ssleepy — TWG: Dewpool (no longer active: ran away)

#app #application #cat #cats #twg #warriors #dewpool #warrior #warriorcats
Published: 2014-11-20 00:19:14 +0000 UTC; Views: 2001; Favourites: 19; Downloads: 1
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"How frail the human heart must be - a mirrored pool of thought."
-Sylvia Plath

Name Meaning=

Dew . His green-blue eyes are bright and shining like morning dew
pool . He is calm and thoughtful like undisturbed water 

Past Names| Dewy --> Dewkit --> Dewpaw
Nicknames| Dewy, Dew

Sex| Male

Gender| Male
Sexuality| Panromantic Bisexual (closeted)

DOB| July 27, 2012   Age| 27 moons (ca. 2 years)
Rank| Rogue ---> Kit --> Apprentice --> [Warrior]

|| Description ||

Breed| Short haired Moggy
Pelt|His fur is a sandy orange with dark chocolate patches, along with a white underbelly that spreads to his face to create a mask. Around his eyes are three tear drop marks, one for each cheek and another on his forehead. He is short haired but very fluffy.
Eyes|From where his very name stems from, they are a shining iridescent green with a hidden aqua blue in some lights. They are quite large for a cat and shine very brightly, like glistening dew.
Ears/Nose/Paws|Soft pink
Scars| A short cut under his right eye along with two long thin scars along his left shoulder and chest. Both received during the Great War. 
Scent| Clean, like the smell after rain. 
Voice| Captain America  (1:29 - 1:40)

|| Stats ||

| His best physical skill, Dewpool learned from a early age how to best maneuver DawnClan's trees. However this does not apply to rocky areas or mountains. 
Swimming| He doesn't really know how, having never truly been taught. 

Agility| He is a swift cat that can outrun most other toms in the forest, for he can make fast turns and scamper through tight spaces. However on a flat plain he is not quite as tricky and can be caught. 

Tactics| With his powers of observation and perception he can plan out many different outcomes to find a solution- if he wasn't so narcissistic however and actually listened to other cat's opinions then maybe he would be better. 

Endurance| Maybe it's his stubborn nature, but Dewpool can keep going for a while.

Fighting| Dewpool is a mess when it comes to 1 vs 1 combat, he needs his trees, his wits and sense of surprise to stay alive. 

Teamwork| How does one 'work with others?'

Eyesight| "I have /special/ eyes" aka, direct sunlight blinds him! Dewpool prefers the shades of the forest, or better yet, night time. 

Socializing| Dewpool is sometimes too distant for his own good, sometimes simply watching a conversation rather than joining in. 

Esteem| He is not that well known in the Clan despite living there his entire life. His impact on others is short lived. 

Self Esteem| While he does harbor a "I'm always right" attitude, deep in his heart Dewpool doesn't see much in himself and feels like he always has something to prove.

Other Facts:

-He is still in love with his traitorous lover, Wisp.

-He has a huge crush on Nettlenose from PebbleClan after meeting him when their two clans came together during the war.

- He has the trees of DawnClan memorized.

- His favorite prey includes any songbird. 

- He is ambidextrous.

- He is very neutral towards many he meets and does not feel the need to grow closer bonds.

- He is outside in the forest 90% of the time.

- He does not sleep enough.

- The wars he has been through have hardened him and unfortunately made him more violent and likely to outlash. 

- If he was in Hogwarts he’d be a Ravenclaw. 

- In Homestuck he'd awake on Prospit, his god tier being the Seer of Mind 


subject to change over time

Theme Song| Folds in Your Hands | Passion Pit

Definitely one to be seen as a loner, Dewpool is a sometimes distant tom who, despite the friends he created during his apprenticeship, can still be found wandering the forest on his own, more content with his own mind then the 'dabble' of others. Do not mistake him however, for he is a kind cat at heart and will fight for his Clan until StarClan themselves rain down- it could just take a while to unmask the shell he's hidden himself in. He is not a team player and his aloof ways are sure to frustrate any leader, for he will do what he deems necessary, sometimes ignoring direct orders. This unconventional attitude also applies to his 'love life', or whatever shreds of it remain, for this tom also secretly admires other toms, a trait unheard of in the Warrior Cat Clans, this is a touchy secret for the young cat. 


+|Cerebral|- He has always been an extraordinarily curious kit, from clan affairs to the ways of Twolegs- Dewpool wants to know what's up. He is always deep in thought and enjoys exploring the world of ideas, if you can get him into a talk about the workings of prey or the patterns in the sky get ready for a full out discussion on the how's, who's, and what's. However, his questioning nature can sometimes be seen as nosy, and while he is not one to gossip he is fascinated in other cat's lives. As an apprentice he focused this skill on mapping the tree systems of DawnClan and on tactful training, so he knows every groove and bump of almost all the territory. 

+|Achiever|- Forever a perfectionist, Dewpool has very high standards for himself. In this way he is very driven and motivated to get the job done in the most efficient and systematic way possible. However, he can sometimes be too uptight, and can get caught up in the details of things. Also, he can become almost authoritative or stingy when he wants something done, for he can be too critical of others. 

= |Introverted|- Dewpool is a quiet young tom, but please do not assume that that means he doesn't have anything to say. He just chooses to stay silent, and would rather watch others, observing is his favorite past-time. He also enjoys time alone, to recharge and rest his mind- quite honestly being 'round too many other cats drains him something awful, despite his stubborn endurance. So he always finds time to clear his thoughts.

-|Fleet|- Physically, like many other DawnClan cats, he is swift and quick on his feet. He can climb and jump from tree to tree with ease, and is very fit~ However he is also fleet in conversation, in mannerisms, and in relationships... He doesn't mean to be this way but he may find it difficult getting to really grow close to others. He wants to find lasting relationships, but for the moment he is so caught up in his studies that he often forgets such a thing as a social life! Unfortunately, this aloof cat has much to learn in the way of peer presentation.

-|Haughty|- Dewpool isn't necessarily egotistical, but he does have a selfish side. For one, he can't but help but think himself right- this could easily annoy many a cat, for he can quickly put down an idea before he has even tried it, simply because it does not meet his standard. This narrow-minded approach can lead to some trouble, and while Dewpool considers himself creative he has a lot to learn before he can get too full of himself. 

Brief History

[July 27th 2012] Born - [Dewy/Dewkit]

-Born into Grim and Raven’s Group, has vague memories of the dead clans and Spirit Lake.
-Parents died during the journey due to Two-leg tar toxins.
-Born as a rogue. Nicknamed Dewy until DawnClan is founded. Renamed to Dewkit.

[January 27th 2013]  Apprentice Ceremony - [Dewpaw]

-mentored by Wolfclaw- scared of him at first but grows to admire him.
-Taught by Mossheart to climb. This starts his love for the tree tops.
- Fought in the SnowClan vs. DawnClan war beside Wolfclaw.
-Accidently killed the SnowClan apprentice, Poppypaw, when he broke a large branch while ambushing other warriors.
- Tactics during the battle were recognized, given final assessment, passed with flying colors.

[September 20th 2013]  Warriors Ceremony and Warriorhood - [Dewpool]

-Becomes a warrior at 14 moons
- Used new freedom to explore forest, eventually memorizes tree routes
- MoonClan attacks during the DawnMoon War. Fights Nightfall and Ivymist with Minksong and Honeypaw
-Nightfall is killed and Dewy is knocked unconscious
-Awakes in vet care hospital, meets Wisp.
-Both escape. Dewpool convinces Wisp to return to DawnClan with him.
-Dewpool falls madly in love with the other tom and they become mates.
-Wisp betrays Dewpool, turns out he has many other lovers
-Dewpool returns home without Wisp, feeling broken 

[July 5th 2014] War - [Dewpool]

-Returns to the Great War, meets Nettlenose and other pebbleclanners
-Develops a strong crush on Nettlenose
-Fights in the big battle, teams up with Nettlenose, Beeflight, Duskfire, Shadepaw and others
-Gets his scars from Fadingbreeze and Ashensky (on face and chest) 
-The war ends, takes a few weeks to recover strength. Thinks of Nettlenose often. 
-Is given Sunnypaw as an apprentice. 

[Valentine's Day 2015] Distance - [Dewpool]

-Sunnypaw graduates into Sunnydream. 
-Dewpool stops talking to other cat's in the clan.
-He finds Nettlenose in DawnClan territory. Nettlenose has come to say his final goodbyes after running away from his family in PebbleClan.
-Dewpool admits his affections and runs away with the tom.
-Dewpool and Nettlenose are mates.



subject to change over time

*If I forget anyone please let me know*

|| Family ||

Mother: Unknown
Father: Unknown

Siblings: Unknown

Uncle(s): N/A
Aunt(s): N/A

Grandmother (mom side): Unknown.
Grandfather (mom side): Unknown.

Grandmother (dad side): Unknown.
Grandfather (dad side): Unknown.

Mate: Nettlenose
Past Mates: Wisp
Kits: N/A

Former Mentor: Wolfclaw
Current Apprentice: none
Past Apprentice: Sunnydream

|| Clan Relationships ||

 = Stranger |    = Curious of 
 = Acquaintance |    = Friend
 = Good Friend |   = Best Friend
 = Family |   = Related to
 = Ally |   = Respects
 = Uncertain of/ Danger |   = Enemy
 = Dislikes |    = Hates
 = Crush |   = Love
:bademoticon: Unknown state


Cinderstar|  | |
My admirable leader- She has picked this clan up from the ashes and has helped it grow into what it is today. Her hardworking demeanor and enthusiastic attitude are quite respectable to me. 

Mossheart|  | |
My deputy, or at least, she was at the time of my apprenticeship. I've learned a lot from her, including my climbing skills!

Tinypaw|  | |  |
As apprentices we grew closer, even when she moved on to become the medicine cat apprentice we still hung out. On coming back to the clan I've discovered that she has become the medicine cat officially, and I must admit I'm proud of her. Once upon a time I even harbored a... crush on this she-cat, however those feelings have faded- besides she is a medicine cat now and must focus on her studies.

Wolfclaw||  | |
My mentor, time has taken him but during his prime he was a very powerful and wise teacher. I hope he finds the forests of StarClan to his liking. 

Mistflight| | |
She was new to the clan when I was apprenticed, saying she was once a kittypet. I found her stories fascinating and sitting with her to talk didn't drain me like it did for other cats. We haven't talked in a bit since I'v become a warrior, I wonder what she's up to. I miss our talks, despite our age differences we could really relate to each other. 

Dreamfrost| | |
A dreaming cat who may be even shier than me. She opened up to me about the two cat visions she saw, and together we became good companions. I've talked to her since my return and she has really changed, she has a sunny-side to her like no other. However I've changed a lot as well... I hope my new self does not turn her away. 

Plumpaw|  |  |
The past medicine cat, she lost all her memory and now lives as an elder. I feel kinda bad for her... she was interesting to talk to for she lived a kittypet life beforehand. 

Frogeye|  | |
A biting little abrasive thing... He's small but has a mean mouth. I'm curious of him but at the same time want to keep far away.

Fireblaze| |||
A mother during the Great War, she was taken too soon... We were apprentices together,way back when Mossheart taught us both to climb. 

Beeflight| |||
I went hunting with this younger warrior and found them very respectful, something that surprised me. Not because of anything to do with her, mostly that I feared on returning to DawnClan I would have been forgotten... I would like to go hunting with this she-cat again one day.

Duskfire| |||
I also hunted with this tom, however he was much quieter... this I liked. 

Trickleleaf|| |
A very fun cat to talk too, not boring in the slightest... which is new. She has an adventurous heart, it makes me wonder where she'll end up. 


Fishpaw| ||
She is... loud... and cheery. But that's fine, it just means I don't need to speak as much to entertain the conversation. I also taught her some basic tree climbing, not very useful in PebbleClan but I guess that's my attempts at being 'friendly'.

Cloudypaw| |
A shy little thing, she is quite nice though. Hopefully I didn't scare her off. 

Birchleap| |
He is a devoted father, which I find admirable... other than that he is a mystery to me. 

Mushroomkit| |
Poor thing doesn't even seem aware of the war, still, seeing such innocence in these dark times is uplifting. 

Nettlenose| |||
D-Don't look at me like that... He's, well, he is suffering inside, a tom with his past to claw at his heels. Honestly he really is socially deprived and rambles on about anything and everything but... I think I like that, despite our differences we understand what the other went through once upon a time. I... really ought to not get so sentimental about such things, I need to think it over more... Besides he has a family now so I hear, it's quite... wonderful.


-None Yet


Poppypaw|| |
The apprentice I accidentally killed in the SnowClan vs. DawnClan War. I never meant to take her life, only fight for my Clan so that we could have a chance of winning...


-None Yet

|Outside the Clans|

Wisp|  |:bademoticon: |  | |
Once the love of my life, he turned away from me... I haven't seen him since our fight and I fear I may never hold him again. But maybe it is all for the best, for he never truly loved me anyways...

|| Trivia ||

- Dewpool has gone through one design change- I simplified his darker markings so I could draw him at better angles

-His name was to be Dewdrop but Cinder accidently wrote it as Dewpool- in the end I liked this new name more and felt it matched his personality better.

-He is my first TWG character and has changed personalities a ton! He is my most developed warrior character.

-Seriously, he was once a really preppy apprentice who wanted to know EVERYONE. How times change.

-I love his eyes so much, they basically started his design and character.

-Technically his DOB should be October 27, 2013 based on his age when I created him - but he aged a bit ahead of real time so I had to edit it! 

Roleplay Preferences

✔ Notes | good

✔ Skype | perfectly fine

✔ Chats | not my fave but i'm flexible

✔ Forum | good

✔ Comments | n' dandy

✔  G/PG | boring

✔ PG-13 | yup

✔ Mature | y e s  p l e a s e

✔ Crack | yas

Dewpool © ssleepy
TWG © Nixhil
Application Sheet © PatchyFallenstar
Warriors © Erin Hunter

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Comments: 59

ssleepy In reply to ??? [2014-11-24 17:06:14 +0000 UTC]

he's soso important to me i mean man
it's crazy to think I've had him so long now! he's my presh babe ;v; 
they are so ridiculous tsundere but just, work so well
it rolls off the mind like a tasty fondue

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Nugchuppy [2014-11-21 08:38:50 +0000 UTC]

dewpool is my absolute fav omg
he has such an amazing and pretty design and wHAT A STUD
And his personality is also so amazing eee

I love this guy

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ssleepy In reply to Nugchuppy [2014-11-21 09:54:57 +0000 UTC]

oh my gosh r-really / o \
that means so dang much to me 
thank you sweetie <3 c: 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

PatchyFallenstar [2014-11-20 19:10:03 +0000 UTC]

love this cutie ;u;

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ssleepy In reply to PatchyFallenstar [2014-11-20 23:56:53 +0000 UTC]

you're the cutie 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

PatchyFallenstar In reply to ssleepy [2014-11-21 18:40:44 +0000 UTC]

you're the cutiest

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ssleepy In reply to PatchyFallenstar [2014-11-24 21:40:05 +0000 UTC]

You're the cutiestest

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

PatchyFallenstar In reply to ssleepy [2014-11-25 19:06:56 +0000 UTC]

youre the cutiestesterest

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ssleepy In reply to PatchyFallenstar [2014-11-25 19:26:05 +0000 UTC]

alright I see where this is going
with sugar on top

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

PatchyFallenstar In reply to ssleepy [2014-11-25 19:47:50 +0000 UTC]

times that by three, and you got yourself

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ssleepy In reply to PatchyFallenstar [2014-11-25 20:50:16 +0000 UTC]

oh no oh no i see your tricky games
times your solution by 5 and you'll see yourself 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

PatchyFallenstar In reply to ssleepy [2014-11-29 21:28:29 +0000 UTC]


whoa man,


calm down yo

raise your solution to the 10th power and bam there u are

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ssleepy In reply to PatchyFallenstar [2014-11-30 00:23:35 +0000 UTC]

I see that tiny little ittsy bits sneaky attack thing 
i see it
eyes on the back of my head man
take your number and just...
know what replace it with infinity
everything is infinite 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

PatchyFallenstar In reply to ssleepy [2014-11-30 07:17:02 +0000 UTC]

I...........I can't even counter that 

you are just literally the best ;u;

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ssleepy In reply to PatchyFallenstar [2014-11-30 07:38:33 +0000 UTC]

you are infinite
you are free
know that nothing can ever capture you, your heart too much too much
your mind, too fair too faaaiirrr
this is it, but never the end
only the start of a new beginning 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

PatchyFallenstar In reply to ssleepy [2014-11-30 08:09:34 +0000 UTC]

;O; sleeps im running out of new and exciting compliments to give you because as always im just baffled by how frickin amazing you are can we be best friends forever

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ssleepy In reply to PatchyFallenstar [2014-11-30 08:20:44 +0000 UTC]

you grace me with too much honestly 

pls be my bff till end of time

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

PatchyFallenstar In reply to ssleepy [2014-11-30 08:24:26 +0000 UTC]

HHHHH i dont grace u with nearly enough you are a goddess

done, stamped, we are bffsies forever I will draw you gift art from time to time just expect it now

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ssleepy In reply to PatchyFallenstar [2014-11-30 08:40:42 +0000 UTC]

NOOOOOO- oh my god i cant even believe how amazing you are okay
so justjust //scrambles//trips//jubilation 
you are amazing

and this shall be a two way street hohoho expect lil goodies in good time yesyes
the world will be filled with our creations

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

PatchyFallenstar In reply to ssleepy [2014-12-04 19:32:15 +0000 UTC]

FILLED oh man im so excited ;O;

//showers u in presents and flowers

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Furdora [2014-11-20 15:50:52 +0000 UTC]

you handsome stud < 3333

//finally done that roleplay that might strongly hint Nettles feelings for Dew resemble his for Moth hahahahahha insomemanneratleast;3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ssleepy In reply to Furdora [2014-11-20 23:57:59 +0000 UTC]

omg noooo
//dew blush// <3 <3 <3 

I just read it and gosh darn it you're one of the best roleplayers ever and this just proves it all the more oh man
ill reply yes yes

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Furdora In reply to ssleepy [2014-11-21 00:16:50 +0000 UTC]

Omggg yessss
//can't picture Dew with anything other than a manly face, so I'm imagining manly blushes ugguu// ; v ; /

Oh glob oh gosh no way no way, but thank you for the compliment. Just ahhh nonono, I don't ever know how to feel about my writing. As I said, I stream of consciousnessed that one, so it's all sorts of rambles. ;v;

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ssleepy In reply to Furdora [2014-11-21 00:25:46 +0000 UTC]

he looks off, a serious man of action
tiny little pink flecks adorn his cheeks 

i mean every word lil bird~ <3 srs you are one of my fave peeps to rp with and itS A TRAGEDY WE ARENT IN THE SAME CLAN SO WE CANT RP ALL OF OUR CHARACTERS SRS THIS BUMS ME OUT SO MUCH why is the world so cruel 
but anyways you are amazing and i always alwaaaaysss so look forward to your writing ;0; 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Furdora In reply to ssleepy [2014-11-23 19:28:12 +0000 UTC]

Lil animu bby blush to accompany
man features
it would make the most aesthetic picture ever seen

We'll just snatch up every gathering and border rp we can take and cry over it a lot

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ssleepy In reply to Furdora [2014-11-24 21:04:16 +0000 UTC]

Just the tiniest dabbles
And he'll dare detest anyone who looks his way!
"Good sir do not stare at me so... no that is not blush, merely the suns rays and a bit of rain in my eye- I am not staring at my future with loveless abandon certainly not"

But you are correct this can only lead to some of the most lovely interactions
As they say, distance makes the heart grow fonder ;o;

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Birbtaur [2014-11-20 04:20:21 +0000 UTC]

wana roleplay with Trickleleaf? (Yes I know I roleplay to much, but I don't have a life so it works fine)

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ssleepy In reply to Birbtaur [2014-11-20 04:26:27 +0000 UTC]

oh sure I'd love to c: wanna start here in the comments?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Birbtaur In reply to ssleepy [2014-11-20 04:30:10 +0000 UTC]

Sure ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ssleepy In reply to Birbtaur [2014-11-20 05:54:00 +0000 UTC]

I'll start if that's chill~ I'll just start casually:

The autumn winds were shuffling Dewpool's fur into a messy mat, one he slowly fixed as he licked his chest, his tongue careful of the new scars he had gained from the battle. He was still healing and sore, his eyes squinting into the sun as he wished for it to set already so he could just pass out and sleep the night away. Sighing he contented himself with observing the warriors about him, their daily activities trivial but distracting enough.  

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Birbtaur In reply to ssleepy [2014-11-21 02:42:17 +0000 UTC]

It's chill *puts on skater hat and does a peace sign* Bro. 

Trickleleaf looked around,her grey pelt fluffing up to keep her a slight bit warmer. She spotted a cat from across the clearing, curious, she padded over. She had never seen this cat aside from causal camp activities, and was exited to learn who this cat was
"Hello, my names trickleleaf* she intoduced herself in a friendly tone. She smiled a tiny smile, and flicked her ear slightly.

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ssleepy In reply to Birbtaur [2014-11-21 06:39:38 +0000 UTC]

dude. *picks u up and slam dunks u* thats what i call getting vertical 

Dewpool perked up as the young she-cat addressed him. He was silent a moment, his large jewel-like eyes glancing to the left and right. Surely this young lady wasn't talking to /him/- it was quite odd to him when cats so easily started a conversation, for he was one to never indulge but simply watch from afar. He gave a polite nod "Trickleleaf... I believe we have not met" He recognized her from the camp but realized the two had never spoken "My name is Dewpool..." he flicked an ear, head back as he examined her "and...what is it that you need?" 

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Birbtaur In reply to ssleepy [2014-11-21 21:52:24 +0000 UTC]

That's radical, bro.

Trickleleaf looked up "I... Just wanted to start a conversation..." She flicked her ear as she rambled "you know, it's lonely in camp and everyone is busy and I just wanted to talk to some cat..." She nervously looked over, licking her shoulder to feel less emberassed. 

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ssleepy In reply to Birbtaur [2014-11-24 21:39:22 +0000 UTC]

Dude. *punts into orbit* bro.

Dewpool examined her with his sparkling green eyes, the glassy stare piercing despite a simple clenching of his jaw, neither happy nor upset. "I see" he mewed, realizing her uncomfortable stance "in that case it is quite alright... would you like to share the day's news over a meal?" He offered, nodding toward the fresh kill pile.

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Birbtaur In reply to ssleepy [2014-11-24 21:52:05 +0000 UTC]

She responded briefly "Sure.... I'm pretty hungry so that'll work..." She looked up from her licking, her pale green eyes landing on the older warrior. She then broke off from the natural direction of their gaze and settled on the fresh kill pile. 

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ssleepy In reply to Birbtaur [2014-11-24 22:09:42 +0000 UTC]

Dewpool nodded in response, his cool gaze still on the younger feline as he got up "you may wait here, I can bring us both some prey" he looked into those pale eyes as he asked, hoping to seem polite in his offer "does any particular animal satisfy you? Bird... mouse?"

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Birbtaur In reply to ssleepy [2014-11-24 22:35:07 +0000 UTC]

"I like doves" she meowed in response, flicking her tail "Is that alright with you?" 

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ssleepy In reply to Birbtaur [2014-11-24 23:53:55 +0000 UTC]

He gave a short nod and padded off, returning a moment later with two doves hanging limply from his maw. Giving one to Trickleleaf, he found a comfortable spot before her, pawing his own dove before looking up from the bird. "I find myself a fan of birds as well" He mewed, wiping a feather off his whiskers as he took a bite. "Their wings aren't just tasty but also fascinate me... if you had wings, and could fly like a bird... where would you go?" He asked, a curious flare in his eyes. It was his habit to turn small talk into a series of interviews, always so inquisitive of what others would think of such things. From the way rain fell through leaves to the sun's path in the sky, every morsel of sight was an investigation to the warrior. 

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Birbtaur In reply to ssleepy [2014-11-25 00:22:41 +0000 UTC]

She prodded her birds wing, a bit currious of why dewpool would ask her that. "I guess... I'd fly everywhere. I don't like to be positioned in one place, I like constant travel... I miss it, back in my old life, we would travel all the time. It's hard to get that feeling back when I'm inside a cage... The whole world is out there, and I'm stuck in a small teritory. I know everything about here... And it's boring... I wish the clan could move every day... Not stay in one place... Be flexible. We would adapt to new statagies, catch new prey, and not have to worry about other clans... Think how currious the kits would be, and how much we would learn from the constant travel... I know it's stupid to think it coould happen, but it would be awesome if it did."

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ssleepy In reply to Birbtaur [2014-11-25 00:50:33 +0000 UTC]

Dewpool chewed, thinking to himself as he took in the vast inquiry of his acquaintance, his brow rising in some surprise at not just the detail of her answer but the insight into a new life. He considered her idea, an impressed smile flashing for a second, a rare flicker before morphing back into his neutral poker face. "I don't think it's 'stupid', merely unconventional... you have an interesting idea of travel, would this be such as that of a nomadic life? I've heard of cats that live this way, loners that travel and have such... amazing stories to share..." he eyed the she-cat "what was your old life about? Did you not live in DawnClan from birth?" 

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Birbtaur In reply to ssleepy [2014-11-25 01:30:22 +0000 UTC]

She responded in a neutral tone, surprised she did not get emotional "Of corse I didn't! I saw so much stuff in my time as a kitten... Me and my family traveled all the time, going to different places in the time my mom was alive. After that we mainly went to a place where the sun met a body of water, it was deep and blue, bluer then any lake I'd ever seen, Though the water was foul tasting. Sometimes two legs would come and make mounds of some yellowish dirt there that was finner then the corse dirt that was close by.  My dad said that it was called an "Ocean". I was about 9 moons old the last time I went. It's quite far from here and wasn't quite a paradise... But it was fun. I think the nomadic life would serve well from the clan, kits would see outstanding sights and medicine cats would learn new herbs, also learn new uses and ways to connect with starclan. It would benifit the clan in an astonishing fashion of knowladge and we would reach a new level of understanding that we couldn't achieve by staying in the territory's."

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ssleepy In reply to Birbtaur [2014-11-25 01:44:31 +0000 UTC]

Dewpool curled his tail about his body, his eyes even as he hid a content smile under his lips, a pleasurable purr escaping him. It has seems, that by some mere luck and fortune he had met another intellect, another cat to share his wonderings and curiosity! Excited by all the knowledge he could absorb from this cat he leaned forward, a gleam shining from him "I completely understand! To be able to roam freely and discover new lands... new worlds even... I often wonder what is out there, for in the time I myself was swept away from the clan I saw so much it only fueled my need to explore..." He stared at Trickleleaf "This ocean... I've heard of it before from... past friends... but have never seen it, is it by any chance close to what some call a 'city'? That is all of the outside world I saw, for you see I was once captured by two-legs" he shook his head "But that is a long story, all I need say is that the lands beyond our territories are very dangerous yet so... mystifying... I am not sure how a clan would fair, for ours is so large, however if we were slit into smaller factions then maybe... I just know the clans of now would never leave their homeland without StarClan's blessing." 

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Birbtaur In reply to ssleepy [2014-11-25 02:29:56 +0000 UTC]

She smiled "The ocean was fairly close to the city where I lived.. That's why we went there all the time. I'm sure if starclan knew the wonders to find out there, they would allow the cats of the clans to expand and travel, knowing we would all discover the Magestic traits the world has to offer! If we could somehow pursuade the clans that this homeland is to small for the clans, that if they split, and had their medicine cats and former medicine cats in each group, they would be able to have a beter life... I wonder if it would take much or little to nothing to make most cats leave... I belive that if all of the cats from all of the clans split up into tiny groups, we could move quicker and learn more, see the wonderful sights that lay beyond the territory's. It would astonishing and take most cats breaths away."

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ssleepy In reply to Birbtaur [2014-11-26 04:30:51 +0000 UTC]

He nodded in interest, storing away her words into his inner encyclopedia "It sounds so artistic, to be able to travel and learn as one wished..." he agreed, but her words still hinted a certain radicality to them that made him stop a moment and think "I couldn't say for sure what would be best for the clan... I hate to remain neutral, but both options have their own risks... We are certainly outgrowing these territories" He could only think of the latest war when he trailed off "But at the same time cats have spent their entire lives here, it would be a miracle for them to consider it. Leaving poses it's own dangers, for while the unknown is full of wonder it is also such an ambitious and dangerous undertaking. The teaching that'd have to be implemented for cats who only know one type of territory, the base of knowledge that'd need to be expanded so rapidly... to survive we'd literally all be apprentices again, desperately trying to learn about the new lands and adapt. When I was in the city, as much as it was eye opening I was also lucky to escape! Only with the help of an alley cat could I have hoped to find my way home" He spoke quickly but at the mention of this cat he slowed, his eyes looking away uncomfortably. 

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Birbtaur In reply to ssleepy [2014-11-26 15:37:49 +0000 UTC]

She nodded "Yes, both opinions do have their own risks. But sometimes certain risks are worth taking, depending on what you want or who you want to be.. But it is highly unlikely the clans would agree to leaving the homelands of here.. It would really depend on what cats were making the final choice." She paused, looking around to make sure no cats were over hearing "Some cats would riot against any choice Cinderstar or any other leader had implemented. So I guess it's best not to stretch it out to any other cats, for some would think were crazy old bats and need to be questioned for sanity."

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ssleepy In reply to Birbtaur [2014-11-29 05:49:03 +0000 UTC]

Dewpool grew silent a moment, a single leaf, cracked and brown, blowing between them as he looked off. "Yes, we could be called off as mad wouldn't we?" He chuckled, shaking his head before looking at Trickleleaf carefully "Would you ever consider leaving the clan? You seem... unhappy... to be here in this single world... To be honest you sound like the adventuring type" He folded his paws together, finishing his dove off with a lick of his maw. 

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Birbtaur In reply to ssleepy [2014-11-29 07:06:42 +0000 UTC]

She slightly frowned "I... Don't know.... Maybe I would leave if I could... But I'm here, and unhappy or not this is where my life is layed out for." She flicked her tounge around her lips, getting the remenats of her dove off her muzzle.

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ssleepy In reply to Birbtaur [2014-11-29 16:08:47 +0000 UTC]

Dewpool shook his head "That is no fair to you... to be unhappy in the clan is a disservice, maybe you should talk to Cinderstar on this manner... she once was a traveler of a sort. I think she'd understand... and besides, as leader she's bound to hear your woes" He let himself smile, amused to imagine the cranky leader surrounded by annoyed kitties. 

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Birbtaur In reply to ssleepy [2014-11-29 19:15:05 +0000 UTC]

She looked down, shuffling her paws. "Look, I'm in the clan and that was my choice. If I wanted to have traveled more I would have, but I didn't. And now I'm sorry for that but my choice is made. I could be a traveler if I wanted, but I've learned that clan comes first, and that's my life, happy or not."

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ssleepy In reply to Birbtaur [2014-11-30 00:14:18 +0000 UTC]

Dewpool thought for a moment, he would be one to argue, he once almost put his own adventurous love before the clan, but with a sigh he knew that if that was her choice, then so be it, "I respect that" He mewed "Just never lose... yourself... though it is quite well looked upon to be so loyal to the clan. Make it known and others will only respect you more." He nodded, knowing how important esteem was in a system like this, not that he did much in particular to boost his own rank. 

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