stayfrosty2401 — Why are you here!

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The hologram sat there spinning on the table top. The blue light now illuminating the dark room. The man in the image was rotating around. His face was very similar to U'raijahs but he had a different shaped nose and much older style. He looked to be a warrior of some sort but he wore the strange robes similar to the rags the bearded man had on. Much newer though. It was the eyes. That look in his eyes. U'raijah knew those eyes all too well. He had seen them staring back at him in the mirror his entire life. Whether they were his own or not he had always had a feeling of someone watching him. But that doesn’t make any sense either. This man was nothing to him it meant nothing to have a look in his eyes.

“what do you mean MY great grandfather?!” U'raijah shouted. Standing from his chair. Pointing at the spiraling image now laying on the table. The rain outside now coming down harder “My great grandfather was U'ritza! A respected knight in the kings army.”
"Yes he was a good man. A good friend. I knew him well." Replied the old man.
"Knew him? That was 1,500 cycles ago! You're telling me you're that old?"
"I suppose so, if its been that long for you. Funny thing time, if you think about it. What is it really?"
" don't give me that shit old man! Who are you really?"
The old man sat back in his chair and stroked it beard a bit. Lost in thought.
"I suppose at this point I'm nothing more than the story keeper. I once studied under your grandfather when this was still a holy place. He was the first king of the lyokian people. But he was not a ruler. He was more sagely. He would bring our people together in pursuit of tranquility and tried to spread it across the cosmos.... Would it surprise you to know that your people were once peacekeepers rather than the raiding savages you've become?"
"We're not raiders!" U'raijah snapped back. Slamming his fist on the table again. "We still keep order throughout the universe."
"Order through fear is not order. Its oppression, and its not sustainable."
"Seems to be working pretty well to me."
" maybe. But for how much longer? You're grandfather had more power than you could imagine but he would NEVER use it in such a way."
" if he was so powerful, then why have I never heard of him? Huh? Why is he dead?"
"Because power is dangerous. Power, attracts the worst and corrupts the best."
“well what the fuck does that mean?” U'raijah replied. Staring the man I the eyes now.
The old man just sat there in a daze. Rocking back and forth in his chair, Stroking his mustache seemingly looking right through U'raijah. He hadn’t thought about the why or the where in such a long time. He had accepted his fate long ago but the boy was finally here now. After all this time. But where to begin? One would think having over a millennium to prepare for this he would have something to say. He noticed the boy had knocked his cup over in his rant. Then looked over at fang. As the blue light danced off the hilts jewels he knew exactly where to start.
“did you die on me old man?” U'raijah inquired. Waving his hands in front of the geezers face.
The old man blinked and stood up slowly, grabbing Uraijah’s cup as he did. He walked over a refilled it from the pot and went and sat it back on the table and pushed it back to the boy.
“sit.” He calmly gestured back toward the chair. “ I'm sorry if I offended you. I’ve been here so long I think I’ve forgotten how to interact with people.”
“That might be an understatement.” u'raijah quipped. Sitting back in his chair.
The old man dropped his hooded robe to the floor and put his arms o the table.
“My name is J'briel. And this place…” he said. spreading his arms out wide. “… is Accalia. Home of the Tuatha de Da’nann. The students of M'xeal. Your great grand father. Legend has it at the dawn of time and space our universe was born. A system of beautiful elegance, both simple and complex. A remarkable work of art spread across the canvas of stars and darkness ,and within our very existence lay a power beyond compression. For countless generations the complete understanding of the phenomenon had been shrouded in mystery. Throughout time stories emerged but no individual was able to Chanel the power for practical use but, that all changed when a powerful warrior and sage found this place and devoted his life to the study and protection of it. In fear that the power would fall into the wrong hands and be used as a weapon. Because in spite of all the enlightening and wondrous miracles that are possible within our universe, it is still a breeding ground for tragedy, tyranny and chaos…”
“alright… J'beiel…” U'raijah uttered. More confused than before. “accalia…m’xeal…tuatha death da'naan…great power… what does that have to do with me? Other than the maybe grandad?”
“Everything! M'xeal devoted his life to protecting the universe not to cast a shadow over it. You are his offspring. You have the chance to correct his mistakes. I know you more than you know boy. I see you when I meditate. You do not like to hurt. The people around you have preached and drilled this existence to fight and pillage. To take what is yours and stand on top but you don’t enjoy it. You have found your way to the top beacuase you are strong yes but, when it is quiet and your mind wanders you think there must be more to this life and you’re right. Those marks you wear on your shoulders there do you even know what they truly mean?” the man asked pointing at u'raijah shirt. He knew what they meant to him. They had been part of his uniform since he was a boy.
“They are the markings of the second house to the throne. The house of ‘Han. The show soldiers that I am second in command. First if the king is not present.”
“No, they are fangs…” J'briel responded shaking his head. “worn by the Da'nann. Given to only the ones chosen worthy. Not some status symbol to strut around in like some animal. They are meant to be earned. Your rulers chose to carry the symbol to trick their enemies. To strike fear in them knowing exactly the reaction it would get but not knowing the weight they carried.”
U’raijah ran his fingers down his two spikes on his shoulders as he often did when he was lost in thought. They were smooth, Made out of some metallic material and on every article of clothing he had. Even his armor. He then looked up at the old man. He too had them but only one on each shoulder. No one wore just a single mark, not even the king himself. Sure, the tradition may have changed through time but something about the mans words began to weigh heavy on his heart.
U'raijah did in fact often question his role in this life. If everything he was doing was right or just. As he got older questions were starting to force their way to the forefront of his mind and looking into the eyes of his ancestors hologram, his gaze began to stir his very soul.

his people are the most powerful race in the known galaxy. With that being said they became a sort of interstellar mercenary group. they would do any and everything for goods or technology, anything offered as payment. Peoples would hire the lyokians to concur whole planets to sell or trade or to just take some sort of treasure the planet held and there was no one who could stop them. lyoks were often hired as bounty hunters to find some of the most dangerous beings in the galaxy but for a very high price. If people became obsessed with stories or legends his people were hired to explore the truth of the legends. Most of the time it was in fact, the search for a great power which in most cases were nothing more than exaggeration or some sort of artifact that would be given to the reigning king.
U'raijah himself trained and led armies to other worlds and wiped out entire races of people solely because someone paid him to. he had tracked men down and murdered them in cold blood and collected money for their dead bodies. That is just normal, but it weighed heavy on him at times. As children when they are born they are raised to fight. They are inherately strong at birth and have the ability to control their own bodies energy. making them perfect killing machines especially in disciplined military form. they go to a school to learn to use their natural abilities and are separated into groups depending on what they excel at. The average lyok is trained to be the defense of the people on planet and be a guard, the strongest are trained to be deployed by learning military strategy and torturing their bodies to get used for war. Only a select few, the absolute strongest are chosen to live within and guard the palace and king.

one of the many wonders of the lyokian people is that if their bodies are damaged in any way and they live, once it heals whatever allowed the damage is made stronger. Whether it be the entire bodies skin hardening from cuts or their skeleton becoming denser from a break or coated in a natural metal. The more their bodies get used to an amount of energy within it, it wants more. when they return from battle and heal, their strength increases dramatically. That and their adaptable respiratory system. If something is harming them on the inside their cells make adjustments almost instantaneously allowing them the live anywhere making them very formidable.
Living the way he did U'raijah had seen many different peoples with many different views of their existence. Most lyoks don’t give them a second thought because they were told that they were descendants of the gods and were bestowed with these powers and abilities for exactly this porous. To balance all living things and keep order across the universe for their king was the only god that mattered.
But U'raijah knew differently. The current king and he had been friends since childhood. U'raijahs father had been in the former kings personal guard. the present king was born only a few weeks before him, making their mothers close and in turn the king and U'raijah. they were inseparable all through young childhood. growing up in a guarded sanctum there weren't many children to play with. As they got older and his friend was being prepared to take over as king U'raijah had to train his very hardest to stay by his friends side. only the strongest of their people were allowed to be the kings personal guards. By the time they graduated, they were the two strongest cadets in history, U'raijah may have been a little stronger but he would never admit that. after graduation the young prince was sent off to his own royal training for long periods of time. U'raijah himself was enlisted in the planetary acquisition unit and quickly rose up the ranks.

from time to time the prince would join them for a reconnaissance mission or battle but, he seemed more distant. his eyes always looked exhausted and completely somewhere else. he would always have a healing burn on his body and never took off his gloves. the princes training was evident though. when he was present, entire front lines were devoured with one fail swoop of his fire. it was amazing. when they would return to his quarters and U'raijah would join him they would drink and laugh and enjoy the short time together but U'raijah would often wonder how big the gap had gotten in their strength. what was this training the royal family went through? would his friend ever view him as an equal again? after the prince was crowned he had of course appointed U'raijah second in command and his personal advisor and guard. though U'raijah knew the king didn't need protecting. he felt sorry for anything that would dare threaten the man but, he did respect that his friend would still often heed his advice. planet acquisitions and slaughtering of peoples had slowed since they took power and he took a more diplomatic approach to his rule. that's why whenever his presence wasn't dire, U'raijah would request these solo missions. he had hoped to somehow find a way to close the gap in their strength. And now it seemed he may have found his way.

“what exactly is this power you keep going on about?” U'raijah asked.
A smile formed in the corner of the old mans bearded face noticing the change in the boys demeanor. He himself finally let a bit of tension out of his body a took a long sip from his cup. It was I that moment that rain outside slowed and the smallest bit of light began to shine through the steel sheet of sky overhead. It hadn’t stopped raining on this planet ,soft or hard, in over a century.
“The power to bestow create or reject any phenomena at will but it is only as strong as the wielders understanding. It can not be taught only shown and only after being deemed worthy.”
“Then how does one become worthy?”
“That I cannot tell you. I did not call you here. She did. And her views have changed a bit over time.”
“You met her outside I believe on your stroll through the forest.”
“ who? The wolf?”
“Is that how you saw her? You do have your work cut out for you.”
“what does that mean?” U'raijah asked.
“ Usually if she stays in that form for you she is unsure of you.”
“who is she?”
“Her name is Asena. This planet IS her. She is also the spirit that roams it. She was a god once. The goddess of order until she chose to live in exile here on the physical plane. This planet is ever moving. Existing in its own reality with its own rules of time and space. Those who seek it will never find it. Only she will reveal herself to those who need it. Those who are meant for a higher purpose. But she hasn’t in over a millennia. She’s been too heart broken.”
“what happened to her?”
“ she fell in love with a mortal. M'xeal. She observed him his entire life as he searched the cosmos for a way to peace. His triumphs and faults. They way he drew people to his teachings of loving and protecting all life. The more she watched the more intrigued she became.
Eventually she revealed this place to him and put him through his trials. He passed quickly and easily. He stayed here quite awhile learning from her. For cycles it was just the two of them here and he surprised her more and more as time passed. How could a mortal be so devout, so pure? His understanding of her teachings. it was as if she was speaking to one of her own. m'xeal went back to his people to share the things he had learned. Well… small bits and news spread of the miraculous things he could do. Other species in need of help would travel to him pleading for his assistance. Whether it be a famine of sorts. The planet unable to produce enough food or raiders harming peoples…”
That line made U'rahjah body stiffen.
“M’xeal would always oblige and afterwards everyone would always ask to train under him. Learn how to do the things he could. He would always respond the same. He would ask.
“why are you here?” and touch their chest. None of their answers ever gave him what he was looking for. After many cycles of spreading his teachings to his own people and out of the thousands of disciples he chose 6 to come here. Only 4 survived the trials.”
“Survived?” U'raijah interrupted. Widening his eyes again. This tale had him entranced. It could all be bullshit but it felt close to him as if he had lived it himself. He was like a child listening to his parents tell him a story before he would lay down for the night. Hanging on every word this stranger spoke. Here he was, a vetted warrior just a while ago covered in blood now feeling like a child at bedtime.
“yes, and as time went by peace began to spread again. True order restored. Never fully but there was a definite shift in the galactic dealings. Without the need for her anymore Asena took a mortal form and joined her love on this plane of reality. He took her back to lyok. The two settled down, even had a child of their own. Your grandfather. But a union such as theirs could never go unnoticed for long. The…”

Without warning the wolf spirit appeared on the table. Sitting on her hind legs. Is if she blinked into existence. The sight of the animal again froze u'raijah. Her very presence gave off a pressure that left him completely at a loss of any other thought. That his body may give way under her very essence. She was angry. The faint blue glow off her fur becoming bold and overpowering.
she said. Boldly. Angrily. Then turned around to face U'raijah in the eyes. The energy in the room began to swirl. Violently. Things shook off counters and walls and there was an explosion of blue and white light.
“why are you here?” she asked. Her voice in his head. He wasn’t sure if it was the shock of hearing her voice without her mouth moving or the unyielding pressure on his body but he could not speak. He could only shield his eyes.
“You brought me here!” he mustered finally.
“WHY ARE YOU HERE!” she screamed again in his head. The air in the room circling even more violently.
“To save my friend!” he shouted over the noise.
Asena squinted her glowing eyes as if to see him for the fist time. The air around them calmed and she sat back down on the table. All was still except the falling items off the shelves. Then he felt something move in his chest.
Then it began to burn. The burning began to pulse, growing hotter with each beat of his heart, spreading rapidly out from his ribs towards his limbs. Panic began to set in, but for all his alarm, he was frozen once again.
“what did you just do to me?!” he shouted at the beast.
The burning became stronger and stronger, his nerves lighting up in pain. It seemed to fill him from the inside out. Bone to skin until his entire body was enflamed. He again tried to move but nothing. He could only stare into those glowing eyes. In horror he realized he could not look elsewhere. His nerves no longer minded him. every sense being clouded by pain.
“ sir? Are you alright? Your vitals are all spiking off the charts.” He could hear Iris’ voice in his head but growing distant. He was too concerned with the flames engulfing his entire being. The heat began to move its way back in. then his vision went black, his hearing completely mute. Then nothing. Panic rose and he began to beg not knowing what he pleaded to.
“ please, make it stop.”
He was alone In the dark, unable to scream, unable to move. Pain the only thing reminding him he was still alive. He lost track of time, the very concept of beginning and end. Fire became all he knew. Then it just stopped.
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Comments: 1

ssj4goku123 [2019-12-11 20:16:15 +0000 UTC]

Awesome job!

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