Today, for my late birthday art, I decided to do a reverse. Usually, when I show off new Power Rangers art, I start with the helmet and weapons. Here, I am showing the Ranger first, and tomorrow, to help make up for my week-long absence, I will be showing the helmet and weapon. Here is the Ranger, Nick Russell, aka Bowen, from Power Rangers Mystic Force. This picture of him was actually inspired by a figure of him, part of the line of Action Light figures, each with a shield. I wanted to do him with his Battlizer and the weapons, but this pic seemed the best way to show it off. Nonetheless, I will be doing his Battlizer art later on, so don't worry. Anyways, I colored his shield differently from how his figure was shown, making it with red colors. I also have him with his Mystic Force Phoenix Blaze Sword that I made a few months ago. I think this look would be best for him than any of the other Rangers, as it would be like him with the powers of his father, and showing how strong he is. Now, with this, I have done two Mystic Force Rangers, and I absolutely love this design. Expect to see his Battlizer Form either next week or later on during the year. What do you think? Please enjoy!
And May The Power Protect You All.