TFfan234 — Greek God Kings

Published: 2012-08-30 20:23:41 +0000 UTC; Views: 8168; Favourites: 33; Downloads: 169
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Description The big three, the three sons of Kronus, the greek god kings

From left to right: Hades, Poseidon and Zeus.


Also called Aidoneus and his roman name is Pluto. His name means 'unseen one'.

God of the Hidden Wealth of the Earth (Gold, silver, metals, gems and the minerals that nourished plants). Was Ruler of the underworld and of the dead. He was the oldest child of Cronus and Rhea. His younger brother Poseidon came to rule the oceans and their youngest brother came to rule the sky and the geek gods.

When he was young his father hearing a prophecy that his children would overthrow him he was swallowed as well as his sisters Hestia, Hera and Demeter and his brother Poseidon. But due to their immortality they survived and were rescued by their brother Zeus. After he was rescued he and his siblings battled their father and his allies until they were defeated and imprisoned in the underworld. After the kingdoms were divided and he received the Underworld.

He is technically the most boring of the Gods and the Big Three as he barely does anything. The most noteworthy thing he did was Abduct his wife Persephone. The apparent translation of the story was The “Abduction” of Persephone and not the other way it is referred to. One interesting thing is that Zeus gave him permission to take Persephone as his wife so he wasn't really abducting her. He and his wife have a very happy marriage as compared to his younger brothers and unlike his brothers he is loyal to his wife although he may or may not have had an affair with Minthe, it could be she attempted to seduce him and Persephone found out and turned her into a mint plant. He was lovers with Leuce before he met Persephone.

He gets to spend half the year with his wife during the winter months because of Persphone eating 6 pomegranate seeds. Although some tv tales that feature their story have shortened it to 4 months.

By Persephone he is the father of
1. Macaria - Goddess of Blessed Death
2. Melinoe - Goddess of Ghosts
3. Zagreus.
4. The Erinyes

By Leuce
The Erinyes - Tisiphone, Megaira and Alekto
Note: The Erinyes are listed with 5 different parentages, one is that just Hades is their father and another that Hades and Persephone are their parents, I am going to take this to mean that there were maybe 5 groups and that three above are Hades' kids with Leuce and the ones listed under Persephone is the 5th group.

Before Persephone he fell in love and married the nymph Leuce and brought her to the underworld who he could have father Macaria by. After Leuce died he turned her body into a white popular which became sacred to him. As noted due to it being mentioned in one myth that Leuce lived out the span of her life in the Underworld. Which means she may have actually been a Dryad nymph or rather a Hamadryad nymph. Dryads or Tree nymphs were connected to a tree and when that tree died so did they. Hamadryads were tree nymphs of oaks and poplar trees and usually were associated with river-side trees and sacred groves. Or she may have been a oceanid, an ocean nymph.

The one thing I have a large problem with is why Hollywood insists on making Hades out to be a bad guy just because he runs the Underworld. I mean compared to Zeus he's practically a saint, Zeus had numerous children a majority of which he ignored, from many many women, some who he tricked into being with him or weren't willing, while Hades had a handful of kids by his wife. Sure he did trap Peirithous in a chair but the guy was planning to abduct his wife, and he only dolled out punishments when the people deserved it or when he was asked or told to by his brothers and other family members. I mean the poor guy gets the wrong end of the stick because it is his kingdom were many people get punishments but that's not his fault and not only that he didn't go around killing people like his brothers and the other gods did, infact from what I've read it doesn't even look like he ever killed anyone.

Some of his places of worship was Attica, Korinthia, Argolis, Lakonia and Elis in Southern Greece, Phokis in Central Greece, Thesprotia in Northern Greece, Karia in Antolia and Cumae in Southern Italy

Plants that were associated with him was White poplar, Asphodel and the mint. Animals that were sacred to him was the screech owl. Also sacred Icon items to him was the Cornucopia and bird-tipped staff.

Interesting enough the greek Gods are divided into catergories he is listed with the agriculture Gods and Goddesses (also called the Theoi Georgikoi). The reason is because of the other powers he has which is God of the Hidden Wealth of the Earth, both minerals and the fertility of the soil Thus why he is member of this group. He is also the co-leader of the Theoi Khthonioi (Underworld Gods) with Persephone.

It is rather ironic about the fact that he is the God of the Hidden Wealth of the earth because that means Demeter needs him in her good will to make anything grow or make anything she grew to be healthy.

Note: I have Hades as having dark brown hair and navy green eyes. Also all his children have green eyes like him, so Macaria has emerald green eyes and Melinoe has light navy green eyes.

Link to Hades, King of the Underworld: tffan234.deviantart.com/art/Ha…
Link to Hades and Family: tffan234.deviantart.com/art/Ha…
Link to Persephone: fav.me/d4tf84z
Link to Rhea: fav.me/d4tp2v9
Link to the Titans: fav.me/d5g7pcz
Link to Macaria: fav.me/d5d0eux
Link to Melinoe: fav.me/d5f1yps
Link to Greek Queen Goddesses: fav.me/d56z6l5
Link to Leuce: fav.me/d5d0drg
Link to Leuce 2: tffan234.deviantart.com/art/Le…
Lnk to The Erinyes: tffan234.deviantart.com/art/Th…



God of Earthquakes as well as horses and rivers. He was the Ruler of the Sea. He was the Son of Cronus and Rhea. Younger brother to Hades and older brother to Zeus.

His roman name is Neptune.

When he was an infant his father hearing a prophecy that his children would overthrow him he was swallowed as well as his sisters Hestia, Hera and Demeter and his brother Hades. But due to their immortality they survived and were rescued by their brother Zeus. After he was rescued he and his siblings battled their father and his allies until they were defeated and imprisoned in the underworld. After the kingdoms were divided and he received the Sea

He like his younger brother Zeus cheated on his wife but not as much as Zeus did. He fell in love the oceanid Amphitrite and pursued her until she agreed to be his wife and she became Queen of the Seas by her he is the father of

By Amphitrite
1. Triton
2. Rhode
3. Benthesikyme
4. Cymopoleia
5. Proteus (?)

He is also the father of several other immortals and mortals including Orion.

By Demeter
1. Despoena - Goddess

Some of the mortal children were,

By Libya, Princess of Aigyptos
1. Belus, King of Aigyptos (7th generation grandfather of Hercules)
2. Agenor, King of Phoinikia
3. Lelex, King of Laconia (7th generation grandfather of Hercules)

Note: this makes Poseidon a double 8th great grandfather of Hercules.

By Eurayle, daughter of King Minos I
1. Orion the Giant (Semi immortal, lived a long time)

By Keroessa, daughter of Io and Zeus
1. Byzas the Founder of Byzantium

By Unknown mortal woman
1. Ialebion (Alebion), co-King of Liguria in North-western Italy
2. Derkyonos, co-King of Liguria in North-western Italy
Note: Both were killed by Hercules when they attacked him during his 10th labor.

By Anippe a naiad
1. Busiris, King of Aigyptos, he sacrificed travelers to his father until Hercules killed him during his 11th labor.

By Aithra
1. Theseus, King of Athens (He shares dual paternalship with King Aigeus of Athens)

Plus many more mortal children.

He got into an argument with Athena over who would be the patron of Athens and Athena won

Some of his places of worship in Southern Greece were Attica, Korinthia, Argolis, Lakonia, Sikyonia, Messenia, Akhaia, Arkadia, and Elis. In central Greece Boeotia, Euboia, Phocis, and Ozolian Locris. In the Aegean sea the islands of Tenos, Chios, Samos, Cos. And in Anatolia the towns of Lydia, Karia and Phrygia.

Plants that were associated with Him was seaweed and Pine Tree. Animals that were sacred to him was the Horse, bull, and Dolphin. Also sacred Icon items to him was the Trident.

Interesting enough the greek Gods are divided into catergories he is listed with the agriculture Gods and Goddesses (also called the Theoi Georgikoi) because he was also God of the sources of fresh water. Other Groups he belonged to was the Theoi Halioi (Gods of the Sea), interesting to note Aphrodite and her winged sons were part of this group as minor sea deities.

Note: I have Poseidon as having beigish blonde hair and ocean blueish eyes. All his children both mortal and divine have his color eyes.

Link to Greek Queen Goddesses: fav.me/d56z6l5
Link to Amphitrite: fav.me/d4tmc2h
Link to Amphitrite 2: fav.me/d5d3vm5
Link to Rhode: fav.me/d5c7x42
Link to Orion: tffan234.deviantart.com/art/Or…
Link to Rhea: fav.me/d4tp2v9
Link to Poseidon: tffan234.deviantart.com/art/Po…



King of the gods, the god of sky and weather, law, order and fate. He was the Son of Cronus and Rhea. Younger brother to Hades and Poseidon.

His roman name is Jupiter.

When he was born his mother hid him away in the Diktaion cave and was cared for by Amaltheia and guarded by the shield-clashing Kouretes., and his father was given a stone in his place. After he was full grown he rescued his siblings and with their help he defeated Cronus and freed the Cyclops’. And he and his brothers divided the kingdoms among themselves.

He married Metis but he swallowed her due to a prophecy but later spite her out along with their child Athena who became his favorite. He married second Themis and had the younger Horai, though he divorced her and then married Eurynome and had the Graces/Chrarities. He later divorced her and married his 4th and final wife Hera.

He unfortunate has a penchant for cheating on his wife and has sired numerous offspring either off willing women or unwilling. And using his thunderbolts has killed many mortals who have angered him. He also punished Prometheus for stealing from the Gods by having his liver eaten every day, his son Heracles later freed him. He also killed his demi-god grandson Asklepious, son of his son Apollo, when he revived a mortal but he corrected it by reviving and turning him into a God.

Interesting to note that it is never stated in the myths if Zeus divorced Metis and I doubt that swallowing her counts as Divorce so if they never divorced then Zeus' other marriages don't count which means He is not truely married to Hera and she is the other woman and thus Metis is really the Queen of the Gods.

Divine Children
By Metis
1. Athena

By Themis
The 3 Horae: Dike, Eunomia and Eirene
Possibly the 3 Litae (Goddess of Prayers, who followed Ate)
Possibly Praxidice (Goddess of Exacting Justice)
The 3 Themeides Nymphs

By Mnemosyne
The 9 Muses: Calliope, Clio, Thalia, Melpomene, Terpsichore, Euterpe, Erato, Polymnia and Ourania

By Eurynome:
The 4 Elder Charities: Aglaia, Euphrosyne, Pasithea, and Thalia

By Leto
1. Apollo
2. Artemis

By Selene
1. Ersa
2. Nemea
3. Pandia

By Demeter
1. Persephone

By Carme
1. Britomartis

By Maia
1. Hermes

By Semele
1. Dionysus

By Hera
1. Eileithyia
2. Hebe
3. Hephaestos
4. Ate (Goddess of Mischief as well as error, delusion, ruin and blind folly)
5. Enyo (Goddess of War)
6. Alatheia (Goddess of Truth)
7. Calocathia (Goddess of Nobility)
8. Caerus (God of Opportunity) he was the yougest of Zeus' divine sons
9. Ares ? (? because it is listed that Ares could have no father and Hera sired him without a male)
10. Eris (the younger) (the younger because some sources list him and Hera as the parents of Eris and I am assuming that there are 2 Eris')
11. Ate, Goddess of Blind Folly

Unknown Goddesses
1. Soter - God of Safety and Deliverance
2. Soteria - Goddess of Safety and Deliverance, she may have been Soter's twin sister
3. Chrysus - God of Gold
4. Zagreus, was torn apart by the Titans but his heart was saved and was reincarnated as Dionysus
5. Pistis - Goddess of Good Faith, Trust and Honesty

By Aex
1. Aegipan

By Europa (the first 3 sons were mortal but became Judges in the Underworld)
1. Minos I, King of Crete, Is the great grandfather of Minos II (my guess as it is never stated how far back he is related to Minos II, father of Ariadne)
2. Rhadamanthas
3. Sarpidon
4. Alagonia, daughter
5. Carnus, A seer from Acarnania
6. Dodon

Parentage in dispute
Aphrodite by Dione
Ares by Hera, he may only solely be Hera’s son

He was also the father on MANY mortal offspring all most all of them were Kings, among them are,

By Princess Io of Argos
1. Epaphus, King of Aigyptos (9th generation grandfather of Hercules)
2. Keroessa, mother of Byzas the Founder of Byzantium by Poseidon.

By Taygete the Pleiade
1. Lacedaemon, King of Lacedaemonia (4th generation grandfather of Hercules)

By Princess Danae of Argos
1. Perseus, King of Argos then Mycenai (Great grandfather of Hercules)

By Princess Alcmene, granddaughter of Perseus.
1. Hercules

By Queen of Olympia of Macedonia
1. Alexander, King of Macedonia (He shares dual paternalship with King Philip II of Macedonia)

By Laodamia, daughter of Bellerophone
1. Sarpedon II, he was in the Trojan war. King of Lycia

By Queen Leda
1. Helen, Queen of Sparta. Better known as Helen of Troy

By the Oceanid Plouto
1. Tantalos, King of Phrygia, he was also Hercules' great great grandfather via Alcmene's mother.

Plus many more.

It should be funny to note according to a family tree I composed that not only is Zeus the father of Hercules he is also his great great grandfather and his 3rd, 5th, 8th and 10th Great grandfather.

His favorite child that he bragged about was Hercules and he may have had romantic feelings for Alcemene or in love with her. Also he may have placed a protection order on Hercules preventing any olympian god from attacking/harming him. The reason for this possiblity is because after Hera tryed to kill him as a baby using snakes she never again directly attacked him and only ever indirectly attacked him using minions and pawns.

The Protection order was a possible explanation that was used in the TV Shows Young Hercules and Hercules: The Legendary Journeys.

Note he is supposed to have black hair but I gave him golden hair.

His areas of worship in Southern Greece were Attica, Korinthia, Megaris, Aigina, Argolis, Lakonia, Sikyonia, Messenia, Akhaia, Arkadia, and Elis (were Olympia was were the ancient Olympic games were held). In Cental Greece were Boeotia, Euboia, Phocis, and Cephallenia. In Northen Greece were Dodona, and Macedonia. In the Aegean sea the islands of Ceos, Samos, Rhodes, and Crete. In Anatolia the towns of Lydia, Caria, Kappadokia, Kilikia and Phrygia. As well as the island of Cyprus, Lybia in North Africa and Latium in Central Italy.

Plants that were associated with him was Oak and Celery. Animals that were sacred to him was the Golden eagle and wolf. Also sacred Icon items to him was the Lightning bolt and lotus staff.

Interesting enough the greek Gods are divided into catergories he is listed with the Theoi Agoraioi (Gods of the market place), the Theoi Gamelioi (Gods of Marriage), the Theoi Ktesioi (Gods of House and Home), the Theoi Mantikoi (Gods of oracles, divination and prophecy), the Theoi Polemikoi (Gods of War), and the Theoi Thesmioi (Gods of Divine Law and Custome)

Note: I have Zeus as having golden blonde hair and light sky blue eyes. And all of his children inherited his blue eyes, both mortal, demi-god and divine.

Link to Zeus: tffan234.deviantart.com/art/Ze…
Link to Eileithyia: fav.me/d4tqj8g
Link to Hebe: fav.me/d4tjnfv
Link to Dionysus: fav.me/d5bpwyl
Link to the Horai: tffan234.deviantart.com/art/Th…
Link to the Muses: fav.me/d4tb75d
Link to Elder Charities: fav.me/d4tfm8u
Link to Aglaia: fav.me/d4tfikp
Link to Artemis: fav.me/d4tbew3
Link to Apollo: fav.me/d5byttp
Link to Apollo 2: fav.me/d5f2q7j
Link to Athena: fav.me/d4tb9ce
Link to Persephone: fav.me/d4tf84z
Link to Hermes: fav.me/d5gw1c6
Link to Hephaestus: tffan234.deviantart.com/art/He…
Link to Greek Goddesses: fav.me/d5f2643
Link to Hercules/Heracles: tffan234.deviantart.com/art/He…
Link to Praxidice: tffan234.deviantart.com/art/Pr…
Link to Soter: tffan234.deviantart.com/#/art/…
Link to Soteria: tffan234.deviantart.com/#/art/…
Link to Chrysus: tffan234.deviantart.com/#/art/…
Link to Aletheia: tffan234.deviantart.com/#/art/…
Link to Pistis: tffan234.deviantart.com/art/Pi…

Link to Eris: tffan234.deviantart.com/art/Er…
Link to Ares: fav.me/d4tjonv

Link to Hera: fav.me/d4tn51v
Link to Rhea: fav.me/d4tp2v9
Link to Greek Queen Goddesses: fav.me/d56z6l5

Link to Metis: tffan234.deviantart.com/art/Me…

All credit goes to Doll-Divine and Azalea's Dress Up Doll Game of Thrones Scene Makers.

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