TFfan234 — Zeus, God of the Sky and Weather, King of the Gods

Published: 2013-08-01 00:12:30 +0000 UTC; Views: 5706; Favourites: 28; Downloads: 5
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Description Zeus King of the gods, the god of sky and weather, law, order and fate. He was the Son of Cronus and Rhea. Younger brother to Hades and Poseidon.

His roman name is Jupiter.

On the Left is what I would assume is his actual appearance and on the right is his appearance appearing before mortals (unless its a mortal woman he really likes)

When he was born his mother hid him away in the Diktaion cave and was cared for by Amaltheia and guarded by the shield-clashing Kouretes., and his father was given a stone in his place. After he was full grown he rescued his siblings and with their help he defeated Cronus and freed the Cyclops’. And he and his brothers divided the kingdoms among themselves.

He married Metis but he swallowed her due to a prophecy but later spite her out along with their child Athena who became his favorite. He married second Themis and had the younger Horai, though he divorced her and then married Eurynome and had the Graces/Chrarities. He later divorced her and married his 4th and final wife Hera. Although he may have been tricked into believing their was a prophecy by Gaia because he had imprisoned some of her children and may been cursed to never be with the one he loved which I think was Metis.

He unfortunate has a penchant for cheating on his wife and has sired numerous offspring either off willing women or unwilling. And using his thunderbolts has killed many mortals who have angered him. He also punished Prometheus for stealing from the Gods by having his liver eaten every day, his son Heracles later freed him. He also killed his demi-god grandson Asklepious, son of his son Apollo, when he revived a mortal but he corrected it by reviving and turning him into a God. He also condemned his son Tantalus to eternal torment in Tartarus for tricking him and the gods and goddesses to eat his grandsons flesh.

Interesting to note that it is never stated in the myths if Zeus divorced Metis and I doubt that swallowing her counts as Divorce so if they never divorced then Zeus' other marriages don't count which means He is not truely married to Hera and she is the other woman and thus Metis is really the Queen of the Gods.

It should be funny to note according to a family tree I composed that not only is Zeus the father of Hercules he is also his great great grandfather and his 3rd, 5th, 8th and 10th Great grandfather.

His favorite child that he bragged about was Hercules and he may have had romantic feelings for Alcemene or in love with her. Also he may have placed a protection order on Hercules preventing any olympian god from attacking/harming him. The reason for this possiblity is because after Hera tryed to kill him as a baby using snakes she never again directly attacked him and only ever indirectly attacked him using minions and pawns.

The Protection order was a possible explanation that was used in the TV Shows Young Hercules and Hercules: The Legendary Journeys.

Note he is supposed to have black hair but I gave him golden hair.

His areas of worship in Southern Greece were Attica, Korinthia, Megaris, Aigina, Argolis, Lakonia, Sikyonia, Messenia, Akhaia, Arkadia, and Elis (were Olympia was were the ancient Olympic games were held). In Cental Greece were Boeotia, Euboia, Phocis, and Cephallenia. In Northen Greece were Dodona, and Macedonia. In the Aegean sea the islands of Ceos, Samos, Rhodes, and Crete. In Anatolia the towns of Lydia, Caria, Kappadokia, Kilikia and Phrygia. As well as the island of Cyprus, Lybia in North Africa and Latium in Central Italy.

Plants that were associated with him was Oak and Celery. Animals that were sacred to him was the Golden eagle and wolf. Also sacred Icon items to him was the Lightning bolt and lotus staff.

Interesting enough the greek Gods are divided into catergories he is listed with the Theoi Agoraioi (Gods of the market place), the Theoi Gamelioi (Gods of Marriage), the Theoi Ktesioi (Gods of House and Home), the Theoi Mantikoi (Gods of oracles, divination and prophecy), the Theoi Polemikoi (Gods of War), and the Theoi Thesmioi (Gods of Divine Law and Custome)

Note: I have Zeus as having golden blonde hair and light sky blue eyes. And all of his children inherited his blue eyes, both mortal, demi-god and divine. He was often depicted with either a full beard or with Stubble

He was the father of Numerous Children and had MANY lovers, although some of his lovers were not very willing to be with him and he sometimes disguised himself as someone else to be with them or forced them. He also abducted the Trojan Prince Ganymede and made him his cup bearer and lover.

Divine Children

By the Oceanid Metis, his first Wife
1. Athena

By Themis, his 2nd wife
The 3 Horae: Dike, Eunomia and Eirene
Possibly the 3 Litae (Goddess of Prayers, who followed Ate)
Possibly Praxidike (Goddess of Exacting Justice)
The 3 Themeides Nymphs
Dikaeosyne, Goddess of Rightousnes and Justice

By Mnemosyne
The 9 Muses: Kalliope, Klio, Thalia, Melpomene, Terpsichore, Euterpe, Erato, Polyhymnia and Ourania

By Eurynome, his third wife
The 4 Elder Charities: Aglaia, Euphrosyne, Pasithea, and Thalia

By Leto
1. Apollo
2. Artemis

By Selene
1. Ersa
2. Nemea
3. Pandia

By Demeter
1. Persephone

By Karme
1. Britomartis

By Maia
1. Hermes

By Semele
1. Dionysus

By Hera, his fourth and final wife
1. Eileithyia
2. Hebe
3. Hephaistos
4. Ate (Goddess of Mischief as well as error, delusion, ruin and blind folly)
5. Enyo (Goddess of War)
6. Alatheia (Goddess of Truth)
7. KaloKathia (Goddess of Nobility)
8. Kaerus (God of Opportunity) he was the yougest of Zeus' divine sons
9. Ares ? (? because it is listed that Ares could have no father and Hera sired him without a male)
10. Eris (Goddess of Contention and Rivalry) (as there are 2 different parents listed for Eris I am assuming there are 2 and the younger is his and Hera's daughter)
11. Angelos

Unknown Goddesses
1. Soter - God of Safety and Deliverance
2. Soteria - Goddess of Safety and Deliverance, she may have been Soter's twin sister
3. Khrysos - God of Gold
4. Zagreus, was torn apart by the Titans but his heart was saved and was reincarnated as Dionysus
5. Pistis - Goddess of Good Faith, Trust and Honesty
6. Astrape, Goddess of Lightning, she was his handmaiden
7. Bronte, Goddess of Thunder, she was his handmaiden

By Aex
1. Aegipan

By Europa (first 3 sons were mortal but became Judges in the Underworld)
1. Minos I, King of Crete, Is the great grandfather of Minos II (my guess as it is never stated how far back he is related to Minos II, father of Ariadne)
2. Rhadamanthas
3. Sarpidon
4. Alagonia, daughter
5. Carnus, A seer from Acarnania
6. Dodon

Parentage in dispute
Aphrodite by Dione
Ares by Hera, he may only solely be Hera’s son

He was also the father on MANY mortal offspring all most all of them were Kings, among them are,

By Princess Io of Argos
1. Epaphus, King of Aigyptos (9th generation grandfather of Hercules)
2. Keroessa, mother of Byzas the Founder of Byzantium by Poseidon.

By Taygete the Pleiade Nymph
1. Lacedaemon, King of Lacedaemonia (4th generation grandfather of Hercules)

By Electra the Pleiade Nymph
1. Dardanus, Founder and King of the city of Dardania on Mount Ida in the Troad
2. Emathion, King of the Island of Samothrace
3. Iasion, Prince of the Island of Samothrace and Chief priest of the Samothracian Mysteries

By Princess Danae of Argos
1. Perseus, King of Argos then Mycenai (Great grandfather of Hercules)

By Princess Alcmene, granddaughter of Perseus.
1. Hercules

By Queen Olympia of Macedonia
1. Alexander, King of Macedonia (He shares dual paternalship with King Philip II of Macedonia)

By Laodamia, daughter of Bellerophone
1. Sarpedon II, he was in the Trojan war. King of Lycia

By Queen Leda of Lacedaemonia
1. Helen, Queen of Sparta. Better known as Helen of Troy

By the Oceanid Plouto
1. Tantalos, King of Phrygia, he was also Hercules' great great grandfather via Alcmene's mother.

By The Nymph Aigina
1. Aiakos, King of the island of Aigina
2. Damocratia

By Princess Protogenia of the Hellenes
1. Aethlius, The first King of Elis
2. Opus, King of the Epeians

By the Libyan Queen Lamia, daughter of Poseidon
1. Acheilos, a Lydian boy who contested Aphrodite and was turned into a shark
2. Herophile, A Prophetess of Libya and Later Delphi

By Antiope, A Lady of Thebes
1. Amphion, King of Thebes in Boeotia (Central Greece)
2. Zethos, King of Thebes in Boeotia (Central Greece)

By Niobe (Daughter of Phoroneus)
1. Argos, First King and Eponum of Argos
2. Pelasgus, First King and Eponum of the Pelasgians

By Callisto Princess of Arcadia, was a follower of Artemis and was tricked by Zeus by Assuming the form of Artemis.
1. Arcas, King of Arcadia

By Cassiopeia (Not Andromeda’s mother, wife of Phoenix)
1. Atymnius, Lord of Crete

By the Nymph Idaea
1. Cres

By a African Nymph
1. Iarbas, King of the Moors

By the Nymph Hora
1. Kolaxes, Lord of the Tauric Chersonese (North-Eastern Europe)

By unknown woman
1. Corinthus, King and founder of Corinthos/Corinth

By unknown woman
1. Crinacus, King of Olenos, Achaia

By the Nymph Himalia
1. Kronios, Lord of the island of Rhodes
2. Kytos, Lord of the island of Rhodes
3. Spartaios, Lord of the island of Rhodes

By Princess Thyia of Hellens
1. Magnes, The First King of Magnesia in Thessalia
2. Makednos, Ancestor of the Macedonians

By Gaia
1. Manes, First King of Lydia (Asia Minor)

By a Sithnid Nymph
1. Megaros, First King of Megara

By the Nymph Othreis
1. Meliteus, Lord and Founder of the town of Melite in Phthiotis

By Princess Eurymedousa of Phthiotis
1. Myrmidon, King of Phthiotis

By Dia, wife of King Ixion
1. Pirithos, King of the Lapith tribe of Thessalia

By Borysthenes
1. Targitaus, First King of the Scythia

By Princess Elara of Orchomenus, Boeotia, was hidden by Zeus inside the earth
1. Tityos

By Princess Anaxithea of Argos, One of the 50 Danaides
1. Olenus

By Princess Isonoe of Argos, One of the 50 Danaides
1. Orchomenus

By Iodame
1. Thebe, daughter

By Pandora II
1. Graecus

By Princess Maera
1. Locrus, he helped Amphion and Zethus in building Thebes

Link to the 12 Olympians: tffan234.deviantart.com/art/Th…
Link to Greek God Kings: tffan234.deviantart.com/art/Gr…
Link to The Litae: tffan234.deviantart.com/art/Th…
Link to Eileithyia: fav.me/d4tqj8g
Link to Hebe: fav.me/d4tjnfv
Link to Dionysus: fav.me/d5bpwyl
Link to the Horai: tffan234.deviantart.com/art/Th…
Link to the Muses: fav.me/d4tb75d
Link to Elder Charities: fav.me/d4tfm8u
Link to Aglaia: fav.me/d4tfikp
Link to Artemis: fav.me/d4tbew3
Link to Apollo: fav.me/d5byttp
Link to Apollo 2: fav.me/d5f2q7j
Link to Athena: fav.me/d4tb9ce
Link to Persephone: fav.me/d4tf84z
Link to Hermes: fav.me/d5gw1c6
Link to Hephaistos: tffan234.deviantart.com/art/He…
Link to Greek Goddesses: fav.me/d5f2643
Link to Hercules/Heracles: tffan234.deviantart.com/art/He…
Link to Praxidike: tffan234.deviantart.com/art/Pr…
Link to Soter: tffan234.deviantart.com/art/So…
Link to Soteria: tffan234.deviantart.com/#/art/…
Link to Khrysos: tffan234.deviantart.com/#/art/…
Link to Aletheia: tffan234.deviantart.com/#/art/…
Link to Pistis: tffan234.deviantart.com/art/Pi…
Link to Astrape: tffan234.deviantart.com/art/As…
Link to Bronte: tffan234.deviantart.com/art/Br…
Link to Dikaeosyne: tffan234.deviantart.com/art/Di…
Link to Angelos: tffan234.deviantart.com/art/An…

Link to Eris: tffan234.deviantart.com/art/Er…
Link to Ares: fav.me/d4tjonv

Link to Hera: fav.me/d4tn51v
Link to Rhea: fav.me/d4tp2v9
Link to Greek Queen Goddesses: fav.me/d56z6l5

Link to Metis: tffan234.deviantart.com/art/Me…

All credit goes to Doll-Divine and Azalea's Dress Up Doll Game of Thrones Scene Makers.

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Comments: 1

AkhillesY [2016-05-11 05:55:23 +0000 UTC]

The source Ares has no father is from "Fasti" by Ovid

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