#application #areyoureadyforthis #smugaf #foodarmies #likeyoudontunderstand #mitchlokicrab #groupart #hype #revamp
Published: 2017-05-10 21:50:21 +0000 UTC; Views: 1402; Favourites: 23; Downloads: 2
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--HOW TO PLAY (The title limit didn't let me finish--)

About time, amirite--

Yep. Here is the smug sunovaguineapignuggethimself,theMeechymooch--

//EDIT 3/3/2018 Ay lmao I redid the App because I hate how it originally looked

Now you will never know how Mitch's Mission Attire looks muahahahah (More like you won't know it in detail)

//EDIT 3/13/2018 Added a crap ton of relationships because that's what all the cool kids are doing

. : : .

Just a general note -- This kid is co-owned by StellaKitsuna , FlickeringFilms , and celestialmatsu !!

FUNSIES: As Loki, you can bet that Mitch is definitely gonna play a few pranks here and there. He loves to see how his pranks go off, and when others find enjoyment in them it makes it more fun for him too. They’re mostly harmless, except for a few times where he might have to be careful about other’s weaknesses. Other than that, his pranks are just for fun, and prove no real danger or anything to those around them. No one knows really why he does them, but he seems to always want to play a prank whenever he gets the chance.


➣“Hey, what’s going on doods? It’s Mitch, or MitchLokiCrab!”

NAME: Mitchell Hughes

AGE: 27 years

D.O.B: March 23rd (Aries)


SPECIES: Elemental Mutant, High-Blood

HEIGHT: 5’ 11” (180.34 cm)

WEIGHT: 173 pounds (78.47 kg)


➣”Hey, you’re new here, aren’t cha? Well, with the introductions out of the way, it’s time to show you around the Fridge! Lez go~”

FOOD: Crab



RANK: Leader


KING OF THE HUNT: After god-knows how many Hunger Games, Mitch is pretty much perfected his hunting skills. Like, honestly. It’s really, REALLY hard to find anyone who is better than him when it comes to surviving out in the wild; from rigging a shelter to hunting and catching game, even to sleeping in any position imaginable, Mitch is pretty much an encyclopedia of survival skills. And when it comes to shooting a bow and arrow, there’s really none other who can oppose his deadly precision. He hits his target 100% of the time, so here’s some sound advice -- don’t challenge him in a bow-battle.

BOOM, BOOM, FIREPOWER: Even though Mitch is an Elemental Mutant, he’s stronger than a normal Human. That’s mainly due to his training though; he regularly works out at the gym and keeps his physical strength at the highest point he can -- even though Elemental Mutants are, by default, weaker and more frail than Humans. In that regard, a Human who does the same work-out regime probably can beat him in physical activities like bench-pressing or stuff like that.

JACK OF ALL MAGICS: Given that Mitch is a High-Blood, he knows and can perform virtually ANY magic out there. From elementals to soul magics, even to both light and dark (though he gravitates more on light), Mitch has it all. However, it should also be noted that even though Mitch can use any magic out there, he is not a master in any of them; it’s really just that he can use any magic.

CHOP CHOP, IT’S TIME FOR THE HARVEST: ((Please forgive, Stel is such trash--)) Okay but like Mitch is one of the best fighters out there; he can use a very wide variety of weapons. Again, though, even though he can use many different weapons, that doesn’t mean that he’s actually formidable in each and every single weapon there is. He’s at his strongest when he’s using long-ranged weapons like darts or throwing knives, formidable with mid-range, and decent with close range. However, he’s not really the best at close range since Physical Mutants and Humans can overpower him. Still, though, this doesn’t mean that you should try to pick a fight with him; he can and will deck you.

CAN’T STOP, WON’T STOP: Being a survivor, Mitch has had more than his fair-share of defeats and humiliation. However, all that pent-up shame and guilt has actually made him stronger; now, he feels like it’s his number one priority to make sure that his recruits are safe, happy, and well-fed. He’s relentless, both on the battlefield and out, but he also knows when to quit. (Most of the time..) Regardless of the task at hand, you can bet that Mitch will be the first one to enter the field and the last one to leave it. And when it comes to paperwork and registrations, Mitch is rather organized and normally submits things on-time and fully completed. All in all, this guy really is just on the Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop train heading to Power-moves City. (Technically this isn't an ability, but I felt like it was worth mentioning somewhere, and this place was the best place to put it?)

MAIN WEAPON -- Sententiam Dei (An Enchanted Bow)


EMPEROR'S NEW CLOTHES: Mitch is prideful in his abilities, to the point he’s sure he could take on anyone. This pride isn’t just in his abilities in fighting, it kinda show when he is training the recruits and stuff and how he makes them do stuff he can do easily, but they can’t. Because of this, he’s not the best teacher out there; don’t get us wrong, he can be a good mentor, it’s just that since he has such confidence in himself, he finds it rather annoying when others can’t keep up with his intense pace. Not only that, but it’s actually easier than you would think when it comes to tricking him into underestimating his opponents; it’s not like he’s incredibly gullible, but comparing him to the other Leaders, Mitch is one of the more gullible.

BURNING OUT: As a high-blood, Mitch consumes a lot of energy, and because of this needs to rest a bit more than others during the night, getting a 10 hour night’s sleep, rather than the normal 8. However, he is a light sleeper, so unlikely he’ll get the full 10 hours. He becomes weaker the less sleep he has, and if he goes for too long he will quite literally “burn out”, causing him to pass out and force that energy back to his body. This usually doesn’t happen, however, but when things start to build up in his system, it’s very likely that Mitch will blow a fuse. Oh, and he has to eat more than his fair share. Whoopsies.

TEETER TOTTER: Mitch tends to one on one end of a spectrum or another -- he’s either very calm, laid-back, competitive and good-humored (so how he normally is), or, if provoked in the right ways, can almost simultaneously turn very aggressive, dark, and unrelenting, potentially reckless, careless, and unpredictable as well. There really isn’t any in between with him -- and although he’s probably one of the most mentally stable survivors out there (which is actually saying something), that doesn’t mean that his mentality is fully right. He is indeed prone to snapping, but luckily, it’s rather hard for you to make him lose his cool.

Mitch's Mana Tracker


➣“Pfft, You’re not going to find anyone as great as me~!”

 Charismatic | Calm | Trustworthy | Practical

 Self-Assured | Ambitious | Improviser | Stubborn

 Relentless | Impulsive | Gullible | Overzealous

Mitch is known to be a very surly and charismatic to people, a smooth-talker and quite friendly to anyone really. He has a way with words, and while he isn’t technically persuasive, his words are smooth and he can usually find himself into any situation he wants to be with his words and how friendly he is. Mitch keeps his head in any situation, focusing on what is needed for the moment and not breaking his posture. If he does get annoyed, he doesn’t really show it unless he gets really upset. And you can trust him to keep his word; if Mitch makes a promise, he’ll keep it. He’s a very trustworthy ally, as he almost always follows through with that he says, from menial tasks to threats. However, at the same time, he’s pretty practical and knows what he should promise and what he shouldn’t. Tough, at the same time, Mitch is a little impulsive and improviser. Though he is capable of making and following through with plans, Mitch isn’t really the type to make fully thought out and intricate plans; instead, he lists out the objectives, notes the hazards, and goes from there. Since he’s been out in the wild for so long, Mitch has learned that being able to adapt to situations on the fly is a lot better skill to have than to waste time thinking about a course of action. At the same time, the leader also tends to think in the moment and goes with what his gut tells him -- so long as it’s reasonable and logical. This can lead to hairy situations as there are some points in which a detailed and rigid plan of action is better than winging it, and in these cases Mitch will need backup as he’s not fully developed in that area.

Being calm and collected as he is, Mitch can tell how things should be and normally doesn’t go overboard with things unless it’s dire, or he’s somehow snapped. However, at the same time, Mitch has a slight tendency to be overzealous, and when he somehow does let himself loose for fun stuff, he goes for it. So, say for example, he’s been given free-reigns to do anything for party planning, and say that he let himself go, well... You can bet that there’s going to be extreme attractions like blood fountains, endless supplies of food, weapons lining the walls for sparring matches, the list goes on. Luckily, though, this doesn’t normally happen. Speaking of things that normally don’t happen.... Well, let’s just say that you should never try to push Mitch to his limit, as he will...Well..You don’t want to be around him when that happens. I’m purposely going to gloss over this part, but I will note that if you thought that Mitch was dark or downright insane before.... Well..You really don’t want to meet him when he’s snapped. (Luckily for everyone involved this doesn’t happen very often)

His flaws, however, mainly revolve around his rather inflated ego. Mitch is very self-assured and ambitious, and as such, sometimes does get carried away with things despite his practicality. Don’t get me wrong, though; he will always stick by his word, as his word is his bond, but when it comes to other things that he’s not explicitly bound to -- like his hobbies or something -- Mitch tends to be a little too aggressive with his desire for first place. And it’s not like he’s a sore loser, he’s just disappointed whenever he gets second place or lower. His ambition and confidence can be a double bladed sword, as he never really double-guesses himself and functions perfectly fine independently, as well as not being all that concerned with other’s opinions of him, but at the same time..Well.. He sometimes simply just dismisses most constructive criticisms as he doesn’t really see his flaws, or at least, doesn’t think that his flaws are too crippling. And, on top of that, Mitch demands the best and only the best, so you can rest assured that he’ll do whatever it takes to achieve something (of course, by the most practical means), but at the same time, he tends to be a little IMpractical when it comes to expectations on others. Mitch sometimes forgets that other recruits and army members don’t have his arsenal of abilities, knowledge, and skills, so his standards tend to be a little too high. This also sometimes applies to himself, as he sometimes sets his own standards just outside of his reach. When this happens, you can bet that he’ll be rather stubborn and relentless, as he will try every practical and logical way to achieve his goals, even if his goal is a little illogical. This actually happens more than you think, but it’s rather hard to tell when exactly Mitch is struggling with something given his pride and his very calm posture. Oh, and one last thing -- you might be really curious about his gullible trait. Well, all you really need to know about that is that Mitch, being very prideful and egoistic, tends to be a little more gullible than you think he’d be. However, that, by no means, means that you should try to trick him; he’s smart, is capable of figuring it out, and even more capable of punishing you. It’s just that his pride tends to leave him a little more vulnerable to tricks or suggestions than your average leader.

Overall, Mitch is very smug and smooth, relentless and ambitious when it comes to standards, and very practical despite his improvisations and impulses. However, he really just tends to be on one end of the spectrum or the other -- he’s either really calm and collected, or he’s completely insane and heartless. The Meat’s leader is more of a static than dynamic character, so as such, there isn’t much room for him to grow other than kicking his pride to a more manageable place.

HOBBIES: Hiking (if/when he’s free for a couple of days, he’ll go hiking out into the wilderness and stay there for the duration, not returning even when it’s night time. He’s learned how to handle himself), playing the Hunger Games (okay so think of this like the actual Hunger Games, but minus the killing part. You are allowed to bring ONLY ONE Weapon to the lobby, and that’s where you get yourself situated and signed up for a match. When the time comes, you go to your pedestal and wait for the game to start. When it does, it carries on like any normal Hunger Games, except this time, you’re not allowed to actually kill people. Instead, you are supposed to steal the sash the other person has around their chest -- everyone has a sash, and when you have your sash stolen, you’re technically “dead” and will be escorted to a specific area where you can watch the rest of the game. You ARE permitted to beat someone up, but you HAVE to stop once they’re unconscious. Last person that has their sash still wins.) Attending parties (what can I say? He’s a sociable guy -- oh, he doesn’t really like planning things himself) FLIRTING LIKE THERE’S NO TOMORROW? (Yeah so like he’s bi all across the board soo) Gambling (Mitch doesn’t do this all that often, but occasionally he’ll participate. He always plays fair and normally doesn’t bid too high-) Any kind of sport really

LIKES: HUNGER GAAMMMESS I WANNA WIN I WIN IT ALLLLLL, food, being out and about, forests, watching or participating in any competitive activity, traveling or exploring, pop/rock music, slight chills (both figurative and literally)

DISLIKES: Losing (tho normally he’s a good sport about it), sea creatures (ironic, I know), being alone for extended periods of time (so for more than 5 days), being indoors for too long, heat (anything that’s above 90 degrees basically), sour/bitter foods, storms (though he normally jokes about them)

STRENGTHS: Mitch is a force to be reckoned with, as he’s very capable of sniping you down before you even have a chance to raise your weapon. His aim is dead on, both in battle and in normal life (or at least, it normally is), and it’s really, REALLY hard to shake this guy. He’s almost always calm, collected, and logical, and given his ability to think on his feet, it’s hard to trip him up or get him to expose an opportunity to attack. On top of that, Mitch’s confidence in himself allows him to launch attack after attack without any real delays since he doesn’t doubt himself, and with his extremely vast knowledge of magic... Yeah. You’ve got one fearsome fighter on your hands. I mean, come on. He’s the leader of the most militaristic army there is--

FAULTS: If you can get close enough to him, that actually does unnerve him slightly, as he’ll then try and distance himself from you again. He’s a glass cannon, and if you hit him with anything really, well... It’ll do a lot of damage. Not only that, but since he’s a High-Blood Elemental Mutant it’s possible to wear him out considering the high amount of energy he uses up. If you can provoke him into chasing you and/or fighting you with all his power and you manage to dodge most of it, then props to you. Mitch may be clever, but he’s also pretty gullible if compared to the rest of the leaders. So if you’re lucky, you may catch him off guard at some point and use that to your advantage. Oh, and his pride. You can sorta use that against him as well -- fair warning, dou -- even if he underestimates you, he can still beat you anyways. So, basically, you gotta outsmart him/use his improvision against him and get close enough to deliver the final blows.

FEARS: The army falling again, actually killing someone without good reason, being apprehended and found guilty of murder or some other serious crime, making the same mistake that led to the original’s downfall, becoming fully corrupted


➣“Yeah, uh… That’s stuff is personal. Don’t go looking around finding about my past, okay? Otherwise, well..for one, you’re crayfishing, and two, you might not like what’ll happen next..~”

➤ L O C K E D


➣“Well anyways dood, you wanna challenge me in some good ol’ fashioned Hunger Deans? You seem like the type of person who would give me a hwot and spoicy round!”

SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Bi all across the board

STATUS: Single

 //Slight Attraction
 //Major Attraction

 //Respects a lot


 //Slight crush
 //Major Crush

 //Good Friend
 //Close Friend

 //Wants to get to know them better
 //Cant bear without

 //Platonic Like
 // Like Family
 //Joint at the hip

 //Slightly suspicious
 //Very suspicious
 //Not trusted

 //Annoyed by

 // Mentor/Apprentice

|  -  -  -  -  |  Ashley | AmburnedPhoenix | Meats | He’s known her ever since they were little kids, and he’s never truly left her side. You can find them flirting with each other -- almost constantly, euch -- but it’s hard to tell if they’re actually crushing on each other, or if they’re just flirting for fun. | “Ashley’s always been with me, through thick and thin. She’s honestly amazing, and I can’t ask for a better Co-Leader. I literally just can’t say enough good about her, dood, so I’ll just leave it like this.”

|  -  -  -  | Maddi | celestialmatsu | Meats | She’s an officer under him, and he respects her on a mutual level. Overall, the two of them get along rather well considering that both of the are extroverted by nature, and he enjoys having her around. | “Maddi is a pretty cool dood. We hang out whenever the two of us have nothing to do, and she’s a great person to have around! She can also handle herself, which is something that I really admire.”

|  -  -  | Oliver | Derpalotderps | Meats | Doesn't know him well, but he's a very quirky and optimistic person. Oliver is on the more frail side because of him being a lowblood, but Mitch sees past that and recognises him for the sweet and nurturing person that he is. | "Oliver is a respectable medic. He takes care of people, he knows that laughter is the best medicine, overall I like him. He'll go places."

|  -  -  | Nebula | NorthernEcho | Meats | Good kid. Mitch feels bad about his injury, but such is life sometimes. Still has major respect for him being able to recover from something like that and still be the same/stronger person afterwards. | "Dood got guts. I'm proud of him, actually. Nebula is a good recruit, and I believe that he'll just keep fighting. After all, that's the Meats Way, haha!"

|   | Wizardis | tears-of-the-flames | Meats | Respectable. If you couldn't tell, Mitch has respect for all of his recruits, and Wizardis isn't any exception. While Mitch doesn't know him well, he has confidence that he'll make him prouder than he already is. | "Wizardis is a good, strong, and honorable recruit. Wish I could speak about him as a person, but sadly I don't really know my recruits all that well. Ah, well, he's earned his place here, and I'm proud of how far he's come and how far he will go."

|  -  -  -  -  -  | Sky | StellaKitsuna | Fruits | Mitch and Sky get along as well as any of the leaders really can, and they've actually formed a bit of a mutual friendship. It's not a real friendship, mind you, but both have mutual respect towards the other and generally like each other. However, Mitch still doesn't like the fact that Sky is a total push over... | “He's a real wimp, don't get me wrong, but he's not a bad wimp. He's just sorta there, but dood gots guts when it calls for it. I respect that. I hope he doesn't disappoint me; the relationship between our armies are kinda promising...”

|  -  -  -  -  | Films | FlickeringFilms | Fruits | Doesn't know her well, but at least they can be pranking buddies together. Aside from that, he doesn't really trust her all that much because, again, he doesn't know her well, but he's willing to give her a chance to earn his respect or something. | "Films is a great person to have around when it comes to pulling a fast one on people. Other than that, I don't have much to say. I don't know her outside of the stunts that we pull together."

|  -  -  - | McKiath | McKiath | Veggies | Mitch and McKiath don’t really get along. Infact, it’s sorta gotten to this point where Mitch would be purposely arrogant and prideful around her just to spite her. And like Sky, he really only respects just for her position. | “Pfff, that old worm? Yeah, no. She and I don’t really get along all that well, but honestly, I’d rather keep it that way. Or at least, keep her and her army at a distance.”


➣“No? Awh, that’s too bad. Well, no hard feelings, dood. There are plenty of other fools to put on the chopping block, ha! Anyways, I’ll see you around then. Love you long time, take care~”


Films -- Skype > Notes > Comments > Google Docs > Discord > DA Chat (can’t access it/refuse due to parenting issues)

Stel -- Skype > Discord > Google Docs > Notes > Comments > DA Chat (I can’t access it)

Celes -- Notes > Comments > Discord > Docs > DA Chat (I don't have a skype)

VOICE CLAIM: BajanCanadian   ((Currently looking for a video w/ prime example--))




  "When the going gets tough, you get tougher. The choice is yours; do you get run over and whine, or do you take the blow, struggle to get back up, and continue on stronger than you were before?"


ESTP-A ( Entrepreneur)
Lawful Evil
Ambidextrous (born righty but trained until he could use both hands)
His soul is half pure, half corrupted, hense the neon-red eyes
Has two dog tags -- one with his own name engraved, the second having a list of different names. Mitch doesn't talk about it all that much other than it's important to him.
(Stel gave up halfway there with his hair)
Hair naturally poof and spikey
Has a scar going down from his left shoulder blade down to his right side. Isn't really ashamed of it, heck, if mentioned he'll probably brag or something
Does his work, then almost immediately goes off to play Hunger Deans. Sometimes he skimps out on the paperwork to go and wIN THEM ALL but always makes up the late work
Original eye color was a pale red
Actually is a pretty decent cook, his specialty being any type of meat. He normally doesn't cook, dou
Actually doesn't know how to fold clothes
Occasionally will go drinking, but always stays within his limits
Stutters when he's nervous, embarrassed, or flustered

---More will be added---



 Sententiam Dei/an array of other ranged weapons
Headset/earpiece for communication
An array of darts filled with various liquids (so like, darts for poison, darts for regen, etc)
A small 1st-Aid kit
An emergency knife/dagger


 Sententiam Dei/Any other weapon. Always has a weapon with him.
An array of darts filled with various liquids (so like, darts for poison, darts for regen, etc)
Some money
Extra roll of bandages
A pen

TIMEZONE: StellaKitsuna and FlickeringFilms are Central while celestialmatsu is Pacific (all of us Co-Own and live in the US)

RP STYLE: The Leader laughed as he roughly slapped -- or pat; you think that was what he was going for -- your back. “Hey, for your first Hunger Games with me; you didn’t do all that bad! Congrats, dood! I’ll be sure to play some more rounds with you in the future~ Until then, let’s head back to the base.” And with that, he strode off, keeping his head held high and hands in his pockets.

What have you gotten yourself into?

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Comments: 24

Knighter1234 [2018-03-04 03:50:47 +0000 UTC]

Loki? Is that you?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Stelace In reply to Knighter1234 [2018-03-04 21:34:01 +0000 UTC]

It is indeed a sorta Loki

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

realalexis [2018-03-04 01:12:05 +0000 UTC]

Monkey boys back

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Stelace In reply to realalexis [2018-03-04 01:38:10 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

McKiath [2017-06-10 18:08:46 +0000 UTC]

I just noticed we have two lokis

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Stelace In reply to McKiath [2017-06-10 18:33:48 +0000 UTC]


It's a lot of rip----

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

McKiath In reply to Stelace [2017-06-10 18:34:21 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Stelace In reply to McKiath [2017-06-10 20:37:38 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Woofies2003 [2017-05-28 18:16:03 +0000 UTC]

its Monch--

k I'll leave now 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Stelace In reply to Woofies2003 [2017-05-28 18:18:15 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

tears-of-the-flames [2017-05-24 17:35:39 +0000 UTC]

He has a headset while there isn't really much advanced tech? who builds and takes care of them? Is it wireless? How do they have wireless stuff? and if there's a headset wouldn't there be other stuff? Sorry it's just that kinda grabbed my attention ^^'

Also geez, are all the leaders really powerful? It kinda makes sense, but still. geez o.o XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Stelace In reply to tears-of-the-flames [2017-05-24 22:01:52 +0000 UTC]

I'd imagine that it's not necessarily the tech that's advanced. The way I see the headset being is that it's powered by some sort of enchanted rune that repeats things that have been said into it, and that the rune itself is actually a splinter of a bigger rune. So, basically, some human enchanted a rune to repeat what's said into it, broke the big rune into parts so that they're all still connected but still serve the same purpose, then build a frame that supports said rune and makes it kinda comfy to wear. Does that make sense?

I mean

They're the leaders

So I mean--

Technically Sky and Rose are the weaker of the two when it comes to ability wise, but they're all very powerful in their own right. Two of them are mutants while the other two are human. (Well, Sky isn't fully but Imma save that for a later time-)

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

tears-of-the-flames In reply to Stelace [2017-05-25 12:25:21 +0000 UTC]

Oh okay, yeah that makes sense ^-^ just the way it was worded confused me, since when I think headset I think tech.

Yeah I know, XD it's just amusing to me. (Aye I am aware of that)

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

1xInfinixPossibility [2017-05-13 20:13:38 +0000 UTC]

Holy hell is this guy fucking OP.

How dare you.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Stelace In reply to 1xInfinixPossibility [2017-05-13 21:52:01 +0000 UTC]

Profanity but yeah, he is-

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

McKiath [2017-05-11 12:11:18 +0000 UTC]

"That old worm? Excusssse me?!"


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Stelace In reply to McKiath [2017-05-11 19:54:04 +0000 UTC]


And uh..Because I think characters through? ; w ; I don't know??

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

MizukaTheSilent [2017-05-11 02:13:57 +0000 UTC]



Awesome work tho! Cx

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Stelace In reply to MizukaTheSilent [2017-05-11 02:45:38 +0000 UTC]




👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MizukaTheSilent In reply to Stelace [2017-05-11 03:17:22 +0000 UTC]



👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Stelace In reply to MizukaTheSilent [2017-05-11 10:36:34 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

lazu228 [2017-05-11 00:40:12 +0000 UTC]

This looks pretty awesome :3

Nice Art work!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Stelace In reply to lazu228 [2017-05-11 02:45:21 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! ; w ;

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

lazu228 In reply to Stelace [2017-05-11 03:12:30 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0