TeachMeToLearn — Blizzardstar || It all fell down

#cat #cats #rp #tmw #warrior #warriorcats #blizardstar #themarkedwarriors
Published: 2018-04-03 14:11:57 +0000 UTC; Views: 3120; Favourites: 31; Downloads: 0
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[ General Information ]

| Name(s) | Blizzardstar

| Pronunciation | Buh-Lizz-erd-St-are

| Origins | 
 || Blizzard - for the storm he was born in
 || Star - traditional leader suffix

| Nickname(s) | N/A
| Age |  71 moons (Last updated: 7/23/18)

| Birth Season | Leaf-bare 
| Sex |  Male | Gender Identity | Male

| Breed |   American curl x american short hair x american wire hair x Siamese 

| Clan | Shadowclan
| Birth clan | Thunderclan

| Rank | Warrior
| Mentor(s) |  -

| Current Apprentice | -
| Previous Apprentice(s) | Sweetnose, Silverwind

[ Appearance ]

| Book Description | A soft grey pointed tom with lighter unders

| Pelt | 

| Fur Statistics |
5/10 :: ●●●●●○○○○○ ➟ Rough
9/10 :: ●●●●●●●●●○ ➟ Dry
9/10 :: ●●●●●●●●●○ ➟ Smooth
5/10 :: ●●●●●○○○○○ ➟ Soft

Short :: ●●●●●●●●○○ :: Long

| Eyes | Amber
| Body Type |  Stocky with a wide build and lots of fur

| Height |  12 in
| Weight | 10 lbs

| Most Noticeable Features |

  • his curled ears

| Disabilities or Scars |

  • set of scars over his left eye, does not impair sight

  • scars on left shoulder

  • scars on lower back/hips

| Accessories |

  • None

| Body Movement | Smooth and quiet

| Scent | Pine trees and tree sap
| Voice | Deep and bellowing

[ Skills ]

1. Element - Your character can see even in the darkest places, even with their eyes closed.
2. Dance - Your character can control shadows in their sight range, and can make them dance and move.
3. Silver Tongue - Your character can speak a language only Shadowclanners are familiar with.
4. Hide and Seek - Your character can shroud themselves in shadows.
5. Shade - Your character can turn into a shadow for brief periods of time.
6. Spear - Your character can create solid orbs of shadow about the size of their paws. These orbs can be in the shape of a circle, arrow, etc., and can be shot off like darts. They'll leave a small incision or bump on the area they hit.
7. Solidify - Your character can solidify shadows to create medium-size objects, like baskets, etc.
8. Guardian - Your character can create a being from the shadows. This being is always a creature that is catlike, but about double the size of a clan cat. The being will be locked at your side whenever you summon it.

[ Romantic Relations ]

| Orientation | Bisexual

| Preference(s) |

  • Some one fun loving who can make him laugh

| Looking For |  Yes :: No
 Quick Fling
 Lasting Relationship
 Not Sure

| Currently Attracted to |

- None

| Previous Attractions/Relationships |

- Wispersong

| Sexual Activity | Inactive

[ Personality ]

 Positive ::   Neutral ::  Negative :: 

[ Loyal ::]

Blizzardstar is a stickler for the rules. He is the last one to break the rules, but the first to tell a cat off for it. He always thinks of his clan before himself, regardless of the situation. His heart is completely apart of Shadowclan, in every part of his being, and tends to take the need of the many over the need of the one.

[ Polite ::]

Blizzardstar is always polite, even when being insulted. He tries to take the high road while sometimes he adds in his own sarcastic quips. He is always kind and follows social queues to keep the atmosphere happy and light. He tries to be as polite as possible, but sometimes things escape him, he is quick to apologize for his mishaps however.

[ Intelligent ::]

He learns things quickly, he remembers things for long periods and can be counted on for knowing a little about just about everything. His curious nature as a kitten lead to much exploring, and much discovery. As an adult, that stuck to him, and he developed a love of learning. He strives to learn more and often finds enjoyment from riddles and puzzles. Most of the things he learns is via trial and error. 

[ Anylitical ::]

Blizzardstar tends to over think things. He has a reason for everything he does and never does anything without a motive. This can sometimes make him look lazy, because he tends to not do anything unless he thinks the payout is worth it. He never runs into a situation unless he thinks he knows how its going to end, which can sometimes lead to him missing out on new and fun opportunities because he has no idea how to enter a new situation. In contrast, when something requires a time crunch, he's quiet the quick thinker, especially when he himself is not involved or he has solved a similar problem before. He uses his past experiences to drive his thought processes, which is why new situations can often startle him.

[ Collected ::]

During an emergency, you can really lean on Blizzardstar. He remains calm and collected even in the worst situations. He keeps a level head and can carry out instructions even in the most stressful of circumstances. He tries not to cause panic because he knows that if a leader starts showing weakness that everything will start falling apart and cause larger issues.

[ Cocky ::]

Blizzardstar likes to think himself a big shot. He likes to show off his scars, and the stories behind them, racing, and sparing, though he doesn't have much time for it any more. He likes to be noticed, the talk of the clan, of all the clans. He tells outrageous stories. His only saving grace is he generally is able to remain level headed and won’t fall to baiting insults very easily.

[ Stubborn ::]

He likes to be in charge and will definitely have his voice be heard. He is a major micro-manager and knows how to get things done. Its his way or the highway, no exceptions, his word is law. He doesn't wtke well to being talked back to and when he has his mind made up, there will be no changing it.

[ Dry humored ::]

Blizzardstar can be very sarcastic. He does not aim to be disrespectful; it is simply what he finds funny. He considers anyone that can make him laugh a friend. Blizzardstar's smart remarks can sometimes get him into trouble, but he can take everything he gives. He doesn't mind being the butt of the jokes sometimes and knows how to laugh at himself. He doesn't mean to cross the line, but inevitably it happens. He doesn't really understand why someone is hurt by what he says, he sees it only as friendly joking.

[ History ]

[ Before Birth :: Kithood / 0-6 moons :: Apprenticeship / 6-12 moons :: Adulthood / 12+ moons ]

| Before Birth :: |

Greysky and Thrushfur were an interesting pair. Greysky had been an experienced Miner, and Thrushfur a new shepherd at the time of their meeting. He was still young and adventurous, daring to a fault while she was more reserved. She had her small group of friends and he was well known among most of their clan for his crazy antics. Thrushfur was known for starting things, be that fights or crazy schemes which had earned him plenty of enemies for sure, and Greysky made sure to avoid him for that. She wanted nothing to do with his crazy ways, and instead went about her work as usual. She had little need to work with the sheperds and instead looked towards her little circle of friends to pass the days. It didn't help that all either of them ever talked about was Thrushfur. Thrushfur did this, Thrushfur did that. Greysky was sick of hearing about the tom day in and day out. She didn't see what was so great about him. He seemed just like all the other fresh out of the woods sheperds, thinking they were better than they actually were. She crafted great structures and had served her clan well. That should be something, but no one seemed to even take notice of the grey pelted she-cat. Not that she cared at all, no, she wasn't that type, not at all, not even a little. She wasn't the type of cat that needed to be praised for her actions, at least that's what she thought. In reality, she was a bit jealous of the tom, and for that she had begun to dislike him.

Thrushfur hated the way that whenever he did anything, good or bad, he got all the attention. He was the talk of the clan. It was utterly annoying. Thrushfur hadn't even done anything special! Apparently, his shear existence was note worthy. He had never had a conversation with the she-cat, so one afternoon, when he simply asked how she was, he was completely puzzled by her rude snuff, and she refused to answer him. His interest was peaked. Thrushfur's every waking moment was focused on figuring out who this she-cat was, and why she was so sour towards him. He was hard pressed for answers, that was for sure. She was a miner after all, which meant she didn't often cross paths during the day. No amount of pestering helped his case, in fact, Greysky found him even more intolerable after their on sided conversations. It wasn't until the tom got frustrated and straight up asked what he had ever done to her to deserve such treatment. Of course, Thrushfur had done nothing to her, they had never spoken until a few days before, so her answer was nothing. Thrushfur was at a loss. How was he supposed to win her over when she was mad at him for no reason?

Thrushfur's friends weren't entirely sure why he seemed to focus on the one she-cat who wouldn't give him the time of day, perhaps it was just that classic wanting the one who doesn't want you type of thing. Regardless, with the tom's time wrapped up around one girl, his reckless reputation was beginning to fade. He wasn't out doing crazy things just for the laughs, instead he trying to get Greysky to smile. It wasn't until everyone seemed to have forgotten him that Greysky took any notice. He had become that tom who used to do all those stunts, and with time, he had matured. Greysky too was beginning to soften with age and she had reached the point in her life where she had wanted to settle down with a mate and kits.

It didn't take much prodding after that for Thrushfur to convince her to be his mate. In all honestly, Greysky had grown found of the tom over the years, though she was hesitant to have kits. It wasn't that she didn't want them, she desperately wanted a family, but she feared them being born without thunderclan marks and that they would have to leave her. It seemed fate had other plans however, as she found herself heavy with kits. Despite her reservations, he joy could not be squashed. Once the clan knew, they celebrated, braiding flowers and leaves into her fur for both of her kits, praying they wouldn't have to leave.

|  0-6 moons ::  |

Greysky's anxiety did nothing to help her birth as she began kitting early, in the middle of a terrible snow storm. The wind howled outside, had their dens not been made of mud and stone, she was sure they would have toppled. With the help of the medicine cat, and a more experienced queen, the she-cat and both of her kits survived the whole event, though her heart broke. Both had been born with shadowclan marks. Both of her children, that she had carried for moons and had not even had the chance to love yet, would be taken from her. She almost didn't have the heart to name them, but she swallowed her grief, at least they would be together, she decided. Naming the tom Blizzardkit, for the storm that they had survived, and the she-cat, Brightkit, for everything that would come after.

Blizzardkit was curious, even for a kitten he would ask his father so many questions after he returned from the mysterious outside world that the tom could barely keep up. He needed to know everything.  Every detail. He begged to be allowed to go outside, naturally, the answer was always no, the world was too dangerous for a tiny kitten, but the constant pestering eventually made Thrushpelt cave. If he couldn't go outside, the outside would come to him. Thrushpelt brought his kittens little things form the outside, nothing dangerous, just flowers or feathers, something, anything, he could use to distract his curious kits. Blizzardkit ate it up. He wasn't like his siblings who would tear them up almost immediately batting them between one another with razor sharp kitten claws, instead in investigated them. He committed the scents to memory, rolling them over and over, watching how the light reflected off the bright petals, tasting them and their bitter juices, of course as a kitten everything eventually ended up in his mouth, but he was curious, and both his parents fostered this. Greysky used his want to learn to begin teaching him how to survive on his own. They were close to six months then, which meant they would soon be leaving her and the nursery. She had tried to tell her kittens this, though it seemed they didn't really understand that they would be leaving, on their own, and not coming back, but they would understand soon enough.

They're time came all to soon, when both kits were finally allowed outside of their camp, but it would be the last time they saw it. Their parents, as well as a few other warriors that had helped care for the kits escorted them to the shadowclan border to be met by a group of cats that seemed to scary to the nervous kittens. They wished their parents fairwell, finally understanding what Greysky had meant when she told them they would be leaving.

| 6-12 moons ::  |

Blizzardpaw was made a apprentice with his sister once they made it through the maze of paths and darkness to the shadowclan camp. He had hoped to be trained as a spy, like his sister, but the leader thought he would do better as a warrior, so he was assigned a dark pelted tabby tom named Crookedstorm as a mentor. He had trained many tenderfoots before Adriel, and his hopes were that he would be the last before he retired to the elders den. He was critical, but Blizzardpaw worked hard and excelled in his stealth training. He picked up moves like it was second nature and therefor his hunting excelled, but his fighting took a little more work. He was bulky, with big paws and too much fur. He was slow and clumsy and awkward, and he hated failing more than anything else. He trained many long and hard nights with his sister Brightpaw to try to improve his fighting moves, but it still had trouble. One of those nights , he and his sister had snuck out of camp (again) to hunt frogs along the border, it was one of the few things the tom was good at, and the break was nice. Naturally, a competition rose between the two of them, who could catch the most frogs. Wanting to prove his sister wrong, that he, the elder brother was the king of catching frogs, Blizardpaw chased the anphibian down a stretch of green. He pounced only to collide with his sister, her claws, intended for the frong, caught his eye, narrowly missing gougeing it out. Both siblings rushed back to camp to get the wound treated, worried the tom would lose his sight. They were lucky enough, the scratch had missed the eye, though the medicine cat kept him in their den for several days while they waited to see if it was infected. It stung for days while he stayed in the Medicine cat's den before he was allowed to return to his training. 

Not much later, he heard the news of the passing of his father. Both siblings were heartbroken, curling up together in their nests. While they had left, they had imagined everyone back in thunderclan was safe and sound, they still considered their birth clan their home, as much as they had flourished in shadowclan, they only missed their mother more, but they swore to themselves that they would be happy in shadowclan, they had each other. Blizzardpaw threw himself into his training, if for no other reason then to forget. Both excelled due to their grief, and soon enough, the two of them actually began to make friends.

A pretty she-cat named Whisperpaw joined the pair. She had been born in Windclan, so she was all too familar with the feeling of homesickness, but as the days went on, the feeling waned as shadowclan became their home, and before he knew it, he was being named a warrior. 

| Warrior hood 12+ moons ::  |

He was given the name Blizzardstrike for his ferociousness and determination. By then, he had grown into his bulky paws and awkward angles. His fur was sleek and thick, no longer the soft kitten fluff that had clung to him for moons. He felt stronger than ever before, the trees no longer seemed as dark and scary and he knew his way to and from camp without getting lost in the darkened trees. He and his sister, now Brightdawn, remained close, though as she had trained as a spy, not a warrior, they could not spend as much time together as they once had. However, Blizzardstrike was not alone. As the days past, Whispersong grew ever closer to the tom. they patrolled together, and hunted together, passing long new leaf nights together, sharing tongues and catching up with his sister, who brought them great stories and adventures that kept the pair on edge. It was no secret that the two fancied one another. They staid attached at the hip most days, only ever apart when they were assigned to different patrols.

As Green-leaf warmed the cool new-leaf air, fire-flies twinkled against the dark shadow of the trees, like little wondering stars lost in the winding trees. Naturally, a competition between the two blossomed to catch the most of the little blinking bugs. Each night, after patrols were finished and bellies were full, they would wonder out with friends, pouncing and chasing the fluttering lights, everyone seeming to turn into light hearted kittens, only to return to camp tired, but pleased. On the final day, Blizzardstrike managed to get the two of them alone, surrounded by the trees, paws clutching at the lights that always seemed out of reach. It was only then that the tom worked up the courage to ask Whispersong to be his mate. Giddy, naturally, she agreed. Few were surprised by the announcement, his sister teasing him for having taken so long.

For a long while, nothing changed. They fell into a casual routine. As Blizzardstrike grew more experienced, he was allowed to lead patrols and hunting parties. Eventually, he was assigned his first apprentice, Sweetpaw, a quiet tortishell she-cat from windclan. Much like he and his sister, she was nervous and homesick, but excited to learn. The two bonded over that, helping her to make friends with some of the other apprentices while helping her with her training. She was a quick learner, agile on her feet, the only thing keeping her from succeeding were he own nerves. Around the same time, Whispersong had been assigned her first apprentice as well. After bringing up the idea with her first, Blizzardstrike decided it might help the she-cat's confidence if she could train with another cat, maybe she would get out of her shell.

The two started their plan the next day. Naturally, she was a little shy at first, but luckily, Whispersong's apprentice, Toadpaw, was much more out going. As they practiced through the morning, he could see a change in the she-cat's demeanor. Blizzardstrike continued to help train the together a couple of times a week, finding that the she-cat was really starting to open up. She was less skittish while training and was more willing to try new things without clamming up. Nearing the end of her training, the two got into a little skirmish on the border, finding a pair of hot headed wind clan cats that had trespassed and begging for a fight. Finding them unwilling to leave, they were forced into a fight. Sweetpaw was nervous at first, but she jumped in all the same, doing surprisingly well. The fight didn't last long, with no series injuries, though Blizzardstrike had gotten a good scratch on his shoulder. The two decided to cut the patrol short so that they could both be looked over by the medicine cat. To his surprise, he found Whispersong their instead. Unable to hide her excitement any longer, she revealed that she was pregnant with his kits. The tom was so ecstatic, he nearly forgot why he had been in the medicine cat's den in the first place. 

As Whispersong neared her kitting, Blizzardstrike took up some of the slack in his training. Sweetpaw had earned her warrior name, Sweetnose, so the tom felt he could handle the work, as he was so near his own ceremony, the leader felt it would be better not to give him a new mentor when he had already worked with Blizzardstrike. The only one more excited for their kits then they were was Brightdawn. She helped Whispersong whenever she could, bringing her prey and keeping her company when her brother was out. They all hoped beyond hope that the kits would be born with shadow marks, as all parents did, though being born from different clans themselves, they knew it would be hard, but it was what it was.

The day came, not long after Toadpaw, now Toadsplash's ceremony, late one leaf-fall evening, two kittens lay beside the queens belly, a tom and a she-cat. They all let out a sigh of relief, both had been born with shadow marks. After some debate, they settled on the name Dawnkit, for the she-cat, and Batkit, for the tom. He was given a few days to spend with his mate and new kittens, watching them wriggle around the den before he had to return to his duties. He missed them dearly, finding himself trying to finish his duties as quickly as possible so that he could return to them. As they grew stronger and larger, they were allowed outside of the nursery. They enjoyed time with the tom, pestering him for stories or training. He had to admit, he was week to those cute, baby doll eyes, though luckily Whispersong was able to keep him from doing anything too crazy.

It felt like no time at all before they were being made apprentices, Batpaw being trained as an assassin, and Dawnkit, a spy. As much as he would have wished, he was not chosen to mentor either, though that was probably for the best, though he was not without an apprentice. He was given a scrawny tom named Silverpaw, born in riverclan, but unlike he had been, the tom seemed to be adjusting well. He was curious, and eager to learn, fond of asking lots and lots of questions, which he was not bothered by. they got along well, and secretly, he was glad to see him making friends with his own kits, in fact, he seemed to make friends with everyone, fitting in right as home.

Even as their ceremonies came and went, Silverpaw becoming Siverwind, their relationship never recovered. After haveing been together for many moons, and raising two kittens, they decided it would be best for the two of them to separate. In the end, it was what was best for the two of them. They remained pleasant of course, still enjoying their conversations, but they had simply lost the spark they had once had, now that their kits were adults now themselves, being named Dawnsong and Batflight. 

They had fallen into a new routine, he woke up early every morning to organize patrols. Some days he would take apprentices out for assessments or to help a sick warrior, and in the evenings he would give reports, only to do it all over again. HE worked like that for seasons, choosing not to take another apprentice, even when offered. He preferred to spend a little time with all of the apprentices, rather then work with just one, feeling like he could do more good. He helped kits born in other clans acclimate to their new home, trying his best to be part of the patrol that would bring them to camp. Life was good for a long time, not always at peace, but not always at war either, but it seemed all at once to come crashing down.

| Leadership ::  |

Everythign seemed to all fall apart. Ravenblaze, the deputy of Shadowclan went missing during a blizzard, and in the wake of the tragedy, Raggedstar died rather suddenly after a hailstorm. Shook by grief, Shadowclan was sent into a tailwind, lost and desperately searching for an answer, but they weren't left to spiral for long, the Shadowclan medicine cat, the only cat of power left, named Blizzardstrike their new leader, shocked and unsure what else to do, he accepted, not really seeing that no could even be an option, seeing as his entire clan seemed pretty lost.

Blizzardstrike left shadowclan in the hands of their medicine cat while he traveled to highstones. He had known being deputy meant that he would have to take over shadowclan should something happen to their leader, but he had never really thought the day would come. He took the trip with his children, now fully capable warriors in their own right. They make the somber trip in silence, only wishing them short good byes as he parted with them at mother mouth. He was not forced to wait for long, the moon rising quickly, basking him in the silver light.

Except, no one ever came. He waited, anxious as to why Star clan had not shown themselves. He paced through the night before finally deciding he just couldn't wait anymore. He greeted his kits with a bright smile in the early morning sun, deciding it would be better to tell them he had received his lives and name, hoping one day, it would be true, but that wasn't the only thing he had to deal with. He still needed to choose a deputy.

After some discussion, and a lot of thinking, Blizzardstar decided to announce Darkwatcher as his deputy, believing the tom would be the cool and collected deputy the clan needed during their trying times.

He thought he had been busy as deputy, but even more so as leader. Sure, he was not organizing patrols now, but now he had to deal with the other clans, gatherings always being a great source of stress. He also had to deal with ceremonies and choosing mentors for new apprentices. He still tried his best to meet new kittens at the border whenever he could, though he found himself unable to do so as often as he liked.He found the most difficult part deciding what apprentices should be trained in. He still remembered the disappointment he had felt when he had been assigned a warrior when he had been hoping to be a spy, like his sister, but he knew it was for the good of the clan. He found himself often consulting when it came to the spies. She was well experienced and someone he trusted greatly to tell him how things were, even if they were bad. Blizzardstar began building himself a reputation among the clans as a bit of a stickler, but he was kind and moderately well liked, as far as shadow clan leaders could go. He spoke well, and treated new additions to his clan with gentle hands, knowing what it had felt like to feel alone in a strange place, missing home.

[ Heritage ]

| Father's Side || 
Father || Thrushfur || Thunderclan Shepard || Deceased || 

| Mother's Side || 
Mother || Greysky || Thunderclan Miner || Alive || 

| Siblings |

Sister || Brightdawn || Shadowclan Spy || Alive ||

| Nieces + Nephews | None

| Mate(s) | Whispersong (former)

| Kit(s) | Dawnglow, Batflight

[Relationship and Plot tracker] 

★ t r i v i a

♦ Thing || Fresh Snow
♦ Smell || pine trees
♦ Food || snake
♦ Place || in the shadows
♦ Feeling || cool breezes
♦ Sound || wind whistling through the trees
♦ Others || -

♦ Thing || thunderpaths
♦ Smell || fresh mud
♦ Food || crowfood
♦ Place || two-leg place
♦ Feeling || sticky paws
♦ Sound || thunder storms
♦ Others || -

♦ death

♦ finding another mate
♦ He secretly hopes one day to have another litter of kittens as he misses raising them

♦ he chews his paws when nervous
♦ Pacing also

♦ He likes mingling with his warriors
♦ He also tends to keep an eye on the apprentices born in different clans, making sure they don't feel left out

Theme Songs:
♦ Dynasty by MIIA  
Gone by Ben Jenkins  

★ r o l e p l a y

timezone || CET

cursing || yes
violence || yes
gore || within reason
Sexual || I don't do R rated rps, but i'm fine with flirty rp

role play example || 

Leopardpaw had waited, with baited breath and racing heart to sneak out of camp until the last of his clan mates retired, listening keenly for the sounds of their easy breath before he even dared to move. A soft voice in the back of his head, breathing down the back of his neck, urging him out of his nest, walking him through how to sneak out of camp and across the thunderpath, making his heart race only that much faster as he darted out of the glowing gazes of roaring monsters. Fear gripped him, though it didn’t feel like him that it had suck its claws into, but rather something outside of him, someone he was leaving behind at the thunderclan border as he prowled through the dark.

Scorchfur snapped at him to straight his gaze, roll his shoulders, he had been invited. Tonight, he wasn’t an intruder, and he wasn’t going to be stepped on like a homeless rat, or at least that’s what the glowing eyes flicking in the corners of his vision and barley audible whispering told him as he willed himself forward, his molted pelt blending into the dark shadows as he found himself in the tiny clearing, though he was clearly not the first to arrive. He spotted the apprentice first, Leopardpaw felt like he had seen the tom before, at a gathering once, but that felt like another life time ago, and the other tom, leopardpaw couldn’t even be bothered to remember, even if he had seen him before. He slipped into the clearing, quiet with set emerald eyes fixated on the rogue, feeling something inside him jump with excitement, though he felt himself silently hoping that it wasn’t him that had.

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Comments: 3

Hykuraa [2018-04-26 23:19:23 +0000 UTC]

My leader....

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Brynakha [2018-04-26 23:04:51 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TeachMeToLearn In reply to Brynakha [2018-04-27 05:47:06 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0