"A skilled student in the field of sorcery from a young age, Melsworth made a name for himself early on by taking a novel academic approach to magic and continued building his reputation and influence throughout his life. By his later years, he was a man of great renown, greater wealth, greatest girth, and unsurpassed arrogance.
However, a great fear of death took hold of him later in life, and his final few years were spent using all of his intellect and all of his wealth in search of a way to escape the Reaper. At first considering becoming a lich, he dismissed the idea as a mockery of life and made enemies with a great many undead sorcerers in the process. It was only when he came upon the idea of forging a philosopher's stone -- a costly but hypothetically perfect source of immortality -- that he had hope.
When his final day came and his philosopher's stone was still yet to be completed, he could feel the cold hand of death clench his heart and waited with dread for the blackness that was to come.
...That was, until he looked down and found himself floating over his own body, dead but still very much awake.
Now free from the terror and stress that filled (and likely hastened the approach of) the end of his life, Melsworth now spends his days enjoying the fruits of his life's labors. He still continues his studies for leisure, but also keeps himself busy with the unrestrained use of his wealth and exploring the capabilities of his new spectral form.
Always eager to re-experience the pleasures of flesh, he often visits those of high status - usually ladies of noble houses - and treats himself to their bodies. While his rotund form may take a good deal of pushing to get into a host, taking them over and enjoying their body is always a sure bet. Even if he finds himself hankering for a host and only having commoners to choose from, he'll be sure to get them dressed and made up to a high-class standard using the full application of his estate's wealth (leaving the host afterwards with a wardrobe that could fund them for life).
Arrogant as ever, he's quick to tease the living and flex his intellect while chortling in the face of consequences. He simply wants to enjoy his afterlife, and feels it is his right as a magus to do so!
(Just make sure you NEVER call him a "wizard" to his face, or there WILL be consequences)"
And here we have my second ever self-designed OC! Similarly to with Campo, I enjoy having large fellows getting into tight feminine forms, and Melsworth covers the possession angle! He's a theatric asshole, so I'm going to have plenty of fun using him in the future!