Sysirauta — No zealots plz -stamp

Published: 2009-07-29 21:31:32 +0000 UTC; Views: 2204; Favourites: 72; Downloads: 0
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Description I'm agnostic and just neutral against any religion. I don't mind where do you believe in...but NEVER try convert me. I hate those friggin' zealots which thinks their friggin' religion is the best and EVERYBODY should believe the same.
I prefer to BITE HARD and RUN before their leaflets cut your fingers. <_<'

So if any heaven is just full of them so I'll gladly go straight to hell... |p

Seriously. This is made with sense of humor so if any real zealot starts complaining...YES THAT'S WHY. Haa hah.
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Comments: 69

necromantress [2012-05-31 03:08:27 +0000 UTC]

Ajatus taivaasta on jotenkin vastenmielinen. Tulee sellainen mielikuva, että jos sinne menisi, kaikki 'negatiiviset' puolesi haihtuisivat ja jäisivät vain 'positiiviset'. Ja jotkut niistä negatiivisista voisivat olla omasta mielestäsi positiivisia, ja tämä olisi kaikki sen jumalan mielipidettä, mikä on positiivista ja mikä ei. Eli olisit ihan eri ihminen, ajattelisit eri tavalla yms. Joten tähän stamppiin liittyen - sinusta tulisi tuollainen kiihkoilija, halusit tai et. Silti parempi olisi sellainenkin, kuin että katoaisi kokonaan (minkä pelkään olevan totta)...Mutta parempi taivasta olisi se helvetti ja sitä parempi joku ihan erilainen tuonpuoleinen, paitsi jos se olisi jotain tyyliin että kaikki sulautuvat yhdeksi tai muuta kamalaa.

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Sysirauta In reply to necromantress [2012-05-31 10:57:02 +0000 UTC]

Mä en kuitenkaan ymmärrä miksi mä olisin vihainen jos sä et olisi kommentoinut, mistä mä mitään tietäisin sitten. |D
Lähinnä että kuka määrittelee sen positiivisen...pelkkä usko? Mites ateistit jotka on eläessään käyttäytyny hyvin pelkän järjen turvin eikä saarnaa ihmisille jostain kuvitteellisesta henkilöstä. ... Mä itse en oikeestaan jaksa innostua tästä, ongelma on etten usko mihinkään mitä ei ole olemassa ja jos jonkun tietää olevan olemassa, siihen ei tarvi uskoa. Umpikujassa ollaan mut eipä sen väliä, en oo ajatellu kuolla vielä hetkeen.
Enivei. Onko sulle tuttuja Terry Pratchettin kirjat tai Nemi -sarjakuva? Jos ei niin kannattaa tutustua, saattais sopia sulle kans. (Tuli vaan mieleen koska kumpikin sisältää aiheeseen liittyen ja liittymättä jonkinlaista valtavirran vastaista näkökulmaa.)

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necromantress In reply to Sysirauta [2012-05-31 13:11:47 +0000 UTC]

"Mä en kuitenkaan ymmärrä miksi mä olisin vihainen jos sä et olisi kommentoinut, mistä mä mitään tietäisin sitten. |D" Ei näissä mun peloissani ole ainakaan 90% ajasta mitään järkeä oikeasti, tässä tapauksessa suunnilleen tuli mieleen, että näet, että olen on favettanut ja ajattelet, että taas noita paskoja.

"Lähinnä että kuka määrittelee sen positiivisen...pelkkä usko?"
Tämä oli vaan sitä, millainen mielikuva on tullut "taivaasta" jostain syystä itselleni. Sen 'positiivisen' olisi määritellyt hypoteettinen jumala.

"Mites ateistit jotka on eläessään käyttäytyny hyvin pelkän järjen turvin eikä saarnaa ihmisille jostain kuvitteellisesta henkilöstä."
En osaa selittää asioita yhtään hyvin, anteeksi, en puhunut oikeastaan yhtään siitä, kuka 'pääsisi' taivaaseen ja kuka ei. Vain siitä, että mielessäni on muotoutunut kuva taivaasta kammottavana, aivopesevänä paikkana, jossa jokainen ihminen on samanlainen.

"Mä itse en oikeestaan jaksa innostua tästä, ongelma on etten usko mihinkään mitä ei ole olemassa ja jos jonkun tietää olevan olemassa, siihen ei tarvi uskoa."

En itsekään usko mihinkään enkä luule, että edes pystyisin. Paljolti asemani tässä on, että en usko jumalan/jumalien/tms olevan olemassa, mutta pidän sitä silti mahdollisena siitä huolimatta. (Ägh. En osaa selittää kunnolla. Ei tule mieleen, mikä olisi hyvä muoto lauseelle, sopivat sanat...Tai siis...) En kokonaan kiistä mahdollisuutta, että ne olisivat olemassa. That's not good either. Sori.

"Onko sulle tuttuja Terry Pratchettin kirjat tai Nemi -sarjakuva?"

Terry Pratchett - onko sillä muitakin kuin humoristisia kirjoja? Niistä en ikävä kyllä juuri pidä, on minulle jotenkin vastenmielistä, että koko maailma olisi vitsi (+ niiden kirjojen huumorin tyylistä en muutenkaan oikein pidä, isälläni ja serkullani on juuri sellainen huumorintaju kyllä. Tämä on ihan subjektiivinen asia, en tarkoita mitään pahaa tällä. Kaikki eivät voi pitää kaikesta Pidän huumorista, mutta enemmän että se on sellaista huumoria, mitä voisi olla oikeassa elämässäkin. (Paitsi jos ei ole canon tai joku kokonaan vitsi sarjakuva tai muuta sellaista, sitten voi olla hauskaa se toisenlainenkin) Anyhow, jos Terry Pratchettin kirjat ovat kaikki humoristisia, luulen harmi kyllä etten varmaan saisi itseäni lukemaan niitä Voisinhan tietenkin jossain vaiheessa muuten vaan yrittää, kun isällä niitä on paljon täällä kotona

Nemi - En ole niitä lukenut, olen vaan satunnaisesti nähnyt kuvia ympäriinsä ym. Pitäisi varmaan katsoa onko niitä kirjastossa lainattavana.

Ihmettelen, että sain vastattua, koska on usein vaikeuksia tässä, minkä takia on tyhmää, että yritän edes välillä jotain enempää kirjoitella internetissä. Todella usein alkaa hermostuttaa koko ajatus liikaa, ja kaikki mahdolliset reaktiot, ja sitten ei löydä oikeita sanoja ym muita typeriä ongelmia. Hyvä että sain tähän vastattua!

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Sysirauta In reply to necromantress [2012-05-31 14:52:54 +0000 UTC]

Peace man, ei kannata ajatella liikaa tai tekee mieli laittaa aivot pakkaseen. (Enkä mä vihaa ihmisiä huvikseni tai ees aattele halveksivasti, jos mä niin teen niin se on sitte ansaittua niiden osalta.)
Oon lukenu suunnilleen kaiken mitä Pratchettilta on käännetty ja voin vakuuttaa että joukossa on varsin vakaviakin juttuja (mut ei mitään ilman jotain huumoria, I guess).

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TheNetworkAces [2010-08-25 23:55:16 +0000 UTC]


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LauNachtyr [2010-03-14 00:00:34 +0000 UTC]

I found it interesting that you used the word zealots in your stamp.

While I support your idea, I thought I would share with you the meaning of what a zealot actually is.

    "Josephus' Jewish Antiquities states that there were three main Jewish sects at this time, the Pharisees, the Sadducees, and the Essenes. The Zealots were a "fourth sect", founded by Judas of Galilee (also called Judas of Gamala) and Zadok the Pharisee in the year 6 against Quirinius' tax reform, shortly after the Roman state declared (what had most recently been the territory of Herod Archelaus) a Roman Province, and that they "agree in all other things with the Pharisaic notions; but they have an inviolable attachment to liberty, and say that God is to be their only Ruler and Lord.

    Most writers consider that the Zealots were a so-called fourth party founded by Judas the Galilean. This view is contradicted, however, by the fact that Hezekiah, the father of Judas the Galilean, had an organized band of so-called "robbers" which made war against the Idumean Herod, and also during the reign of Herod, if not long before by the fact that the system of religious and political murders practiced by the Zealots was in existence during the reign of Herod, if not long before. ”

    In either case, it has also been argued that the group was not so clearly marked out (before the first war of 66-70 as some have thought.

    The Crisis under Caligula has been proposed as the first open break between Rome and the Jews.

    Two of Judas' sons, Jacob and Simon, were involved in a revolt and were executed by Tiberius Alexander, the procurator of Iudaea province from 46 to 48.

    When Rome introduced the imperial cult, the Jews unsuccessfully rebelled in the Great Jewish Revolt. The Zealots continued to oppose the Romans.

    The Zealots had the leading role in the Jewish Revolt of 66. They succeeded in taking over Jerusalem, and held it until 70, when the son of Roman Emperor Vespasian, Titus, retook the city and destroyed Herod's Temple during the destruction of Jerusalem.

    The Zealots objected to Roman rule and violently sought to eradicate it by generally targeting Romans and Greeks. Zealots engaged in violence against other Jews were called the Sicarii. They raided Jewish habitations and killed Jews they considered apostate and collaborators, while also urging Jews to fight Romans and other Jews for the cause. Josephus paints a very bleak picture of their activities as they instituted what he characterized as a murderous "reign of terror" prior to the Jewish Temple's destruction.

    According to Josephus, the Zealots followed John of Gischala, who had fought the Romans in Galilee, escaped, came to Jerusalem, and then inspired the locals to a fanatical position that led to the Temple's destruction."

I learned about this in a college class I took 'History of Religion'. Just though I would pass the knowledge along.

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Frozen-Doopliss [2009-09-23 16:55:36 +0000 UTC]

Now, obviously, this stamp was created more with humor in mind than with logic. But allow me to generate more humor by bringing logic back.

This stamp is saying you'd rather spend teatime with Hitler, Stalin, Jack the Ripper, and host of other assorted nasties, then with a few people who had a moderately annoying habit in life that they would have no further reason to practice.

Even though I disagree with this stamp, I'm considering adding it to my favorites due to the sheer comedic value.

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Darkil-Valum-Balvras In reply to Frozen-Doopliss [2018-01-30 14:10:00 +0000 UTC]

WRONG. Oh SO WRONG. Those nasty people that you speak of are in heaven for fucks sake because they did their and your "gods" work! But i'm not going to get into an argument here and i'm VERY surprised that no one else commented on just how WRONG you are!

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Frozen-Doopliss In reply to Darkil-Valum-Balvras [2018-01-30 14:54:51 +0000 UTC]

Dude, this post was from eight years ago.  Chill.  Coming at me frothing at the mouth like that isn't gonna help you quell any stereotypes, or change anybody's opinions or beliefs.

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Darkil-Valum-Balvras In reply to Frozen-Doopliss [2018-01-30 15:00:43 +0000 UTC]

I see that and I just get really mad when xtains spew things they don't even know what they are talking about.
I'm just telling you how WRONG you are at what you said. Plus i'm surprised that your still here on DA....most people stay for five or six years then leave this site. Anyways, I was just surprised that no one corrected you about what you said so I thought I would.

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Frozen-Doopliss In reply to Darkil-Valum-Balvras [2018-01-30 17:40:27 +0000 UTC]

If you're going to correct me, shouldn't you provide citations for Hitler, Stalin, and Jack the Ripper being Christians, then?  And their doing their killings in gods name, or whatever?  I mean, for the last one, I'm sure historians the world over would be very interested in knowing about Jack the Ripper's identity and personal history/life.

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Frozen-Doopliss In reply to Frozen-Doopliss [2018-01-30 22:41:55 +0000 UTC]

You know, when you spend all your time angrily insulting people, it doesn't change the minds of those that have already made their decision.  And it makes those on the fence about the topic less certain the correctness of your position.

Also, are you familiar with the debate concept of "the burden of proof?"  It's commonly accepted that "the burden of proof lies on the one making the claim."  Or to frame it another way: you shouldn't expect your opposition to argue your position for you.

Oh, and it looks like you blocked me too.  Heh.

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Darkil-Valum-Balvras In reply to Frozen-Doopliss [2018-01-30 22:08:44 +0000 UTC]

Well then. if you are too ignorant and/or stupid to look it up by yourself and just have to make someone else do it for you then why the fuck should ANYONE believe what you have to say? So no, I will not give you links to prove it has you can go look it up yourself you lazy as fuck idiot!

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AJ627 [2009-09-07 20:25:09 +0000 UTC]

im catholic and i don't like them either.

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Dragon-of-Midnight [2009-08-03 10:18:40 +0000 UTC]

LOL, haha, nice stamp

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Xeno-the-Hedgehog [2009-07-30 05:06:07 +0000 UTC]

I agree wholeheartedly with your statement.

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techan [2009-07-30 01:31:51 +0000 UTC]

In the words my Grandmother who is surprisingly 80 years old and a free thinker, "Don't talk religion unless you wanna a blawl."

My parents were convented not long ago, now are viciously chasing me, my grandmother and my big brother to convert. And let me tell you, not a day goes by my house can find any peace especially during dinner time.

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Mythorie In reply to techan [2009-07-30 04:23:24 +0000 UTC]

HAHA! My grandma's the same. Does yours sit in front of a tv and bitch at how the republicans are all retards too?

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techan In reply to Mythorie [2009-07-30 05:49:42 +0000 UTC]

That's right, always screaming her voices out. And the doctor says it's a good because it reliefs stress

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Mythorie In reply to techan [2009-07-30 07:20:20 +0000 UTC]

lol Need I say more

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techan In reply to Mythorie [2009-07-30 07:28:58 +0000 UTC]

But what a respect about her is that she is notorious for bringing even the firmest believers to their knees crying with her logic versus miracles. She has time on her side, and no one can bend that truth

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Mythorie In reply to techan [2009-07-30 16:32:28 +0000 UTC]

I know. My grandma may look like a skeleton that should be displayed in a class room but her mind is sharper then most investigators. And she curses better then any truck driver.

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UberChimerism [2009-07-29 23:35:11 +0000 UTC]

Yeah. That's why I'm nondenominational; denominations are just petty. Hell, they're what start holy wars!

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Sysirauta In reply to UberChimerism [2009-08-10 19:50:20 +0000 UTC]

...In this world would have been much less wars without religions... Sad truth: kill people who don't believe like you...

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Frozen-Doopliss In reply to Sysirauta [2009-09-23 17:04:18 +0000 UTC]

Yeah. Without religions there'd be like, seven percent fewer wars. I mean, it's not as if the Nazis and the Communists, both explicitly atheistic governments, hadn't killed more people then all the religious wars combined. No, no, Religion does NOTHING good for society!

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petthetoast [2009-07-29 22:51:59 +0000 UTC]

But what if the Zealots offer you freshly toasted almonds?

For Almonds are a commodity for abundant in the hands of religion then in any other place.

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brushtail-thegreat In reply to petthetoast [2009-07-30 17:24:41 +0000 UTC]

hmmm... toasted almonds are tempting.

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petthetoast In reply to brushtail-thegreat [2009-07-30 19:33:06 +0000 UTC]

I will have them shipped to you shortly.

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brushtail-thegreat In reply to petthetoast [2009-07-30 20:43:45 +0000 UTC]


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petthetoast In reply to petthetoast [2009-07-29 22:52:28 +0000 UTC]

More not for.

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Mr-Scarlet-Nokitsune [2009-07-29 22:45:39 +0000 UTC]

If heaven is full of them, send me to hell as well!

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Sysirauta In reply to Mr-Scarlet-Nokitsune [2009-08-10 19:48:02 +0000 UTC]

I don't like heat but is told there is freezing layers too... |3

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Mr-Scarlet-Nokitsune In reply to Sysirauta [2009-08-10 19:56:59 +0000 UTC]

I hate to be hot, I was born in the Fall and I love the cold!

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demonic36 [2009-07-29 22:33:01 +0000 UTC]

i don't have a religion...i really need this stamp since so many people try to convert me and say if i dont convert i'd go to hell my usuall response "then i'm going to hell so what?"

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Sysirauta In reply to demonic36 [2009-08-10 19:51:34 +0000 UTC]

Yes... "I don't like you so I'll rather go to hell." |3

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demonic36 In reply to Sysirauta [2009-08-16 15:48:12 +0000 UTC]


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SombraStudio [2009-07-29 22:26:25 +0000 UTC]

Heh, I totally feel the same way. It's honestly these extremists within any religion (but particularly Christianity) that pushes me farther and farther from the idea. I'm very open towards most religions, but I hate being forced to try to believe something.

I hear enough stupid talk from these religious people in life...there's no way I'm dealing with it when I'm dead...*facepalm*

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Sysirauta In reply to SombraStudio [2009-08-10 19:55:13 +0000 UTC]

Yes... Forcing to like something makes me hate it, too. |p
Besides heaven feels a bit overpopulated. And I hate crowded places. <_<

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BardTherony [2009-07-29 22:00:11 +0000 UTC]

I wish I had this in real life at times... I would be stamping it on a lot of folks. >_>

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Sysirauta In reply to BardTherony [2009-07-29 22:19:02 +0000 UTC]


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BardTherony In reply to Sysirauta [2009-07-29 22:29:02 +0000 UTC]

Especially those that like coming during dinner time....

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Infernal-Feline [2009-07-29 22:00:05 +0000 UTC]

Geez, how people can be pushy...

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Sysirauta In reply to Infernal-Feline [2009-07-29 22:18:51 +0000 UTC]

Just last Friday they attacked... <_<'

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Infernal-Feline In reply to Sysirauta [2009-07-29 22:21:44 +0000 UTC]

oh, geez... poor you .______.
I hate when they cant accept others' opinions...shame...

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TheLastHetaira [2009-07-29 21:43:25 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for making such a necessary stamp! You're lucky you're in Finland; here in America, "freedom of religion" means, "If you're not Christian, we have EVERY RIGHT to try and make you Christian!"

There's a little bit of a history lesson if you want to know exactly HOW that came about, but the way people are using it...DAMN.

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hysterileleak In reply to TheLastHetaira [2009-07-30 03:42:30 +0000 UTC]

I just wanted to point out that not all christians are like that (unfortunately). And what is the problem with being zealous? Quite a few people on this site are very zealous about their artwork, you don't seem to have a problem with that. So basically it's only the religious zealots you don't care for, is that it? You have a full right to believe whatever the hell you want to believe. God gave us that right as His children, that we may choose our own paths. Whether that leads to Him or not, He still gives us that ability. Yes, we(christians, and any other religion) have a right to try and convert anybody, just as you, and other people, have the right to reject it. It's odd (to me) that while there are so many religions, the one that gets a lot of bashing is christianity. Even though there are muslim terrorists blowing up women and children, and ruining lives, for their beliefs and gods, they are not nearly as "despicable" as christians are in today's society. You have the right to believe what you want to believe. If you want to believe there is no god, go right ahead, nobody's stopping you. Why try to take away another persons faith and hope? We don't have a right to mess with your belief system, but it's ok for others to try and make us believe that there is no god. That's what you're saying, right?

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Fish-Head-The-3rd In reply to hysterileleak [2009-08-23 04:02:13 +0000 UTC]

the base of the muslim religion is not a bad one and like your religion it has done some shitty thing in the past.
you and you have the right the tell us about the good things in your religion but many christians push in to far. (sad to say) i have met christians a like and think are great people but unfortunately many more seen to hate more them love.

you religion is (in my eyes) bashing its self a lot. there are many brands of christianity and they all seen to hate the other but love the same god. more on bashing.. you just bash a religion.

it seens like your not saying "why are you hitting at me?" (what i think you trying to say) but "don't hit me, hit them"
(why i am writing this)

and who don't have and don't want a god/s it is a wast of time for them to hear about again and again.

i hope this finds you well and that your god will bring you happiness.

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hysterileleak In reply to Fish-Head-The-3rd [2009-08-24 21:58:18 +0000 UTC]

I did put it in a kind of "don't hit me, hit them" type of way, sorry. I try not to "bad talk" other branches of christianity, guess I fail at that sometimes. This is a really bad comparison, but it's kind of like sports fans: they all like a certain sport, but they root for the different teams of that sport. If I have offended anyone, or put a bad light to christians (since, sometimes we do tend to put down other branches of our faith) I apologize. I didn't mean it in that way.

For those who don't have and/or want a god, maybe it is a waste of time for them to hear about it over and over again, but people are still going to preach about whatever religion they belong to. That's just how people are Up in everybody's face, saying that others have got the wrong idea(s), trying to talk "sense" to people not currently in their own religion. Maybe it is a waste; in my opinion it isn't (at least for christianity lol), but every single human on earth has a right to believe what they want to believe, and talk about their beliefs to whoever they want. And even if it isn't always my beliefs, that's their rights, I understand that and I'm ok with it. Not much I could do to stop it even if I didn't like it ^^

Thank you for your kind words, even though we don't see exactly eye to eye, I still appreciate it. I hope you are also well, and if you believe in a god (or not) I hope he/she/it (or none of the above) will bring you happiness in this life

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brushtail-thegreat In reply to hysterileleak [2009-07-30 17:23:33 +0000 UTC]

I just think she's fed up with being forced one way or the other, God did not give man free will so that other men could force him to believe in God. People have to find God for themselves. It's one thing to state your opinion, as she is doing, or to extend a hand if someone wants/needs help, like AA or other organizations, but getting in someones face and telling them what to believe helps no one.

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TheLastHetaira In reply to hysterileleak [2009-07-30 07:34:36 +0000 UTC]

It's mostly because the Christians take such explicit advantage of America's Constitutional right to free religion that I and many others target them. You don't see Muslims holding huge anti-abortion protests in America, saying that Harry Potter is satanic en masse, or crying out against stem cell research even when given the legal freedom to do so (which, in theory, they have).

Hell, "In God We Trust" is on every dime, dollar, and denomination of U.S. currency. Church is not separate from state, no matter what the government tells you.

The whole "freedom of religion" thing is really a pile of crap, like most of the tattered remains of the U.S. Constitution. You are only pushing it because you benefit. Others do not.

This is one of those cases when you really have to ask, "Who benefits?" Ideally, everyone would, but as you yourself just demonstrated, this is not the case. I have met Muslims; they aren't all terrorists, just like not all Christians are zealots.

Do you want to know the reason why Christians are picked on? Even by Finnish people like MoA here? It's because monotheistic faiths tend to roll that way. They tend to be all, "WORSHIP GOD OR GO TO HELL!" and other such things. Christians are, with Muslims in a close second, the pushiest religious people out there, and have been so for centuries. You don't see Buddhists passing out fliers about how to achieve enlightenment. (Although, honestly? Even Buddhism had to fight to spread itself.)

Does this mean that all Christians are bad? No, but many of them operate with that "holier than thou" mindset, and, because they ARE the major religion in so much of the world, they can do so without fear. Muslims cannot; sociologists have actually pinpointed the exact second when Muslims lost their social trust in the U.S. on 9/11.

I'm not trying to make you believe anything. If you believed and didn't so viciously try to convert others, that'd be perfectly cool with me.

(Also, 'gods'? Islam only has Allah. It's one of their 5 pillars. Islam is monotheistic and Abrahamic just like Judaism and Christianity are. These religions differ primarily in their acknowledgment of certain prophets. It's one thing to be a zealot, and it's another not to do one's homework.)

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