TalonGE — Tales of the Eastlands - V'Nahra

Published: 2017-05-13 21:51:03 +0000 UTC; Views: 3169; Favourites: 26; Downloads: 97
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V'Nahra Kallaus, aka Umbra Callous

Shadar'kai/Shadow Agent female Lvl 3 Psionicist-Kar'Thane Sorcerer


    No one truly knows where the Shadar'kai came from, some alternate universe where elves existed long before Arrallon, some time shift that dragged Arrallonian elves back to the beginnings of the multiverse, or some mad experiment by the forces of darkness.  They have been mistaken for fey creatures, which they clearly are not, unless one considers all elves to be faeries (an assertion that would get your throat slit in a Pouarr village, by the way).  Wherever they came from, they are.  They have existed in the shadow realm for millennia.  They have garnered a reputation as merciless warriors, honorless thieves, hateful necromancers and shadowmaster, and vile seductresses.  Those Erotics who have broken the biological code and understand their mating know that any female Shadar'kai that gets pregnant by any male of any humanoid race gives birth to a pure Shadar'kai child.  There are almost no half-elves of Shadar'kai lineage.  Thus, it seems there is a disproportionate number of females in the Shadar'kai race.  And in a race with no racial cohesion whatsoever, they have spread to the corners of the globe, in all manner of profession.

    The Shadows took an interest in the Shadar'kai, creatures made of shadow stuff, not unlike themselves, who could move through the shadow realm with speed and accuracy, avoiding detection and gaining surprise on their victims.  Many became agents of their new masters, some were even granted the ultimate boon.  Those with psionic talent were genetically altered to become Shadow Agents, creatures with the mental powers and abilities of the Shadows themselves.  But the Three Wars ended the reign of the Shadows and their arch-enemies, the Ashiri.  Those who had been converted to Shadow Agents were suddenly rudderless, adrift on a wave of uncertainty and shattered hopes.  Some were captured or simply vanished when the Three Wars were over.  Their enemies, The Hidden and the Kar'Thane Warriors, sought them out and prosecuted them for their crimes.  But some escaped, blended in, and assumed new lives.

    The powers of the Shadows had not been gifted only on Shadar'kai, or the races they found who would join them on Arrallon.  The Shadows had gained influence within the Kar'Thane order even before the fall of the Kar'Kaine Dynasty, over 25,000 years ago.  Those who embraced the teachings of The Shadows, who violated the sacred oaths of the Kar'Thane, were known as Dark Kar'Thane.  Their leaders, mystics with powers even greater than the most powerful Kar'Thane Priest or Warrior, were the Kar'Thane Sorcerers.  And with the return of the Kar'Thane here on Arrallon, so too have the Kar'Thane Sorcerers re-emerged.  But now, without the Shadows to guide them towards universal destruction, they are their own masters.  Some have even thrown off the shackles of evil and hatred and taken up different causes.

    V'Nahra Kallaus was a Shadar'kai female like so many others, raised by a single mother, a Mind Mage in her own right.  She learned to tap her own psionic powers early in life, but when the great war between The Shadows and the Shade Lords of Thundergloom raged across the Shadow Plane, V'Nahra sought a different kind of power.  She was seduced into the service of the Shadows and soon proved her abilities sufficiently to be converted to one of their special Shadow Agents.  But the war ended and she was left with no command structure above her.  She heard of a famous Shadar'kai heroine who had once battled and defeated one of the Demon Lords of the Abyss.  Lady T'Lar Ollvayne was in the mortal realm, on a world called Arrallon, building an army and a power base from which to strike out against the Shadar'kai enemies.  It was worth a shot.  But when Umbra Callous, as she was known amongst the Kar'Thane Sorcerers, arrived on Arrallon, there was no army, no great campaign to retake the multiverse, just a Shadar'kai Witch growing fat on her drug trade.  V'Nahra decide to explore this world on her own and see what empire she could build.

    V'Nahra fights as any Shadow Agent and Kar'Thane Sorcerer would, by putting others on the front line to do her fighting for her.  When its necessary, and only when its necessary, she uses her Shadow Psions to blast her opponents' minds into bloody goo.  She avoids using those powers as it has an unfortunate tendency to draw the Kar'Thane Warriors to her.  And they simply have no sense of humor.  As a Shadar'kai, she is stricken with the racial ennui that comes from knowing there is no afterlife and no redemption.  Death is the end for her and all like her.  So, she's become something of a nymphomaniac.  She uses sex with whomever or whatever, whenever she can, to push back the depression and gloom that wracks her species.  She sees herself one day ruling a vast empire of Dark Kar'Thane, intent on only one purpose, making her name live forever in history,… but she's not stupid enough to be a megalomaniac now.  Power and experience, that's what she needs,… she has time for the rest.


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