Swiny1262 — Kekoa Feral 2017 Application by-nc-nd

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General information 

[ Name ]
Kekoa Feral
(pronounced Keh-Koh-Ugh)

[ Alias/ Nicknames ]
Hairless Pup (by his adoptive father)
the Primal Beast (by animals of his home realm)
Jungle Boy (by Renati, Olena, & Miki)
Animal Man (by Theo)

[ Age/Age Equivalent ]
20 years old

[ Date of Birth ]
5th day of the month of Vult (December 5th)

[ Nationality ] 
Kekoa's parents are from the Eldeen Reaches within the realm of Eberron. Kekoa considers himself a native of the jungles of the Eternal Wilds

[ Species/ Ethnicity ] 
Dreamsight Shifter- shifters are traditionally a race of humanoids with very deluted traces of lycanthropy in their bloodline, this allows them to take on traits of the animal their particular type of lycanthropy is associated with. The dreamsight shifter is unique in that it emulates this trait from other types of shifters, but has no traces of lycanthropic blood in them. Instead dreamsight shifters gain their ability to shift from having strong traces of blood from druidic families, causing them to develop a natural shifting ability of their own. In appearance they mostly resemble humans when they aren't shifting, but with animalistic eyes, enlarge incisors, and claw-like fingernails. Their muscles and bones are about twice as dense as humans, making them more resistant to injury, but also heavier in weight on average.

[ Height ]
6'7''   2m

[ Weight ]
318lbs.   144.2kg

[ Personality ]
impulsive | curious | lazy | observant | stubborn | friendly | brave

[ History ]
    Kekoa was born in another realm known as the Eternal Wilds. The Eternal Wilds is a small realm, but contains a vast number of plants, animals, and habitats. 99.99% of the realms living population is animals, with the remaining .01% representing Kekoa. A rift between realms appeared near the edge of one of the jungles eighteen years ago, and out of it popped Kekoa. Kekoa was actually born in a realm known as Eberron and is part of a race known as shifters. Decendants of lycanthropes with animalistic powers. Kekoa specifically is a Dreamsight Shifter, a specific type of shifter of slightly different origin. Dreamsight shifters are those who have enough druidic blood in their bloodline that they have developed an inborn ability to take on traits of animals. Kekoa himself has no idea to his origin, but as a tiny 3 day old baby he was picked up by a gorilla named Niara who took him as one of her children. 
    As Kekoa grew up he got very curious and started exploring the realm. Living with different animals as he traveled around. He was taken in and raised along-side the newborns of each species to the point that by the time he was 6 he was recognized by a large portion of the animals as a member of their society. As he grew he also seemed to develop the weird ability to take on traits of the animals he lived with, feeding into his natural shifting power. He also learned about many of the plants, mostly by encountering them in the less tame parts of the jungle. Once he was around 10 years old he started spending more time with individual species at a time. The most common group to find him with were the lions, whose pack leader Jakoba took Kekoa in as pretty much a son. Kekoa lived in harmony with the animals and nature for seven years, only having a few squabbles along the way. He developed a hatred towards the ostriches, mostly due to their unfriendly nature. He also learned to steer clear of the honey badger, the one animal he actually came to fear after it clawed up his face. Recently the rift that he originally came from opened up again. Due to his curiosity, Kekoa accidentally fell through it and ended up standing at the feet of his true biological parents.

[ Attending the Academy ]
    Kekoa's parents decided that after having developed his abilities, it was time for him to learn how to interact with non-animals and also to refine those abilities. Kekoa's biological mother had heard of an academy that would be perfect for this and decided alongside her husband to write a letter asking for their son to be admitted to the school. Kekoa was informed by them about this after they had sent the letter, and after some convincing agreed that meeting new species and learning how to better control his abilities would be a good idea.
    Kekoa spent his first year at Legacy Academy mostly doing flying practice, going to flying class, skipping his actual core classes, napping, and breaking rules... a lot... He made friends with a variety of students, including Renati Rursus who is now his girlfriend. He also spent the year learning how to read, write, and speak english. He is now going into his second year, and after a lecture from his mother, is planning on now taking Basic Magic as well as actually going to his core classes now.
    During his second year at the academy, Kekoa started taking Basic Magic. He finally learned to speak English, which certainly has helped his studies, and is now working on learning Druidic, the native language of his people. During the year, he has gained a solid proficiency in nature magic, learning the druidic arts that his native people are so famous for. Also during the year, Giles, his pet raven who had been instructed by Kekoa's parents to teach Kekoa english, left Kekoa's side at the academy and returned home. Kekoa now faces the coming of his third year in the academy, prepared to learn more and hopefully have more fun times.

[ Ability(ies)/Power(s) ]

  • shifting: Kekoa possesses the natural ability to take on the traits of animals that he has studied and spent time with. The list of animal traits he can currently take on is:
    • Lion
      • strength
      • speed
      • claws
      • teeth
      • stealth
      • night vision
    • Gorilla
      • strength
      • climbing ability
    • Falcon
      • vision
      • wings (his arms turn into wings, thus losing function of them as arms. same is true for all bird forms he could have)
      • flight speed
      • airborn agility
    • Wolf
      • speed
      • teeth
      • claws
      • sense of smell
      • night vision
    • Cheetah
      • speed
      • claws
      • teeth
      • night vision
    • Crocodile
      • teeth
      • jaw strength
      • skin durability
    • Shark
      • teeth
      • strength
      • breathing underwater
      • sight underwater
    • Orangutan
      • strength
  • animal affinity: Kekoa knows the language of almost all natural animals, and is easily able to befriend almost any animal he comes into contact with, assuming he has not done something to make said animal hostile towards him, or said animal is not under the influence of magic or some other form of control
  • nature attuned: Kekoa has a natural attunement to nature, knowing the dangers and/or uses for most natural plants. He is also adept at finding sources of water and natural food sources (berries, small animals, salt licks, etc.)
  • durability: Due to Kekoa's muscles and bones being more dense than a human, he is much more durable. This coupled with his increased pain tolerance from being raised by animals has made him quite proficient at keeping himself going, even when heavily injured.
  • flight proficiency: after a year of taking the academy's flying course, Kekoa has a strong proficiency in flight. Due to the extra time spent in his falcon form during this time, his falcon form has also gained speed and agility that it did not previously have
  • druidic magic: after a year of Basic Magic, Kekoa has learned a number of different nature based spells that he can now emplore if the need arises.
    • Blossom: a basic spell requiring an incantation that causes plants that are within a ten foot radius of Kekoa to rapidly grow and blossom. For example, he can use this spell on a seed to make it grow into a small sprout, use it on a sprout to grow it into a sapling, and not much past that. If used on flowers or other plants that aren't in their fledgling stages anymore, it causes them to blossom and/or bear fruit like they would during the Spring season.
    • Plant Growth: this spell causes plants that are native to an area to burst into existence in a radius of 30 feet around Kekoa. For example, in a grassy field flowers would appear, in a jungle vines or bushes would sprout, in a desert a cactus would grow out of the ground, etc.
    • Nature's Blessing: a spell that attune's those it is cast upon with healing energy of nature. The more grevious the wound, the more taxing the spell is upon Kekoa. For example, healing cuts and bruises won't take much energy at all, but healing a single broken bone will leave Kekoa winded and tired.
    • Nature's Wrath: Kekoa calls upon the primeval powers of nature, sicking it's wrath upon his enemies. This spell causes forces of nature in the area to attack targets Kekoa designates within his field of view. For example, if there are trees nearby branches will reach out and wrap around the enemy, in the snow hail would start to pummel the foe, during a thunderstorm the opponent may be struck by lightning, etc.

[ Items / Belongings ]

  • Hidden Fork Knife: a gift from Renati during his first year, it is an ornate knife with a secret button that causes a fork to deploy out the end of the hilt.

[ Weaknesses / Downside(s) / Allergies / Health Concern(s) ] 

  • learning time: Kekoa cannot start to use abilities of animals until he has had at least two months of time to spend with them and study their society and behaviors
  • cultural barrier: Kekoa was raised by animals, and thus does not know the rules of etiquette when interacting with other species. This could easily get him in trouble in most situations
  • one at a time: Kekoa is only able to utilize the powers of one animal at a time, and shifting from one animal to another without taking a break inbetween is extremely tiring for him
  • overly organic diet: Kekoa will not eat any food that has been cooked. Cooked meat will make him sick, as will most processed foods. Kekoa will also not eat meat from any creature that is the top of the food chain in its natural environment
  • not a master: Kekoa can stay shifted for about an hour at a time before becoming tired, afterwords he will need to rest in his normal form for at least as much time as he spent shifted. If he switches from one shifted form to another without resting, the time he can stay shifted is drastically redused. If he switches from one to another just once it reduces his time to around 40 minutes. If he switches between forms twice he reduces his time to around 20 minutes. Any more switches than that and Kekoa is lucky to keep the shifted form for any longer than a minute. Switching also requires him to spend a much more significant amount of time resting. This time is typically around one extra hour of rest for every ten minutes that his shifted duration is reduced, give or take a few minutes.
  • weight outside home territory: Due to a combination of Kekoa's heavy weight and the plants of other realms not being as large and strong as those of his home, Kekoa is unable to climb many trees unless they are particularly large and strong. Kekoa is also not used to things being unable to hold his weight, this causes him to accidentally break things from time to time
  • druidic magic: after a year of Basic Magic, Kekoa has learned a number of different nature based spells, but of course these spells all have their downsides as well
    • Blossom: this spell cannot be cast if there are no plants to use it on
    • Plant Growth: Kekoa does not decide what plants actually appear, and it is entirely based on what's native to the area. This makes the spell unpredictable, and you never know when a carnivorous plant will sprout up next to you
    • Nature's Blessing: this spell has a limit to what it can heal, and it'll take a lot out of Kekoa to heal any significant injuries
    • Nature's Wrath: Similar to Plant Growth, this spell is entirely dependent upon what's nearby, and in the case of a lightning strike or hail or other similar destructive forces of nature, collateral damage is always a possibility

[ Guide / Familiar / Pet ] 

[ Homeroom Class ] 
Basic Magic

[ Dorm Room ]
Floor 3, Room 7
roommates with Erik Lore

Optional information 
[ Sexual Orientation ]
Bisexual, but only acts on interest in females due to being raised by animals and having the mentality that 'you can't make babies with somebody of the same gender as you'.

[ Likes / Dislikes ]

+ animals
+ outdoors

+ raw meat

+ having his hair petted

+ catnip
+ physical activity
+ sweat pants
+ flying

- poachers

- ostriches

- Honey Badgers

- baths/showers

- wearing shoes
- shoes in general
- wearing clothes
- machine-made clothing
- sudden loud noises
- coffee

[ Family ]

Birth Family
Birth Father-
        Ash Feralthe packlord

Birth Mother-
        Elnora Feralthe spellhammer
Older Brother-
        Flint Feralthe mammoth rider

Animal Family

Adoptive Father- 

        Jakoba [African Lion]

Adoptive Mother- 

        Niara [Eastern Gorilla]

Brothers (Gray Wolves)- 7

        Kato, Noatok, Ushi, Niko, Lamir, Tito, & Sikon

Brothers (Tanzanian Cheetahs)- 2

        Reekak & Poratu

Sister (Tanzanian Cheetah)- 1


Brothers (Crocodiles)- 15

        Alpo, Azul, Burt, Chewie, Chombo, Crunch, Darwin, Damon, Drago, Iggy, Fred, Kirby, Merlin, Reptar, & Ollie

Sisters (Crocodiles)- 12

        Ana, Ayla, Betty, Carla, Chastity, Mina, Nora, Peach, Daisy, Maggie, Sara, & Penelope

Brother (Mandrill Baboon)- 1


Sisters (African Lions)- 3

        Sayara, Nitali, & Azla

Brothers (Eastern Gorillas)- 2

        Tarzan & Koko

Brothers (Great White Sharks)- 2

        Jessie & Bruce

Brother (Bornean Orangutan)- 1


[ Friends ]
Erik Lore- Kekoa and Erik are roommates, and somehow seem to get along now. Their relationship started off rather rough, although the two seem to have developed some form of acceptance towards each other now

Theodore Kent- although these two have yet to actually exchange names, Kekoa and Theo seem to have a bro relationship. Kekoa considers the jackalope to be amusing company and a good friend to ask about all the things he doesn't know about

Miki Tatsuko- friends through a mutual love of bloody foods, Miki has now grown to be Kekoa's closest friend at the Academy so far. They also share a mutual friend in Erik Lore. Miki also helped teach Kekoa english

Renati Rursus- these two get along very well, with Renati helping soothe Kekoa's rougher edges, while Kekoa helps to get her more in touch with her animalistic side. The two are in a relationship with eachother

Olena Damara- the childish and quirky harpy seems to bring out a more playful side in Kekoa. Kekoa does have a bit of a crush on the harpy, but respects that she isn't interested in him. He considers Olena to be his best friend

Mathias Knight- Kekoa refers to Mathias as 'Waterman' after seeing the other boy's powers. The two seem to get along pretty well when they interact with eachother

Sen- the roommate of his girlfriend, and a silent companion, Kekoa and Sen seem to get along well and although they do not 'talk' to eachother he still enjoys spending time around her and considers her a friend

Phoebe Eidyia- friends due to nature derps playing frisbee, that is all. They seem to have a lot in common and the times they spend together have been a lot of fun, at least for Kekoa

[ Crush ]
Renati Rursus- the initial meeting of these two didn't look like things were going to go well between these two as they disputed over prey. After spending some more time together though, they hit it off quite well and Kekoa has now developed a crush on Renati, the two are currently dating, having been caught making out in public a few times as well as the word slowly spreading about how Kekoa sneaks into Renati's room to sleep

[ Eye color ]

[ Hair color ]

[ Other Random or interesting Facts ]
- voice reference: Talking  & Singing
- will not eat anything that has been cooked (food must be raw)
- favorite food is gazelle
- can digest any kind of meat raw without getting sick
- is afraid of Honey Badgers
- hates ostriches
- loud noises scare him if they catch him off-guard
- goes absolutely crazy for catnip

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