TheLostArts β€” |OW| Clement Grancourt (Year 3)

#group #thelostarts #application #roleplay
Published: 2015-07-03 04:20:43 +0000 UTC; Views: 1045; Favourites: 17; Downloads: 1
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Description Clement's actually wearing something that's kind of colourful? What? ....I wonder why that happened.
I'm not super happy with how the app art turned out, but considering that it was pretty rushed, it's okay? I just wanted something that would show Clem's look for the summer, so I guess this is good enough. xD

"My apologies. I'm still quite new to this 'friendship' thing."
Name: Clement Grancourt
Age: He's actually 324, but because his body doesn't age, he looks much younger.
Birthday: September 28th (Libra)
Height: 5'8"
Species: Living Doll
Species Description:
There's a limitless amount of ways that dolls can come to life, but in Clement's case, he was born when a witch bound a restless soul to a ball-jointed doll. The wooden body is kept alive by magic, which also prevents it from decaying. This means that it's not necessary for him to eat, but he does get hungry from time to time (although much less often than your average human), and can only satisfy his hunger with dreams. He has the abilities of a dream eater, and could be classified as such, but Clement views dream eating as an occupation rather than a species.

Β  Β  β€’ Dream eating: Clement is able to slip into a sleeping person's mind and extract (and later eat) the dream or nightmare that they're currently experiencing. He's not strong enough yet to force his way into peoples' dreams, so his targets must have given him permission. Since it was the reason he was even created in the first place, it's the ability he's most adept with.

Β  Β  β€’ Dream manipulation: When using his dream eating ability, Clement has some control over the dream he's been planted in. He's not able to do quite as much when in a nightmare, and the more deeply the nightmare affects its owner, the less power he holds. Most often he can make people appear or disappear, and bend or alter the landscape. This way he's able to turn nightmares into dreams, or vice versa, although Clement prefers the former, because how cruel would it be to want to traumatize someone that actually let him into their head?

Β  Β  β€’ Dream sensing: A minor ability that has appeared as a result of his other dream-related skills, Clement has a kind of sixth scent that allows his to sense when people are dreaming. He cannot see the dream or the dreamer, but he can guess it's general location, and is able to follow it like an invisible string. The closer he is to the source, the stronger the pull. Conversely, it is weakened by distance and if it has to pass through walls.

Β  Β  β€’ Basic potions knowledge: Learned from his potions classes, he knows the basics and very general things. Doesn't mean he's good with it yet, but it's a start.

Level: Intermediate/Blood
Β  Β  β€’ PTS 201
Β  Β  β€’ PTS 202

Passed Courses: PTS 102 | PTS 103 | PTS 203 | LIN 102
Experience: 641 (updated: 06/30/2015)
Roommate: Drake Moritz


  • Really loves necklaces, earrings, rings, and those kind of things. It's even better if they're shiny.
  • Classical and instrumental music has a special place in his heart. By extension he also likes playing music, but since he's just starting out, he's not very good at it yet.
  • Helping others, making them happy: those sorts of things. Anything to brighten someone's day.
  • Sewing isn't something he's especially good at, but it's pretty calming. He can only really stitch things up, but is trying to learn more.
  • As far as dreams and nightmares go he obviously likes eating them, but Clement also likes witnessing them as well. Since he doesn't dream, he finds them fascinating.
  • He has a new respect for trees, now that he's realized he's one of them. Drake, you only have yourself to blame
  • Physical affection of any sort is cherished! Cuddles and hugs are especially nice.
  • Winter is his favourite season because of the snow and how cold it is. He can get away with wearing as many layers as he wants without getting strange looks.
  • Having grown up alongside a family of witches and warlocks he's got a special kind of love for them. They remind him a little of the past.
  • Other living dolls- after coming to the school he's really excited to find out that there's others like him.
  • His teeth -he's really self-conscious about how sharp and pointed they are.
  • When people stare at him he gets really uncomfortable. Makes him feel like he's being judged.
  • Food tastes absolutely repulsive to him, so he tries avoiding it when he can. He's kind of grown to tolerate it since he's had to eat it in public before to blend in, but that doesn't mean he'll willingly eat anything.
  • Sharp weapons: like axes. Really, anything that could cause him some serious bodily harm.
  • Being alone. He's been surrounded by people for his entire life, so he gets lonely very fast.
  • Swimming isn't a favourite pastime of his since wood and water don't exactly mix well. Wood absorbs water and gets kind of soft and gross after too long, and ew, Clement doesn't want that happening to him.
  • Adding to that, he also doesn't like heavy rainfall. Water's okay in small doses, though.
  • Being seen as less than human (even though he believes he is)
  • A bit of a keener, he's dedicated to his studies and tries to get the most out of his classes.
  • SUPER friendly, and has a habit of being social even if he's a little awkward about it. Goes out of his way to make people feel wanted.
  • Since his body is made of magic-infused wood, he's physically pretty durable.
  • Because of his weak sense of touch and an uncaring attitude when it comes to his own health, Clement has a pretty high pain tolerance. It takes a lot to make him squirm.
  • Has a pretty singing voice that is really good for putting people to sleep with lullabies.
  • Very good at following orders, and will do whatever he is asked without question or hesitation.
  • He doesn't often think for himself, and is very dependent on other people to guide him.
  • Adding to this, he's pretty gullible and unless it's something ridiculous, Clement is likely to believe whatever people tell him. This makes him especially prone to manipulation.
  • Is really just confused most of the time because he doesn't understand a lot of things.
  • It's kind of sad how quickly he can catch fire. It's one of the few things that can seriously hurt him.
  • Has a very weak affinity for magic. If he wants to use a spell he has to tap into the magic that supports his body, but that comes at the cost of shortening his lifespan. (Which is an issue when he has no master to replenish the magic)
  • Suffers from low self-esteem, and doesn't think he's worth much. This keeps him from becoming stronger (physically and mentally), and may strain future relationships.
  • Still hoping to find a new master, but he's not searching as urgently anymore, since he now has friends that keep him busy. There's the issue of his fading immortality though, so it's still kind of important.
  • To get a Potions degree! After some not-so-friendly comments from Helmy, he's oddly motivated to see this through.
  • After realizing how amazing it is to have friends, he wants to make some long-lasting friendships. Then he wouldn't have to worry about being alone again.
  • He doesn't know what will happen to him when he dies, and now that he doesn't have someone to help keep him alive, he's afraid it's a reality he's going to have to face soon.
  • Fire is only thing that will always set Clement off. He can tolerate pain, but that doesn't mean he likes it, and burns are even more painful than most things.
  • Being left alone: he doesn't handle loneliness well. People also give him a sense of purpose, and he's even worse off when he loses that.
  • Routine is comfortable, as Clement should know well, since his life had been mechanic for three centuries. He doesn't know how to handle change and finds it's disorienting and terrifying.
  • Reliable
  • Friendly
  • Easily Impressed
  • Polite
Having been born over three centuries ago, Clement is a little old-fashioned in speech and action. He takes manners very seriously, and makes an effort to be polite to everyone, even those who may not deserve his kindness. Despite all good intentions, he can come off as a little blunt, and tends to speak his mind. And since he's generally confused most of the time, this bluntness is usually channeled into questions and odd comments.

Clement is a little strange, because he actually likes to be ordered around. Helping people is his top priority, and since he doesn't have a very strong moral code, there is little he won't do. His determination is admirable, and even if the reasons are a little strange, you know he can be relied on. He's much less mature than appearances suggest, however, and it really doesn't take a lot to impress Clement, be it telling an elaborate lie or showing him how a computer works. He's a little childish in that respect. Also, he has the tendency to take things literally, so phrasing is important.

Clement was given a second chance at life when, in the 1600s, a necromancer who was plagued by nightmares bound his soul to that of a wooden doll. Having been given the abilities of a dream eater, his initial purpose had been simply to devour his mistress' nightmares (and sometimes her sister's) so she could rest easy and forget her fears. But he had a soul, which meant he also had emotions and a personality-- before long, the sisters began to see him as part of the family and treated Clement like a son. Even when she had given birth to a daughter of her own, the doll remained a crucial member of the family. ...So it hurt that much more when Clement was not only forced to watch them grow old, but saw them die as well.

After the death of his first mistress, Clement was given to her daughter, and after her death, to her son. With every generation he fell into the service of someone new, and it was always a witch or a warlock, because of his need for magic to stay alive. Although it was unspoken, the dream eater became a Grancourt family heirloom. The people he served came in different kinds, and some of his masters were good people while others treated him cruelly. He became a possession to be mistreated and ill-used -ordered around and toyed with for the other's amusement. Despite being stripped of his humanity, Clement's dedication never wavered, and he continued to serve the family for as long as there was people to serve. This turned out be end much earlier than he'd expected.

When his last master had died it was sudden, and he had passed away unmarried and left no heirs. Clement was shaken when he realized he had no idea what to do, or even where to go. Without someone to serve, what purpose did he have? For a year he had tried blending into a human society, but felt lost, out of place, and very, very lonely. It was during these dark times that, longing for the past, Clement started rummaging through some of the Grancourt's old things that he'd been keeping with him. Pressed between the pages of an old spell book he found a strange brochure that described a school for dark arts. While he may not have an affinity for magic, the doll quickly realized that there must be people there who do...this was his sliver of hope. Even if nothing came out of attending the school, it couldn't hurt to try.
Year One:
For someone who had such narrow-minded reasons for coming to the school, it didn't take much for his opinion to change. He hadn't initially thought much about his classes, but by the end of the term that had all changed, and he found himself developing an unexpected passion for potions. With an honest interest in his studies, he became a rather dedicated student, and started thinking less about finding a master, and more about making the best of his time here.

Although most of the year had been spent in solitude, he eventually started socializing and had even managed to make a few friends. He spends quite a bit of time with one Zelimir Holst, which is a bit of an unexpected relationship since the other is basically a walking torch. The only person he sees more than the djinn is Drake Moritz, who he's especially fond of, and who also tends to turn him into a happy, giggling, nervous mess. He's hoping to make more friends in the next year, while keeping the ones he already has, and plans to take his schoolwork even more seriously.
Year Two:
Clement would like to chalk this year up as one giant failure and pretend it never happened.
Having some traumatic memories resurface, the doll ended up withdrawing to try and cope with the stress. Trying to stop his lifestyle from turning into one big pity party, and to keep himself busy, Clement soon started to borrow potions textbooks in an attempt to do better in his classes. It turned out that this is all he really ended up doing, which resulted in failing two of his three courses. ....Not the proudest moment.

There was one good thing to come out of all this, however. What had started as a simple team-up to for a potions assignment, very quickly turned into a very weird friendship between a doll and a pocket monster. KID coincidentally also seemed to be the catalyst that reintroduced him to society. It took some time, but he eventually reconnected with one of his closest friends, Drake, and ended up rooming with the shadowmancer as he goes into his third year.
....So maybe it wasn't a complete failure after all.
Misc. Information:
  • Has a pretty, oval stone embedded in his chest that stores the magic used to keep him alive. It's currently green, but the colour changes depending on his master's specialization. (ie. fire vs water magic)
  • Is currently teaching himself violin since Drake was generous enough to give him a shadow version of the instrument as a gift.
  • Having seen so many different nightmares (and after being traumatized by the first several dozen), Clement's kind of desensitized when it comes to horror things, so it takes a lot to scare him. Unless it's fire. Fire is always scary.
  • One of his old masters used to light him on fire for fun, so he has his reasons for being so afraid of the element.
  • Has no memories of his past-life, aka the life he lived before dying and being bound to the doll. It bothers him quite a bit, so he tries not to think about it.
  • Owns a grand total of two instruments: an ocarina (which was his present for the secret santa, from Chrono), and a shadow violin (from Drake). He tries his best to be careful with both of them -since they're homemade gifts- and practices when he has the time. He's not very good yet with either.

| - Likes | - Dislikes | - Unsure | - Interested By | - Saddened By | - Fearful Of | - Crushing On | - Love |

Avery - - Precious, friendly bird- too kind for this world. Clement thinks highly of him, and is thankful to call the other boy a friend.

Drake - - The only person that Clement forgets to be self-conscious around. He's always so at ease with his roommate, and genuinely loves being around him. Drake is so silly and energetic -it's contagious.

Helmy -Β  - For some strange reason, Clement respects Helmy, and holds him in high regard. -Which seems to have a lot to do with the fact that he doesn't catch onto the professors insults... After a certain conversation, he's now determined to ace all of his future potions assignments, and earn Helmy's praise. Not like it'll ever happen, but a doll can dream;;

KID - - A strange, new friend who confuses and intrigues Clement. He likes him a lot, and wants to get to know him better!

Zelimir - - He is practically Clement's opposite, so it's a little odd that they get along as well as they do. Still, as much as he may enjoy their time together, he's constantly aware of how in tune Zelimir is with fire. Unless Clement manages to get over his fear of the element, he'll always be a little wary of his friend.

β€’ Where do you like to roleplay? Skype or notes usually work best, since I find them pretty easy to keep track of. Not a huge fan of comments, because I tend to forget about them-
Β  Β  β€’ Preferences or limits? I don't really have any. Just put effort into your replies and I'm happy!

Script Sample:
Clement- *he tried to respond, but all that came out was a huff of air* *the doll has had plenty of existential crises before, but trying to come to terms with being a tree? That was a new one* You.....really think so? Trees aren't very nice to look at, especially when they've gone and lost all their leaves. And look at me....I've never had any to begin with. *he threw his arms open, emphasizing the point that there was not a splash of green on him* *his eyebrows knit together and his head tilted, but as the doll absorbed the truth of Drake's words, his lips pulled into an even brighter smile* I've never been someone's favourite before. *the reasons behind it were unusual, but that didn't bother him* I'm only this embarrassed because you compliment me so much... *his voice dropped to a whisper. Orders and threats were things he was used to, but praise? That was something he couldn't wrap his head around. So when Drake kept saying what a special person he was, of course Clement was going to get embarrassed*
Lit Sample
He was about to mutter a quick "well that's because it is"- but judging by his tone and grin, Zelimir didn't seem to feel the same way. Not that it was unexpected- Clement knew that most people we're as obsessive as he was when it came to selflessness. He had a butler-like background and Zelimir....well, Clement wasn't actually sure what the djinn's past was like, but it seemed to be something that taught him self-love. That was something he certainly had in abundance.

"O-oh! I should have expected as much, but I haven't spent much time walking around just yet." He scratched a little nervously at his cheek, and managed a shy smile. He watched Zelimir with a kind of unreserved interest, and when he pulled out the red gem, Clement lifted a hand to his lips, hiding a light chuckle. "I suppose that I really shouldn't be surprised. Red is the colour of fire after all." That was probably why the doll was partial to it. At Zelimir's request he started to rummage through the pile, and huffed at the additional comment. "O-of course it's not brown! ...That colour doesn't sparkle very well." That was the only thing that kept him from picking it.

Artwork and Clement (c) TheLostArts
Otherworlde (c) viralremix

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Comments: 35

MelodicSoul [2015-07-12 05:48:19 +0000 UTC]

Ahhh Clem!! He looks even cuter now, if that's even possible~ <33 The new design really suits him, and he's getting a touch of colour to his wardrobe!! Drake is a good influence on him //SHOT

And I don't know why you didn't like this picture vrey much - it looks great! Honestly, I think you did a wonderful job!

Also, I'm super excited for Clem to meet and become friends with more people!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

TheLostArts In reply to MelodicSoul [2015-07-17 16:22:43 +0000 UTC]

Every year he keeps becoming cuter, until he finally reaches shota level- PLSNO- //HIT
Ah, I'm really glad you like the outfit! I figure that he should do something a little different for summer, but since it's Clem, I couldn't do anything outrageous, since he doesn't even like to show off his elbows. OTL Soon his entire outfit will be orange- just you wait. xD

I think it's just because I liked his last app art so much, that I'm kind of partial to this one. But I'm happy to hear that you like it!

You're not alone! xD I'm also really excited to see what's going to happen to him in this semester, and hopefully that does mean some new friends~ //stares at Zelimir- //stares at you- //coughs

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

Koma-Night [2015-07-05 21:42:00 +0000 UTC]

Oh no no no He is truly a gem QvQ/

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

TheLostArts In reply to Koma-Night [2015-07-06 15:52:33 +0000 UTC]

Clement: I'm afraid you are mistaken! Rather than a gem, I'm simply...a living doll. OAO
Alkjasdasd- Being serious though, thank you! That is such a sweet compliment. I'm glad you like him.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Koma-Night In reply to TheLostArts [2015-07-06 21:06:33 +0000 UTC]

omg yass I would love to RP with this precious flower~!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

TheLostArts In reply to Koma-Night [2015-07-07 06:08:52 +0000 UTC]

I would love to rp with you~ >u<
I scanned over your character quickly, and he seems cool~ I'll drop a comment there, pretty soon.
So...as far as places to rp go, do you prefer Skype? Notes?

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Koma-Night In reply to TheLostArts [2015-07-08 03:18:00 +0000 UTC]

I like Skype better,Β 
I respond faster that way is all QwO

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

TheLostArts In reply to Koma-Night [2015-07-08 04:40:11 +0000 UTC]

Sounds good! I'm actually a lot better at keeping up with my Skype rps- OTL
So feel free to add me whenever! My skype name is lostarts.3

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Koma-Night In reply to TheLostArts [2015-07-08 17:20:12 +0000 UTC]

Invite sentΒ 
im pretty sure QwQ

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

a-gorgeous-mess [2015-07-03 16:06:14 +0000 UTC]

ohhh his design is so cute ;v; and I love how he was created! so cool!

i'd love to rp sometime if you want...!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

TheLostArts In reply to a-gorgeous-mess [2015-07-04 05:56:07 +0000 UTC]

Alkjasdad- thank you so much! I'm really glad that you like him.

Of course I would love to rp! >u< What do you prefer? Notes? Skypes? ....Comments?
Your character is an absolute cutie, and I'll be scurrying off to drop a comment as soon as I send this reply~

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

a-gorgeous-mess In reply to TheLostArts [2015-07-04 14:12:13 +0000 UTC]

Ahh you're welcome! (Not to mention, I love his name...it's very cute. And reminds me of Clemont from PokΓ©mon, who I love.)

Oh, um, I prefer Skype ;u; I reply more on there. I'll send you a note with my username after this!
oh my goodness thank you so much ;w; it really means a lot

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

TheLostArts In reply to a-gorgeous-mess [2015-07-04 14:46:29 +0000 UTC]

Ah, thank you! I wanted something kind of formal, and Clement kind of stuck. Plus having Clem as a nickname is super adorable- and I love it xD (I completely forgot about him when I was naming this dork. :'D But I love him. One of my favourite gym leaders from X/Y~ )

Sounds good! I tend to be a lot more active on Skype too, so that works out pretty nicely. :'D
I got your note, so I'll add you in a second here.
Of course! I'm really bad with keeping up with all the characters in OW, but I like to comment when I can!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

a-gorgeous-mess In reply to TheLostArts [2015-07-04 22:33:33 +0000 UTC]

Aww, that is a super cute nickname! I decided on the name Calli first, then chose her full name after. But hey, it still works. (Me too! He's so cute and awkward, I love it.)

Okay, great! I'm on mobile usually, and it's harder for me to reply to comments/notes while on my phone, so...yeah. Hahah!

Me too. It's...pretty hard, tbh. There are sooo many characters, jeez! But it's cool to have so much of a variety.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

TheLostArts In reply to a-gorgeous-mess [2015-07-05 07:08:37 +0000 UTC]

Haha, thank you! Calli is also a super cute nickname, and even if she doesn't love her full name, I do. <3

Makes sense! Responding to DA messages on mobile can be a little finicky.

Aaaaah- I know what you mean! It's also pretty neat to see what kinds of characters other people have thought up. It's like, you want to ask for an rp with so many of them, but it'd be impossible to keep up with all of them. :'D

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

a-gorgeous-mess In reply to TheLostArts [2015-07-24 20:00:43 +0000 UTC]

//hasn't been on in ten years//

Ahh man that's so sweet, thank you! Hopefully she'll come to love it one day, but for now, not so much.

Yes, exactly! Especially if they're all lit. Phew, that's a lot of typing involved...

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

Kawa-Mucchi [2015-07-03 14:38:14 +0000 UTC]

He's just so cute bwuh

I hope we can rp sometime @ v @

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

TheLostArts In reply to Kawa-Mucchi [2015-07-03 15:24:54 +0000 UTC]

Aaah- thank you. ; v ;

Yes, we really should! I'm starting to be a lot more active, so I won't leave you hanging like last time- OTL
I feel so bad about that quq

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Kawa-Mucchi In reply to TheLostArts [2015-07-03 22:45:19 +0000 UTC]

Ooh, that's good! ;u; And don't worry, we can always start a new one~

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

viralremix [2015-07-03 06:12:18 +0000 UTC]

Drake- *snickers* What's that I see, huh? *pokes at Clem's nose* Is that some orange on you? Have you finally accepted you're a clementine tree? I knew you would eventually! *leans against him happily*

Look at baby hnnnngh <3
he looks precious, and his little arm bands... >u>

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

TheLostArts In reply to viralremix [2015-07-03 06:38:15 +0000 UTC]

Clement: *he ducked his head, embarrassed* I....can't even lie and say that you had nothing to do with this.... *the contact caught him off guard, but his lips curled into a warm smile, as he slipped his hand into Drake's* *the colour had less to do with the discovery of what kind of tree he is, and much more to do with Drake- but if the shadowmancer thought otherwise, who was he to correct him?*

Hnnng- I really need to draw more of him. ....And Drake. //stares at the two Drake/Clem sketches I may or may not have sitting in my sketchbook It was about time he got some colour in his wardrobe- Drake is a good influence. xD

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

viralremix In reply to TheLostArts [2015-07-03 07:13:33 +0000 UTC]

Drake- Your inner tree! *he was laughing, though he did realize the orange probably came from him* Or... maybe you're trying to impress me? *he tried putting on a cheeky grin but it disappeared when the other reached for his hand* *and the blush came back* I-I- um, it looks great on you! Just so you know--

and Clem will be all orange by next year, just watch. Too much Drake influence is deadly!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

TheLostArts In reply to viralremix [2015-07-05 08:26:09 +0000 UTC]

Clement: *his smile very quickly turned to distress, and the doll hid his face behind his one free hand. The gesture was likely a lot more revealing than his face would have been, considering that Drake had yet to paint his cheeks pink* I-I, ah.....I'm not sure where that strange idea could have come from! Of course I wouldn't be /against/ impressing you, but to say that it was my main objective.... *his voice trailed off the moment he realized that his rambling was making things worse* *but then he saw the blush and he didn't feel so flustered anymore* *considering that he just wiped a cheeky grin off his roommate's face, Clem was feeling pretty good about himself right about now* Thank you. It makes me really happy that you like it~

I just have to clean them up. Because they're really messy OTL
....He'll go from a dead tree to a proper Clementine tree in no time at all. xD

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

BlueBlueFox [2015-07-03 04:38:37 +0000 UTC]

Oh Clem, look at you.
Wearing orange
It's the Drake effect, obviously-

Avery: Ah! It's nice to see you out and about again, Pinocchio! *per an introduction and welcome back, he hugs the doll and smiles*

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

TheLostArts In reply to BlueBlueFox [2015-07-03 04:46:36 +0000 UTC]

He's finally wearing something that's not brown.
I'm so proud of him. quq

Clement: Thank you! It's certainly nice to finally throw myself back into the social scene. *the nickname leaves him a little flustered, but he's mostly beaming. The doll isn't used to nicknames* You seem to be doing well, Avery! It's very nice to see you again. I'm, ah, sorry for disappearing on you... *his wraps his arms around the bird and returns the hug*

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

BlueBlueFox In reply to TheLostArts [2015-07-03 04:54:24 +0000 UTC]

Now he's like an autumn tree pvp

Avery: Ehehe~ *he beams, and will always call you Pinocchio Clem, it's just something that sticks, he likes to think* I'm... yeah! I was bailed out of the tournament! *but he's really worried for everyone else, sob sob* It's okay... because you're alive! You're alive, and that's what matters. *yay he didn't lose this friend, uhuhu* You missed a lot though!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

TheLostArts In reply to BlueBlueFox [2015-07-03 05:26:44 +0000 UTC]

Clement: Oh? ...You did? You really dropped out? *he took a step back, and squinted at Avery, before letting out a deep sigh of relief* That's good! Great even! It seems that I don't have to worry about you anymore- *because it really didn't matter if Avery couldn't die- having to watch his friend fight would have set the doll into a 24-hour panic* I have to admit, I'm a little frightened to hear what I've missed... I almost don't want to hear any of it, but I'm sure the news will reach my ears eventually. ...Not that all of it will be bad news.

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

BlueBlueFox In reply to TheLostArts [2015-07-03 05:51:35 +0000 UTC]

Avery: No, I didn't drop out -- a family friend bailed me out. He didn't say what he did to get me out, in particular but... *he shrugged, trying not to worry about it. A hesitant smile came across his face, fiddling with his fingers a bit* You... eh, you really were worried about me? *he ducked his head in shame, his wings folding and falling limp around him* I'm... sheesh, I'm sorry...

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

TheLostArts In reply to BlueBlueFox [2015-07-03 06:26:20 +0000 UTC]

Clement: Oh, right. You did say something about the tournament having restrictions on dropping out... *this made him feel a lot more worried about the whole thing...but at least he didn't have any friends participating now that Avery was out* *his frown twitched into a warm smile, and he sheepishly scratched at his cheek* Of course I was worried! But that's not......you don't have to apologize for that. I wouldn't have minded worrying. It's what friends do. *he shyly placed a hand on Avery's shoulder, hoping to cheer the bird up*

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

BlueBlueFox In reply to TheLostArts [2015-07-03 06:53:29 +0000 UTC]

Avery: Mhm... so I can't imagine what he had to do to pull this off. *it bothered him that someone would go that far out on a limb for him but-- eh* I'm sorry you were going to worry though! QnQ *he was really sad that Clement found it necessary to worry, but relieved that the other didn't have to worry anymore, relaxing under the other's touch to his shoulder* I would have minded you worrying... but now you don't have to. So that's... that's good~

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

TheLostArts In reply to BlueBlueFox [2015-07-04 15:23:52 +0000 UTC]

Clement: I'm sure it must not have been something too horrible... *he had a sort of sad smile on his face* *the doll didn't want to lie to Avery (only comfort him), but he had no idea what might have happened, so he couldn't say much* Please stop apologizing. quq *it pained him that Avery didn't like him worrying* *Of course he could understand the other's feelings, but that didn't mean he accepted them. The doll was an expert at worrying and fussing over the people he cared about-- which meant the bird was going to have to get used to it* What's most important is that you are happy with the outcome. ....Are you happier now, that you are not participating....?

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

BlueBlueFox In reply to TheLostArts [2015-07-06 06:15:35 +0000 UTC]

Avery: It's-- well, not apologizing is kind of hard. *he rubbed one of his arms, almost a little awkwardly, because here they both were -- two worrywarts who didn't really... know better* *than to worry about each other* *his expression brightened and he nodded* I am! I can focus on taking care of the injured now, that seems like a much more important role... *a pinched look soon ruined that expression, and he kneaded his hands into the sash on his waist, closing his eyes* ...I worry about Cal, though...

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

TheLostArts In reply to BlueBlueFox [2015-07-11 17:01:02 +0000 UTC]

Clement: Ah...I suppose it is a little hypocritical of me to ask you to stop. I'd likely be the exact same, should our situations be reversed. *he sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck* *This whole conversation seemed to be turning into one big mess, so he was happy to have the distraction of a happier topic. Er, well, as happy as anything tournament-related could be* That's certainly more your area of expertise. I'm sure many people will be thankful for it. *his warm smile faltered as he watched the other's expression change, and his eyebrows pulled together. Cal... Cal... Why did that name sound so familiar? A face very quickly flashed in his mind, and recognition soon followed* Aaaah, he's that....flamboyant fellow, is he not? ...Addresses himself as death? I...wasn't aware that you were close. *his tone wasn't judgmental, and instead reflected honest surprise*

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

BlueBlueFox In reply to TheLostArts [2015-07-21 00:32:38 +0000 UTC]

Avery: I hope so. I just hope I don't see too many familiar faces in the tent there... I think I wouldn't be able to keep myself from freaking out, hehe. *he rubbed at the back of his neck and closed his eyes, before he smiled more at Clement's description of Cal* Yeah, that sounds just like him. *a shy little blush passed over his face, which he ducked away from, laughing a little* Yeah, we... well, I'd like to think we've always been close... but lately, we ah... yeah. *he hid his face and looked up at Clement* Ahem... but that... aside... how are you and Drake?~

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

TheLostArts In reply to BlueBlueFox [2015-07-26 06:10:14 +0000 UTC]

Clement: Ah, yes, it would be rather uncomfortable to see familiar faces. It's always hardest to treat a friend, but you'll be fine, I'm sure. You can't be the only one in the tent- the others will keep things calm should the worst happen. *he attempted an encouraging smile, that softened, as he noticed the flush on Avery's face* *that combined with his fragmented speech...well, it didn't take a genius to figure out the situation* I see... Well, please accept my congratulations! I may not know Cal very well, but you seem so.....happy? No, no, that word doesn't seem strong enough... No matter, it looks as though the change has been good for you! *he beamed, laughing lightly, although it faltered when a new question was directed to him* *after that last conversation....was Avery implying something? He ducked his head, nervously scratching his cheek* I-I, ah....we're still friends. Good friends. Roommates now actually, and.....well, there's not....anything exceptional to say. W-well perhaps there is, but I'd hate to bore you. *he averted his eyes, gently pressing a hand to the base of his throat, where his gem lay hidden* *his emotions were such a confusing whirlwind that the doll couldn't make any sense of them. He was head-over-heels for Drake, but too inexperienced with romance to realize his feelings*

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0