Published: 2017-05-27 18:56:34 +0000 UTC; Views: 1071; Favourites: 23; Downloads: 2
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-- FRATERNITY, OR DEATH; -- THE LAST, MUCH THE EASIEST TO BESTOW, O GUILLOTINE!" (Title limit didn't let me finish--)





I have no idea how this is going to go but hopefully I can pull it off. Hopefully. Idk man, I'm going to try ; w ;

//EDIT 12/31/17

I actually finished redrawing his app before I started the other picture (the sorta redraw but not redraw) and I guess I kinda forgot to upload this until now


I'll probably do Mitch next once I get the time/motivation

. : : .


➤ "...." He simply looks over at your direction and gives you a small nod as a greeting.

NAME: Carton Bastille

NICKNAME(S): Don't have any right now. I will add them when he gets some

AGE: 28

D.O.B: January 1st (Capricorn)



HEIGHT: 5'8" (172.72 cm)

WEIGHT: 130 lb (58.967 kg)


➤ You wonder why he hasn't said anything. He turns his attention away from you, but then notices that you're still here. He sighs quietly before walking over to you.

SWEET: Rock Candy (it was the closest thing I could get to Rupees okay)

HERO: Link (LoZ, mainly Breath of The Wild but also a mix of the other games too)


RANK: Officer


TRIFORCE OF COURAGE: No, he does NOT actually have the Triforce; I just wanted to name this thing that ; w ; Anyways, I don't think this neccessarily counts as an ability, but this guy is always calm and has his wits about him. It's extremely difficult to caught him off guard or to disorientate him. He's almost always thinking, and very rarely ever backs down from anything, whether it be a massive battle or any daunting task. So, this basically just means that he's both incredibly determined and fearless, always calm and collected even in the face of death. In that sense, he's pretty much just Meat Army level of Courage rip--

THE HERO OF LEGEND: FORGIVE ME I AM SUCH TRASH BUT I LOVE COMING UP WITH COOL REFERENCES AND NAMES FOR THIS STUFF--- Anyways, again, this technically isn't an ability, but I guess I'm just going to treat this section as if this was a thing for his strengths or something (even though there's a different section for that---) ANYWAYS, Carton is an incredibly skilled swordsmen and deffinantly amoung the very best out there. While his arsenal is rather small compared to the other Superiors, that really just means that he's incredibly skilled and talented with those few weapons. He's elite in archery, swordsplay, pyrotechnics (specifically bombs), and is actually quite skilled with using Boomerangs. Now, with that being said, he's really just a beginner with any other weapon out there since he really just specializes in those fourish weapons. Still though, you really don't want to get into a fight with him.

THE GODDESSES SMILE UPON YOU: Carton is actually very skilled at enchanting things; he knows practically every enchant there is and can recite their name and function off the top of his head. Or, at least, he would be able to if he were able to speak. Anyways, if you need a seriously powerful enchant, you can ask him to enchant your weaponry for you. He's rather lucky when it comes to getting high-level enchants and acculumates slightly more mana than usual.

MAIN WEAPONS -- Master Sword + Master Shield (It's not actually OP, that's just it's name)


COMMUNICATION: Since Carton is mute, he really can't get any of his ideas across to anyone, even if he tried. It's unknown the reason for his muteness, but regardless, it's really hard to communicate with him which then can potentially lead to his downfall, as he's unable to call for help or even point out potiential threats. That, and it's also rather hard to work with him because, again, lack of communication. The only real way for him to get anything across to another person is through writing, but in the heat of a battle, you ain't got taaaiimme for that. So, effectively, there really isn't any way to reach him during fights.

TRIFORCE OF POWER: Although he is typically very calm and rational during a fight, sheer and brute strength is actually enough to end the battle there. Although he is an exceptional tank and built to last, he's more suited for long, cumbersome battles rather than short confrontations. So, with enough attacks and blasts, he'll be thrown off his game and left exposed for the final blow. Given the bulk of his armor ontop of that, combine overwhelming strength and the inability to escape easily and you've got yourself a devastating combo that will probably leave him dead.

Carton's Mana Tracker


➤ He holds out his hand to you and you take it, slowly and awkwardly shaking it. You greet him, and ask him for his name. Instead of verbally responding, he digs around his bag before pulling out a small notebook and a pencil. Without any delays, he starts writing.




I'm just going to state this outright -- this guy is a static character, so while he does have dimentions, there isn't room for him to grow. With that being said, let's get onto Carton as a person.

As I've already stated in his "abilities", Carton is very calm and collected. His head is almost always level and nothing really seems to phase him. In fact, like how the core of Sky's being is his altruicity, the core of Carton's being is his stoicism. Stemming from that comes pretty much all his other traits; because of his rationality and incompromising logic, Carton is very practical and fulfills all the neccessities and always sides with the logical side, even if he can be rather indifferent. Though, while it's typically not practical to abstain from situations, to him his logic tells him that if there's a way to avoid conflict, he should do so. Starting up trouble and picking sides will eventually lead to even more trouble in the future, so you might as well just not participate in that kind of down-hill spiral.  When it comes to situations/cases that concern other armies or picking sides, Carton usually chooses the option to abstain rather than trying to get involved with things. However, if abstainance is no longer an option, then he'll most likely choose the side that is the most logical, regardless of what his emotions tell him. Carton's practicality and indifference uncommonly clash, but it's typically the indifference that wins. In fact, his responsibility to his army pretty much overrides every other aspect of his life, since he's very responsible and hardworking. Carton always gets his work done because of his unyielding sense of obligation and duty. However, since work has pretty much been upheld at the expense of his social life, Carton, then, is fiercy independent and rarely interacts with people outside of a work setting. He believes that the only person he can truly trust to get things done is himself.

So, by now you can tell that this guy is really the pinnicle of "all work and no play", huh? Well, because of the constant stress that he puts upon himself, he's really just lost all sense of humor or expression. Thus, his expressionless and humourless trait. Those two really coincide with eachother, as again, given his independent nature, he doesn't work well with other people. He rarely shows his emotions and never smiles when a joke is told or a funny situation happens. Why is that? Well, again, he's very stoic, and while stoicism does not equate to the mentality that "people are irresponsible and stupid and therefore I won't be like those people", his undying urge to get things done and over with really doesn't allow much room for laughs or silly things. I mean, given the very stressful situation that they're in, to him there's really not much you can laugh at. There's really no use in smiling, because a couple minutes later that person might be dead and gone, or something else might happen. Again, because of the constant stress and paranoia that things can take a wrong turn at any time, he's pretty much just steeled himself up and never really lets his emotions get the best of him since that will cloud his judgement and therefore lead to needless deaths and destruction. So, given all that, you can really see why Carton is very cautious; while it's sometimes a good thing to be on alert in case you see anything suspicious, it's also not a good thing if you're almost always on the look out for anything. Added onto that his independence and you have a person that is rather antisocial due to one, his work, and two, a general skeptisim and slight distrust of practically everyone. Yeah, he's really responsible and does things by himself, but at the same time, it's kinda contradictory with him being practical and cautious. The way I see this going is -- while it's technically not practical to distrust basically everyone, there are a few basics that he still abides by, like generally trusting your leader and the other superiors. However, he diesn't really trust the recruits all that much; yeah they're in the same army, but anything can happen. As such, he's cautious with the friends that he makes or the people that he interacts, and given his independent nature, he normally just doesn't even hang around public places if he can help it. And yeah, again, that's not really practical, but he will sacrifice his practicality if it means that he can continue his work and obligations. Plus, sometimes recruits can become a liability and that's probably amoung the things that he hates the most.

With all that said, where does his patience come in? After all, given how goddang obsessed this guy is with his work, along with his distrust of basically everyone but himself, you would think that this guy has absolute zero tolerance for horseplay. And well, you're be partially correct with that. After all, given hiS GODDANG COMMITMENT TO HIS ARMY, he's rather strict. Like, you break the law and he will punish you accordingly (and of course, none of the punishments are too over-the-top since that would be very impractical). However, even though he's very cautious and independent, if you can earn his trust, then he will have a seemingly endless supply of patience for you. However, it should be noted that it's rather hard to get to that point, but hey, congrats if you do. Regardless, to most other people, he is sorta tolerant when it comes to group projects. So long as you get your things done, it's okay if you are a little late with getting it in. So long as it's not too long, you're fine but you'll probably get a warning in paper. (So long as it's not terribly late and the quality is decent) However, when it comes to felonies, that's where he has relatively NO patiences and is therefore rather strict. Again, he's pratical, and it's not really practical to get upset at someone if they were a little late with an assignment since the work was done, and although it wasn't on the original deadline, it's better than nothing.

Overall, again, the very core of his being is his stoicism, as he's pretty much the pinnicle of the phrase "all work and no play makes Johnny a dull boy". I guess, in a sense, he is rather dull, and I suppose he could potentially be a dynamic character like Sky, but as my intentions stand while I'm writing all of this, I plan on keeping him like this. Maybe he might meet someone who finally is able to get through to his head that he should really treat himself better, but until then, the most significant change that I can see him undergoing is getting outside more and decreasing the amount of work that he does, but not by much and he's still rather anti-social.

HOBBIES: Playing the Wooden Flute  (Are you surprised that it's not an ocarina? XD Anyways, he doesn't play all too much, but he will play when he thinks he's alone. He can read sheet music and play by ear, but he normally plays folks songs that he's heard over the years.) | Enchanting (He finds it rather satisfying and sort of a destresser) | Fishing (He does eat what he catches and is rather skilled at it. While he's waiting, Carton will often reflect on everything that's happened so far and sort through his wandering thoughts) | Dancing (Though he rarely ever does this, he is a very good partner for waltzes)

LIKES: Being alone, doing work/being productive in general, listening to orchestral music, learning new things, enchanting, small furry animals, peace and quiet, teaching someone how to do things, plain and simple foods, fruits (SORRY FRUIT ARMY--), cool weather, rain, forests, being near water (especially waterfalls or lakes), misty mornings

DISLIKES: Loud and noisy places, loud and noisy people, crowds, insects, being asked questions/people randomly talking with him, spicy or bitter foods, lightning, romance in general, having to do more work than he needs to (but he'll put up with it), jokes in general, country songs (weird, I know), trying to communicate with people (though he puts up with it)

STRENGTHS: As stated in the abilities part, Carton is extremely good with the few weapons he can use. He's an elite swords and marksmen, has knowledge on how to make, ignite, and throw bombs, and is quite good at using boomerangs. Not only that, but he's also amoung the best tanks out there, as the armor and a shield provide him with solid defence, and his swords and other weapons provide excellent offence. So, he's rather balanced when it comes to fighting. All on top of this is his calm and analytical mind, so put all this stuff together and you have a very reliable soldier who can dish damage, take damage, and still keep going after an extended period of time.

FAULTS: Even though he has the proper setup to be a fortified wall, if you can overwhelm him with brute strength, that leaves him open for the death blow. And again, given how bulky and cumbersome the armor is, his agility and momvement speed is rather low, so he can't really run or flee. Not only that, but given his independent nature and lack of communication with the others, Carton likes to act on his own rather than working with a team, which again, puts him at a disadvantage since there's strength in numbers. He will follow orders, but he's not really one to give orders during a battle and will act by himself if he thinks that there's a better approach to things. So basically, you have to overpower his defences in order to corner him, and because of his independence, there won't really be much backup, nor can he even call for backup.

FEARS: Loosing loved ones again, death, needles, lighting/thunderstorms, extremely large amounts of fire, becoming lost and never being found


➤ After a couple of moments, he holds the small notebook out to you, and you take it and read it. "My name is Carton. Forgive me for not speaking, but I am mute." You slowly nod in understanding, before handing it back to him. You ask him how he even became mute in the first place, to which he writes down "I'd rather not talk about it."



➤ You tell him that you understand, then ask how his day had been. He paused, before writing "It has been alright. What about you?"


STATUS: Single but not looking for anyone (WHOOPS)

 //Slight Attraction
 //Major Attraction

 //Respects a lot


 //Slight crush
 //Major Crush

 //Good Friend
 //Close Friend

 //Wants to get to know them better
 //Cant bear without

 //Platonic Like
 // Like Family
 //Joint at the hip

 //Slightly suspicious
 //Very suspicious
 //Not trusted

 //Annoyed by

 // Mentor/Apprentice

Please note that all of his reactions/relationships w/ people are written down. He's mute, don't forget.

|  -  -  | Eris | Derpalotderps | Sweets | Doesn't know him personally, but respects him a great deal considering the fact that he's the leader and all. Carton wishes him the best and is always willing to help him with anything ever, really. | "He is our leader. Wherever he goes, I will follow. I respect him a great deal and am happy to serve under him. I'm sure that Eris will do amazing."

|  -  -  | Jasper | NorthernEcho | Sweets | Also doesn't know him well, but also respects him a lot. He's a little more cautious around Jasper, however, considering the fact that he came from the Fruits. Whatever his reason was for switching, Carton doesn't know nor does he really care. Jasper is where he is now, and that's that. | "Jasper is our second in command. I don't really have that many feelings towards him, but because he came from a different army, I'm a little more...alert, around him. I suppose. He's not bad, I'm just a little cautious."

|  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  | Sky  | StellaKitsuna | Fruits | Carton has no idea who Sky is anymore, simply believing him to be dead. However, when they still were living together, Carton loved his little brother dearly. Now thanks to all the events that have currently happened, Carton is sincerely confused about everything but is truly happy and thankful that his brother is still around, even though he sincerely disagrees with a lot of things that he's seen Sky do. Overall, it's a lot of mixed emotions. | "I..Thought that you were dead, Odysseus. But you're...Sky now? I'm so confused, but I don't really care. You're alive, you have people to protect you, and that's all I could ever really wish for you. God, we have so much catching up to do, don't we..? Ah, well, things never change. You're always getting into trouble, aren't you? You should be more responsible, you're a leader now.. Ah. I'm rambling. Sorry about that."

|  -  -  -  | Films | FlickeringFilms  | Fruits | Doesn't really have many opinions about her. She's just another Co-Leader in his eyes, though now that he knows who Sky really is, he's extra cautious and wary around Films. He wants her to treat his brother well, and from what he's seen, she's sorta doing her job. Sorta. | "She's alright, I don't particularly hate her or like her. Though, she better be good to my brother..She seems like she is, but at the same time I can't really read their relationship all that clearly. In whatever case, she's okay."

|  -  -  | Fawn | tears-of-the-flames  | Fruits | Doesn't know her well either, but doesn't hate her. He has no particular opinions about her, honestly, but he actually sorta resents her a little bit because she keeps reminding her of how Sky acted when he was younger. That's not a bad thing, but to Carton, it hurts. | "I don't particularly like her, but I suppose I do dislike her. Her attitude hits a little too close to home, so to speak..."


➤ The two of you continue on with your pleasant small talk, but eventually, he writes that that he must leave now since there was a lot of work that he still needed to get done. You tell him that you understand, and that it was nice speaking with him. He gives you a small smile, and after bidding him adieu, the two of you go your separate ways. 

RP MEDIA: Skype > Discord > Google Docs > Notes > Comments > DA Chat (Can't use DA Chat)





           "These mountains that you're carrying, you were only meant to climb."


ISTJ-A (Logistician )
 Lawful Neutral
Currently in a severe condition; was seriously injured during a shadow attack while trying to protect Sky.
Knows that Sky is his brother, but has so many questions and is thoroughly confused.

Always wears his white gloves
His hair is rather smooth and silky
Has a little ponytail
His cloak, scarf, and necklace are all very important to him
Has multiple scars on his back but refuses to talk about it
Knows how to bake a couple of stuff like cakes, cookies, and bread. Normally doesn't do it, though
If you couldn't already tell, he's mute. It's unknown whether he acquired it or if he was born with it

--More will be added--



Headset/earpiece for communication
His 4 weapons; Master Sword + Shield, boomerang, Bow and arrows and 3 bombs (Should this count as one? I don't know-)
Small med-kit


Small Notepad + a couple of pencils
Master Sword + Shield
Some money
Extra Gloves


US Central


        As per usual, Carton was sitting at his desk and finishing up the last of his paperwork. He wasn't sure what he was going to do after he was done, but opted to decide after the work was completed. Sure enough, it only took a couple more minutes before he sighed and set down his pencil. Now that he was free, he got up from his desk, sat on the bed, and stared out of the window. Thoughts started drifting through his brain as he watched the stars glitter and shimmer in the night sky, and without him knowing, he had reached over to his bed stand and take out his wooden flute. When Carton was aware of what he was doing, he sighed quietly but started playing an old lullaby his mother always used to sing to him and his brother.

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Comments: 23

Stelace [2018-05-05 22:26:18 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Stelace [2018-03-02 22:41:43 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Stelace [2018-02-06 11:57:18 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Stelace [2018-01-05 01:24:38 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Stelace [2017-12-18 23:48:18 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Stelace [2017-11-12 20:17:33 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Stelace [2017-08-02 17:03:20 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

snipecatz [2017-05-28 04:58:37 +0000 UTC]

um u forgot something
he's suppose to have a carton of milk in his inventory AT ALL TIMES

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Stelace In reply to snipecatz [2017-05-28 14:54:54 +0000 UTC]


W H   Y DI  D N T I  THI  NK   O  F TH A T

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

snipecatz [2017-05-28 04:55:38 +0000 UTC]

carton's carton of milk

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Stelace In reply to snipecatz [2017-05-28 14:54:39 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

SilverWingInk [2017-05-27 19:35:45 +0000 UTC]

~excitement increases~

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Stelace In reply to SilverWingInk [2017-05-28 03:08:45 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Woofies2003 [2017-05-27 19:08:36 +0000 UTC]

good son 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Stelace In reply to Woofies2003 [2017-05-28 03:08:50 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Woofies2003 In reply to Stelace [2017-05-28 03:10:24 +0000 UTC]

the best son


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Stelace In reply to Woofies2003 [2017-05-28 14:53:55 +0000 UTC]

But Sky--

Wo a h-- I mean, you still got some time buddy--

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Woofies2003 In reply to Stelace [2017-05-28 16:17:41 +0000 UTC]

… ok true this kiddo is 2nd best son 

ik ik 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Stelace In reply to Woofies2003 [2017-05-28 17:07:03 +0000 UTC]

Pfff alright then-

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

McKiath [2017-05-27 19:03:19 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Stelace In reply to McKiath [2017-05-27 19:04:28 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

McKiath In reply to Stelace [2017-05-27 19:17:22 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Stelace In reply to McKiath [2017-05-28 14:58:03 +0000 UTC]



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