steamboat-promises — The Little Peach - 14
#daisyduck #disney #donaldduck #mickeymouse #minniemouse
Published: 2019-09-26 23:09:05 +0000 UTC; Views: 4681; Favourites: 23; Downloads: 0
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Description Fear and surprise can do wonders to the rational mind. Looking outside of the situation, one would think the obvious thing to do when seeing a maniacal rapidly growing Oni is run in the opposite direction and never look back. To be entirely fair, several of the villagers did exactly that. But the majority of the kingdom, especially those who had previously been inside the palace, could do little more than gawk at who had been one of their most trusted guards.

“I quit,” Marsupilami said while raising his hand and tail.

“How could this have happened?!” Clarabelle was close to having her legs give way, her arms tightly around Minnie. “To think that Pete would use the Lucky Hammer...!”

“How could he do such a thing?” Jose lamented, hand on his heart. “Why, he's never been anything but rude, mean, judgmental, selfish, lazy...” He stopped to click his tongue. “Huh. Hindsight is not a pleasant thing.”

“How did he even know where to find it anyway?” Donald pointed out, keeping Daisy behind him as if that would protect her from Pete's wrath – although all he was doing at the moment was continue to laugh in victory. “It's supposed to be hidden away in a secret location!”

“I only ever told Sir Mickey where it was!” Minnie answered, and automatically everyone's heads shot to little Mickey atop Pluto's head.

Once upon a time, Mickey noted that being small was almost like being invisible. Now he realized this wasn't true at all, because even when he did try looking away, he could feel everyone's eyes on him. He knew he should apologize, perhaps try to explain why he'd done it, but the words were hollow and dry in his throat. Saying the right thing wasn't going to fix the problem they were in now. He clenched his fists, eyes on the ground, head lowered shamefully.

“Oh, Mickey,” Daisy broke the uncomfortable silence, voicing everyone's thoughts at once. Pity was evident in her voice, and Mickey nearly would have preferred their anger.

“We can chastise Mickey's actions later!” Panchito declared, stepping forward and unsheathing his blade. “Right now, we literally have a bigger problem! We have to stop Pete from taking over all of Japan with his size!”

“But how do we do that?” Goofy asked, holding his own sword to his chest like a child's teddy bear, full of fright. “One wrong move, and he could stomp us flat!”

Pete let out another belly laugh, sending shockwaves of sound throughout the kingdom. “ALL ONI, ASSEMBLE AT THE CAPITAL AT ONCE! WE'LL MAKE THIS PLACE OUR NEW HEADQUARTERS, AND ALL THE PEOPLE HERE OUR SLAVES!”

Jose whipped out his own sword, ready to do battle. “We'll never submit to you, Pete!”


“I'll call you a great palooka, and nothing else!” Donald snapped, fingers trembling but ready to fight as well. At this, Mickey began to notice something, lifting his head and raising an eyebrow.


This “back and forth” between the small and tall could have gone on for some time if Mickey hadn't snapped his fingers to try and get everyone's attention. “Y'know, sometimes I have to shout in order for people to hear me, cause I'm so small. So...” To test out his theory, he rather calmly began to say, “Boy, Pete, one of the worst parts about this is now that you're bigger, everyone can smell how badly you reek!”

Mild panic broke out among friends and family, thinking Pete would stomp down in revenge, but Mickey held out his hand, signaling them to wait and watch.


Mickey then held out his hands again, in a light “ta-da” gesture. “I don't think he can hear any of us.”

“Huh. How about that?” Donald put a hand above his eyes to try and see where Pete's head actually ended. “We could plot a whole take-down right in front of him and he'd never know.”

“You guys have fun coming up with that.” Marsupilami tried to turn tail and run, but Maurice merely grabbed his tail and kept him in place. “Hey, cowards have common sense! How are we supposed to take down a guy as tall as a mountain?”

“Dear friend Mickey defeated Maurice, did he not?” Panchito reminded them.

“It's our 'dear friend Mickey' who put us in this mess to begin with!” Clarabelle snapped, hands on her hips. “If he'd never come to the palace, this never would have happened!”

“He only came to the palace because Donald said an awful thing to him!” Daisy fought back, fists balling up.

“So you're saying this is my fault?!” Donald gawked.

“It's somebody's fault!”
“It's Mickey's fault!”
“He didn't mean it!”
“I say it's the Emperor's fault!”
“How can you blame a dead man?!”
“We never should have trusted the original Oni King!”

On and on the arguments circled, with Mickey staying silent, knowing that getting involved would only make things worse. Yet he couldn't think of a way to make it stop without the flaring tempers only burning hotter. He was starting to get one of his big headaches again, worse than even before. How could they take down Pete if they couldn't even agree on who to blame? Even if they did, they were all ants compared to Pete's height – he might not even feel their blades on his skin, just something close to a mosquito bite. He couldn't be reasoned with, and the only thing he wanted was more power.

It was then that Pete accidentally did them all a favor, distracting them from their arguments by taking one step forward – it was enough to shake the earth and remind them all that being so close was being closer to death.

“Run!” It was not something that really needed to be said, but Mickey said it anyway, as one does in these rare type of situations. No one was sure where they could run to, as Pete could catch up to them without much effort, but they all began to jolt as far away and as fast away as their feet could take them.

Pete, for his part, had run out of evil things to say, and only now remembered where he was. He looked down, though he had to squint to see the specs of people on the ground. “WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING, PRINCESS? I CAN'T BE EMPEROR UNLESS YOU GET HITCHED, HUH? LET'S SEE ABOUT THAT!” With another great, wicked laugh, Pete began to walk forward, enjoying the feel of the earth moving beneath him. This joy lasted for a very long five seconds, as in the next step he wound up planting his foot into a small building – given how tightly packed the capitol was, he didn't have much of a choice.

But being tall didn't make him impervious to pain. “OWWWW!” He held his leg, which was cut up by walls and ceilings. “THAT SMARTS AND... AW NO, THAT WAS MY FAVORITE SUSHI PLACE! WHERE ELSE AM I GOING TO GET MAKI ROLLS AT THREE A.M.?” He tried to back up, but that made him collide into a taller building, which made him wobble and sit upon a third building – his howl as he clutched his rump was loud enough to part the very heavens. “OW OW OW OW! AH, CRIMINY! I'M GUNNA WIND UP DESTROYING THIS PLACE BEFORE I CAN RULE OVER IT!”

He tried to stand up straight, dusting off bits of city block from his armor. “OKAY, EASY DOES IT...” Surely he was still intimidating even though he was tip-toeing through the capital, he told himself. As it was, he was doing the heroes another favor, as this method of walking made him much, much slower.

The small group made it to the gates of the capital, as terrified villagers continued to flee. But Minnie wouldn't move another step. “I cannot and will not abandon my people!”

“They don't seem to have a problem abandoning you,” Clarabelle pointed out as people ran past them. “Besides, if we stay here, the Oni he called will wind up at the gates, and then we'll be stuck between a rock and a very, very, very hard place!”

“You women ought to get out of here,” Donald decided, eyes on Pete. “As samurai, it is our duty to take on this menace and protect you.”

“Donald, you can't be serious!” Daisy grabbed her husband's good arm. “You're in no condition to fight, and you can't possibly win!”

“But what about all the people across Japan?” Panchito could feel his head spinning. “At least before, some Oni were willing to live and let live...but now they'll all be forced to take over the remaining villages, and Japan will be completely conquered! If we don't stop him here and now, this might as well be called Oni Land!”

“If we must die, we'll die with honor!” Jose gripped his fist. “I would proudly die if it meant my last stand was against such an evil foe, defending my home and my people!”

“Speak for yourself, bub.” Marsupilami held out his hands, with Maurice copying. “I just discovered the joy of doing a hard day's work, and now I have to die for it? That just sounds like another way of giving up!”

Goofy didn't have much to add, twisting his hands and looking around at everyone, until his eyes fell on Mickey. Mickey was watching Pete very seriously his chin cupped, eyebrow raised. Goofy never considered himself an intelligent man, but he knew a plan in mind when he saw one. He knelt down beside Pluto in order to somewhat-meet Mickey at eye level. “What are you thinking?”

Mickey glanced over at Goofy, then back to Pete. “Where'd the Lucky Hammer go?”

Goofy blinked thrice, then joined Mickey in staring at Pete. One hand was open, trying to help himself wiggle through a pair of tight towers, but the other hand was clutched tight. “Gee, I don't see it at all. Did he drop it somewhere?”

Minnie quickly caught on to the conversation. “It must still be in his hand! If he were to let go of the Lucky Hammer, he'd pop back to normal size...the Lucky Hammer doesn't change it's own size, only the people who hold it.”

“Which means if we made him drop it,” Donald concluded, “Then we could get the drop on him!”

“Except his fist is wayyy up there,” Jose pointed up, “And we're wayyy down here. The most we can do is attack his big smelly toes, and even then, that's no guarantee he'll let it go. How can we do anything when we're so small? He may as well not even know we're here.”

Mickey's head jolted up, his eyes flashing. Just like that, everything he'd seen had come together. “And to him...” He said quietly, his voice getting louder with his revelation. “I'm even smaller than before. He might not even feel me walking up his arm...”

“NO!” Daisy shrieked, trying to grab Mickey with her hands, but this time he'd prepared and jumped away in time. “I don't know what you're thinking, but there is no way you're going near him! I won't allow it!”

“Sir Mickey, you mustn't!” Minnie knelt down, hands clasped together, the sheer thought of Mickey dying bringing tears to her eyes. “I couldn't bear to lose you too! I'd rather never see you again than see you dead!”

Mickey looked back and forth between the two most important women in his life, unsure if they cared for him or for what he represented to them. The rest of the men looked equally unsure, and Mickey was starting to consider giving up for the first time in his life. He shut his eyes hard, and when he opened them, he saw a hand reached out, palm flat, the usual gesture one made to him as a signal to climb up for a close talk. That was nothing new.

What was new was who it belonged to – as Donald had never done it before.

Mickey's eyes widened in disbelief, and Donald's expression was difficult to read. No one spoke, unsure of what to make of this moment, as Mickey walked onto his father's open hand. Slowly and gently, Donald lifted Mickey up to his face.

“This plan you've got,” Donald finally said, “Do you really believe it'll work?” It wasn't accusatory or mocking. It was an honest question.

Mickey swallowed, but then stood tall, his back straight, staring right into the eyes of the man he'd always wanted to be like. “I do. I never act unless I'm sure of my actions! And sometimes they're wrong... what I did to the Princess... what I helped Pete to do... that's something I'll never forgive myself for. But I have to make it right! Not to be considered your son, not to win over a girl who thinks I'm just a drawing, not for honor or glory or anything useless! I have to do this because it's the right thing to do!” He then inhaled sharply, lowering his shoulders. “But... it's also time to admit... there are some things I can't do alone.”

Mickey looked around at the friends he'd made along his journey, the new companions he'd befriended at the palace. “I've been acting like having help just makes me weak...when the truth is, my real strength comes from everyone. Maybe if I'd asked for help more often, instead of just assuming everything on my end... this wouldn't have happened. Instead of trying to prove things on my own, we need to work together. I'm not asking you to help me as my father, or as a fellow samurai. I'm asking because I know you all can do great things – I've seen it myself! So, please...give me one more chance.” Then Mickey closed his eyes, and waited. While he had faith and hope that his pleas would be heard, there wasn't a sure guarantee in the bond between these men.

After a brief moment, the hand moved again – this time to Donald's shoulder. “Then let's not waste any time. What do you need us to do?”

Daisy let out an agonized whine, but Minnie stood up, realizing there wasn't anything she could do to persuade Mickey otherwise. Mickey himself was a little startled at the acceptance, but hopped onto Donald's shoulder. “Marsupilami, Maurice, Goofy, you guys stay here and make sure the villagers get out while keeping any Oni away!”

While the trio were still frightened, having an order and thus something to do eased their nerves a smidgen. “You got it, Mickey!” Marsupilami saluted, with Maurice and also Goofy copying.

“Mother, Clarabelle, you two search the capital for anyone hurt and who needs help. If this doesn't pan out, we need this entire place evacuated!”

Daisy sniffled but nodded. “If you don't come back to me in one piece, you're grounded for infinity!”

Clarabelle was hesitant about something else. “What about the Princess? I need to stay by her side!”

“I'm sorry, but I need her for a big part.” Mickey and Minnie met each other's eyes – while she was trying to put on her cold, ruling appearance, the comment about him being a “drawing” had clearly hurt.

Yet she knew it was her own fault, and if there was a time to make up for it, it was now. “I'm ready and willing to do whatever it takes to help.”

“Good... because the best way for this to work is for Pete to stand still so I don't get knocked off. I need you to distract him while Pluto, Donald and I get in as close as we can without being spotted. Jose and Panchito, I want you with her to protect her.”

Clarabelle clutched her chest at the idea, ready to pass out, but while Minnie felt a cold fear run down her spine, she didn't back down. “I'll do all that I can. I won't let him move from that spot.”

“We'll protect you with our very lives, Princess!” Jose came to her left, and Panchito to her right. “We're ready when you are!”

“Then let's not waste any time!” Mickey slammed a fist into his open hand, the heat of battle already beginning to burn hotly in his heart. “Father, I need you to get me to Pete without us spotting him. Let's circle 'round while the Princess goes right on ahead!”

“Then you better hang on tight.” Donald kept one hand on the hilt of his blade, memories flooding back to him of how he injured his arm in the first place. Mickey had always been told it was merely “in battle” but not many details otherwise. He never planned on sharing that story, and had told Daisy the same. But now of all days, now of all times, he wondered if speaking of it could have saved them all some trouble. “Everyone... head out!”

Though Donald's arm was weak, his legs were not, and he bolted off like a flash of lightning, Pluto having to race in order to catch up. The group split up as they were assigned, each one having an equal share of doubt and hope in their hearts for whatever the plan ultimately was. Yet they all also knew giving up was not an option. Now they were all small, compared to Pete – now they all had Mickey's burden.

Minnie picked up her dress – mentally noting that perhaps in the future, she should have much shorter kimonos designed – and ran back the way she came, Panchito and Jose steadily at her side. Pete hadn't moved in some time, as he was still trying to decide the best way to move around without destroying the city. It would be rather silly to be ruler of an entire city of flattened wood and brick! Because of this, Minnie and her guards had no problem approaching him – but getting his attention was another issue. “If he can't hear us, how do we get his attention?” Minnie asked out loud, trying to wave her arms in an effort to be seen.

“We just have to crank up the volume!” Panchito tossed up his sword, twirling it around before pointing it at Jose. Any confusing, awful, weird feelings towards him would have to be set aside. “Jose,  smash me!”

Jose stopped in place. “Eh?”

“Come at me! Give it to me! Hard and fast, right now!”

Jose, who had always been the one hitting on people and never the one hit on, felt his mind go utterly blank. This was a new feeling. Not a bad one, exactly – rather he wouldn't mind if Panchito kept going -

“Hit his sword, Jose,” Minnie interrupted the train wreck of his thoughts.

“Oh. Right. Yes. Of course.” Jose cleared his throat, not noticing Minnie's eyerolling, and then held out his sword, smacking it against Panchito's and creating a loud TWAAAAANG!

Panchito gave it back in full, trying to create as much noise as possible. “Come on, you can give it to me better than that! Don't hold back, give me everything you've got! Harder now!”

Jose was finding it difficult to look Panchito in the eyes. “Yes, sir. Doing my best, sir.” Boy, his armor was really hot today!

“Harder! Faster! Louder!”

“Yes, sir, yes, sir, yes, sir!”

Fortunately for everyone involved – especially Minnie who was starting to wonder if Princesses could officiate marriages because it seemed like it was soon going to be necessary – the loud smashing of the swords was starting to gain some traction. Pete was growing annoyed, wondering where that blasted sound was coming from before he finally looked down and squinted - “IF IT AIN'T THE LITTLE MISS! I KNEW I'D FIND YOU!” Yes, he was ignoring the fact he hadn't. As far as he was concerned, every move was his victory.

Minnie doubted he'd be able to hear her no matter how loudly she shouted, so actions would have to do the talking. In order to save her people, she'd have to throw away her pride and dignity – a small price to pay for their safety. She also saw it as a way to apologize to dear sir Mickey – if only she had been honest with him from the start! While the books had gotten Mickey's foot in the door, it was the real him that had made her smile and feel like more than a Princess. Maybe a cold, unfeeling Princess would keep her pride no matter what – but Minnie wouldn't, because Minnie was more than a title.

She took a breath, and then knelt down on her knees, placing her hands on the dirt. Panchito gasped, a hand to his mouth. “Princess!” A sign of deep submission! “Jose, can you believe this?”

“Not really, no.” To be honest Jose wasn't paying attention, as he was bemoaning the fact that cold showers had yet to be invented.

Pete was just as surprised – he would've thought the royal family would rather die than surrender to him. He had planned on humiliating her himself, but for her to do it on her own? Why not enjoy the show? “THAT'S RIGHT, PRINCESS! FROM NOW ON, YOU'RE DOWN AND I'M UP! MAYBE IF YOU DO WHAT I SAY, I'LL LET YOU LIVE! HA HA HA HA HA! I COULD WATCH YOU DO THIS ALL DAY!”

Which suited Mickey just fine. He clung onto Donald's shoulder, him and Pluto making their way through debris and broken buildings, their bodies covered in the darkness of Pete's shadow. Donald still wasn't wholly sure what Mickey planned to do, but the time to get a full explanation was running short. He had no real choice but to trust that all would work out. “We're almost there!”

“Just a little closer!” Mickey kept his eyes ahead, squatting down, ready to jump. “Once I get on, you need to join the Princess. If this works, he's gunna come down in a big way!”

It was only then, when they were close enough to Pete to smell his stench and have his voice rattling in their ears, that Donald realized the worst part of this plan. “Mickey, once you get up and do what you're doing... how are you going to come back down safely?”

Mickey didn't answer. It wasn't that he didn't have an answer – it was just one he knew Donald wouldn't like. And he was right, with Donald getting a cold stone dropped into his stomach. “Wait a minute, Mickey, you're not saying you-”

“Thank you for everything, oto-san!”

It was too late, and Mickey had jumped from Donald's shoulder, landing on Pete's leg, grabbing onto some bits of black fur that stuck out from the enlarged armor. Pete's clothes had, thankfully, grown with him, and the edges of the armor allowed Mickey to climb up, up, up. Donald stood in place, frozen with horror as he understood what it was Mickey planned to do – or rather, not plan.

Mickey wasn't expecting to come back from this alive.

Long ago, when Donald was young and the war with the Oni was dwindling, a few straggling Oni had come into the capital, causing trouble while the Emperor was out visiting his people. Donald was there with his maiden fair, and the Oni themselves were easily defeated. They had hung their heads in defeat, willing to peacefully surrender, and the Emperor was just as peacefully ready to let them go on their way. But two of the Oni, embittered and angry, had lashed out in a last ditch effort to get revenge, no caring who they struck.

As a loyal samurai, it was Donald's duty to defend his Emperor above all else.

“NOW STAND ON YOUR HEAD!” Pete commanded, having decided Minnie was his toy to play with however he pleased. Minnie obeyed without hesitation – physically difficult as it was – to do all that he said, whether it was standing on her head, cartwheels, dancing... so long as it kept Pete's attention and allowed Mickey's plan to work, she'd roll around in the dirt like a pleased pig if need be. “HA HA HA HA! SOME PRINCESS YOU ARE NOW! I WOULDN'T TAKE YOU AS A WIFE EVEN IF YOU BEGGED! BUT I WANNA SEE YOU BEG ANYWAY!”

Mickey climbed onward, even as Pete's sweat made his fur slick, even as the heights made Mickey dizzy, even as the roaring of Pete's voice made his headache even worse. He made his way up Pete's leg, past his hips, on his back, and still kept going. His body ached, his senses gagged, but not once did he stop, not once did he look back down. His headache was worse than it ever had been before, almost blinding him with sheer pain. But if his father could fight with an injured arm, so could Mickey climb on with the feeling of a stabbed skill.

But on that day, long before Mickey was born and entered their lives, Donald hadn't protected the Emperor. He'd thrown himself in front of his bride, taking the blow meant for her and damaging his arm for life. The Emperor had been protected by his other guards, but he'd made his choice all the same. Instead of acting out of honor, he had acted out of love. A real samurai would have seen that as an act of shame, and a part of Donald had carried that with him always, even as the Emperor absolved his actions.

Now as Donald stood there, his eyes feeling hot and wet, he realized that shame and pride meant nothing at all. If he had only shared his stories with Mickey instead of Daisy doing it all – if he had been a better man, a better husband, a better father – Mickey wouldn't sacrifice himself out of some sense of honor that had been forced upon him. What had he done?

At last, Mickey reached his goal – Pete's head. Pete was laughing so hard at Minnie's antics, now making her stand on one foot while trying to dance, that Mickey had to cling on to keep from falling off. Pete's stubble threatened to cut Mickey at every opportunity, and his breath was as noxious as any poisonous gas. Mickey continued to climb and only stopped when he reached Pete's ear and climbed right inside. Balance was the key, and in Mickey's short life, he knew that once you took away balance, it was difficult to keep anything else. Also, this was going to hurt a lot, no matter what size you were.

It was difficult to see, with not much sunlight and the inner workings of any living creature not equipped to shine. But there was just enough light for Mickey to see one large shape in Pete's ear, and while Mickey knew little about anatomy, he guessed this was the important part of any person's hearing – the eardrum. He pulled out his mother's sewing needle, approached the cone-shaped body part, held his breath  - and stabbed just once.

It's said the scream from Pete was so loud, it shattered the smaller planets into stars, it divided the heavens and frightened the gods, it split apart the oceans and made the entire world go deaf for one straight minute. He raised one foot to kick whatever was nearest – but now his balance was so off, he fell backwards -

Pluto grabbed Donald's clothes by the teeth, urging him to run and remind him of what Mickey had sworn him to do. Donald gasped for air, and bolted, running right for the surprised Princess and her stunned guards. “MOVE!” He threw the  young woman over his shoulder, and all of them ran as fast as their feet would go – for the force of Pete's fall was so great that it sent a storm of dust and debris for miles and miles in all directions. The earth shook so hard that Panchito lost his footing, stumbling right onto Jose, but when he landed, he kept his back to the air, ready to shield the Jose with his life.

It seemed to take an eternity for the dust to settle, for the world to be silent, and when Donald dared to look over his shoulder, he could no longer see the gigantic form of Pete taking up all that space. If he couldn't see Pete in all the destruction of the broken buildings, then that must have meant he let go of the Lucky Hammer, and the plan had worked – but at what cost?

Panchito lifted his head, wining in pain, a hint of blood running down his face as he looked down at Jose. “Are you all right?”

Jose – who had always been the one saving and never the one saved – for some reason thought he saw a swirl of cherry blossoms moving in slow motion around his savior, and he was fairly certain it wasn't because he had a concussion. “About that senpai thing...”

“Where's Mickey?” Minnie asked quietly, fingers trembling as she didn't truly want an answer.

Donald swallowed, putting Minnie down, his heart beating hard at his own idea of the truth. “Mickey... Mickey!” His sword lost, forgotten, and mattering little now, he sprinted to the crater Pete had left. Pete could be heard moaning in pain and dizziness, likely not to get up anytime soon. Doors, windows, walls, ceilings, were scattered and shattered everywhere in an endless sea of ruin. Donald began to tear through it all, even with his bad arm, looking for any small sign of the small boy. “Mickey! Mickey, answer me!”

Minnie quietly began to weep, and Panchito took her into his arms to console her, even as his own tears started to flow. Jose took off his helmet, showing respect to the samurai who made the ultimate sacrifice. Pluto whined, but then began to sniff around the area.

It wasn't long before Clarabelle came upon them, who turned her head away in grief. Soon after that came Daisy, who held her husband from behind, her crying the quietest it had ever been. Marsupilami, Maurice and Goofy came running with urgent news, but upon seeing this scene of devastation and anguish, were shocked into silence. Marsupilami swallowed hard, forcing the words out. “We...we've got to go! There's a whole bunch of Oni coming this way, they must have heard Pete's commands!”

“I can't go!” Donald snapped without looking up, his fingers torn and bleeding as he kept digging. “Not without him!”

“Listen, he wouldn't want you to be captured or killed by these guys!” Marsupilami tried to grab Donald by his shoulder, but he was violently thrust off -

“I AM NOT LEAVING MY SON BEHIND!” Donald screamed, slamming both of his hands to the ground, even as pain stabbed his old wounds because it couldn't compare to the pain in his soul. “I will not, I cannot, I... I...” He choked on his words, and the world became blurry, the tears coming so fast he couldn't see any longer. Marsupilami staggered backwards, unsure what to do know, and the world around them came into silence...

…But then there came the sound of laughter, of all things. Quiet, muffled, but it was definitely there. Confused faces were abound, and Donald's grief poured into rage. “Who thinks this is funny?!” he stood up so quickly that Daisy rolled off haphazardly, Donald cracking his knuckles and whipping his head around to see the offender. It wasn't coming from anyone in the group, but a few feet into the air of toppled building, with Pluto sticking his head in. As Donald approached, he could make out a few words between the hysteric laughter.

“Q-quit it, boy! That tickles!”

And there, underneath the dirt and debris and  defying all logic, was Mickey, his face being licked by a very happy pup. Except Mickey wasn't the size of a peach pit anymore, which was why Donald briefly thought the sight was an agony-induced dream. Mickey, whose old clothes were now tattered and frayed, his body covered in dirt and dust, was about the same size as an average young adult. Pluto quickly caught the scent of something else, and resumed sniffing elsewhere, allowing Mickey and Donald to see each other.

Mickey blinked a few times, and then cracked a tired smile. “Hello, oto-san... I mean, Don-”

Donald fell to his knees and held Mickey for the first time in his life. He wasn't sure he could ever let go again. “I am so sorry, Mickey,” he said softly, not caring how or why he was able to do this. “For all that I said, for all that I did... I was wrong. You deserved so much better than me as a parent...but I am your parent. I am your father. I promise you this – you are a member of this family, and you always will be!”

Mickey had never held anyone before in his life. He wasn't entirely sure how to go about it, how much strength to use or how long it was supposed to be. Slowly, he lifted his arms, in quiet awe that he could put his arms around anyone now, and he felt his father's warmth. Hints of tears began to dribble down his cheeks, and for the moment, he buried his face into his father's shoulder.

The tender moment alone didn't last for too long, as obviously everyone wanted to know what was going on – and when they came upon the scene, all burst into joy. Panchito and Jose danced merrily, Clarabelle momentarily fainted into Goofy's arms, Marsupilami and Maurice couldn't stop laughing, and Minnie and Daisy joined in on the hug with tears and relief. The oncoming Oni threat was forgotten for the moment, which was unfortunate, as there were a great number heading for the gate.

“Oh, Mickey, you clever dear!” Daisy squealed, rubbing Mickey's shoulders. “Managing to the grab the Lucky Hammer as you fell, that was amazing!”

“Uh...yeah, that would have been amazing.” Mickey awkwardly replied, now realizing a thing or two. “Except I didn't do that.”

All at once, the joy was paused. A little “woof” cemented things, as Pluto now sat among them with the dug-up Lucky Hammer in his mouth, which had landed away from Mickey.

Minnie looked back and forth between Mickey and the Lucky Hammer, perfectly puzzled. “Then... how did you turn this size?”

“Beats me.” Mickey shrugged helplessly. “All I know is that I was fallin' down, with a really bad headache, and then... I dunno, just before I landed, I felt really strange.” He scratched his head, some clods of dirt beginning to fall off. But as he scratched his head, he felt something funny – three little bumps. He supposed, given how far he fell, that having a bump on the head was normal, but why three? And why did they feel kind of pointy?

“I hate to break up the party,” Panchito suddenly declared, seeing figures over the horizon, “But it looks like part two of the battle is upon us!”

Dozens and dozens and dozens of Oni had arrived, all shapes and sizes, one horns and two horns, none of them wanting to be there but all of them wanting to avoid Pete's wrath. Would they even listen if they were told Pete was defeated? There was no time to risk it – Panchito, Jose, Goofy, Marsupilami and Maurice readied themselves for battle, swords drawn and willing to fight. Mickey shoved his father off, wanting to join in, even if his original sewing needle blade was now lost in the mess. “We won't let them get any further!” He heroically declared, as he ruffled his hair to remove the last bits of dirt from his head, and he stood with his friends, ready for anything – so he thought.

The band of Oni headed right for the guards, but the strange day only got stranger – the ones upfront took one good look at Mickey and stopped in their tracks – which led them to get tripped and trampled by the ones in front, until they saw Mickey, and the process repeated itself until most of them were laying on the ground, confused and embarrassed. Mickey would have laughed if he wasn't very baffled. “Huh... I guess they won't let themselves get any further either.” He looked at his friends to confirm this – but now they were all staring at Mickey with wide eyes and open jaws. Maurice was frantically pointing to the top of Mickey's head. “What?” Mickey felt his head, trying to understand what was causing such a fuss, but he didn't feel any open wounds. Just those three pointy bumps, almost like horns -


“I don't believe my eyes,” One of the Oni said as he began to get up – the one Mickey recognized as Hutch. “I thought the previous Oni King's family was all taken out!”

“Guess he must've missed one,” one Mickey recognized as Pacuvio answered. “He's got the three horns, and only royal family blood gets those! I did hear that the Queen was running away to her peach orchard before she got killed with the rest of 'em...”

“TIME OUT!” Donald squawked, storming up between Mickey and the Oni, his head spinning. “What are you guys saying?! That Mickey's an Oni?!”

“Not just any Oni!” More Oni that Mickey knew piped up, like Bigtime. “This kid's the real deal! He's the real King, not Pete! We don't have to follow Pete anymore!” He looked so happy he could start crying, as did the rest of the exhausted and weary Oni.

“Hang on, my baby can't be an Oni.” Daisy interrupted. “All his life, he's only ever been as small as a peach pit!”

“So?” Bouncer shrugged off the question. “All Oni start out that small. It's when we get older and our horns grow in that we reach our full size. Everybody knows that!”

“EVERYBODY DOES NOT KNOW THAT!” Donald yelled, with Mickey still feeling his horns in disbelief. “HOW WOULD WE EVER KNOW THAT?!”

“Did you ever ask?” Burger quipped.

Daisy grabbed her husband and pulled him away before he tried to smack someone. Mickey crossed his arms, remembering a few odd things – in past encounters with Oni, hadn't they always called him a kid, a child, someone very young? What an odd revelation – but what to do now? He only wanted his size to change – he never wanted power over an entire race of people! “Shoot, this is a lot to handle in one day.” He glanced at Minnie, who still had her mouth open in surprise. “Hm...let's see...if I'm the Oni King now...that means you have to do what I say, right?”

“That's the deal,” said Hutch. “Even if we don't like it.”

“Then my first act as Oni King is...that you no longer have to obey me.” He expected and received plenty of stares, along with “huh”s and “really?”s thrown in. “What do I know about being King? You guys are citizens of Japan, just like the rest of us. If I'm an Oni, than that must mean Oni ain't different from everyone else after all, cause I can tell you right now I don't feel any different. Just live with us, that's all.”

What a new concept! Living with people! Pacuvio chuckled quietly, finally losing a sense to nap. “He really is just like the old Oni King.” The rest of the Oni talked among themselves, some in disbelief, others in happiness – they didn't know their future anymore, but it had be better than being under Pete's thumb.

Mickey was feeling rather good. He'd gotten his father's love, a normal size, and settled an old war in a matter of minutes! “Can this day get any better?” He expected to wake up from this amazing dream any second.

Then a sudden snap caught his attention. Minnie was now standing up, having pulled out one of her classic fans from her sleeve. She was wearing her cold, stony expression of royal business, and Mickey felt a chill down his spine. “This is all well and good, but... Sir Mickey, you did break your promise to me, you did attempt to steal the Lucky Hammer, and as a result, you did help destroy a major part of the capitol. As Princess, I cannot let this stand without proper punishment.”

Donald and Daisy gasped, getting in front of Mickey to protect their child. “But he saved everyone too, doesn't that count for something?” Donald asked, not wanting to lose his son after he finally acknowledged he had one.

Mickey's heart ached, but he couldn't deny what had been said. “No... she's right. As a samurai, I dishonored my master. What I did was wrong.” He walked around his parents, and then knelt before Minnie, his head bowed. “Whatever punishment she gives me, I'll take it without question.”

Donald and Daisy held each other, afraid of what was to come, and it seemed all were holding their breath. Even the Oni began to worry if this would mean punishment would come their way as well. Minnie opened the fan again, hiding her mouth, studying Mickey intensely. “As eager as you are to throw away your birthright...we cannot ignore your blood-right. Not everyone, nor will every Oni, so readily accept your order to simply live freely. They may even see you working for me as a sign of aggression. In order to pay back for your crimes, and to keep peace with the Oni, you must stay here at the capitol so I can keep an eye on you... as my husband.”

Mickey lifted his head up, unsure he heard right. “Huh?”

“ABSOLUTELY NOT!” Now it was Daisy's turn to be dragged away by Donald. “HE'S MY BABY, I'VE STILL GOT THREE TO FIVE YEARS OF MOMMYING LEFT!”

“You're welcome to stay, of course, to make sure your son is carrying out his punishment.” Minnie replied, and although her mouth was hidden, Mickey was certain she was grinning underneath the fan.

“Can it be a double wedding?” Jose asked, giving Panchito whiplash.

Mickey blinked up at Minnie, still on one knee. “Well, uh... if that's my... punishment, and you're the princess, guess I gotta live with it!” He'd try to make it through, somehow, even as his own grin was giving him away.

“Well, what do we do now?” Hutch asked the general population, feeling more confused than ever.

“I say, if we're going to be living among people...” Pacuvio began to pick up broken bits of walls and doors. “We help them live again.” It seemed as good a plan as any, and the Oni began to clean up – which would eventually confuse the townsfolk when they realized it was safe to return again.

All in all, it was an odd sight to behold – Daisy and Minnie starting to have a tug of war over Mickey, Donald laughing his fool head off, and Jose insisting on Panchito bridal carrying him. Marsupilami looked at Maurice. “Y'know...this may be one of those happily ever after type deals. But I have to say, it's the oddest one I've ever seen.” Maurice nodded in agreement. “I thought about ditching this whole place once we repaid our debt to Mickey, but with things this weird... it kind of makes you want to see it through, don't it?” Maurice smiled, and ruffled the top of Marsupilami's head. Eventually they'd chip in and help – but for now, watching everything unfold was far too entertaining.

At some point, they'd unearth and lock up Pete – at some point, there would be more official talks between the Princess and the Oni – at some point, there would be a wedding, perhaps two. But there didn't seem to be any big rush. Time would flow as it always had, and there were uncertainties all around. But as the day ended, and more days would come, there was one thing that would be agreed upon, and shared with as the tales became legends passed from new fathers to new sons.

Mickey's heart would always be the biggest thing about him – and while not through blood, he inherited it from his father.
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Comments: 7

riukime [2023-06-27 19:40:29 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

riukime [2020-03-07 18:34:43 +0000 UTC]

Oh I had read the description. Stay safe Steamboat! Still one of my best and fav Disney authors ever! ❤❤

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

riukime [2020-03-07 18:33:49 +0000 UTC]

Oh no what happened? I didn't see tou quite updating thw story anymore Steamboat! :"0

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

09alih [2019-09-27 22:00:34 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

steamboat-promises In reply to 09alih [2019-09-29 18:46:04 +0000 UTC]

thanks for commenting

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

jennyredfire [2019-09-27 11:13:50 +0000 UTC]

Great story!
Rest, of course Let you will have a whole bunch of ideas for stories!
(Although I have long been an idea is. Also Mickey, Minnie and other Disney characters))

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

steamboat-promises In reply to jennyredfire [2019-09-28 22:22:32 +0000 UTC]

thanks for commenting

👍: 0 ⏩: 0