TheEverything — Betting on a Race TG [NSFW]

Published: 2013-08-04 19:33:02 +0000 UTC; Views: 27339; Favourites: 91; Downloads: 8
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Description Dave squinted as he stepped outside, his eyes slowly adjusting from the dim locker room to the bright sunny outdoors. He walked forward as his surroundings came into view. Just ahead was the school track field, with the football field in the center. Bleachers flanked him on each side and the brick school building was behind him. The sun glistened off his curly brown hair, still damp from his pre-workout shower. His goatee was short, freshly trimmed that morning, and complimented his face. His running gear was tight against his body, keeping him aerodynamic and showing off his muscles. He was tall and slender, but still well-built, with the body of a dedicated athlete. This made sense because he was on the track team. He wasn't the fastest senior on the team, but he was certainly up there in the top couple places, usually scoring at least third or fourth at meets.
Normally, the field ahead of him would be filled with various sports groups practicing. The football team running drills in the middle, the cheerleaders doing their routine on the far side, and the track team doing laps. Today, it was nearly abandoned. It was Spring Break, and all practices were cancelled since everyone would be traveling. Not Dave though. He and his family didn't have any plans for the week except for relaxing in the warm spring weather.  Having nothing to do, Dave came to the school track for his daily run. Just because there was no official practice was no excuse to not run for him. Finally reaching the track itself, he realized that he really was the only one there. All he could hear was distant traffic and someone mowing the soccer field on the other side of the school.

"Hey! Hey, Dave! What are you doing here? You know there's no practice right?"

A voice yelled out to him, disturbing the calm air. Startled, Dave turned to where the voice had come from. Smiling, he walked over, instantly recognizing the voice of his friend Kyle.
Kyle had been Dave's friend since primary school. He had sandy blonde hair which he kept long, and was a rather scrawny guy, nearly a full head shorter than Dave. Despite this, he was deceptively strong, and one of the track team's top members. He could just about keep pace with Dave, though he was more of a sprinter while Dave preferred long distance.

"Yeah I know it's break," Dave replied, greeting his pal with a fist bump as he dumped his bag of clothes on the ground, "Doesn't mean I can't keep in shape right? Question is, what are you doing here?"

"Same as you, plus Coach has been strongly hinting that I need to work on my long distance."

"He's right you know, you're fast but you've got no stamina."

As they chatted, they began to do some warm-up stretches before they ran. After making small talk for a minute or so, Kyle turned to the topic of their routines.

"So, you have any plans for how you're gonna run?"

"Meh, not really," Dave said, continuing to stretch, "I was thinking maybe just a few laps to loosen up."

Bending over for a calf stretch, Kyle suggested, "Yeah, me neither. Hey, since we both wanted to do some laps, hows about we race?"

After considering it a moment, Dave replied "I don't see why. There's no fun in it unless there's something to be wagered, and I know neither of us has much cash to speak of."

Pausing for a drink of water, Kyle said "Well... we don't HAVE to wager money. There are...OTHER THINGS we can bet."

"What the heck are you talking about?" came a confused reply.

Finishing his water, Kyle considered his friend for a moment.
"Dave, we've been friends for years, right? And we've always told each other everything?"

"Yeah, so what?"

"Well, there's something I haven't told you." His face turning a slight shade of red, Dave said, "I am... well. technically, I am...sort of a... um...a"

"Well spit it out then!" snapped an impatient Dave.

"I'm a witch!" Kyle blurted, before quickly covering his hands with his mouth.

Dave stopped mid-stretch and threw a perplexed gaze at his friend. Smiling, he resumed his stretching.

"Yeah right, pull the other one, it's got bells on. Seriously Ky, if you're going to try something like that at least go with something reasonably realistic, like your dad is secretly filthy rich or something. Besides, only chicks are witches."

"No, seriously, I am!" came a rapid reply, "look, I'll prove it to you!"

Snapping his fingers, a small blue flame appeared in Kyle's hand.
"See! Magic!"

Unfazed, Dave didn't even stop stretching.

"Nice try. I saw a magician do the same thing at my tenth birthday party."

"Fine then, what about this!"
With a look of intense concentration on his face, Kyle began muttering in a strange language.

Stopping his stretch, Dave said "Seriously, man stop it. You're not gonna do anything I haven't seen any half-baked street magician do. I wish you could see your face right now. You look like you-- Aghh!"

Interrupting his sentence, a large book materialized in the air between them, dropping from nowhere onto Dave's toes.

Breathing hard, Kyle picked up the tome.
"Believe me now?" He panted, "See? Spell book and everything."

"Holy **** Ky! What the heck did you just do!" Yelled a very freaked out Dave.

"I summoned my spell book. It hold all the more complicated spells that I can't memorize."

"But...how? How is this possible? Magic is just all slight of hand and mirrors. There's no such thing as the real stuff! And how could you be a witch when you're a guy?!"

Sitting down on a nearby bench, Kyle placed the book beside him and began to catch his breath.

"This is gonna be a bit tricky to explain," he started, "You remember my Gran?"

"Granny Hilda? How could I forget? Your Grandma is awesome...you know, for an old person," Dave said as he sat on the other side of the spell book. "How is she anyways?"

"...She's dead. She died two months ago."

"Oh... Oh I am so sorry Ky, I had no idea. What happened? She was always the most energetic old lady I'd ever seen"

"Here's where it gets a bit odd," Kyle said sheepishly, "Turns out, Gran was a witch. It runs in the family apparently. Every other generation or so all the way back to Salem. It was her magic that kept her in such good shape. But she was old, and she was running out of magic. So she had to pass it on."

"But what about Emma?" Dave pressed, "She's two years older than you and, well, a girl."

"Yeah..." Kyle said, looking thoughtful, "Sis and Gran hadn't been on the best of terms since that Christmas fiasco a year or two ago. Plus Gran heard from one of her roller derby teammates who's a teacher, that Em was falling in with a bad crowd at college. Drugs, booze, clubs, the lot of it. She was worried that Sis was too immature to handle the power."

"Wait... so how does that lead to you becoming a witch?"

"Bear with me for a minute. Okay, so one day, just before she died, Gran called my to her room. She was completely bedridden and knew that her time was coming soon. She asked me to lock the door, then come close because she had something important to say to me. Then she told me the family secret of how there is magic in our blood. She said that not even my Mom knew about it, since the magic potential skipped her generation for some reason. She told me of how she had her powers given to her by her grandmother, who got then from her mother, and so on. I didn't believe her until she summoned the spell book like I did just now. She said that she knew her time was nearly up, and that she had to pass along the magic, but didn't trust sis with it. She said that I was very lucky, that very few males ever got the power, since it was traditionally passed down through the eldest daughter. My magic potential would be limited, due to me being a boy, but she said that she could still unlock it and use the last of her power to give mine a boost under certain conditions."

Kyle stood up and turned to face Dave.
"So I agreed, she said a long incantation, and I felt the magic flowing through me. And then ba-da-bing ba-da-boom, I was a full fledged witch. Well, a novice level witch technically. She also left me her spell book in her inheritance, which I only actually  got a week ago. Without it, I can do simple stuff like make flames appear and flowers grow spontaneously and stuff, but I need the book for more complex spells."

Dave stood up too, and gave his friend a long, hard look. Sighing, he put his hand to his head and said, "Okay, I think I can just about wrap my head around this, but I still don't get one thing. Since you're a guy, wouldn't having magic make you a wizard or a warlock or something, instead of a witch?"

Laughing, Kyle replied, "Of course not, there's no such things as wizards and warlocks. What do you think this is, Harry Potter?"

"But you can do all sorts of spells and stuff? Turn people to toads, fly on a broom, that sort of thing?"

"That is such a stereotype, Dave. They had very a limited range of spells in those days. It's not like new spells haven't been created over time. But yeah, I can do all the traditional stuff, though flying doesn't actually require a broom. It just takes less energy to use one. And it looks way cooler than just floating!"

"...Okay then. So you were saying something about a bet for a race?"

At this, Kyle's previously uncomfortable expression lightened considerably. "Yeah I almost forgot that! SO, like I said, with my new powers, we can bet things other than money."

"Like what? Lose and become a toad? Win and every chick wants you for a day? You can do those sort of things right?"

"...Not quite what I had in mind. You know the Spring Dance is the day after break ends, right?"

"I think I like where this is going..." said a smiling Dave, his mind already filling with perverted fantasies.

"Let me finish first," said Kyle holding up his hand, "Here's my proposal: We run, say, five laps on the track. Whoever loses turns into a girl and has to go out with the winner to the dance. The difference in our times will determine how feminine the loser gets. So the more you lose by, the girlier you get."

"...That is totally not where I thought where you were going with that. That is definitely the weirdest bet anyone has ever offered me."

"Well look at me!" exclaimed Kyle, indicating to himself, "I'm barely five feet! And everyone knows how it goes with these dances. The footballers get the cheerleaders and other hot girls. Then the medium hot girls go for the rest of the sports players. Except for the short guys who get lumped in with the rest of the school body. Without this bet, I'm going to, again, end up spending the dance either alone or with that girl from history with the uni-brow! This is my senior year! It's my last chance even if the girl is you with a spell on!"

"Okay, okay, settle down!" Dave said, startled by his friend's emotional outburst, "I'll humor you and take the bet. You know you're gonna lose though. Five laps is a long way and you're a sprinter."

"I know..." he sighed, "It'll  be a challenge, but don't go easy on me! I've been practicing my pacing on long distances and want to win this fair and square!"

"Fine then," replied Dave, "So, how will this work? Do you need to say a spell or something?"

"Something like that, but I need a few supplies." He searched his pockets, but came up empty. He noticed Dave's bag on the ground nearby. "Hey, can I borrow the zipper pull from your sports bag?"

"Uhh... I guess so." Dave reached over and unclipped the pull from the rest of the zipper assembly. As he handed it to Kyle, he asked, "So why the whole bet if you just want a date? Can't you just create a girlfriend or make a mannequin come to life or something?"

"Nah," replied Kyle, "That's really high level stuff, and I'm still new at this. For some reason, most of the beginner spells are gender related."

He took the zipper pull and held it at face level in front of him. He said under his breath,
"Rood Nepo"
He then began focusing intently on the key for a second, before relaxing. As he had been concentrating, Dave had been thinking.

"Did you just say "Open Door" backwards?"

"...Maybe. Well not all spells need a specific incantation, just a focus word to help you visualize what's supposed to happen."

"And that's the best you could come up with?"

"Hey, cut me some slack, I'm still new at this!"

As he spoke, he gestured with his hands. The zipper, surprisingly, had not fallen, but was hanging where Kyle had left it, and almost seemed to be swinging in the breeze. Grabbing hold of the key again, Kyle began to pull it over and down. As it moved, the air it passed seemed to wilt and sag, as something like a rift seemed to open where it passed. As he turned the zipper and began going straight down, the AIR fell back and down. It looked like he was unzipping the door of a tent, only the tent was invisible. Dave strained to see what magical wonders lay beyond the portal, put it only took the sighting of one Led Zeppelin poster to crash his dreams of a secret magical realm.

"Is that your room?" He asked, disappointed.

"Uh, yeah." Came the sarcastic reply, "Where did you think I was going to get supplies from, Diagon alley?"

"What's with all the Harry Potter references?"

"Can you think of some other pop culture magic thing I could reference to?"

"...Point taken."

Stepping into the portal, Kyle said "Sit tight, I've just got to grab a few things then I'll be ready."

Dave sat back down on the bench as he waited. After a few minutes, he began to grow impatient. Bored, he stood again to take a closer look at the strange portal. From the front, he could clearly see a hole in the air in front of him, the edges slightly wavy like mirages on a really hot day. Tenetivly, he poked his head inside. Kyle's room was as clear as if he was looking through the actual doorway. Dave saw that the closet was open, and could hear noises of Kyle moving things around inside. Pulling himself out of the portal, Dave walked around to the other side. From this angle, the portal was completely invisible and he could see the bench as if the space between it and him was perfectly normal.
Startling him, Kyle seemed to appear out of nowhere. Walking around to the front again, Dave could clearly again see the portal and Kyle's room behind it. Kyle looked the same, only now he had a small leather pouch in one hand. Kyle turned around and pulled up on the zipper, closing the rift it had created, until only the zipper was left. With a sharp tug, the zipper came off as well, and he handed it back to a cautious Dave.

"Here you go, thanks." Seeing Dave's trepidation on taking back the magic infused zipper, Kyle added, "Don't worry, it's completely back to normal. It's in the exact same state it was in a few minutes ago. It's not going to turn your sports bag into a portal to the demon realm or something."

Dave took the zipper and put it back in it's place on his bag. He turned to face Kyle.

"OK, sooo... now what? We race?"

"Hold your horses man! I haven't set up the spell yet, I just got the tools."

Saying this, Kyle turned and walked over to the starting line of the track. Intrigued as to the workings of the magic, Dave followed.

Kyle knelt down at the edge of the track where the starting line was. Opening the leather pouch, he pulled out a piece of white chalk, the basic kind that teachers used before dry erase markers and smart-boards. He drew two lines parallel to the start line, one in front of it and one behind. The space between them and the original line, he filled with strange characters. As Dave looked at them, they seemed to shift before his eyes. They looked familiar, but also different, sometimes resembling flowing Arabic script, sometimes resembling the rigid shape of old Gaelic symbols. Either way, the writing was a work of art in itself.
Distracted by the writing, Dave didn't notice what Kyle had been chalking out since. At the edge of the track, where Kyle had been kneeling before, there were now two small circles surrounded by more strange runes. A line branched out from each circle and angling away from each other, each which led to a larger circle several feet away. The two larger circles had complex diagrams drawn within then, along with more symbols, in a myriad of chalk colors. Kyle was just finishing up the last rune with a green chalk piece, other colors scattered about.
Finished, Ky;e gathered up his chalk and placed them back into his bag. It looked too small to fit them all but somehow did. He began rummaging in the bag with his hand, which confused Dave since there obviously wasn't room for anything other than the chalk. One can only imagine his surprise then. when Kyle proceeded to plunge his ENTIRE ARM into the bag, without stretching or altering it at all, and pull out a foot long piece of polished wood with intricate carvings and inset stones. Using the wand, Kyle drew two lines between the large circles in a glowing yellow light. He checked his spellbook (which had been hovering nearby on the appropriate page) to ensure he had drawn everything correctly. Satisfied, he grabbed the book, closed it, and approached Dave, whilst wiping some smudges of chalk from his face.

"Okay then, it's all set up. You get over in that circle, and I'll stand in mine."

They each entered their respective circles, Dave careful not to smudge the strange runes at his feet. Before Kyle entered his, he placed a stopwatch in each of the two smaller circles. His wand aloft, Kyle gave his spellbook one final glance before closing his eyes and beginning the recitation.

"Pedantus tempora femina mascula diminuendo chrono transmogrius..."

As he chanted, the chalk lines began to glow. They glowed stronger and they lifted themselves from the ground, hovering at waist height. The circles spun, the lines warped and hummed, the symbols glowed and wrapped themselves around Dave and Kyle like bandages on a mummy. Dave, terrified at his old friend's new power, stood transfixed as the nature of reality warped itself in the space around them.

"...contada calcius prestidigitarium!" As Kyle finished his spell, he made an elaborate gesture with his wand, and the magic dissipated, the glowing runes and chalk lines fading away into the earth, the air, the stopwatches, and the boys themselves.

Excitedly, Kyle looked over to his awestruck friend who stared back in a mix of amazement and surprise, with also a little fear.

"Well?" asked a slightly tired Kyle.

"THAT was a low level spell?"

"Okay so maybe it was more of a medium level since it involved utilizing time and space in the local area, but yeah, that was it. Using the stopwatches made it WAY easier since I only had to bend time a little. Otherwise I could have been chanting all day!"

"So... what now?"

"Now," said a happy Kyle, "We race."

The two of them stood behind the start line (which looked completely normal despite it's magical ordeal) and did a couple last minute stretches.

"Five laps, remember?" said Dave.

"Yep, and the worse you lose, the girlier you get." added Kyle

"Do we have to do anything special for the spell?"

"Nope, just race. The magic will take care of everything."

"I hope you're ready for this," taunted Dave, "or prepare to turn really hot. Man that sentence sounds weird. Countdown from three then?"





They took off. Running like their lives depended on it. Kyle took the lead quickly with a sprint, but Dave knew better. Dave paced himself, only going about half speed, since five laps around the track was just over a mile. He was confident. Kyle was no long distance runner. He was a short distance sprinter and always had been. At the pace he set, he'd burn out before the race was half over. Dave was saving himself for that point so he could put some serious distance between them and make Kyle as hot as possible. Dave was so confident, he barely focused on the race. He was already fantasizing as to what KYLIE would look like. Maybe a younger version of his sister Emma? Maybe he'd look completely unrecognizable, a goddess of beauty. He was so absorbed in his fantasy he was shocked when he realized that he's just finished the third lap, and Kyle was still way ahead with no sigh of slowing down!
Cursing at himself for his carelessness, he went full throttle, as his continuing existence as a man depended on it. One lap later he'd halved the distance, and Kyle was showing sighs of slowing. Dave sped up even more on the final lap, desperate to keep his manhood intact. Rounding the last bend, he was still a few meters behind Kyle with only seconds left in the race. With every last of ounce of strength, he ran at Kyle desperate to close the gap and overtake him. It didn't matter now how girly Kyle ended up looking, so long as it was Kyle and not him! The finish line approached and it was crossed by... both of them? A photo finish, too close to tell without a camera.

Both panting, the boys regarded each other expectantly.

"So...who...won?" Gasped Dave.

"Don't...know. Give it...a minute... for the spell...to kick in."

At that moment, the magic chalk circles from earlier reappeared on the ground directly beneath where the boys were standing. Both boys regarded them apprehensively, waiting for something to change which would signify the winner or, more importantly, the loser. Suddenly, the lines of one circle all turned pink and a bubble of pink magical energy quickly began to grow from it, surrounding it's occupant.

"Aw shi-" Dave managed to say before the magic bubble completely surrounded him.

Dave found himself in a strange place. He could see nothing except for a pink mist, an he seemed to be floating. Before he could get his bearings though, he felt a surge of something which must have been magic go through him. It pulsed for several seconds before the feeling declined. Still floating in the pink mist Dave felt his running gear tingle. Firstly, his shoes shrank a size or two compressing is feet uncomfortably. His shorts shortened by a few inches, ending about midthigh. The sleeves of his running top shrank as well and changed shape slightly, though this made little impact due to its stretchy material. Then his boxers began to shrink,changing in shape and material. They reformed as a pair of plain white panties. These gripped his still male genetalia in a compressed and rather uncomfortable position. His undershirt shrank considerably and became a simple no-frills sports bra, white like the panties, clinging awkwardly to his still male frame. Dave took all this in with muted horror and fascination, dreading the changes yet to come.
He felt the tingling in his feet as they shrunk to fit his mostly unchanged shoes. His thighs thickened slightly, but just barely. With a strange sucking feeling, his private area inverted itself into a new female form. HER waist shrunk, but only slightly as the changes moved upward. Her hands and arms shrunk a bit, but the nails remained rough and chewed. With a strong tingling in her chest, her breasts began to grow. Then stopped. She was remarkably flat-chested, so much so that the sports bra actually added more than was already there. Some of her old chest hair remained scattered about it as well. As the changes moved to her face, most of her goatee fell out. Her face softened slightly, as her hair lost it's curls, making it longer, but still in a boyish cut. With these final changes done, the bubble receded leaving the feminized runner standing back on the track next to a surprised Kyle.

"What happened?" asked Kyle, "You're still a guy? I must have written a rune wrong. I bet it was that tricky one right near the end, I can never get that on right. Or-"

"No, it worked," said Davina in a slightly higher pitch than Dave, "Trust me, I am most definitely a girl. Not a hot girl in any sense, but definitely a girl."

"Of course!" exclaimed Kyle, "The race was so close that you became a girl, but only just barely. Well this is just great! Now instead of a breathtaking beauty, I've got a boyish brunette!"

During this little fit, Davina had been inspecting her new body. She found that she was still very fit despite her transformation. In fact, the change seemed to have fully refreshed her from the earlier run. Realizing this, she saw a way to get back her old body.

"Hey," she said, interrupting Kyle's disappointed mutterings, "I've got an idea. How about we race again, but we change things up a bit."

"I'm listening." Said Kyle, intrigued by the very Dave-like girl.

"Okay, so we race again, five laps just like before, only we raise the stakes. This time, whoever loses, regardless of how badly they lose, becomes a really hot girl and becomes the devoted obedient girlfriend of the winner for a full week, ending the day after the dance. Also, if I win, I get my old body back."

Kyle pondered these terms for a moment.

"I think I can agree to that. I'll have to set the spell up again and edit it a bit, but it shouldn't be too hard. Okay then Dave uh...um...Davella? No, Davette? Definitely not, uh...Davina... yeah, Davina. Okay then Davina, you're on!"

"...Davina? Really?"

"Look, we'll think of something better after the next race okay? Now, where did I leave my chalk?"

Kyle quickly wrote out the spell and symbols on the ground. It was mostly the same, except for a few additional strings of symbols and the the removal of the stopwatches. After the spell was cast, they both set themselves up behind the starting line. Davina figured that she had the advantage. Kyle was still visibly a bit tired from the first race and the enchanting. Also, she was now aware that he was significantly better at long distance than he used to be, and she could now pace herself differently. Kyle began the countdown.





They took off. Immediately Davina realized that things were not in her favor. Despite still being in shape, her weight in this body was distributed differently, making her gait slower and awkward. Besides that, the noticeable difference in her genitals altered her stride and constantly distracted her with a lack of feeling that something extra against her underwear. She was barely able to keep pace with Kyle, who seemed to be doing fine. By the third lap she felt good. She had finally found her rhythm and was actually pulling ahead. But at the beginning of the final lap disaster struck. Her body, despite being in shape, just didn't have the stamina of her old body. By halfway through the lap, Kyle had caught up and passed her. Turning, he shot Davina a quick smile, before proceeding TO TURN AROUND and run backwards towards the finish line, putting on an impressive turn of speed. He quickly passed the finish line, with Davina finishing a good ten seconds behind, panting hard.

"Alright, alright," she panted, "I lost. Let's get this thing over with."

Quickly, she was taken back into the pink bubble. This time, the magical feelings were much stronger. Like before, her clothing changed first. Her shoes shrank another size or two, and changed to a clearly feminine style. Her shorts shrunk even more, to the point where they barely counted as shorts anymore. They faded from black to a navy blue with a red stripe around the edges. Her shirt shrunk down to a tank top, the sleeves diminishing to a pair of white straps with navy blue lining. The body of her tank top shrunk tight around her core, while the top loosened a great deal, hinting of changes to come. Hr panties kept their shape, but added blue stripes to the plain white, and a bit of lace around the waistband. Her sports bra, surprisingly, disappeared altogether, leaving her top hanging loose against her tiny breasts. Quickly surveying these changes, Davina knew that the next few changes were going to be a lot more noticeable than the first time. The tingling began in her feet again, as they shrunk to fit her smaller shoes. Though she couldn't see it, her toenails also became perfectly trimmed and painted a pale green. Her lower leg slimmed down to solid toned muscle, while her thighs thickened enough to become clearly feminine. Any faint traces of hair vanished from her legs. Her bottom rounded out, still small, but when she walked it would have a noticeable wiggle to it. Her core tightened and slimmed down. Had she been topless, she would have seen a sexy well-defined female six pack. Her hands and arms slimmed down, less muscular than the rest of her body. Her nails became perfect semi circles, though they remained unpainted. A sudden feeling shot through her tiny breasts. Like someone had attached a bike pump, they began to grow. Bouncy and round they grew, much larger then they had before. When they were done, she was left with large soft breasts the size of fresh grapefruit. They filled out her tank top, the soft and stretchy material rubbing against them. Her neck and shoulders slimmed down, with no traces of an adam's apple. Her face softened and shifted, her cheekbones rising, eyebrows thinning, and nose shrinking as her eyes became big and round. Her skin cleared itself of any imperfections and all hair disappeared from her body save for her head, eyebrows, and lashes. Her hair changed from light brown to a soft red, as it restyled itself into an alluring short cut. As her bangs grew out, two green clips appeared to hold them in place on either side of her face.
The changes done, she was ejected from the bubble, landing back on the pavement. Finding that, this time, her transformation had not healed her fatigue, she dropped to the ground blushing and panting from the race. Slightly insecure about her skin tight clothes, she positioned her hands to block any unintentional view of her new lady parts.

Kyle stood back, slack jawed at the beauty that had replaced his best friend. Seeing her fatigue, he offered a hand, helped her up, and guided her to the benches nearby where she sat down. Still standing, Kyle admired his magical creation.

"Wow, just wow. I can't believe how well the spell worked. For once a spell did  exactly what I intended. Say miss, what's your name?"

Davina shot Kyle a tired and questioning glare.
"What's my NAME? My name? It's Dave you nimrod... or Davina I suppose. I know we said we'd change it but Davina's kinda growing on me. Oh what's wrong now?"

Her final question was in reference to Kyle face-palming during her response.

"What's wrong?" he responded emotionally, "What's WRONG? What's wrong is that you're still YOU! Despite having the body of an athletic model, inside you're still the guy I grew up with. Can you just picture how terrible the next week of boyfriend/girlfriend activities will be if you're still a guy inside? You won't enjoy it, will fail faking enjoying it, and cause me not to enjoy it. Any activity we do, dinner, a movie, and especially kissing will be like me and you in a swapped body instead of me and a hot girlfriend! That's what's wrong!"

Realizing the truth in her friend's outburst, the surprisingly calm Davina grabbed the hysterical Kyle by his shoulders and shook him violently.

"Get a hold of yourself man!" She demanded, "Look, you're a witch with crazy magic powers and I've already got the body of a hot chick, so I'm halfway there already. Surely there's some sort of mind altering spell which will fix this?!"

She let go of him and sat back down, surprisingly tired by her outburst. She knew that he was right and had to do something. Even now the bounce of her breasts when she moved was unsettling, and slightly a turn-on due to her male mind. She tried to ignore this as Kyle calmed down and tried to think of a magical solution to their magical problem. Failing to think of a solution, he consulted his spellbook. After a minute of page turning he found something.

"Okay, I think I know what to do." He declared "There's a spell which should allow me to create a new female personality in you who will share your body for the next week. You'll just have to relax while she's in control. You'll see and hear through her and even hear her thoughts if you want, but you'll just be an observer in her body. You can even turn off access to her senses in case we start making out."

"Well that sounds like it would work," said Davina, rather unnerved at the thought of having to kiss her best friend, "but from the look on your face there's a catch."

He nodded

"Yes. It's not much, but it was something I was hoping to avoid. It's a rather advanced spell. It requires 700 units of magical energy. As I am, I can only do spells which take up to 300. I can access up to 1000, but there is a bit of a temporary drawback. But, I think it's only option."

"Wait, wait," exclaimed Davina, waving her hands in alarm, "This isn't dangerous right? Like, you don't have to summon a demon or, like, kill an innocent or something, right?"

"Don't worry," Kyle said with a smile as he drew his wand, "It's just something I didn't want you to see."

He waved his wand in a criss-cross pattern and whistled a short series of notes. His entire body, clothes, and wand began to emit a bright white light. Davina squinted and half covered her eyes as she tried to look at her friend. She could tell that SOMETHING was happening, but she wasn't sure what. As the light died down, a figure appeared from within it, and she looked nothing like Kyle.

Where Kyle stood before, there now was a tall goddess of a young woman. Nearly six feet in height, she towered over Davina. Her breasts were even larger than Davina's, and her figure was much more curvy and hourglass-like. Her long sandy-blonde hair cascaded down her back like a waterfall of gold. Despite her mature developed appearance her outfit looked rather juvenile. She wore a purple dress which blossomed out into petal-like folds at her hips and stopped at her knees. Black and purple striped tights escaped from her heeled purple ankle boots one sleeve of her dress was long and reached her delicate manicured hand, while the other shoulder was left bare and sleeveless. The purple dress had a spiderweb pattern across the front and was mostly backless. On her head was a traditional looking witch's hat, though the top two inches of the point were bent over. She looked slightly disoriented and composed herself before addressing Davina.

"So, what do you think?" She said in a voice that was liquid moonlight.

"I...wha...Kyle?!" stuttered an understandably confused Davina.

The goddess before her giggled.

"That's right Davina, it's me. Remember I said that my magical potential would be limited since I was a boy? Well, Gran used the last of her power to make it so I could easily become a girl in order to access my full power. This body was actually Gran's when she was my age. Beautiful, isn't it?"

"What's with the outfit? You look like a Saturday morning cartoon character."

"I'm trying different styles," she shrugged, "After the first few times I got bored of the traditional black robes and started improvising. I thought of this little number last week. It's based of an old anime character. I figured that if I was to spend a lot of time as a girl, I might as well be fashionable. It's not too childish is it?"

As she carried on about her dress, Davina was quickly coming to an inescapable conclusion which made her very angry.

"You...you...you tricked me!" exclaimed a now furious Davina, "You were perfectly fine with the idea of becoming a girl but you had to go and make me one anyways?! You know what? Just go ahead and finish it. Put someone else in my head so I can not talk to you for the next week!"


"Don't "But Davina" me! Just get it over with!"

She turned away, angry at being tricked into femininity by her best friend. Kylie sighed and pulled out her wand from within her cleavage. She waved it over Davina's head while she began a long incantation read from the book at her side.
Meanwhile, Davina felt a most curious sensation. The feeling of having another consciousness added to yours is very difficult to describe. The closest metaphor would be that if felt like someone was being poured into you. Like your head was a glass and your mind water and someone was adding some oil. You don't mix, but occupy the same space and are aware of each other. Dave (as we'll refer to the male part of her mind) was able to sense parts of the new personality's self. He felt a love of pink and pretty, but also of sports and, surprisingly, sci-fi. He could tell that this girl was a happy bubbly kind of girl, the peppy type who never seems to run out of energy. He was surprised at the amount of detail Kylie was putting into this new personality. She had complete dreams, desires, interests. She was like a real person. As she grew within his head he felt himself shrink away, not disappearing, just compressing, until he was just an observer in a body now belonging to a girl who's name apparently was Molly.

Kylie finished her spell and tucked her wand away. She figured that she had added enough personality for the spell to fill in the details. The girl turned to face Kylie.

"Dave?" asked Kylie hesitantly, cautious that she had goofed again.

"Nope!" replied a grinning face, "Molly here! Dave's still here but he's in the back sulking. He's pretty mad, he feels like you betrayed him."

"Oh," sighed Kylie, lowering her head "I was hoping that he could accept it and enjoy the ride."

She lifted her head as a small hand pushed up from under her chin. She came eye-to-eye with Molly's seductive stare.

"Well," Molly purred, "There's no reason why we shouldn't let that get us down. Say, how long can you hold your female form?"

"At least a few hours," replied Kylie, not getting the implication, "Why?"

"Are the locker rooms still unlocked?"

Finally getting it, Kylie smiled and snapped her fingers.

"If the weren't, they are now."

"Let's not waste time then." Said Molly as she walked towards the doors. She turned back to Kylie, "You comin'?"

Kylie hurried to catch up to her new girlfriend when a thought struck her.

"Hold on, has Dave shut himself off from your senses yet?"

"Nope," Molly smiled, "He's fully attentive. In fact he's not moping at all anymore."

Kylie smiled in return.

"Well the more the merrier I suppose." she said as they both hurried to the abandoned locker rooms in what would be the start of a most interesting week.
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Comments: 7

TGF-019 [2013-08-10 15:20:16 +0000 UTC]

Dude... you made it, finally!

I haven't read it, I was just very surprised to see that you finished it. I'll be looking forward to reading this, thank you very much for keeping your end of the bargain after so long. 

I can't remember exactly what I wrote for you, but it must be somewhere between the other stories I wrote.

Thanks for the story.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TheEverything In reply to TGF-019 [2013-08-10 20:40:19 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, I'm really sorry about forgetting. When I found it on my flashdrive, I felt so bad that I wrote the whole thing in a single sitting. I hope I'm able to find what you wrote. I've frankly forgotten what I requested!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Kiroku09 [2013-08-05 00:04:18 +0000 UTC]

Great Story, hope there's more to come?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TheEverything In reply to Kiroku09 [2013-08-05 07:40:36 +0000 UTC]

I wish, but the type of story it hints that follows is something I'm really not good at writing. It'd be great if someone else was to continue it (though it does work as a stand-alone piece) but trust me when I say that if I tried to write a sequel to this, it would be most terrible . Plus, I mainly just stick to the actual "transform-y" bits.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kiroku09 In reply to TheEverything [2013-08-05 08:03:51 +0000 UTC]

Oh well, i understand that's okay. It's just that it seems unfinished to me, that's all.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

oh-wow12 [2013-08-05 00:02:43 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TheEverything In reply to oh-wow12 [2013-08-05 07:35:47 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0