Sylizar — Deinomoloch Rex

Published: 2020-08-15 04:11:20 +0000 UTC; Views: 1692; Favourites: 53; Downloads: 5
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Description "If the boogeyman was a dinosaur, this would be it."

On the hunt for another object of power, and perturbed by mysterious readings from within the earth, TriZen begins another expedition. This time, the intrepid explorers
they've chosen will be heading down, deep into the earth's crust. Once within the earth, the TriZen explorers were greeted by a truly unexpected sight...A prehistoric world, filled with plant and animal life completely undocumented by mankind. This strange new ecosystem was lit by bio luminescent mushrooms that glowed like the sun during the day, and glowed a cool blue during the night, unleashing the natural bio luminescence within the plants themselves as well. Beautiful and mysterious, but like all ecosystems, there was always dangers lurking around every corner...

On the eve of the third night, the team reached their destination. They approached the massive mountain side, and saw a number of massive crystals jutting out of the rock; the source of their mysterious readings. Or at least one of them, as the team noted thousands of the crystals lining the side of the mountain. At this range, the team could see that these crystals were giving off the same reading as the pool found deep within the Amazon. Knowing that this was what their employers sought, the team took a sample before setting up camp for the night.

Once again, the night's relative silence was broken by that terrible roar, but this time it was closer than ever before. Terror ran through the team as they all sprung into action. Whatever was out there was coming. The team hid in fear, abandoning their tents for less obvious hiding spots, and listened in horror as the trees rustled and snapped. Whatever was out there was big, and it was hunting. The minutes felt like hours as the team waited in silence, but nothing ever came, at least, not that they could see. They were completely unaware as the hidden predator silently picked off a number of their group, using an advanced camouflage ability to hide and infrared vision to pick out the hiding humans. It wasn't until one of the spotlights caught the predator in the eye, involuntarily causing it to drop its camouflage, that the team even knew they were in danger. From there, the night erupted once more into chaos.

Everyone began sprinting into the jungle, every which way, as the large allosaurid gave chase. Nowhere seemed safe as the creature reached into small spaces with its dexterous, taloned arms or its adhesive covered tongue. It was also fast, much faster than one would expect, meaning open sprints were futile. To the their horror, it could even climb trees, taking away another escape option AND allowing the creature to attack from unexpected angles. This truly was an apex predator. 

In their panic the team had gotten wildly off track, and now that they had this creature's attention, they couldn't backtrack. They had one last option. Using their terrain scanner they managed to find their salvation, another escape tunnel to the surface and it was only a day away. Without hesitation, what was left of the team began to make their way towards this escape, having a number of close calls with the allosaurid before daybreak seemed to cause it to slink away. The day was a mad dash as the team tried to cover as much ground as possible before night fell, fearing that the predator would return.

As the dreaded night arrived, the team was within eye shot of the tunnel. Exhausted, but elated, the survivors stumbled their way towards the hole, when their worst fears were realised. Once again, the allosaurid attacked, dropping down from a tree and devouring two of the survivors. The remaining survivors mustered all of their energy and sprinted for the tunnel...
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