Staniqs — tpt || stjarnor, the fallen light

#nor #tpt #stjarnor
Published: 2017-12-01 09:06:17 +0000 UTC; Views: 10331; Favourites: 165; Downloads: 7
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let's get heckin P U M P E D my favorite character EVER is back in business

6/23/18 - helllllooo new app art + some dope scars from Trial 4

i came here for sanctuary
away from the winds and the sounds of the city
i came here to get some peace
way down deep where the shadows are heavy 


name stjärnor (shar-NORE) - most cats cannot pronounce her name correctly, so she usually introduces herself as Nor ; means 'stars' in swedish

gender female

age 6 years 

breed american wirehair (paternal) x black tuxedo american longhair (maternal) 

voice anni-frid lyngstad

playlist spotify link  

soul class black soul  --   level 005 ; full power 
    Level 5 black souls can make their body completely transparent, even invisible to another black soul. Can create up to three “shadow” versions of themselves that are tangible. However, these shadow versions cannot go where the user cannot see.
level 001 to level 002 Draw your cat’s frustration or excitement about their power.
level 002 to level 003 Draw or roleplay your cat practicing their newfound power!
level 003 to level 004   Draw or roleplay your cat struggling with their power or the knowledge of their soul class/shade.
level 004 to level 005   Draw or roleplay your cat either A| Coming to terms with their soul class if they were upset/disturbed by it, OR B| Draw or roleplay your cat during a pivotal moment during their life, can be before or during the trials.  
helena's feather
physical description 
Stjärnor is very tall; she stands about 10.5 inches at the shoulder. From nose to the base of her tail, she's about 17 inches long, with a long, long-furred tail. She has long and slim legs; good for moving long distances but not for fighting. She has large ears and medium-length fur (except for on her tail). 
Nor's markings are primarily black and white, though upon closer inspection one can tell that there is a large amount of grays mixed in as well. Across her forehead, shoulders, and rump, there are random white furs in the black. These white furs reminded her mother of the stars, which she hadn't seen clearly for a very long time. She was given her name because of these stars. Nor has yellow-orange eyes and a pink nose and pink pawpads of the same color. Other than her face, all of her markings are symmetrical.
Each and every one of Nor's visible scars are from Trial 4. She has had plenty of smaller scars under her fur from years prior, but nothing had quite beaten her down like the Last City had. The scars across her face are both from Souta. The scars on her left paw are also from Souta driving spikes of ice through her paw pad. The cut on her ear is from a Trial 4 dog, when Souta had turned its attention towards her. The big scar across her right shoulder is from Sunder's blue soul poison, who was under Helena's influence. 
items none; nor used to wear filthy, torn rags around her neck, shoulders, and head when she lived in the wastelands; she abandoned them at the gate to paradise, though. 


|| protective || distrusting || wary || closed || dry || intense || motivated ||
If you have earned Nor's trust, there is very little she wouldn't do for you. Hell, even if she didn't trust you, she'd probably still protect you to some degree. She has accepted her overwhelming will to save everyone, but she expects nothing in return. In fact, she halfway expects others to betray her, even if she's helped them in the past. She knows that most cats will do anything to survive, even if it means turning their backs on her.

As seen above, Nor trusts hardly anyone. Betrayal and survival go hand-in-hand, so she doesn't expect anyone to ever stay loyal to her in tough situations. She believes that everyone needs to do what they have to to survive, so why would they hesitate to save their own life if it only meant betraying her? She doesn't hate the cats who turn on her because she knows some decisions can mean the difference between death and survival. 

Unsuprisingly, Nor is extremey wary of other cats. Just because she understands betrayal doesn't mean she has to like it. She has found that in the past, she can grow dangerously emotionally attached to other cats, which just makes it worse when they turn on her. Better to be safe than sorry. 

It's pretty difficult to get anything out of Nor. Her past, her hobbies, her family, anything. The less others know about her, the harder it is for them to use something against her in the future. It's also harder for her to get attached to them. 

Nor has a very dry and sarcastic sense of humor that some find endearing and some find insulting. She can crack a good joke with a completely straight face, making everyone unsure if she was trying to be funny or not, and then crack a slight smile to clue them in. It's probably her most endearing personality trait. 

Nor tends to take everything pretty seriously. To her, every action is life-or-death, dangerously teetering on the line between survival and failure. Nor will not hesitate to scold a cat who she doesn't think is taking something seriously enough. As the pessimist she is, she believes that all of their lives are expendable and extremely fragile. 

Ever since birth, Nor has been taught just one thing: survive. Do whatever it takes to keep on breathing. It takes a lot to slow her down, and she does not falter easily. Resilient and level-headed, she will push and push until she knows she has succeeded. When she was young, the other cats in her crew were shocked by how much work she put into everything. That strength and endurance has not faltered with age.  
-- In her wasteland days, Nor was a very skilled theif. Her crew often put her in charge of the stealth missions and quick kills. 
-- Nor never knew her father, and her mother never spoke of him. She assumes that if any of her siblings made it into the trials, they long since died at Oordeel's paw, and if they did not find the trials, the crumbling wasteland would soon kill them. 
-- Nor kept a stash of pieces of wood near her crew's camp; she enjoyed carving them with her claws and staining them with dirt, ash, leaves, and berries in her free time. 
-- Will likely never be willing to have kits with anyone; she believes the world is too harsh for youth and innocence. 
-- Nor refuses to acknowledge Oordeel as her god; she doesn't see why a god would ever be so cruel to his children. 
-- Nor's biggest fear is other cats learning the secret of what she did during the first trial and turning on her. 
-- Character loosely based on Vin from the Mistborn Trilogy.
-- Nor gets crushes annoyingly easily, which is hard for her to deal with. 
-- Nor admires hopeful, happy, and loving cats. 
-- Nor has a very commanding presence, but has no interest in being any sort of leader. 
-- She uses her new black soul skills to create carved figurines to decorate the jungle camp with.
-- Nor's shadow beasts look similar to her with white pinholes of light piercing through them. They look like chunks of a starry night sky walking around. 
-- Nor hasn't found a good use for her invisibility yet, as she's always been stealthy anyway. She mostly uses it to hide herself when she doesn't want others see her doing something she finds embarrassing.
-- Nor's newfound hatred for Souta is a new motivator; she sees him as a terrible threat to the success of the Trials and is willing to do anything to stop him from ruining anyone's chances of survival.  
-- The scars across her face serve as a reminder for what happened in Trial 4-- she fought Souta but wasn't able to kill him. The scars motivate her to finish the job.
-- She doesn't mind the scar on her shoulder; she feels it was a sort of payment for her taking the sight from one of Sunder's eyes, but that doesn't stop her from feeling horribly guilty for what she did.  

   Stjärnor was born with no siblings; at least, no living ones. Her mother, Marian, had birthed many litters, but Nor was of her last. Nor was born prematurely after her pregnant mother got into a horrible fight. Her birth was likely the last day her mother showed her any sort of love or sympathy. 

    Marian was the hired actress for a crew of theives. One of the crew's specialty tricks was sending in a damsel in distress to a well-off village or group of felines, then destroying their leadership and taking their riches, food, and kits. Marian was one of their best 'damsels', as well as a skilled spy and assassin. Nomac, the crew's leader and an astoundingly horrid cat, had stolen Marian from her clan when she was a kit, though she hardly remembers the experience. Nomac had been a lowly theif on the crew those days, but had gotten a creepy reputation of stealing kits from nests...he began to be known as Nomac the Bereaver. It was no shock to anyone that he rose to power in the crew. To those who knew the notorious crew, they were often referred to as the Orphans. The Orphans were a powerful lot, feared by most, traveling the forests of the wastelands in search of new targets. They did not, however, work well together. Thefts within the crew were common, as were random members turning up dead in the morning, but Nomac never put an end to this. Some whispered that he was often the one killing his own members in the night. Nor never doubted the claims. 

    Marian was not kind to Nor; beatings and abuse were frequent, but Nor knew it was just because Marian wanted her daughter to survive, and coddling and kindness were not going to help her in the wasteland. Nor took the beatings and fights grudgingly. Marian always warned her to never trust anyone on the crew, because anyone could turn on her at any moment. Nor didn't have friends growing up. She rarely talked, she rarely interacted with her crewmates. Nomac only noticed her light step and stealth because of her well-known mother. Before Nor was even a year old, Nomac started putting her on the missions to kill the leadership of feline clans. Her mother would go into camps, feigning injuries, find out information about the group, relay the information to her daughter, who would use that to send the groups into turmoil. They were an effective team, and the mother-daughter duo became irreplaceable to Nomac. With the two working together, the Orphans always had food and plenty of land, and seeing the power Nomac held, many felines from the groups they stole from turned to join him. His domain was growing. 

    On the morning that Nomac turned up dead, the Orphans spun into chaos. Nor assumes that one of the cats they let into the group felt that a little vengenace was in order and had Nomac killed...not that it mattered. All that mattered was that Nor survived. Since Nomac kept a large stash of his riches hidden somewhere near the camp, everyone immediately went out to find, killing crewmate in the process. Nor didn't care about the riches. She wanted to survive. She wanted to leave. There were other members like her; ones that were only looking out for themselves, ones that just wanted to get out. They hid in the camp, hiding, not speaking to each other, trying to decide what to do next. One of them stepped forward; a cat with blood on her paws and a fire in her eyes. Terryn, the cat who had killed Nomac. She said that she had killed Nomac because she needed a crew for herself; a crew that she could lead to the Gates of Paradise. Nor had never heard of such a thing, but this Terryn spoke of a lush world with plenty of prey and no death, where no one would need to fight or kill again. She spoke of the scholars who had told her of place, and the prediction that their dark wasteland of a world was ending soon. Nor didn't care much for the lavish speech, but leaving her life of assassinations and theiving behind didn't sound too bad, so she went to find her mother. 

    By this time, Marian was getting old. As she led her mother to the place where Terryn's followers were gathering, she stopped. She told her daughter that she would never make it to a place called Paradise. Nor assured her that she would help her, and it wouldn't be a problem. Marian was disappointed in Nor; had she learned nothing? Anyone will betray you. You shouldn't be so willing to help everyone. Nor was too soft, too kind. The world would be unforgiving. So Marian attacked Nor. It wasn't until after Nor had killed Marian and was leaving the wasteland forests behind that she realized exactly why her mother had gone for her throat. Marian was teaching her one last lesson, reminding her one more time; betrayal is inevitable. 

    As they crossed the deserts of the wastelands, many cats died. Terryn pushed onward, though, positive that the Gate was near. Other cats questioned her knowledge, but she never offered explanation. Many cats abandoned them to go back to the forests. Nor never left Terryn, though. She had nothing else to go back to. Eventually they reached a door with a glowing green symbol carved into the wood; but they weren't alone. Many other cats were settled around outside, as if they had been waiting. Apparently, no one knew how to actually open it. Terryn told her group to wait with the others until someone came up with a solution. 

    A few days later, or perhaps weeks, Nor isn't quite sure, the Gate opened. Nor didn't know if someone had done it, or if it had done it on it's own accord. What was waiting for them on the other side wasn't exactly what they'd all been expecting. A god. A black cat with feathered wings and a gold bangle around its neck...going on about half-souls and trials and, there, the one thing Nor had been waiting for; Paradise. 

    Paradise was not what Nor had been hoping for. Oordeel was cruel. The minute they were put into the first trial, Nor knew. Oordeel never intended for them to make it through the five trials and into Paradise. He wanted to watch them all die in his sick game. 

    The odds were stacked against them from the start. Nor's team was made up of seven cats, including herself. Unlike being in the crew, she was actually worried about the lives of these cats. For one thing, one of them could very well be the other half of her soul. For another, three of them were extremely young, nearly kits. How could Oordeel be so sadistic? One of the older cats, Grey, a male around her own age, seemed to think that Nor was the leader. There wasn't much time to argue, so Nor took the charge for the first time in her life. 

    They never found all of the keys. They only collected two of them...a purple and a yellow. But the water was filling up quickly, so they had to hurry. By the time they had reached the door, only her, Grey, and two of the younger cats, Ren and Lilith, remained. The other three had perished in the flood. The other teams hadn't fared well either, it seemed. But the key to the door was purple. They had accomplished that, at least, and so had the other teams. But Oordeel watched them struggle, he watched them die. The sick bastard didn't even seem to care. As the gate opened and they walked through the light, Oordeel seemed almost frustrated that any of them had survived. 

    But he didn't send them into anything good. The second trial was worse than the first. Dark tunnels of a Coliseum spread out in front of them. She, Grey, Ren, and Lilith decided to stick together, and she made Grey agree to protect the two younger cats at all costs. The tunnels were overrun by horrible monsters. Ren died first. Nor hadn't been there to see it. Grey returned with his body, saying that a monster had attacked them and there hadn't been anything he could do. The remaining three greived, but had to move on and find somewhere safe to hide. 

    Nor still isn't quite sure how they ended up cornered by two of the beasts in a dark corridor. Nor ordered Grey to take Lilith and hide, ordered them to run away and let Nor distract the creatures and meet up with them later. Right away, Grey agreed. Right away, he took Lilith and slipped away while Nor leaped at the face of the nearest creature. The fight wasn't much of a match; the monsters overpowered her quickly. She was trapped again, but at least Grey and Lilith were safe. For the time being, at least. Next thing she knew, Lilith was being thrown directly at one of the monsters from the side, where Grey was tossing her, and Lilith was screaming in fear. Nor was frozen in shock. What was going on? Grey spun and jumped past the distracted creatures to grab Nor and pull her away, telling her that they had to run as fast and as far as they could. 

    Nor finally stopped them, demanding to know what had happened. Grey explained that he had to choose to lose either Nor or Lilith, and in the end, decided that Nor was a more valuable asset to his team. He'd asked Lilith if she trusted him, and she told him yes, and he'd grabbed her and whipped her right at the bloodthirsty beasts to distract them so he could grab Nor and run away. Nor was furious. They'd made a deal that they were going to protect the little ones first. Lilith was just a child. She demanded to know exactly what had happened to Ren...apparently, Grey had made the exact same choice with him, as well. Without thinking and in pure rage, Nor attacked Grey, killing him quickly. Devastated and mortified by the events that had happened, and shocked that she was the only one left of her original team, Nor found a place to hide away until the monsters inevitably came and killed her, too. She had failed the second trial. She would never find Paradise. 

    But the beasts never came. In fact, it seemed as if they'd disappeared all together. A feline named Nolan showed up, asking her if she wanted to join him and find a way out of the Coliseum...she was very skeptical. Nolan seemed kind, like Grey had once, but she was scared of the influence he seemed to be having on all of the other cats, like Nomac. She hesitantly agreed, and when she was asked, she said that everyone on her team was dead. She was the last one left. She followed Nolan, but she always walked behind everyone else a few feet, never slept near them, careful, waiting for the day when one of them would betray her, as well.

    When they emerged from under the Coliseum floor, Nor was surprised to find herself face-to-face with another group of felines struggling through Oordeel's trials. They were faced with a choice from Oordeel; let Nolan's group, called the underlings, join them in their quest, or turn them away to fend for themselves. Nor knew which choice she would have taken; she would have never trusted a random group of new felines. But the new group of cats apparently had different hearts, and welcomed them into their group without a second thought. 

    It was around this time that Nor discovered her soul color. She hadn't been surprised to find herself as a black soul, but the discovery of her powers had troubled her. She'd always held onto the firm belief that Oordeel had been lying about everything. Paradise, soul partners, powers...it had all just been a ploy in his games. But her shadow manipulation and invisibility proved that at least some of what he was saying was truthful, and this bothered her. If he was right about the soul powers...what else was he telling the truth about? 

    Soon after, Nor was thrust into Trial Two for the second time. 

    It was the same as the first time. Monsters rose up out of the ground, she and her team separated from the rest of the cats by high, soaring walls. Her team, Christopher, Faust, and Raef, were all underlings. They hardly thought twice about the monsters; they already knew what to do. They attacked, and fought bravely for a long time until finally, they ran away and the walls fell. But they hadn't run away to escape the cat's powers; they'd run away to attack a new foe. A massive monster, a fire-breathing dragon, rose up out of the dungeons of the Coliseum and immediately gobbled up a poor cat. Oordeel called it Big Biter. And they were supposed to kill it. 

    Eventually the beast fell. And Trial Two was over. They'd won. She'd passed the test she was sure she'd die during. The sand beneath their feet swallowed them whole, then spat them out inside a jungle, where Oordeel told them to prepare...because he'd be back for Trial Three. 

    Nor didn't know when she'd decided Oordeel wouldn't be coming back, at least not for a long time. But the days stretched to weeks, which stretched to months, then over a year had passed...the cats had settled into the jungle. They'd constructed a camp, built storage dens for herbs and prey, made nests to sleep in. The green souls created farms for herbs, the blue souls made sure there was always clean water to drink, the purple souls froze their dens into stable structures, the red souls created fires for warmth and light, the black souls used invisibility and speed to always keep their prey stocks high. Everyone had a role, everyone had a place. It almost felt like a Paradise. But Nor wasn't so fooled. She knew in her heart that Oordeel would return...so she kept practicing. She kept preparing. She made close friends and trained with them, making sure they knew how to defend themselves. No one talked about it, but everyone knew he was coming back one day. 

    And one day he did, two years into the jungle. And Nor only hoped that she'd done enough to prepare everyone for what followed.
    mother || marian ; deceased 
                -- Nor feared but respected her mother, but does not feel remorse for killing her. 
    father || unknown ; unknown 
                -- Nor never knew her father or wanted to know him; she was likely afraid of who he would turn out be...afraid it was Nomac. 
    siblings || unknown ; unknown
                -- Nor doesn't know (or care) if any of her siblings are alive, though she is positive she has many. 




Availability: Open
Ability: I tend to be a slow note replier because I like to write huge posts; I'm better with short Skype RP's. 
Methods: Notes (slow), Skype (moderate), Discord (moderate), Google Docs (moderate), any other suggestions I am open to  
current rps || 0 
    She was right behind Grey, pushing her legs as hard as she could, moving as fast as possible, trying not to think of the horrible scene she had just witnessed moments before. Nor focused on her paws hitting the ground, her lungs pumping air in and out of her body. After what seemed like forever, but yet not long enough, Grey stopped, heaving, "This should be far enough," between ragged, dry breaths. 

    Nor was already snarling, the image of Lilith being thrown in the air towards the beasts flooding back into her mind. "What," she snapped, rage filling her voice, "happened?" 

    Grey paused, breathing heavily, staring into her eyes. They both caught their breath, and finally he straightened up and said, "She...she understood that we needed you to survive. We couldn't let you die." 

    "Grey," Nor snarled. "Do not lie to me. What did you do?" 

    Grey frowned, squinting. "Fine, okay? Lilith and I wouldn't survive without you. You're too valuable--" 


    "I had to choose one of you, Nor!" Grey snapped. "And when faced with you, or Lilith? I think the choice is obvious!" 

    Nor glared at him in disbelief. She'd known betrayal before. Her own mother had turned on her, tried to kill her. But this? This was disgusting. This wasn't betrayal. This was cowardice. Oordeel was sure having fun watching his children pull each other apart. 

    "What happened to Ren, Grey?" Nor snarled lowly. 

    "I had to choose, Nor," Grey explained. "It was either me or him." 

    "You promised to protect them. We both did." 

    "Not at the cost of my own life," Grey said quietly. "Or yours." 

    Nor stared him down, rage building up in her chest. He let kits die. He killed kits. He was a coward. He was evil. He was no better than Oordeel. Grey was part of the problem. 

    So without thinking, Nor attacked.



what was your character's stance about entering paradise? 
    Nor was at first skeptical, but she followed the cat who told her about the Paradise anyways. She didn't think she had anywhere else to go, but after hearing more about it, she started to hope it could mean a better life. After the door opened, Nor was skeptical of Oordeel again, but she felt it was too late to turn back, so she went through. After the disaster of the first trial, she doubts Paradise even exists, and believes that Oordeel just enjoys watching cats struggle and die. She won't stop fighting, though, because she was always taught to survive...plus, it'd be nice to spite Oordeel for as long as she possibly can. 

was your character a scholar? did they believe in the lore found about locating paradise? 
    No, Nor is not a scholar. Nor did not believe in the Paradise lore, but she followed Terryn to the Gate because she didn't think she would be able to live with the Orphans anymore. She didn't believe she had her life, so she had to do something to get away. Even when she doubted Terryn more and more, she kept following her simply because she had no where else to go. She was curious, however, as to why so many cats believed so strongly in this Paradise, and wanted to learn more. 

the tracker contains information on art, relationships, and roleplays.

helena's feather


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Comments: 43

YeenaDeena [2019-02-01 09:09:20 +0000 UTC]

when I saw this I immediately thoughts of "stars" in swedish ;O; SHE'S SO PRETTY AAA

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

SpectralScout [2018-06-26 06:32:25 +0000 UTC]

Why is everyone fighting each other in trial 4? D,;

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

YouSharkNotPass [2018-06-24 16:40:44 +0000 UTC]

thank you

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

kit-kaboodii [2018-06-24 04:15:27 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

tilukonfdz [2018-06-24 02:36:08 +0000 UTC]

starry scar bby

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ALISTIION [2018-06-24 00:25:19 +0000 UTC]

Ack I haven't seen her in awhile and I forgot how pretty she iss

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

TORAJIRA [2018-06-23 23:55:47 +0000 UTC]

my gorl...... 😭😭😭❤️❤️💦✨

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Staniqs In reply to TORAJIRA [2018-06-23 23:59:11 +0000 UTC]

she here....

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

codesneezes [2017-12-12 13:44:18 +0000 UTC]

shes so stunningggggg

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Staniqs In reply to codesneezes [2017-12-14 04:03:09 +0000 UTC]

thank youuu!! <33

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

TurkFish [2017-12-05 22:34:27 +0000 UTC]

Gosh I was always so so so in love with this characte's design, and to see them now and updated it's just so nice I'm SO EXCITED to see more of them geez

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Staniqs In reply to TurkFish [2017-12-14 04:03:02 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Mogire [2017-12-04 08:18:39 +0000 UTC]

Hope you don't mind me butting in, but I'm fluently Swedish so Stjärnor is actually pronounced with a h; Shar-nor. You by no means have to change it but I just wanted to help you with the correct pronunciation. <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Staniqs In reply to Mogire [2017-12-04 08:41:41 +0000 UTC]

THANK YOU I've been trying to find the correct pronunciation for sooo long and I couldn't ever find anything that I could easily type out. THANKS A TON, I'll be fixing that!! <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Mogire In reply to Staniqs [2017-12-04 08:50:39 +0000 UTC]

I'm glad to be of help! It just irked me a little to see the word being pronounced wrongly is all, and I felt compelled to try to help. 'v'

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Staniqs In reply to Mogire [2017-12-04 16:21:18 +0000 UTC]

OF COURSE I really appreciate it!! 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

wiskrr [2017-12-03 22:22:52 +0000 UTC]

beautiful gal

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Staniqs In reply to wiskrr [2017-12-04 06:38:50 +0000 UTC]

i love her

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

tictactie [2017-12-03 21:36:06 +0000 UTC]

Q U E E N <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Staniqs In reply to tictactie [2017-12-04 06:39:15 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Soul-of-Sin [2017-12-03 06:23:03 +0000 UTC]

wow she's!! gorgeous! I'm absolutely in love c':

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Staniqs In reply to Soul-of-Sin [2017-12-04 06:39:29 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

YouSharkNotPass [2017-12-02 19:26:41 +0000 UTC]

oh no she's  h o t

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Staniqs In reply to YouSharkNotPass [2017-12-04 06:39:47 +0000 UTC]

2 hot

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Sinful-Souls [2017-12-01 22:03:24 +0000 UTC]

she's back and i'm more in love than ever 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Staniqs In reply to Sinful-Souls [2017-12-02 04:29:29 +0000 UTC]

god me ,,, too,,,

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

KetsuekiCrow [2017-12-01 20:33:46 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Staniqs In reply to KetsuekiCrow [2017-12-02 04:29:14 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Okibi-Wolf [2017-12-01 19:07:57 +0000 UTC]

Oh maN I love her design! The little speckles make her back look like a starry sky.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Staniqs In reply to Okibi-Wolf [2017-12-02 04:29:06 +0000 UTC]

thanks!! c: yep she's named after the stars! <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Stabats [2017-12-01 19:07:24 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Staniqs In reply to Stabats [2017-12-02 04:28:52 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Stabats In reply to Staniqs [2017-12-07 06:40:05 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

CaliberArts [2017-12-01 16:11:31 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Staniqs In reply to CaliberArts [2017-12-02 04:28:46 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Fiorest [2017-12-01 16:06:08 +0000 UTC]

loOooOve her

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Staniqs In reply to Fiorest [2017-12-02 04:28:36 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

PastelMangoo [2017-12-01 13:30:13 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Staniqs In reply to PastelMangoo [2017-12-02 04:28:30 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

scalIop [2017-12-01 11:15:36 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Staniqs In reply to scalIop [2017-12-02 04:28:26 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

PeachmiIk [2017-12-01 09:25:36 +0000 UTC]

Hello wife

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Staniqs In reply to PeachmiIk [2017-12-02 04:28:21 +0000 UTC]

nor: punches u directly in the face

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