Bonus picture | +6AP, +10CS +5FVR
As the young mare glided through the wisps of fog of the early morning, she thought back to the previous week. She had been spending the last fortnight with her mother in Osulas. Her mother was doing well- as well as she could, with the drought that was currently going on in Sedo. Kaira had told her that there had been a few parties making their way to the other herds, hoping to receive aid from them. Persephone hoped they would receive the help they desperately needed, but knew the aid would cost. She just hoped for the sake of the Serorans, that price was not too costly. After spending half the month with her mother, Persephone let her mother know she was going to be off- she didn't want to burden her mother with another mouth to feed. She had her own money to pay for food, but her mother would insist on paying. "What mother would make her own daughter pay for food?" she'd always quip when Persephone made to pay for a meal. However, Persephone made sure to silently stock her mother's food stores up a little before leaving. No doubt her mother had found the stash not long after she left.
As the morning sunlight began to lighten the sky, Persephone angled her wings down, beginning her descent. She had spent a majority of the evening in a small cave she had found hidden at the base of the mountains. Being a vagabond her entire life, as well as a mare, she knew the dangers of the new year. The cultists. Her heart ached silently for whatever poor mare had been caught by the group, and prayed that her suffering wasn't as bad as she knew it probably was.
The sun broke over the mountain side, and before her eyes, the mist began to slowly dissipate with the rays of the morning light. With a beat of her powerful wings, she crested over the water, her hooves skimming the glassy surface as she lowered. Soon enough, she was close enough to the edge of the sandy beach that she was slide into the shallow waters, her hooves sinking into the water logged sand. Trotting out of the shallows, Persephone shook her coat out as she folded her wings against her body. It was now officially the new year. She wondered how this years story would play out.
So basically, I kinda lost my mind while doing this. Once again, I decided to do a transparent, then half way through, think "DAMN this would look good with a background! Let's go as complex as possible!" Then about 3 hours into the background, I was weeping and cursing my own existence. I got a little lazy at the end, but hey, I think I did pretty good.
I'm not sure if this counts as a bonus picture because she's off doing her own thing as usual, but I figured she'd be spending her new year in one of her favorite areas, the junction between Sirith and Aquore in the Southern Gulf.
Persephone (c): me