Spyro2108 — Ben10 Crossover Alien: Party Animal

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Published: 2024-03-16 20:06:08 +0000 UTC; Views: 31329; Favourites: 172; Downloads: 16
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Description Party Animal is the DNA sample of the Omnitrix of SCP-956 from the planet Earth (Dimension 71, SCP Foundation Dimension)

Powers and Abilities

-Small Size

-Enhanced Durability 

-Absolute Cuteness

-Anatomical Liberation

-Enhanced Instincts

-Enhanced Vision

-Enhanced Unarmed Combat

-Enhanced Defense

-Enhanced Stealth

-Enhanced Agility

-Enhanced Senses

-Enhanced Jumping

-Enhanced Mobility

-Limitless Stamina

-Enhanced Recovery

-Enhanced Dexterity

-Enhanced Reflexes

-Enhanced Punching

-Baseball Bat Proficiency

-Boneless Body


-Oxygen Independence


-Space Survivability

-Piñata Mimicry

-Candy Generation

-Confetti Generation

-Candy Manipulation 

-Candy Properties Manipulation (Sleep Inducing, Acidic, Hypnotic and etc)

-Candy Attacks

-Extrasensory Perception

-Heat Resistance (Candies)

-Fire Resistance (Candies)

-Explosion Resistance (Candies)

-Acid Resistance (Candies)

-Emotional Manipulation

-Limited Mind Control


-Paralysis Inducement

-Body Immobilization

-Healing (Via Candy)

-Transmutation (Into Other Piñata Creature)

-"Piñata Repairment"

-Body Fluid/Body Transmutative Presence (Via Presence)

-Dehydration (Via Transmutation and Presence)

Personality Shift: Very sharp-tongued and has a tendency to be extreme and unpredictable, as well as openly swear. Sometimes Party Animal can be rather frightening even laughing maniacally, only to change immediately in the second after. Party Animal is sarcastic, direct, stubborn and confrontational. Party Animal is often brutally honest when criticizing others, especially the ones who makes rather hasty decisions.

DNA source: SCP-956

Interesting Facts:

1. Dimension 71 is the number that D.P.G. designated to SCP Foundation Dimension.
2. Item# SCP-102006 "Human with Many Forms"

Containment Class: Thaumiel (Arguably Apollyon)

Disruption Class: Amida

Risk Class: Caution

Special Containment Procedures: Due the nature of SCP-102006, They cannot be contained in the same way as other humanoid SCP is contained. While at the facility SCP-102006 would require to have a Standard Living Room similar to the Facility's Staff Members, without cameras or any listening device, If the room would have such a devices SCP-102006 would get rid of them. Due the nature of the object, SCP-102006 is allowed to freely move within the territory of the site that they're currently located, and as well allowed to leave this territories as soon as they would want to.

While SCP-102006 is generally cooperative with most of Foundation personnel, the certain level of irritation that might lead to the argument with the personnel when they show certain level of hostility towards the certain other SCP and other members of the personnel. While SCP-102006 were shown to be angered with a certain actions of Foundation Members, it worth to mention that The Object never actually harmed any of them, while obviously SCP-102006 could.

In order to keep containment of other SCPs within the current site that SCP-102006 resides, The object would need to have a basic information about the SCPs within the site to prevert the unnecessary containment breaches, even though if that happens SCP-102006 usually is able to take care of it by themselves. However it also worth to mention that SCP-102006 sometimes can take for a certain periods of time the other SCP for "The Personal Talk" which is usually somewhere outside the SCP Facility.

3. Description: SCP-102006 is a combined designation of two objects. First one, SCP-102006-1, is a American Male, physically approximately around the age gap between 19 to 24, 187 cm in height and 80 kg in weight. Subject possess a mesomorphic body type, green eye color and a brown hair color. Subject claims to be named Benjamin Kirby Tennyson, but no records of such a person can be found, The Subject will respond only when others will call them by their name or some variation of it, such Ben or Benji. Subject is intelligent (IQ has been measured at 140) and overall amiable, it also worth to mention that Subject possess a Eidetic memory. A several scars has been spotted on Subject's body, one of which have a shape similar to the New Jersey, neither of those scars were acquired by the operational means, and according to the Subject's comments most of them appeared after the fights that Subject were engaged in.

SCP-102006-2 is a wrist watch-like device that SCP-102006-1 wears on their left hand. SCP-102006-2 looks like a Digital Wristwatches, It's faceplate is square with a somewhat simplified hourglass-like shape, the main part of the object have green-white-black color scheme. SCP-102006-2 is made of material of unknown origin that one touch feels like a plastic, however during the experiments with SCP-102006-1 it was confirmed that material that SCP-102006-2 is made of a much more durable material than any that is available to Foundation, leading to the practically indestructability of SCP-102006-2. Under the faceplate of SCP-102006-2 is located the core, a flat disk with a metallic ring and a light green hourglass symbol, When SCP-102006-2 is activated this disk jump up revealing the black cylindrical devise with light green circuits like the core itself. During the countless experiments it was confirmed that SCP-102006-2 is connected to it's user, SCP-102006-1, on the sub-atomic level, besides that object itself will prevert others from removing itself from SCP-102006-1 by any means, such as releasing a shockwave from it's core, by extension SCP-102006-2 would make sure that it's user is alive as well. While being an electronic device of some sort, SCP-102006-2 is powered by unknown power source, that seemingly doesn't need any sort of recharge or replacement. According to the Words of SCP-102006-1, SCP-102006-2 have an "Some sort of AI", and this statement was confirmed during the attempts to use anomalous hacking devices on it, however the outcome of this incident resulted in SCP-102006-2 backfiring at the software from which this hacking attempt were started.

4. SCP-102006-2 possess a numerous other anomalous capabilities, such as transforming the use into other creatures. According the SCP-102006-1, the object is capable of transforming them or any other being into any possible sapient creature that is located within it's database, for now the exact process of transformation is unown, but during the experiments it was confirmed that the transformation approximately happens within 1 zeptosecond-2 femtoseconds, to use SCP-102006-2, User need to touch the faceplate, after that a holographic dial wheel will be projected above it, on that dial a icons of transformations, which is activated and scrolls through the available transformation by the user touching the faceplate, or in other ways scrolling up and down or scrolling in circles. After that The User gets an access to the object's core, which would come out, when it would be pushed (or slammed) the user would be transformed. According to the SCP-102006-1, the any transformation that SCP-102006-2 have are "Prime Example of the Species", meaning that they are the best possible outcome of genetic point of view. However it's not the only the only thing that SCP-102006-2 is capable of such as a build-in translator that allows User and people around to understand other languages, countless number of failsafes and most importantly the "DNA Scanner" that allows SCP-102006-2 to gain new transformations, however the specification of this "DNA" is widely different from our usual meaning of it.

However, It worth to mention that it seems that even without SCP-102006-2, SCP-102006-1 shows a certain level of anomalous capabilities, such as unusual determination, an ability to "Stop Time" and a wide knowledge different martial arts, big part of which involves some sort of supernatural abilities.
5. Addendum:
Interview protocol 102006-A

Interviewed: SCP-102006-1 Interviewer: Dr.  ████

Two (2) Foundation security personnel are also present.

Foreword: This is the fourth attempt to interview SCP-102006 since its introduction into Foundation territory. Three previous attempts failed due to violation of security conditions on the site.

The interview actually has the following purposes: -Obtain initial information about the identity of SCP-102006. -Determine the reason for SCP-102006's invasion of Foundation territory. -Generally understand SCP-102006's abilities to facilitate primary containment.

Dr.  ████: Good Afternoon

SCP-102006-1: Yeah, Good Afternoon

Dr.  ████: Firstly, may I know your name?

SCP-102006-1: Ben, Ben Tennyson, and you?

Dr.  ████: My name is Dr.  ████. I am one of the researchers in this facility.

SCP-102006-1: Speaking of which....Can you tell me where I am exactly?

Dr.  ████: Huh? You arrived in the Foundation Facility...Without knowing what it is?

SCP-102006-1: Well.....All I can say it's that this is facility that contains quite a lot of dangerous stuff, huh?
Dr.  ████: In the way you can say that SCP-102006-1

SCP-102006-1: What was that?

Dr.  ████: Excuse me?

SCP-102006-1: This SCP-10-something

Dr.  ████: This is Object number that we gave you

SCP-102006-1: Object number, huh? That's pretty disrespectful to call me an Object, don't you think?

Dr.  ████: .......In the way it is, but you are now under the containment of the Foundation

SCP-102006-1: ..........Ahahahahahahahahaha!

Dr.  ████: ....SCP-102006-1?

SCP-102006-1: Ahahaha......S-sorry, sorry just....Just that's very hilarious

Dr.  ████: Could you explain why you find this hilarious, SCP-102006-1?

SCP-102006-1: The fact that You think that you can contain me
6. Observation Log 1
Name: Doctor Zara
Date: 04/10/201█
Time: 11:17
Duration: approximately 35 minutes.
Observation: SCP-102006-1 was sitting on the couch inside the containment cell for 20 minutes just looking at the place were secret camera was located, after set time period SCP-102006-1 came closer to the camera and said "If you want to spy on me, at least do this right" in irritated tone.
7. Experiment Log 102006A:

These experiments were conducted between ██/██/██ and ██/██/██. SCP-102006 was placed in a testing room, a series of experiments 102006A were created to test the limits of SCP-102006-2. Observations of researchers who came into contact with the object were carried out through remote means.
Experiment 102006-A-07
Description: SCP-102006-1 was placed in the room with SCP-035. He was not given any instructions.
Result: Subject has shown no desire to wear SCP-035. 75 seconds after the start of the experiment, D-8543 was launched into the experiment chamber. As soon as D-8543 made eye contact with SCP-035, he immediately went to the pedestal where the object was located, after which he dressed it. For the next 15 minutes, SCP-102006-1 and SCP-035, located on D-8543, spoke. At the end of the dialogue, SCP-102006-2 produced the sound effect "DNA Data Abnormalities Detected." SCP-102006-1 then placed its hands on D-8543's face, causing a green flash to cover the room for 15 seconds. After this, SCP-102006-1 successfully removed SCP-035 from D-8543's face, what is more interesting is the fact that D-8543's brain activity was restored, later tests confirmed that it was returned to the state before the whole experiment. After SCP-035 was removed from D-8543, SCP-102006-2 produced  Another Sound Effect "New DNA Data Acquired".
8. Incident: 102006/049
Involved SCPs: SCP-049, SCP-102006
Involved Personnel: Dr. Wright, Generals ███████████ and ████, MTF Zeta-3 "Domino"
Date: ████████
Location: ██████, Northern CanadaShortly after the initial containment of SCP-049, Dr. Wright had several conversations with the object regarding its anomalous properties, and over time, Dr. Wright began to notice unusual behavior from the team of operatives who transported SCP-049 to the site, for an inexplicable reason they were exposed to the anomalous properties of SCP-049 and became SCP-049-2, which resulted in a breach of containment conditions and a subsequent energy outbreak within the site. After this, Dr. Wright immediately went to the Panic Room, from where he activated the emergency alarm button. Within half an hour, MTF Zeta-3 "Domino" that was lead by Generals ███████████ and ████ appeared on the site, Shortly after the initial containment of SCP-049, Dr. Wright had several conversations with the object regarding its anomalous properties, and over time, Dr. Wright began to notice unusual behavior from the team of operatives who transported SCP-049 to the site, for an inexplicable reason they were exposed to the anomalous properties of SCP-049 and became SCP-049-2, which resulted in a breach of containment conditions and a subsequent energy outbreak within the site. After this, Dr. Wright immediately went to the Panic Room, from where he activated the emergency alarm button. Within half an hour, MTF Zeta-3 "Domino" that was lead by Generals ███████████ and ████ appeared on the site.
9. Experiment 102006-A-34
Description: An attempt to remove SCP-102006-2 from SCP-102006-1 body with usage of SCP-294.
Result: SCP-102006-1 was placed in the experiment chamber, after that D-0113 was send into the same chamber with a cup of liquid from SCP-294, which was recieved after ordering "The Omnitrix Remover". After that D-0113 was ordered to pour the liquid from the cup on SCP-102006-2, after doing that SCP-102006-2 began to produce a small green sparks after which it fall from SCP-102006-1 Hand. As Soon as that happened D-0113 tried to grab it. In span of 15 seconds SCP-102006-2 produced a shockwave that vaporised the cup of "The Omnitrix Remover", after that SCP-102006-2 immediately returned to the wrist of SCP-102006-1. All attempts to get "The Omnitrix Remover" from SCP-294 were unsuccessful, each time "out of stock" when it was typed.

10. Experiment 102006-A-203 

Description: SCP-102006 was placed in the experiment chamber with a cassette recorder with a record of SCP-407
Result: SCP-407 played for 15 minutes 11 seconds. The experiment chamber is non-sterile, SCP-102006 was sitting on the chair near the cassette recorder.
00:25 - SCP-102006 said that the song is a bit catchy, in the bad way.
00:45 - SCP-102006 stood up from the chair and began to walk around the experiment chamber, humming the melody of SCP-407.
01:25 - SCP-102006 was singing the song "California Gurls" by Katy Perry, while doing a movements from that clip.
04:00 - SCP-102006 mentions how boring and annoying SCP-407 become.
06:45 - SCP-102006-2 automatically transformed SCP-102006-1 into plant-like creature that SCP-102006-1 calls Wildivne.
Since the transformation SCP-407 seem to not have any actual effect on SCP-102006, however SCP-102006 mentioned that he was not able to transform back into his original form until SCP-407 stopped playing.
11. Experiment 102006-A-77
Description: SCP-102006-1 was placed in the room with SCP-217. He was not given any instructions.
Result: Almost Immediately SCP-102006-2  produced a sound effect "An Attempt of Altering User's DNA Code was detected". After those words every particle of SCP-217 within the Experiment chamber were destroyed. Additional Information: When SCP-102006-1 made contact with a person already infected with SCP-217, SCP-102006-2 in similar manner destroyed every particle on the person's body, however that did not reversed their transformation, however during the experiments it was confirmed that SCP-102006-2 have at least 7 transformations that is capable of reversing this transformation.
12. Incident: 102006/191Involved SCPs: SCP-191, SCP-102006
Involved Personnel: None
Date: ████████
Location: ██████, Northern Canada
SCP-102006-1 stumbled upon the containment chamber of SCP-191, after entering the the chamber they and SCP-191 had a talk for 25 minutes. After that both SCP-102006-1 and SCP-191 disappeared from the Foundation Facility. After 6 hours both SCP-102006-1 and SCP-191 appeared at the cantine area of the site. While SCP-102006-1 didn't had any visual differences, SCP-191 had a plate on her face, which later was confirmed to be a voicebox, that allowed her to talk. After that When SCP-191 was asked what she and SCP-102006-1 were doing, she answered that SCP-102006-1 decided to give her "Weekends". According to the words of SCP-191, SCP-102006-1 gave her a new voice box, allowing her to talk, while also giving her access to the mask-like device that allowed her to hide her identity and appear like a normal human. When personnel asked SCP-191, what they with SCP-102006-1 were doing, she answered that they were spending time in the nearest Amusement Park known as "Starlight Park", SCP-191 stated that she really enjoyed the time there, and also would want to visit this place in the future. Later it also was revealed that SCP-102006-1 won an plush toy of a bear that later he gave to SCP-191. Since that Incident SCP-191 was seen having liking towards the SCP-102006-1.

13. Experiment 102006-A-12
Description: SCP-102006-1 was placed in the room with SCP-040. After that SCP-040 were given an instruction to attempt to slightly alter SCP-102006-1.
Result: As soon as SCP-040 tried to alter the hair color of SCP-102006-1, SCP-102006-2 made an sound effect "An Attempt of Altering User's DNA Code was detected", After that SCP-102006-2 produced a shockwave that temporarily disabled SCP-040 abilities. SCP-102006-1 assured the SCP-040 that her abilities will return very soon. SCP-102006-1 remained with SCP-040 until her powers returned, however further attempts of using SCP-040's abilities against SCP-102006-1 were not successful.
14. Experiment 102006-A-09
Description: SCP-102006-1 was placed in the room with SCP-053. He was not given any instructions.
Result: For a first 10 minutes of the experiment SCP-053 was hiding behind her bed, while SCP-102006-1 was waiting for her come out. Eventually SCP-053 approached SCP-102006-1 and then took him to her table where SCP-053 showed SCP-102006-1 one of her drawings. For the rest 20 minutes, SCP-053 and SCP-102006-1 were sitting and drawing together, it seems like the anomalous abilities of SCP-053 does not have any effect on SCP-102006-1. After that D-2725 was send to the containment chamber of SCP-053, after 10 minutes the effect of SCP-053 started to affect D-2725, eventually leading him to attack SCP-102006-1, However SCP-102006-1 were able to perform a pinch at the D-2725's neck areas leading them to fall on the ground without an ability to move their limbs. After the end of the experiment SCP-102006-1 approached Dr. █████, who was responsible for this experiment.
15. Incident: 102006/610Involved SCPs: SCP-610, SCP-102006
Involved Personnel: MTF Mu-7 "Dairy Queen", General McAdam
Date: ████████
Location: ██████, Russian Federation, Southern part of Eastern Siberia
SCP-102006 was send with the MTF Mu-7 "Dairy Queen" leaded by General McAdam to test the theory that SCP-102006-2 might have a chance to reduce the infection of SCP-610 or in the better scenario be the successful way to heal people that were in contact with SCP-610. SCP-102006-1 was send to the Zone-F, while MTF remained within the mobile base in Zone-G. SCP-102006-1 was given an instruction to get into the middle of Zone-F. During the SCP-102006-1's way to the middle of the zone, they had encountered the infected individuals, however due the SCP-102006-2 SCP-102006-1 had not been infected with SCP-610. Eventually SCP-102006-Reached the center of Zone-F, approximatly 6 minutes after that a beam of Green light emitted from the location where SCP-102006-1 was. During that time some of Foundation's Researches from other sites confirmed that this Beam of light covered the planet completely. After 15 seconds  SCP-102006-2 produced an shockwave, that altered the DNA of every being that was infected with SCP-610 in the ranger of whole planet. Not only the beings that were infected with SCP-610 were changed, but also any trace of an SCP-610 around it's previous area were destroyed. After that Incident SCP-610's class were changed into Neutralized.
16. Incident: 102006/096Involved SCPs: SCP-096, SCP-102006
Involved Personnel: Dr. Murray, Staff members of Site 80
Date: ████████
Location: ██████, New Mexico
The Incident happened after the failed experiment with SCP-096. During the experiment Dr. Murray accidentally saw the face of SCP-096, due this SCP-096 went into the aggressive state. After that the security system of the site immideatly was activated. As SCP-096 was approaching Dr. Murray, SCP-102006-1 who was during that time at the site, jumped right infront of Dr. Murray. After a short fight SCP-102006-1 used SCP-102006-2 and transformed into "Toepick". As SCP-102006-1 opened the helmet making SCP-096 look at their face, after that SCP-096 made a flew steps back after which it began to wail. SCP-102006-1 began to slowly approach SCP-096, as the object was crawling away from them in the frightned manner. The Later attempts of making SCP-096 choose SCP-102006-1 were unsuccessful.

17. Interview protocol 102006-G

Interviewed: SCP-102006-1 Interviewer: Dr.  ███

Foreword: This is an interview with SCP-102006 almost right after the Incident 102006/191.
The interview actually has the following purposes:-Understand why SCP-102006-1 disturbs the rules of containment of SCPs.
-Attempt to force SCP-102006-1 follow the rules of Foundation.

Dr.  ████: .....*Sigh*......SCP-102006-1-

SCP-102006-1: Ben.

Dr.  ████: Ben....Tell me......Why did you went to the containment chamber of SCP-191

SCP-102006-1: You know, I was enjoying the day, walking around doing stuff......And then I saw Jesse.

Dr.  ████: Jesse?

Ben: Yeah, Jesse, It's the name I gave her.

Dr.  ████:........Might I ask what you did those hours while you and SCP-191 were outside of the Foundation Facility?

SCP-102006-1: Nothing Special, I decided to give her a bit of a day off, After all, YOU, don't giver her much of a break.

Dr.  ████: SCP-102006-


Dr.  ████: .....Ben.......You are aware of the potential security breach that action might have caused?

SCP-102006-1:.....Seriously Doc? She's a kid! And not just that, she's a very polite and cooperative kid too........Come on Doc, you put her through the experiments day after day! A little bit of fun would not hurt, and besides she really liked the present I gave her!

Dr.  ████: You must know that is still not an excuse for such a behavior.... If you going to continue I would have to use force...

SCP-102006-1: Oh.......No giving me Threats, huh?

Dr.  ████: .....Ben.......Is not Threats that-

SCP-102006-1: You don't need to came up with excuse, after all the guy who sees Jesse as an "Object" instead of little girl she is, Already speaks for itself....

18. Observation Log 15Name: Doctor McKinsey
Date: 15/██/201█
Time: 10:30
Duration: approximately 8 hours.
10:30 - SCP-102006-1 was doing their morning routine, after which they went to breakfast at the cantine of the site
11:40-12:45 - SCP-102006-1 went to the containment chamber of SCP-085. During the time spend within the chamber, SCP-102006-1 and SCP-085 had a casual coversation, SCP-1020006-1 later drew a few "entertaiment items" for SCP-085.
13:30-14:15 - SCP-102006-1 was spending time with SCP-131-1 and SCP-131-2. They appeared to play some sort of catch game with SCP-102006-1, after which SCP-102006-1 left the chamber.
14:20-15:35 - SCP-102006-1 went to the cantine for "tea party" with SCP-105, they spend their time talking about their lives before the foundation, but also SCP-102006-1 told SCP-105 about some of the locations that they visited.
16:00-17:15 - SCP-102006-1 went to the containment chamber of SCP-073, after that they had a friendly conversation that later ended up with a three rounds of the game of chess.
17:15-18:30 - For that time Period SCP-102006-1 appeared to not be inside the Foundation facility. However further investigation confirmed that SCP-102006-1 were inside the containment chamber of SCP-3090, they were playing a copy of unknown game that SCP-102006-1 had on their hands.
19. Experiment 102006-A-77
Description: An attempt to remove SCP-102006-2 from SCP-102006-1 by using SCP-063. Result: D-4020 entered the Living room where SCP-102006-1 were sleeping, D-4020 had an SCP-063 in their hands and was given an instruction to brush the SCP-102006-2 from the wrist of the object. D-4020 were following the given instructions and began to using SCP-063 on SCP-102006-2, as a result of that D-Class were able to scrub a small layer of dust, made of same material as SCP-102006-2. However after 15 seconds of doing that, SCP-102006-2 produced as shockwave that launched D-4020 to the wall, while not getting any sort of injuries D-Class was knocked out unconscious. It worth to mention that during this whole experiment SCP-102006-1 remained sleeping. Later attempts of using SCP-063 on SCP-102006-2 were unsuccessful.
20. Experiment 102006-A-166
Description: Test how SCP-102006 would work under the effect of SCP-178. 
Result: SCP-102006-1 was placed in a cell and ordered to wear SCP-178. The subject was not informed about the properties of the object. SCP-102006-1 complied, immideatly after SCP-102006-2 transformed SCP-102006-1 into creatured that they called "Wildmutt", however in 5 minutes after the transformation SCP-102006-1 disappeared in the green flash, leaving SCP-178 on the table where it originally were. As The Foundation Guards entered the cell SCP-178 began to levitate as if someone was holding it in their hands. Immideatly after that SCP-102006-1 in the green flash returned on the place. Later when SCP-102006-1 was asked about what happened, he answered that SCP-102006-2 scanned the SCP-178-1.
21. Experiment 102006-A-89
Description: Test how SCP-102006 would react under the affects of Amnesiacs. 
Result: SCP-102006-1 was placed in the experiment chamber with a set of Amnesiac pills, they were not informed about the properties of set pills. Set consisted of five pills: Class A, Class B, Class D, Class F and Class G; SCP-102006-1 was ordered to take pill of Amnesiac Class A, after taking it SCP-102006-1 stated that he have a minor headache, but it appeared that Amnesiac of Class A did not affected the Subject. Same Result happed with Class B, D and G Amnesiacs. As soon as SCP-102006-1 tried Class F Amnesiac, They had a lost look on their face, as if the Amnesiac had it's effect on the subject, however in 7 seconds of Amnesiac consumption, SCP-102006-2 produced sound effect "Danger to User's Memories and Identity had appeared. Back-Up Function activated." After that SCP-102006-1's Eyes began to glow green for a 10 seconds after that SCP-102006-1 returned to their original state. After the experiment SCP-102006-1 approached Dr.  ███, who was responsible for the experiment, and stated it would be rather unfortunate if Dr.  ███ would also loose their memories.
22. Experiment 102006-A-245
Description: A Field Operation and Test, How would SCP-102006-1 react on the anomalous abilities of SCP-1851. 
Result: SCP-102006-1 was given a brief information about the SCP-1851, after which they were sended towards the house of SCP-1851. At the time SCP-1851 was in the calm state. SCP-102006-1 entered the residence without any problems, within the time gap of 10 to 15 minutes Foundation staff ordered SCP-102006-1 to take one of the dolls that were located inside the house, as soon as SCP-102006-1 took a porcelain doll of a cat SCP-1851 went to the agressive state and attempted to attack SCP-102006-1. However SCP-102006-1 did not fell under the anomalous effect of SCP-1851, instead due the physical contact that SCP-1851 made with SCP-102006-2 her data were scanned by it. After approximately 30 minutes SCP-102006-1 left the territory of SCP-1851 with a cat doll in their hands.
Additional information: After the experiment, SCP-102006-1 used the transformation of SCP-1851 and used the anomalous abilities on the stolen cat doll, after that the doll returned to it's original form of a regular domestic cat.
23. Incident: 102006/239Involved SCPs: SCP-239, SCP-102006
Involved Personnel: None
Date: ████████
Location: ██████, Northern Canada
SCP-102006-1 stumbled upon the containment chamber of SCP-239. As SCP-102006-1 approached the chamber guards tried to stop them from entering, however by using one of their transformations SCP-102006-1 were able to make thme fell unconsious. When SCP-102006-1 entered the chamber, they used other transformation to deactivate the cameras. As soon as the additional guards appeared on the place, neither SCP-102006-1 or SCP-239 were inside the chamber. Approximately 9 hours later, both of them appeared inside the SCP-239's containment chamber, they had an casual conversation about the day they spend together. 10 minutes laterSCP-102006-1 put SCP-239 to sleep, They left the Containment chamber of SCP-239, after which Foundation Guards appeared on the scene. Foundation personnel hooked SCP-239 up to an ECG machine and an IV containing a solution of pentobarbital mixed with [REDACTED], near SCP-239 and items from the "Zoo Playground" were found on it, a zoo located in ███████ ( Among them: Panda Popcorn Bucket with Lanyard, Headband with Giraffe ears, Zoo Playground T-Shirt, Fairy Penguin and Bengal Tiger Plush Toys and Crocodile Keychain). Following the Incident, new security measures were added to SCP-239's containment chamber.

24. Experiment 102006-A-895
Description: Test how will SCP-102006-1 be affected by the real voice of SCP-336. He was not given any instructions.Result: SCP-102006-1 and SCP-336 were placed in one containment chamber, after that SCP-336 was ordered to turn off her voice modulator. Due the exposure of her voice, SCP-102006-1 began to feel first symptoms of usual effect that SCP-336 have. However in the case of SCP-102006-1, the usual effect of SCP-336's began work in the accelerated rate, as a result of that only in 2 minutes a 100 grams of unimportant organic tissues fell from SCP-102006-1 back. After that only within the time gap of 5-7 minutes the organic mass formed into an Adult Specimen of SCP-336-1 (With a elements of Kamori Goat and Burrowing Owl), later referred as SCP-336-06. SCP-336-06, unlike most of other SCP-336-1, is shown to have a same intellectual level as average human, SCP-336-06 is referring SCP-102006-1 as Father and SCP-336 as Mother, to her dismay. SCP-336-06 is shown to have a personality that appears to be a mix of SCP-102006-1 and SCP-336. While SCP-336 is not found of SCP-336-06, like every other specimen of SCP-336-1, SCP-102006-1 in other hand have a some form of fondness of SCP-336-06. SCP-336-06 later were given a name, Lilie Tennyson.

25. Incident: 102006/O5Involved SCPs: SCP-102006, ██████, ████████████, and ████Involved Personnel: O5 Council
Date: ████████Location: ██████
One day SCP-102006-1 appeared near ████████████ in ████████████. The Guards of the Facility have tried to stop SCP-102006-1, however at their attempt to do so SCP-102006-1 utilized the transformation of ████████████, to disarm and immobolize the guards within the facility. With a rapid speed SCP-102006-1 went towards the ████████████ were O5 Council were located. In ████████████████ ██████ ███████ █████ ████████████ ██████████ ████████  █████████ █████████  approached the Council with ████ ████████. After ████████████ and █████████████, SCP-102006-1 began to ████████████ ██████ ████████████ and ████████████. The result of that meeting is ████████████.
26. Experiment 102006-A-677
Description: Test how will SCP-102006-1 be affected by SCP-3660. He was given only basic instructions.Result: SCP-102006-1 was placed inside the experiment chamber, and later was given an instruction to put SCP-3660 on their chest. As SCP-102006-1 did that, SCP-102006-2 Immideatly transformed SCP-102006-1 into transformation that is known as "Blitzwolfer". After the transformation SCP-3660 fall on the ground, all later attempts of using SCP-3660 were unsuccessful.
27. Experiment 102006-A-"FUCKIN' BRIGHT!!!!!"-33
Description: Test how will SCP-102006-1 be affected by SCP-686. He was not given any instructions.Result: SCP-102006-1 was placed inside the experiment chamber, and given instructions to transform into one of the female transformations. After that SCP-102006-1 was given order to drink a little bit of SCP-686, after that the effect of SCP-686 began to slightly affect SCP-102006-1, the breast size of female transformation began to enhance, as lactation began. However after a certain point the physical transformations stopped. Dr. Bright, the one responsible for the experiment, ordered SCP-102006-1 to continue consumption of SCP-686, but SCP-102006-1 declined. After SCP-102006-1 returned to their original form, any signs of SCP-686's infection disappeared.
28. Experiment 102006-A-22
Description: An Attempt to clone SCP-102006-2 with SCP-038. He was not given any instructions.Result: SCP-102006-1 entered the containment chamber of SCP-038, he was ordered to touch the trunk of SCP-038 with SCP-102006-2. After a little conversation with Doctor responsible for the experiment, SCP-102006-1 finally agreed to touch the trunk. As soon as SCP-102006-1 did that, the fruits began to form on the branches of SCP-038, approximately after 2 minutes the fruits turned into the copies of SCP-102006-2. At First the experiment was considered a success, however after 1 minute from fruit ripening, Original SCP-102006-2 made a sound effect "An Attempt of Duplicated The Omnitrix had appeared. Duplication Disordering Function Activated", after which SCP-102006-2 began to produce waves of specific frequency that cause the all duplicates to explode, however this explosion did not caused any damage to SCP-038. The latter attempts of performing the same experiment led to the same result.
29. Unlike it's DNA Source, Party Animal is fully capable of not only speech, but also movements. However the passive anomalous abilities of SCP-956 is still intact, making pretty much anyone that comes close to Party Animal in the diameter of 25 feet a Living Pinatas as well. However it's not a death sentence to people, Because Party Animal also Piñata an ability to "heal" broken piñata parts of others, resulting it full healing from the breaking. It also works for people that have a severe blood losses or severed limbs cause as soon as Party Animal approaches them their body parts including blood turns into parts of the Piñata.
30. Other Ability that Party Animal Possess is ability to generate Candies with unique properties, such as It can make candies transform people into other representatives of that species, however it also able to give it other side effects, such as making people feeling more sleepy or paralyzing them for certain periods of time.
31. Party Animal have it's own catchphrase, which is "Let's Crash this Party!!!!"
32. Party Animal is not female, or male....It's just genderless.
33. Kevin Levin is afraid of Party Animal, at first he found the transformation hilarious, but later with time he actually became afraid of it......and Vulcanus too....Party Animal in general is pretty paradoxal transformation for Ben's Fans, from one side it's pretty cute, but from another it's also pretty scary. But it does have a fair share of fans.
34. One of the reasons why SCP Dimension is so.....Unstable, it's the fact that Foundation "resets" the universe everytime when something goes out of thier hands.

35. The Object number, SCP-102006, comes from two places, first is 10, which Ben's Lucky number and 2006, a year when Ben and Gwen went on their summer trip with Grandpa Max.
36. Personality of Party Animal is based on Rebecca from Cyberpunk: Edgerunners and Toph Beifong from Avatar: The Last Airbender. 
37. If Party Animal would a voice actress it would be Dawn M. Bennett.
38. Party Animal is one of few Ben's transformations that actually swears, and it's doing that quite a lot, however around children Party Animal hold itself as much as possible. It's Unknown why The Omnitrix gave Party Animal a Baseball Bat, However Party Animal (And Ben himself) is very good at using it as a weapon.
39. O5 Council knows Professor Paradox. While he's not a member of it, they consider him to be pretty influential and important person.
40. Ben still have a few things from adventure in Dimension 71. For example such as D-Class Jumpsuit, Access Key Cards of different levels, Copy of his own SCP Documents, but also some replicas of certain SCPs, such as 109 "Infinite Canteen", 458 "The Never-Ending Pizza Box", 005 "Skeleton Key". But also Ben was able to get his hands on the sapling of SCP-038, which he plant inside his pocket dimension, where it grew larger than SCP-038 that Foundation have under containment.

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