TeachMeToLearn — Stagleap||Put on your War Paint

#cat #cats #rp #shadowclan #warrior #wca #whatcomesafter #warriorcats #warriorcat #stagleap
Published: 2018-12-14 23:08:20 +0000 UTC; Views: 1118; Favourites: 17; Downloads: 0
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[General Information]

Name: Stagleap

  • Prefix: Stag- for his large size
  • Suffix: Leap- for his grace

Sex: Male
    Gender: Male

Clan: Shadowclan
    Heritage: Shadowclan x Shadowclan

Rank: Warrior
Age: 35 Moons [last updated: 12/13/18]
  • Joining Age: 35 Moons [date: 12/14/18]
  • Birth Season: Leafbare

Mentor: -
    Previous:  Softfeather

Apprentice: -
    Previous: Blackflame


Book description: A large cinnamon calico tom with sea green eyes 

Breed: Manx x American Short hair x British Short hair x Norwegian forest cat x American Wirehair 
Fur texture: Mostly smooth, but very fluffy. There is a lot of space between fur and skin
Scars: none
Eyes: Sea green
Scent: Fresh Pine

Most notable traits: His large size and calico markings
Appealing/attractive features: A big boi
Accessories: -

Build: Stocky with thick legs
Posture: Regal and strong
Height: 16"
Weight: 17lbs

stats reflect the average for their Age group
0-1 = no skill
2-3 = below average
4-6 = Average
7-8 = Above average
9-10 = Expert

Strength: 8/10
Dexterity: 8/10
Constitution: 6/10
Wisdom: 5/10
Intelligence: 5/10
Charisma: 7/10

Rodent hunting: 7/10
Bird hunting: 2/10
Rabbit hunting: 2/10
Reptile hunting: 7/10
Fishing: 0/10
Climbing: 6/10
Swimming: 0/10
Stalking: 4/10
Battle tactics: 5/10
Fighting: 5/10
Defense: 8/10
Medicine: 0/10

Sight: 5/10
Smell: 5/10
Taste: 5/10
Hearing: 5/10
Touch: 5/10


Driven: a goal-oriented person.
Stagleap is a very driven tom. He hates sitting still and works very hard to be a good warrior. He is very loyal to his friends and his clan, and will do anything he can for them. He is the first to go hungry when food is scarce, and won't ever bat an eye about it. He'll do just about anything asked of him if it means improving the life of his clan.

Optimistic: hopeful and confident about the future.
Stagleap tries to look to the bright side whenever possible. He is kind and friendly, and will work hard to get where he wants to be. He likes to think the best of everyone, and that everything will eventually circle around for the better, even if it takes a lot of work to get there.

Confident: feeling or showing confidence in oneself; self-assured.
This tom is very sure of himself and is not easily shaken. He isn't vain, though he does take pride in his appearance, poking fun at him isn't going to do much. He is quick to act and is well aware of his own abilities, which means he is quick to offer help when needed.

Protective: having or showing a strong wish to keep someone or something safe from harm.
Stagleap is very protective of his loved ones, which usually extends to members of his clan as well, though to a lesser extent. He is quick to defend those who need it, and is willing to sacrifice his own needs for others.

Regal: of, resembling, or fit for a monarch, especially in being magnificent or dignified.
Stagleap can best be described as collected and put together. He takes great pride in his appearance, wanting to appear clean, especially when he knows he will likely meet new cats, such as gatherings. He has a bit of a noble air about him, often offering guidance to those who ask, though he can seem rather unapproachable at times.

Emotional: given to expressing divergent or opposite views.
He thinks with his heart instead of his head. When someone he loves is in danger, he tends to jump the gun a little and leap into action. He doesn't like watching others suffer and his normally collected demeanor can be dropped in an instant if he sees someone in need. He isn't prone to panic, but he can't just sit by and let others do the work, he needs to be involved. 

Anxious: experiencing worry, unease, or nervousness, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome.
Stagleap is prone to worrying, especially about his sisters. When cats aren't around, he tends to overthink things a little and worry too much, usually, he can be distracted, though his protectiveness tends to get the better of him.

Bull headed: determined in an obstinate or unthinking way.
Stagleap is quick to act and can't really be talked into waiting. He isn't brash, he won't just jump into a situation for the sack of it, but once he has set his mind to something, there is no talking him out of it.

Before Birth:
Lilacbloom and Crowfall did not get off to a good start. Both had been single kits and immensely jealous of the other. They both wanted all of the attention from the clan, but found each to be their only competition. Their parents, of course, found this very amusing. All four parents helped to care for the two kits, as the clan had no others to devote their time to. Their rivalry continued into their apprenticeship, both receiving sister mentors, so despite their declared hatred for the other, they often found themselves training together. Soon, they found their rivalry turning into a begrudging friendship, their bickering turning to teasing banter as the two seemed to find a way to get along. As they both grew older and earned their warrior names, their friendship grew as they matured. While they still threw insults back and forth, it was much more loving now and they both always left laughing. The two seemed to grow closer and closer. Despite not being apprentices anymore, they spent most of their time together, patrolling, hunting, and just passing the time. Soon, Lilicbloom could not hide it anymore, she was expecting kits, and that was when the two announced that they had become mates, but had chose not to say anything sooner as to just keep it amongst themselves for a little while. The pregnancy itself went well, though the birth was rough on the young queen. Everything just happened too fast, and for a small time, they were worried Lilacbloom wouldn't make it, but she was strong and stubborn and held on, and though tired, she and all her kittens were healthy.

At first, the pair thought they had a little of four beautiful daughters, everything had happened so fast, no one bothered to check beyond their calico coats, so the pair was rather surprised, just before they started to name the kits, that their first born, the largest of the litter, was actually discovered to be a small time. Of course the pair was fine with the news, and decided to name their only son Stagkit, for his small size and evident strength as he wriggled around his much smaller siblings. His sibligns received their names as well, with Rosekit, Lavenderkit, and Redkit beside him. The four of them grew up happily with one another, playing the days away. at first, Stagkit had problems with controlling his strength. He was so much larger than his siblings, and often times, without meaning to, he would bowl them over or hit too hard. He felt terribly about it, always quick to apologize. He tried his best to be extra careful with the other kits, even as they all grew larger and less delicate, his protective nature followed.

Stagpaw was ecstatic to become an apprentice, assigned to an older tom named Softfeather. Despite his name, he was rather strict with the tom, making him practice maneuvers over and over again until he would return to his nest beside his sisters, exhausted after his long days. At the time, Stagpaw was convinced the tom just didn't like him. His sister's mentors seemed so much nicer. They got to hunt, and play and see the territory, while Stagpaw was stick running the same drills, over and over again. It wasn't until he was slightly older that he realized the tom was teaching him to control his strength. Being a brute that pushed their weight around didn't make a good warrior, a warrior that could protect their clan was what the clan needed. Stagpaw was able to learn his limits, learn just how hard he could push, and how much was needed to get something done. Soon, he was able to wrestle around with his sisters and den mates without fear of accidentally hurting someone, and the tom became much less distant. He had been afraid of his own strength, but Softfeather had shown him how to control it. Once he realized that, Stagpaw came to admire the tom, as he had noticed what the tom had needed, even when he did not.

Stagleap was glad to receive his warrior name, named for his grace and control. While his training had been hard, the young tom felt it had been necessary, and he had been left all the better for it. He remained close to his old mentor thinking of the tom more as family than a mentor, and he and his sisters became close, even if they didn't spend as much time together anymore. They all had their own lives of course, but they still spoke to one another and tried to get together as a family every now and again.

The tom has been a warrior about a year when he was assigned his first apprentice, a fiery cat named Blakpaw. (Include more here when Blackflame gets posted).

Having been kept busy for so long with an apprentice, Stagleap often found himself lacking for what to do. He had been scrambling all the time to find time to fit in patrols and hunting, with training and seeing his family, now that the training was over, it seemed the tom had nothing but time. IT seemed the world had heard him and sent Shadowclan into a spiral. It started with the return of their leader, Blazingstar, from a patrol and with him, his son, dead, and found on the thunderclan border. Naturally, their leader was devastated, and called for the end of the peace, declaring war on Thunderclan. Heartbroken by the loss of his clanmate, Stagleap had been one of the initial cats to support Blazingstar's call for war. While Stagleap didn't like the idea of the peace ending, he didn't want those thunderclan cats to get away with killing his clan mate either. He wasn't so sure if the crime had been committed by Howlingstar himself, as Blazingstar had claimed, but Shadowclan still needed to send a message. Cold blooded murder would not be answered with words of peace, and while he didn't want to see any of his clan mates in danger, he could support those words. He spent most of the next night preparing the camp's defenses, getting very little sleep until morning crested over the camp. He waited anxiously amongst his sisters, waiting for Blazingstar to call them into battle, but he never came. When his clanmates decided to split into patrols, he opted to stay behind and keep an eye on the camp. While going out on one of the patrols may have helped ease his anxiety about finding their leader, he also knew had he gone, he would have spent the hole time worrying about leaving the camp undefended. More simply, he also hoped that his last clan mates would find their ways home, unharmed, though when the patrols returned, that was not the case. Few clues were found. Thunderclan didn't seem to know what was going on, and the other patrol had not found them in the territories either. It was then the group discovered an apprentice, Daisypaw, had gone missing, and the clan fractured again in an attempt to find her. After searching by the lake with other clan mates to no avail, he was relieved to find the she-cat safe and sound when they finally returned. Well, mostly. She seemed to be shaken, and the news she brought of something watching them did not ease his fears. Stagleap was more then happy to help his clanmates move all the nests into the warrior's den that night as they all huddled together to get some much needed sleep. 

Now without leaders, Stagleap does his best to keep the clan together, being a support to those who need it and trying to keep some semblance of order in tack, making sure cats never go out alone, and that they all find some thing to eat even in all the rain.

[Opinions and Beliefs]
Religion: Some, but not exceptionally
Superstitious: He says no, but he is a sucker for scary stories

Starclan: "They're our warrior ancestors, i'm sure they are out there."
The Dark Forest: "I don't know, I don't think there are enough bad cats out there to need all that..."

Thunderclan: Negative: "I don't know if I believe they killed Firestorm, but I think they certainly aren't helping"
Riverclan: Neutral: "They're good neighbors I guess."
Windclan: Neutral: "TI don't see them much so that's good i guess?"
Shadowclan: Positive: "They're my clan! I'll protect them with my life. That's what i swore after all."

Outsiders: Neutral: "I'm wary, but I don't think they're all bad."

Father: Crowfall
Mother: Lilacbloom

  • Lavendersong
  • Roseheart
  • Redbird

Father's side
Grandfather: Whiterain
Grandmother: Silverfeather
Uncle: -
Auntie: -
Cousins: -

Mother's side
Grandfather: Frostcall
Grandmother: Robinflight
Uncle: -
Auntie: -
Cousins: - 

  • Cat
  • Cat

[Love Life]
Romantic orientation: Pan
Sexual orientation: Pan


  • Funny
  • Kind
  • Dark pelts
  • Spots
  • Pessimism
  • None atm
Romantic partners/mates:
  • none yet

  • none


Favorite Prey: sparrow
Favorite Season: New Leag
Favorite Cat: All his family
Favorite Activity: Long walks
Favorite thing: cuddles

Least favorite Prey: Fish
Least favorite Season: Leafbare
Least favorite Cat: -
Least favorite Activity: anything in the rain
Least favorite thing: Rain

Theme Songs:
We Are Young by Fun
Fight Song by Rachel Platten
The Phoenix by Fallout Boy


Time zone: EST

RP Sample:
Beast blinked silently at him for a moment, everything in his head feeling like they had just slammed on the breaks and ground to a halt. He hadn’t allowed himself to think that maybe, one day, someone would say those words to him. Not since he had been hit by the monster, not since he had been left in the forest to die alone. Instead, he had locked that little piece of himself away, somewhere in the back of his heart, where he couldn’t be disappointed if he expected a cat to shy away from him because of his face, because of his leg and everything in between. Beast knew how broken he was, knew how unwanted he was. A good portion of his clan didn’t want him there, thought him weak or just as much a monster, but it had never been like that with Hailstar. Maybe it was because they were more alike than they realized, now more than ever, with his own scars of a hard life to show for it. 

Maybe if he hadn’t closed off that little part of him, he would have said something sooner. He hadn’t dared to call what he had with Hailstar love, because deep inside of him, he didn’t want to see Hailstar crawl away form him either. He didn’t want to open himself up to be broken again, because even after all of this time, he didn’t think he could stand to pick himself up and put himself back together again. Once had been hard enough, and he still had not found all the pieces, but Hailstar felt like he fit, even in all of his broken places, he seemed to round out the jagged edges. He had believed in Beast even when he hadn’t in himself, taught him to hunt, to fight, welcomed him into his home, and still he had not allowed himself to get comfortable enough to peek inside that little locked away place so that he might find somewhere he could call home for fear of it falling out from under him.
He struggled to find the words at first, everything around him seeming to snap into perspective for a moment, all the things he had been pushing away, for some moons now, he realized, came rushing up to the surface, crashing over him all at once with things he struggled to vocalize, but feeling the overwhelming urge to just be close to him. He moved closer to the tom, burying his face in his neck, silence lingering between them between them before Beastfang managed to find his voice. ”I-I think I love you to.” he mewed, stepping back a bit so that he could meet his gaze.

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