ash lands to consort with the ruler of the fire area. His son volunteered to travel with Plasmodius to see the world outside of the gladiatorial pits, and Plasmodius accepted as the pair went to the ash lands.

Upon coming to the ash land, they were encountered by the draconian tribe. Plasmoid felt a bond towards the volcanic lava, which was explained to him as his natural fire and the fire/earth mixture powers that gave him a sense to the bond.

Plasmoid spent the next few years learning how to control his emotions and the fire as he trained with the general’s son; however, their training was interrupted as a metallic orb crashed into the volcano. The tribe was immediately attacked by a parasitic species that began to attempt to try and assimilate the members of the tribe. Plasmoid ordered the tribe out of the volcano while he detonated it. The intense heat incinerated the parasites and the assimilated members; however, Plasmoid was left extremely weak.

After recovering, the general began to tell him the story that the parasites were the dominate species of Taarvin; however, the parasites were vicious and only desired to be the dominate life force in the universe. After the five original masters of the elements bonded to a cosmic energy, they were able to burn away and drive the parasites off to a desolate planet. Plasmoid was soon given directions to the Polar Regions to find the ice master and was accompanied by the general’s son.

The trio made their way to the polar caps as they came across the city that disputed their appearance. Their cities were advanced and so were their technologies, spending all the time under the ice, they had more than enough time to construct mechanical devices that would boggle the smartest of scientists.

Upon arriving they were introduced to the leader and the figure heads of the city. Plasmoid explained that he came to train with the master of ice and was granted his request shortly. Plasmoid spent the next few years training by submerging himself in the icy waters and to be emotionally cold and physically untouched with concerns of pain in order to demand the ice to his will.

Plasmoid talked among the figure heads and spoke about the parasite and the events that occurred in the Ash Lands. The scientists took this information into consideration and spoke about a craft journeying to the planet that the parasites went to. While this was concerning they begun to invest more resources into further studying the planet’s condition and what the Nicton were possibly up to.

After mastering the elements of ice and water, Plasmoid was directed to the temples of the sky warriors to learn and master the final element he was capable of yielding; however, the scientist Plasmoid be friended chose to stay behind to study the parasites more closely.

On the journey to the temples, Plasmoid revealed that he had feelings for a woman back in the capital city. While the reactions were mixed, Plasmoid had decided that he would pursue his love when he returned to the city.
Once arriving to the temples, Plasmoid and the others were greeted by the monks in the temples. Plasmoid was explained to that the reason how the parasites were kicked off the planet was the event of the elemental masters bonding with their primordial spirits. These spirits allowed the masters to tap into an incredible source of raw cosmic energy.

The monk went on to comment that since Plasmoid was so strong in the five elements that he was capable of being the elemental master of Lightening and have the cosmic power of the other four elements. Plasmoid had agreed to take part in the ritual which forever bound him to the elemental primordial spirit of lightening.

Plasmoid then spent the next 8 years learning how to not only command the weather, skies, and wind but he learned how to master his primordial essence by achieving perfect unity in mind, body, and soul. Once his unity was achieved, he gave a wave of goodbye to his teacher, and departed; however, during his training he trained with a young prodigy that asked to go with Plasmoid to see the capital city.

The four left for the capital city as they trekked their way back. The city was ablaze with celebrations as Plasmoid returned to the city, a changed man then what he was when he left. Along with his return, the representatives of the four other nations met with his father and unified peace had been restored to Taarvin once again.

Plasmoid hugged his mother’s neck and happily shook his father’s hand as Plasmoid was more the king he was destined to be; however, one thing still remained on his agenda. After decorating himself in his new clothes, he went to the home of his love and upheld his end of the vow. Their love almost instantly blossomed.

A few months went by and Plasmoid finally became the next King of Taarvin with his love being his queen. Along with that a few months proceeded and his queen had announced to him that she was bearing a child. Excited, Plasmoid felt that his life was coming to a peaceful closure; however, events would have a change for a worse.

Almost instantly, news of the Nicton landing on Taarvin spread as the earthen terrain was torn asunder by the parasites. All survivors could mention was that they were organized under the banner of “Nexus”. Plasmoid had never heard of this new name, but he knew that this wasn’t going to be a war that could be avoided.

One by one, each of the nations fell until the Nicton started pressing at the Capital City. Plasmoid’s forces repelled the parasite; however, intelligence suggested that a critical strike to the communications tower would end all of that. Mobilizing his new Taarvinian guard, Plasmoid quickly dispatched the Nicton; however, a terrible change of news befell his ears.

The communications tower was merely a distraction while Nexus invaded the palace. Plasmoid unleashed the winds behind him and jetted to the palace only to find his father beheaded and his mother in a bloody pile decorating the chamber walls.

Plasmoid’s greatest nightmare befell to him when he heard a familiar voice scream in pure terror. Plasmoid dashed up to his bedroom to find his wife impaled several times by the tendrils of Nexus only to be split apart as a small lump fell to the ground. Deducing that this lump was the premature child, Nexus raised his foot and stomped on it proclaiming only, “Long live the king nephew.”

This cruel conqueror revealed to be the uncle that had left many years ago to delegate for his father; however, this had turned to be false. Plasmoid was overcome in horror, sadness, grief, and anger as the skies roared with thunder. Plasmoid’s anger was like a fire that was spreading until something erupted form inside him. Plasmoid’s body now glowing white with cosmic energy as his armor had changed to a white and black appearance and his hair was now white as the purest snow.

Plasmoid raised his hand as he blasted Nexus with all his might; however, that wasn’t enough. Plasmoid was willing to gain vengeance for his fallen loved ones and Nexus’ blood would be the payment. The battle went on for hours as the mountains shook, the skies split, the oceans roared, the fires blazed high, and the thunder boomed overhead as two titanic forces battled in the skies of Taarvin.

Unleashing his cosmic energy at its fullest, Plasmoid blasted Nexus with all his might which then lead him to feeling light and ill as his body went limp and drifted into unconsciousness. Plasmoid was taken back to the medical bay and the war with the Nicton had passed as the Taarvinians won; however, a new devastating problem emerged.

Before Nexus left, an anti-matter bomb was sent to Taarvin and had detonated. The bomb limited the planet’s life to only an hour left. The dignitaries met and discussed their plan of action; however, only one plan lingered to be the right one.

Taking the unconscious body of Plasmoid, they stored him on the royal dignitary ship and sent it off with the best medical care as the ship left the planet just minutes before the planet imploded, ending the life of Taarvin.

Plasmoid awoke after an extremely long time to find that he was the sole survivor of his race. Plasmoid was still in suspension as he drifted back to sleep, plagued by the longing memories that he was indeed the last Taarvinian. As he drifted amongst the cold space in the empty ship, plagued by the deceased bodies of his medical crew Plasmoid could only think about the fact that his world, his family, and the life he once knew had died.

Drifting among the stars, Plasmoid now is plagued by the eternal guilt and nightmares of his failures, and uncertainty of what was for him next.

1. Plasmoid doesn't see himself as a “hero” by the senses as Earth calls heroes. He simply sees himself carrying out his father’s and his people’s last wish by trying to establish peace.
2. In downtime, Plasmoid is busy studying human culture and literature by glancing at the various works and stories by writers throughout the history.
3. Plasmoid’s history has many tragic elements, but he always tries to see the good in everything around him. If one searches for the light in the tunnel, then they can move to reach that light.
4. Plasmoid default expression is neutral. It isn't because he is upset or in the right mind frame, but because he is a foreign person to a foreign planet. Even with 22 years of exposure, he still is unsure of his surroundings.
5. Plasmoid's concept started at childhood, which will make him over 15 years old. Granted he has gone through changes and edits, but Plasmoid represents a small fraction of the owner's childhood.

The final of the revisions of my roster. This is my main, and pretty much my best, character Plasmoid. An alien refugee trying to find his place among a culture he doesn't fully understand while living with the burdens of his past. Finding himself being called a hero, Plasmoid assumes this new role to be a defender to a world that has graciously accepted him; however, can he live with the sins that is plaguing his mind?

Plasmoid is a hero in the universe of
Plasmoid is my intellectual property and shouldn't be used without permission.
Art is done by

NOTE: This is just to update/redo the biographical submission. Nothing has changed.

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